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Thread: Using RatioFaker Strategically: PART II

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    Using RatioFaker Strategically: PART II

    This is Part II of a 2 Part Series involving the strategic use of using Ratio Faker.

    Part 1 dealt with Reporting Your Upload as 'X' times your Upload as reported in your client.

    Part 1 is located here:

    This being Part 2, deals with Reporting Your Upload as 'A' to 'B' times your Download as reported in your client.


    Issues of Credit were taken care of in Part I. Go there for reference.


    1. For the complete noob and novice who wants to know how and when to use this particular cheating tool;
    2. For the person who wants to complement his own cheating knowledge.


    The objectives herein are similiar to the Objectives covered in Part 1 with some additional Objectives to be covered here in Part 2.

    These are the following:

    1.:A brief discussion on why people may get banned from trackers using RF and how to avoid the same behaviors for getting oneself banned.

    2. A brief discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of using RF.

    3. Which days of the week to download content from Private Trackers and tracker events so as to increase your ratio building potential,yet still ensure your account's survival without concerns of being compromised.
    1. Best times to use RF for downloading content are the on week-ends including Friday's and holidays and tracker special events. On Holidays, people are either not working or have no schooling and may opt to download content from trackers for their week-end's entertainment. You do the same, don't you??

    According to my experiences, these are opportune times to, not only take advantage of downloading material from sites, but even better: To spoof your ratio.

    Therefore take advantage of such days. Bookmark torrents or download them when they arrive on the tracker's Torrent List.
    Other times to download material is obviously on Ratio-Building occasions or Free Leeches.


    The formula for using RF while downloading content (during free leeches and week-ends when there are large numbers of peers on a particular torrent is the same as for uploading material to sites and adding from 1.0 to 1.5 to maximum numbers to report for your upload with the following optional addition:

    Add 0.5 to-1.5 to both sides of the dialogue boxes Report My Upload as 'A' to ' B' Times My Download inside RF's Control Panel.
    Example 1: You've calculated for the following values:
    Number of leechers: 6
    Torrent file size your downloading: 4 Gb.
    6 (leechers) X 0.9=5.4. (Using formula attained from Part 1)

    This initial calculation (i.e. 5.4) is your Minimum
    value for the first dialogue box inside RF.
    Your Maximum is 5.4+ 1.0=6.4.

    Add an optional 1.0 to both values:

    1.0 falls in between 0.5 and 1.5
    Here are some additional examples with stats:

    Example 2:

    Number of leechers: 2
    Torrent Size: approx 400 MB

    Formula: 0.7 X 2 (leechers)= 1.4 with an optional 0.5 to 1.5 addition to both dialogue boxes

    In other words:

    Add from 1.0-1.5 to 1.4 as your minimum

    1.4+(1.3) (optional value)=2.7 (minimum)


    1.4+1.0+(1.3) (optional value) = 3.7 as your maximum

    EXAMPLE 3: You've set RF to report your Upload as 1.2 (minimum) to 3.5(maximum) X Your Download.

    Add 0.7 (the optional addition) to both 1.2 and 3.5

    Shown here:

    A. 1.2+0.7=1.9 (can round up to 2.0 if desired)
    B. 3.5+0.7=4.2 (can round down to 4.0 if desired)

    0.7 falls in between 0.5 and 1.5 for the optional addition you can add to both RF's minimum and maximum calculated values
    Here's what the settings are inside RF on a recent trip to a tracker in which I downloaded some content:

    Stats for the above settings were derived from the following numbers:

    Number of leechers: 2 (not including me)
    Numer of seeders: 3
    Torrent file size: approx 80 Mb.

    Formula: 2 (leechers) X 0.7=1.4 (minimum value)
    (In this particular instance, I decided to increase upwards to 1.5. Thus the minimum value of 1.5 as shown in the pic above.)

    1.4+1.1=2.5 (maximum value)
    After some time has passed on the tracker, here's an update inside RF:

    I also adjusted the formula to compensate for the increase in leechers. I incrementally increased the values.

    Here's a pic:

    Now after some additional time has passed and the tracker has made another update, look where I am now:

    Now after I noticed that some additional leechers entered the scene, I decided to pump-up the juice.

    Here's a pic.
    I am right at the top!!

    You do not need to keep the values for both your minimum and maximum values constant.

    I highly recommend that you allow your settings to become dynamic.

    I will now illustrate for you an example on downloading on a week-end with a large peer base and a large torrent file size.

    Torrent file size: Larger than 4 Gb.
    Number of leechers: over 10
    Number of seeders: over 10
    Occasion or date: Week-end

    10 (leechers) X 1.0= 10.0 (min. value)

    10.0+1.0=11.0 (max. value)

    Optional addition:

    Min. value: 10.0+0.5=10.5 (new min. value)
    Max. value: 11.0+0.5=11.5 (new max. value)

    In the pic below, in knowing quite well that this torrent was popular, I intentionally strayed away from my own formula and pumped up the max. value to over 15.0.


    You too can do this dependent upon your knowledge of torrent's popularity, file size, and peer numbers. These are elements I suggest you consider when downloading a torrent.

