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View Full Version : what is the scariest movie you've ever seen?

24.04.10, 16:32
soooooooo :cool:
I wanna be scared.. really really scared. the kind that won't let me sleep at night.

mine was "The Grudge" from 2004 and I really want to find more movies like that.
another good example is "The Blair Witch Project".

what's yours?

24.04.10, 17:33
The Shinning is one of my favourites

The Shining (1980) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081505/)

When I was a kid movies like it It (1990) (TV) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099864/) and the birds The Birds (1963) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056869/) really scared me :eek3:

24.04.10, 18:22
watch paranormal activity dude if u like blair witch

and also grudge 1,2,3

haunting in connecticut

though grudge 3 is not that scary but worth watching

24.04.10, 18:31
grudge 1 really had something. also some the original halloween movies had a quite tight atmosphere

24.04.10, 18:58
I wanna be scared.. really really scared. the kind that won't let me sleep at night.

mine was "The Grudge" from 2004 and I really want to find more movies like that.
another good example is "The Blair Witch Project".

dude, if those movies managed to scare you i'd say you get scared rather easily ;)

other similar movies to those you mentioned may be: Quarantine (2008), Rec (2007)

other good horrors:
Splinter (2008), The Descent (2005), Cloverfield (2008), The Mist (2007), Grace (2009/III), Deadgirl (2008), The Collector (2010), any 'Saw' movie, Laid to Rest (2009), The Midnight Meat Train (2008), Pandorum (2009), Cabin Fever (2002), Irreversible (2002), August Underground Mordum (2003)

a few classics:
Hellraiser (1987), Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988), Halloween (1978), Cannibal Holocaust (1980), Braindead - Dead Alive (1992)

so take your pick, i enjoyed every one of these...as for being scary/disturbing, all of them are in one way or another, just make sure you watch the unrated versions :biggrin:

24.04.10, 20:21
Martyrs, [Rec], Audition

24.04.10, 20:31
The scariest films ever for me were: Blair Witch, Grudge 1 and 2, The Ring, the Saw series and Hostel 1 and 2.

25.04.10, 13:52
Refer to this thread-- http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?threadid=11758

John Carpenter's movie like The Thing, In the Mouth of Madness.Also, Event Horizon.

25.04.10, 14:49
japanese "dark water" (honogurai mizu no soko kara) was scary, can't really say it was the scarriest but no other pops to my mind right now.

25.04.10, 15:09
The original Grudge (Japanese Version) is realy impressive, watch it alone in the dark to enhance the viewing experience. :smile:

25.04.10, 15:41
The original Grudge (Japanese Version) is realy impressive, watch it alone in the dark to enhance the viewing experience. :smile:

i've seen all the 5 parts of japanese grudge .. i know u're talking about " ju on" series

its goog but amercan remake r better .. coz they're more horrible but story of japanese is great

25.04.10, 23:02
The scariest movies i've ever seen are Blair Witch Project 1 & Paranormal Activity !!!

Cya, Terrorizer !!!

26.04.10, 02:57
Something you might enjoy but maybe according to todays standards might not be really scary, but was at the tiime: The Exorcist

26.04.10, 05:46
Personaly I have seen "Jaws" when I was 7 and it has really scared me even now when I swim in the sea I can't prevent myself of thinking about it

26.04.10, 05:57
Now I have many ideas for downloading good scary movies :tongue:

Because most of the time this kind of movies really dissapointed me

26.04.10, 06:04
Personaly I have seen "Jaws" when I was 7 and it has really scared me even now when I swim in the sea I can't prevent myself of thinking about it

I agree with you rom08.

