Tracker: Tophos
Tracker URL:
Open Signups?:recently open singup,invite only till now
Category: 0-Day
Number of Users: ~7,713
Number of Torrents: ~5,866
Interesting tracker from North America.Was recently invite only till they opened signups.Page layout looked to me not so good,well i played a little bit and managed to get some in my taste.
As you can see there are many categories but not under all are torrents.Under some you won't find any torrents or just a couple of ones.There are mostly movies and apps, also some nice thing that i saw MMA torrents with good fights.
As for speeds i can tell that they are good,i get max, except on torrents marked with golden statue,like a little oscar,they can be sometimes damn slow(1-20kB/s).It's very hard to seed because max leecher number that i see was 10 only,and seeder about 60.But there are prety much some golden torrent with no download report...see for your self:
One thing that i notice and you can get very dependent on it are some games like Casino
Here some user results from games:
Also some interesting thing that you can't find on other trackers is Shitlist.On this list are mostly traders and cheatersYou need to read some commentsI heard that they have very good security here.
edit by anon: lol
Tophos is a tracker with a small community and good speeds, who likes it its a good place for him
One more thing,they have a nasty admin there,don't get to close to him