View Full Version : How to port properly?

25.06.09, 02:42
Hi guys,

I'm fairly new to this game. Please spare me!

I can't seem to get my program to connect to the trackers. I hear that is because I am not porting it correctly? How do I go about doing that?

Thank you so much! Ive tried searching but to no help!


25.06.09, 05:03
Which proggy are you referring to cutiepie??....er....that's not a pun either, eh??

I mean, I guess it could be, but since it's your username, .....I'll just stick with what I"ve texted.

Also, welcome to SBI.


25.06.09, 05:36
go here and choose your router model and the bittorrent program you want to forward:

PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall (http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/wireless/routerindex.htm)
(site has pictures)

to search for a model, click CTRL+F


25.06.09, 05:42
Which proggy are you referring to cutiepie??.
I sorry but reading this is just too funny. No offense to anyone.


I can't seem to get my program to connect to the trackers. I hear that is because I am not porting it correctly? How do I go about doing that?

EDIT - removed portforward link/info posted by cheatos- TY

If you still are having problems, then .....
What bittorrent program are you using ? Do you have a router ? firewall ?

25.06.09, 07:26
I thought he wanted info on how to port applications to other platforms, maybe some windows tools to MAC or linux :klatsch_3:

And adding to what others said:

If you are directly connected to internet, i.e. no router/switch/node, then port forwarding won't yeld anything.

Check your programs errors or logs, if you read anything like "forbidden - port xxxx is blacklisted", it's because that given tracker blacklisted a common port (usually 6881), changing that to anything higher than 40000 to 65000 should be fine.

25.06.09, 13:42
When I saw this on the new posts list I thought it read "how to post properly" lol

cutiepie, it'd help if you posted which BitTorrent client you're using, and any error message you may be getting.

25.06.09, 22:51
wow that site portforward.com helped me out a lot! thank you guys, i didn't know this would take so long...:tongue:

i believe my problem is solved!:biggrin:

25.06.09, 22:52
wow that site portforward.com helped me out a lot!

They're the port forwarding resource. :smile:

They also offer an app that can automatically forward your ports with your router login data, but it's shareware.

26.06.09, 02:55
ok, ok,....don't be sorry anonftw.

At least I gave you a chuckle or 2, yes??

Initially, I thought that she wanted info on a type of proggy, such as RF and wanted to know what listening port it was supposed to be on while it would be in use.

I guess I just had a 'blond moment' that some women have at times, yes??

Oh, well. Enjoy your day nevertheless.