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Thread: Israel's foreign minister states there is "no humanitarian crisis" in Gaza Strip.

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    Retired Seal
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    Israel's foreign minister states there is "no humanitarian crisis" in Gaza Strip.

    When I first came across this headline, I was absolutely astounded.

    Can you believe such news??

    Here's a small excerpt:

    Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister, has again rejected a French proposal for a ceasefire to allow aid into the Gaza Strip saying there is "no humanitarian crisis".

    Israel's foreign ministry quoted Livni as having said in a statement during a trip to Paris that "there is no humanitarian crisis in the [Gaza] Strip, and therefore there is no need for a humanitarian truce."

    .....[The Strip]..is already suffering shortages of power, food and medical supplies due to a two-year blockade imposed by Israel on the area.

    The link for the above is here:

    Its a short read too, so it won't take too much of your time.

    I am a firm believer in getting news from alternative sources.

    Its not enough that one read only what one is given from the mainstream media sources.

    If there is no humanitarian crisis in the Mid East, then how does one explain that over the past six days, there have been more than 400 Palestinians killed and about 2,000 wounded under an Israeli aerial bombardment??

    Sad. REal sad...

    My empathy goes to the sufferers of this war.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    jea, u are right. I just wrote today an comment to this in this forum in german language.

    the way of isreal is really bad. their wall is shit. through this the palästinensers are suffering. a better way then killing civilists would be to fight the poorness of this region. so these people would not be radicalized from their lives. what are the isreals doing. they destroy the infrastructure. do u know who payed this? jes, the European Union gives mones to build it for them. This is definitly not ok!!!

    Sometimes I think, they should throw an atomic bomb to both country to end this useless war.

    Mfg Dagon

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    Retired Seal
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    HEllo Dagon. You do have a point in one of your statements where you mention 'poverty'.

    There is a lot of poverty in the region, most especially on the Palestinian side. Its very sad, I find.

    The situation is exasperated when Palestinians are not allowed, or at the very least, hindered from crossing over to the Israeli side to go to work, visit family and friends, go shopping, visit a doctor or hospital, and so on and so on.

    The Palestinians are hindered by Israeli soldiers at the border crossings, who, according to some documentaries that I have seen, 'play ' the ordinary Palestinians while waiting for hours and hours on the border.

    That is: purposefully obstruct or hinder their crossing over to the border into Israel.

    A documentary that I saw not too long ago, documented how a group of Israeli women are protesting such actions at the border directly to the Israeli soldiers.....

    Such that the Palestinians could have quicker access to the hospital or doctor or job that they need to go to.

    No wonder the Palestinians are so angry at the Israelis.

    Yes. I understand that Israelis are angry at the Palestinians as well.

    But I do understand one thing: both sides don't help one another with ongoing bombardment, rockets being fired, and so on...

    With the above article that I've posted, the situation is only exasperated when you have the Israeli foreign minister stating openly that there is no humanitarian crisis.

    What rubbish!!!

    I have a bet that she is biased towards the Palestinians in such a way as to delay any help, or even to openly state her influence unto others by saying that there is no crisis.

    This I don't believe.

    I believe that she said this so as to deny the Palestinians any help or aid that is needed by them.
    That is what I believe

    Poverty is one thing, war and hatred are another.

    I don't think that exploding an atom bomb in the region would help solve the problem, Dagon.

    Yes. Its a useless war for sure.

    Sure, it would alleviate the problem a lot quicker and have this world with one less war to worry about.

    But overall, that wouldn't commit to any humanitarian help, though.

    Send the soldiers, Palestinian fighters, and the governments who want to wage war to the moon and have them fight it out there......but help the people, instead.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    Dagon (02.01.09)

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    u are definitly right!!! This thing is a big shame for the human race thereforce i was thinking about the atomic bomb.

    The problem is that not really much people are informed about the problems there. secondly there is the problem that germany is not really allowed to give criticism on isreal - becouse of the history. i never lived in this time and i will never support any war - especially like this before. why should i care about things that i have never done - and even my parents were born after the war. so why?

    Mfg Dagon

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    the military aggression by the israel to the palestinian is just brutal, they attack brutally the civilians at the gaza strip. how could even the us justify their attack is beyond me...

    and the only more sad is there is no direct action from the un
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    Snitlev's Avatar
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    Sleiman backs Qatar's call for Arabs to hold emergency meeting on Gaza

    BEIRUT: The situation in Gaza cast a shadow on the Lebanese political scene Wednesday, with President Michel Sleiman renewing calls for an emergency Arab summit to discuss the situation and take action against the ongoing carnage.
    Quelle: The Daily Star - Politics - Sleiman backs Qatar's call for Arabs to hold emergency meeting on Gaza

    in my opinion have Israel to be Right... the aggressor is the Hamas in a long time!

    Wer versucht zu rennen, bevor er laufen kann, kommt meistens zu Fall

    stop animal experiments, take child molesters - they like pain!