    If you do consider such elements, you'll be more successful in your ratio spoofing.

    For example:

    Popular torrents: Porn torrents, popular movies, popular and current music, newest warez or applications torrents, or scene torrents. I highly suggest you consider such torrent elements.

    Remember, the formula is a guide only. It is not written in stone.
    Eventually, the number of leechers and seeders increased.

    Click on the bar to view the increase in leechers.

    Now because I want to ensure my account's survival, I decided to maintain my current settings for both the min. and max. values.

    I did this based on the following reasons:

    My ratio on this torrent site including for this particular torrent was not lacking;
    2. I wanted to ensure I remain undetectable and ensure my account's survival.
    Thus there was no change in my settings inside RF.

    These are events and circumstances that you, the ratio-cheater, need to consider and understand. Don't be foolish and cheat like a nut-head.

    Nevertheless, here's a pic to demonstrate the upload amount I had reported to the tracker via RF:

    Look at the bottom of that pic. You'll see the setting that RF used (including the modified amount) to report my modified upload.
    Nice, huh

    NOTE: The smaller values that you see above the bottom setting are the previous incremental settings that I used with RF.

    Eventually, I came to the results shown below. What you'll see there is an actual decrease in RF settings. This is because as the number of seeder began to grow (me included), there came to be less and less leechers.

    Eventually, there was only one leecher left and I decided it would be in my best interest to tone down RF's use.

    Remember Part 1 in which I briefly discussed the importance of 'toning down' or reducing your settings??

    This is one of those occasions.

    It would look ridiculous to spoof upload 5 Gb when that leecher, as reported in your client, displays that he's got 80% of the torrent downloaded and the torrent is only approx. 4 Gb in size.

    Thus the reduction is settings. This is crucial that you understand this. Your account's survival is a consideration when using any cheating tool.

    This concludes the tutorial section for RF.

    I will now briefly discuss with you some of the possible reasons that people, I feel who use RF, get banned.


    1. Unreasonable settings that are used in RF.

    Use the formula as a guide.
    Reduce or adjust the settings as per your comfort level. This is crucial you become aware of this.

    2. Inexperience in cheating. Use this tutorial as a guide. My settings and calculations worked for me. It may work for you, too.
    Keep in mind, the numbers to use for your calculations are not written in stone. They can change.

    3. Refusing to ensure dynamic settings within RF as situations change. In particular when the leecher count decreases.

    Using a cheat mod or tool is entirely dependent upon the torrent file size, peer numbers, day of the week (at least IMO), and tracker events. Use this knowledge to increase your success with RF and any other tool, including Greedy Torrent.



    1. Easy to use.
    2. Consistent updates to program (at least so far)
    3. Good scripts written into the tool


    1. Having to continually stop your client to make adjustments to the setting and/or mode. Quite an inconvenience.


    Basically, the same disclaimer as written in Part 1.

    1. If you get ban-hammered to death augmenting or using any information set forth in my tutorial, it's your fault, not mine.
    I'm just the messenger. Take your complaint to management. I'm not management.

    2. The information set forth in this tutorial is meant as a guide only. Use your discretion when cheating.

    3. The information I set forth in this tutorial has helped me in my cheating experiences. It may help you as well. In particular, the formula.

    If you've found this tutorial useful and beneficial to you, please do 'thank' me. It gives me an idea of whether or not I've helped you. I would tend to believe that I have.

    Best of success in your cheating endeavors.

    Yes!! You can!!!

    Last edited by SealLion; 12.04.09 at 02:18.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    Vation (28.01.10) , pimphead07 (06.01.10) , marci26 (01.01.10) , Renk (08.11.09) , Pingu (08.11.09) , CheetLyfe (03.08.09) , fromas (29.06.09) , Butcho (13.04.09) , Terminator (12.04.09) , anonftw (12.04.09) , Dynamic (11.04.09) , Se7Ven (11.04.09) , anon (11.04.09) , hitman (11.04.09) , SBfreak (11.04.09) , shoulder (11.04.09) , kazuya (11.04.09)

  3. #2

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    Now even the most complicated Vuze looks like a charm to handle then this
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  4. #3
    Retired Staff hitman's Avatar
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    but its better to have full knowledge of the settings and know what the values are instead of just move the button from 1 to 2 and hope that they will not bann you

    cheaten - wieso kompliziert wenn's auch einfach geht.!

    No Place to Hide
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  5. #4
    Retired Seal
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    Quote Originally Posted by kazuya View Post
    Now even the most complicated Vuze looks like a charm to handle then this
    LOL. Ya, it probably is. LOL.

    The calculations are basically a guide to get people set up. AFter that, you basically go on the fly like I did afterwards.

    Doing math is a good place to start off with when your in unfamiliar territory.

    Using math is a way for one to help navigate himself into the settings.

    That's why I did that: To get people to started and then after that, probably after 2-3 times in using RF, they pretty much have a good idea of what to use without the intervention of using math for their settings.