Thinking about a giant shark can make you afraid even going near water. So instead of thinking about a giant shark think instead of a giant Octopus :tongue:

26.04.10, 13:24
Twilight :smileyb:

26.04.10, 14:22
Twilight? thats a new spin, I never thought of putting it in that category

26.04.10, 14:48
I'm surprised I was the only one that said that.:redface:

26.04.10, 20:57
Twilight :smileyb:

lol cheating god was right.. u're a bigtime spammer:tongue:

if i ever give u god title that would be "SPAMMER GOD":bloedmann:

26.04.10, 21:00
for me it was the exorcism of emily rose

29.04.10, 18:20
yeah the emily rose story is scary but not as much as the grudge..
oh those blue empty faces are horrifying! watched "The Grudge 2" yesterday.
volume up all the way.. good adrenaline.
watched Paranormal Activity too.. sleeping THAT night took a while lol.

29.04.10, 18:31
that's nearly to real, but in my opinion it's only pervers and inhuman!

Guinea Pig ? Wikipedia


03.05.10, 23:42

Japanese Movie.
I saw once a movie (8-10-years ago, that means that the movie could not be like from 2007 or so),
there was a very old man who was not able to pay his monthly fees
(he got a long time ago loan from japanese gangsters).
One of the gangsters said 'If you can't pay, then you have to give us your eyes'.
He had to sell his eyes. They took his eyes off, while he cried as hard as he could.
They said that they're able to get money by selling his eyes in the market.

He had also a daughter/son (not 100% sure).
I am not sure if he had an restaurant or not.
The movie should be like a Guinea-Pig-Movie (never saw Guinea-Pig-Category, just saw screens).

I know this information are only fragments, which I have in my brain.
I need to watch it again , to be able to get my mind free of these scenes.

It sounds Dramatic, but it would be cool, if anyone could tell me the title of this movie.....

Who know the title ?

BTW; Today I also watch stuff like saw, freddy's nightmare, etc... Its just this one movie.

05.05.10, 07:43
There was this one Japanese movie and I cant remember what it was called but i think the type was called snuff where this old samurai got high from killing and desecting people

I didnt watch it but the previews turned me off now if the previews are scary lol...

05.05.10, 15:24
lol cheating god was right.. u're a bigtime spammer

if i ever give u god title that would be "SPAMMER GOD"
SBfreakbot:He's envious of my superior high quality posting skills.

05.05.10, 23:13
but i think the type was called snuff where this old samurai got high from killing and desecting people

I didnt watch it but the previews turned me off now if the previews are scary lol...

well, for it to be a snuff movie, the person being tortured would have to actually die after/during the torture, with everything caught on tape, which is also the reason why such movies aren't legal or are probably very rare & hard/dangerous to get - everything close to that (but legal and without anyone dying) should be called pseudo-snuff

as for the gorehounds out there, having seen a lot of horror movies, combined with the fact that horror had its 'golden era' during the 80's, makes it a rather disappointing experience to watch newer horrors, since the majority fail to really give you the chills or to break any previously set genre boundaries/limits

06.05.10, 03:11
well, for it to be a snuff movie, the person being tortured would have to actually die after/during the torture, with everything caught on tape, which is also the reason why such movies aren't legal or are probably very rare & hard/dangerous to get - everything close to that (but legal and without anyone dying) should be called pseudo-snuff

It was fake snuff, they showed the bloopers where everyone was laughing their head off during the movie's tense situations.

07.05.10, 18:24
REC had some pretty innovative method of recording a movie, also bringed horror movies on completely new level imo :D

07.05.10, 19:00
I never forget Evil Dead movie. whenever i see this movie, its really scare me.The scariest movie Forever !

07.05.10, 21:36
The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Stephen kings "It"

08.05.10, 02:32
The shining os one hell of a movie....

08.05.10, 18:48
John Carpenter's: They Live... (1988)
Cool Movie, with an interesting Story.

11.06.10, 19:25
Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

11.06.10, 20:44
Låt den rätte komma in is a great swedish horror movie

Låt den rätte komma in (2008) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/)

I didn't get so scared but I like it's plot

12.06.10, 00:09
Scrapbook by Eric Stanze scared me.