View Full Version : General RM question

27.09.09, 22:45
Just to ask when i cheat a torrent do i have to stop normal seeding with mtorrent concerning all the other torrents of the same site?

27.09.09, 22:46
Stopping the torrent you're going to fake on in uTorrent is enough. Remember to use the memory reader.

27.09.09, 23:14
And try to avoid different client IDs, ie your real client and the one spoofed in RM should be the same.

04.10.09, 12:47
yup shoulder that true..but rm has not all clients list..as for me..i have 1.8.4. build 16688 build..thats not belongs to rm..then what to do???

04.10.09, 14:40
Use the RM's autoupdater and you should be able to get Moofdev's client file for build 16688.

04.10.09, 14:57
hey anon i used it..but problem is ...it wont get utorrent version which i have atm
its 16688 build..any idea m8...????its only abt to have 16150 only..not other it has

04.10.09, 14:59
its 16688 build..any idea m8...????

Seems Moofdev doesn't have it at the moment. Wait a few days and it should be released. Or if you need it so bad, you can open your current client file, edit the build number in the User-Agent line, then tell the memory reader to look for only &peer_id=-UT1840- when scanning, to use Bulild 16888's peer_id prefix.

04.10.09, 15:02
yup..i update it too..going to check it out on site..too but its not working as i think

04.10.09, 15:02
Check my edit.

04.10.09, 15:08
i cant understand that thing u put there..where to put in memory reader or in announce paramaters?

04.10.09, 15:16
I'll make this easier:

Open the 16150 client file in Notepad
Change things as described in the picture:


Save the client file as "utorrent_1.8.4_build_(16688).client"
Put it in the RM's clients folder
Run the memory reader before starting the torrent. It should pick up the running Build 16688's peer_id correctly.

04.10.09, 23:16
Hmm, I checked for updates in RM and noticed HellD0t released a 1.8.4 16688 client file. Is it OK to update to his version? I don't want the same problem that occurred earlier with Waffles to happen again with another tracker.

04.10.09, 23:18
Is it OK to update to his version?

Yes, his client file looks fine.

05.10.09, 05:29
i dont believe this..but anon ur trick works grt ...i m using it now with my version....thats kinda grt to know..

05.10.09, 11:58
i dont believe this..but anon ur trick works grt ...

Of course it does :tongue:

And it should remain the same for all 1.8.4 versions. When 1.8.5 is out, you'll theoretically only have to change the peer_id and User-Agent accordingly. But careful, new rersions may introduce changes to the announce structure or the HTTP headers.