    But ya. I know your just kidding around, kazuya.
    Last edited by SealLion; 11.04.09 at 18:47.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  6. #5

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    Hey, great tut! I didn't really trusted RF but it seems quite good, I would like to ask some questions though:

    ATM the project is stopped, is it known to have problems with newer utorrent versions? up to what build can i use to be sure?

    Now regarding the tut:
    you say your math is to get an idea of what to do, but i was thinking, for example in TL, the games that are newly released often have around 500 leechers for one week or so, would it be ok to just snatch one of those and set thwe download multiplier to something small like 1,5 to 1,9 and leave it running for a day or two?
    stopping the client is necessary? cause as i've seen in the tut, being in the peerlist is not a problem...

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  7. #6
    Retired Seal
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    Welcome to my tutorial.

    Firstly, I have no idea if the project is stopped.

    I think that one would have to go and visit the program website and ask the author himself.

    Keep in mind, perhaps he has had to delay updating it due to family concerns, newer job, or what-ever. I can't really speak on someone's else's behalf if I'm not familiar with that person's circumstances.

    Maybe he just gave up on it. Sorry, but I really don't know.

    Other than that, I personnally have used it up to v 1.84.

    Here's what you can do to check yourself up to what versions it works beyound v1.84:

    Go to a cheap tracker site. Like Glabella.org or any cheap torrent site in which your not overly concerned about being banned.

    1. Download a higher version uT
    2. use RF and the higher version uT.
    3. See what the results are within that version of uT and RF as well as on the tracker side Very Important!!
    4. Post your results here as to the highest level version of uT that is workable with RF.

    Regarding your idea. I can't say that it wouuldn't work. It would make sense to have it at that. Considering that your downloading (and uploading to other's..in this case, over 500 peers, that's a lot of peers to upload to and wouldn't really be unusual to be uploading a great amount to that many peers).

    If your asking me my opinion re: securing your account's continued survival by doing this. I'd say go for it. There's plenty of leechers if there's 500 people on one torrent.
    Plenty of room for you to hide as well.

    It would not be unusual to have uplaoded a large amount of meta data if the peerlist is over 500 strong.
    If there's a peer list on TL for each torrent, being seen by some peers to have uploaded to others (while your downloading), let's say over 1 GB or 400 MB if you like, wouldn't be unusual.
    I'd say that your safe then.

    Now with stopping the client. According to the author's website, Yes. You do need to stop it.

    If you've seen in my tut that I was in the peerlist, that's only b/c I stopped the program, took a snapshot, and then re-started the whole thing so that I was in the peerlist. That's how that is that I am in the peerlist.

    In my personal experience, the program doesn't record your amounts correctly unless you do so.


    With other Programs like greedytorrent, that isn't necessary. But you may take yur pick as to which you'd like to use. RF is just as good as GT.
    Last edited by SealLion; 08.11.09 at 02:17.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  8. Who Said Thanks:

    Pingu (08.11.09)

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    you say your math is to get an idea of what to do, but i was thinking, for example in TL, the games that are newly released often have around 500 leechers for one week or so, would it be ok to just snatch one of those and set thwe download multiplier to something small like 1,5 to 1,9 and leave it running for a day or two?
    I guess so, although in that case you'd only be reporting your real upload, since you've already snatched the torrent. In that case, RF resorts to reporting real up, so that you can continue "faking".

    But using the download multiplier as you leech on TL works just fine.

    If there's a peer list on TL for each torrent, being seen by some peers to have uploaded to others (while your downloading), let's say over 1 GB or 400 MB if you like, wouldn't be unusual.
    I'd say that your safe then.
    They don't have a peerlist - with 160000+ members, can you imagine the server load on popular releases?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    Pingu (08.11.09)

  11. #8

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    dind't really thought that, so just start it with 1,5 to 1,9 and when it finishes deactivate it cause it would be the same, right?
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  12. #9
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    Yes. That way you'll have a ratio between 1.5 and 1.9 on that torrent.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  13. #10

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    I'll keep asking here, sorry for spamming the GT thread

    So what you mean is that if you don't stop the torrent the tracker will keep getting the announces of the previous configuration you had on RF?
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  14. #11
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    So what you mean is that if you don't stop the torrent the tracker will keep getting the announces of the previous configuration you had on RF?
    Basically, yes, and you don't want that.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  15. #12

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    maybe i do want that, bacause of what i said previously, just pick a torrent that can maintain at least 300 leechers for a couple of days, set RF to 1,5 to 1,9 the DL and get it, that's it

    EDIT: any comments on this?
    Last edited by Pingu; 08.11.09 at 21:25.
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  16. #13
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    pick a torrent that can maintain at least 300 leechers for a couple of days, set RF to 1,5 to 1,9 the DL and get it, that's it
    Then what's the problem with doing it normally..?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  17. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pingu View Post
    just pick a torrent that can maintain at least 300 leechers for a couple of days
    running a fake tool for days is not good. too many things could happen.
    actually i wouldn't recommend to run any tool without observation.
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  18. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Then what's the problem with doing it normally..?
    don't get you, what you mean "normally"?
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