    Besser man bereut was man getan hat, anstatt zu bereuen das man es unterlassen hat
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    I do want to say one thing here and that a couple of years ago, I remember on the news that the ' Change and Reform'- party - which is Hamas's political party won the first free and fair elections in the Arab world, on this platform of ending endemic corruption and improving the almost non-existent public services in the Gaza and the West Bank areas.

    That party won 42 per cent of the vote at that time, then.

    You see, Palestinians did'nt not vote for Hamas because it was dedicated to the destruction of Israel or because it had been responsible for all the waves of suicide bombings that killed Israeli citizens.

    The people voted for Hamas because they thought that Fatah, which was the party of the rejected Government, had failed them.

    Anyways..despite renouncing violence and recognising Israel, the Fatah partyt had not achieved a Palestinian state.

    Its important to know this to understand the supposed rejectionist position of Hamas in all of this.

    It won't recognise Israel or renounce the right to resist until it is sure of the world's commitment to a just solution to the Palestinian issue.

    Its not just the fault of anyone group. Its the fault of every group that's involved in this ridiculous war.

    The Israelis may think that they are dealing with terrorists, but IMHO, its also the Israelis that are terrorists too.

    and who suffers the most???...its the ordinary people. The husbands, wives, kids, just ordinary people like you and me.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
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    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

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    Snitlev (02.01.09)

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    I'll hope I understand you're post, but I think the same the Israels are to near at the USA/the West and the other arbabien Country's hate Israel about this reason...

    Wer versucht zu rennen, bevor er laufen kann, kommt meistens zu Fall

    stop animal experiments, take child molesters - they like pain!

    Besser man bereut was man getan hat, anstatt zu bereuen das man es unterlassen hat
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    u are right sealion but I think the terrorists are made by the poverty. we wrote already about reasons for this situation. so the main problem to solve ist is to increase the level standard.

    and another problem after this elections was that isreal didn´t accept the result of it. So why should they do elections if they know they will only support one party and if another party wins they won´t accept it. good ok, sometimes its better if governments are doing things over the heads of population. but this is more things like that the country will get the European Currency ore support the Lisbon Treaty, which helps both to support the future of the European Union. But in this way in Palästina its not ok. They have to use diplomatic ways, in my opinion, not more fighting.

    Mfg Dagon

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  12. #10
    Retired Seal
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snitlev View Post
    I'll hope I understand you're post, but I think the same the Israels are to near at the USA/the West and the other arbabien Country's hate Israel about this reason...

    Oh, yes. I believe so. Though in the sense that countries in NorthAmerica support the current regime in Israel.

    I think that goverments from NA and the UK have more support for Isreal than do other countries, though don't quote me on this. I'm only making a rough guess on that.

    My country does too, though I don't agree with my goverments stance on supporting Israel.

    Its the goverment.
    Not the people.

    What one country's goverment supports, the people may support something completely different.

    This is the same everywhere around the world.

    I don't support my goverments stance on support of Israel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dagon View Post
    u are right sealion but I think the terrorists are made by the poverty. we wrote already about reasons for this situation. so the main problem to solve ist is to increase the level standard.
    Oh, ya. Definitly. Though its not the only reason.

    Misunderstandings between people and abuse of Palestinians by soldiers also make big contributions as well.

    I came across some news once before in which there are members of Mossad amongs ordinary Palestinians that, when protests begin, those Mossad members catch and literally beat-up regular Palestinians on the streets.

    Or they take them to some building that is reserved for the Mossad and those members deal with them how they feel appropriatly.

    This is not new, at least from what I have heard and seen on TV at least, in how the Mossad deals with people from across the border in GAza.

    That is abuse. That is a form of terrorism.

    Is it any wonder that people in Gaza dislike Isrealis. Not all Israelis, that is....just the goverment in Israel.

    Its the goverment that supports this behaviour by its Mossad.

    People and goverments are not necessarily in agreement with one another all the time.

    Remember what I wrote earlier in one of my other posts about a group of Israeli women that protest thier own goverments treatment and behaviour towards ordinary Palestinians citizens??

    They go to the border and try thier best to support and help the Palestinians, who need to cross the border for one reason or another, to cope and deal with border issues and also deal directly with the border gaurds.

    Thats just one example of how people, whether in one country or another, don't necessarily agree with thier own goverments actions and behaviours.

    But definitly, poverty does play an issue in this confict.

    I agree with that. Thats one of many issues that isn't dealt with.

    Yes. If people in Gaza were given better opportunities, then you would have more educated people. More people that are healthy; more people that have options; more people that have money to help contribute to the welfare of thier own neighbors; and so on, and so on.....

    Have you seen the pictures from Gaza and all the ruins there??

    A lack of basic essentials is another reason why I feel Israel is terroristic in its actions and behaviour.

    Look at this:

    Thats how people in Gaza feel about the Israeli military.

    Its bullying attitude.

    Remember what I wrote in my very first post about there being a humanitarian crisis in Palestine and the Israeli foreign minister denying such reports??

    What nonsense...!!

    ...and another problem after this elections was that isreal didn´t accept the result of it. So why should they do elections if they know they will only support one party and if another party wins they won´t accept it.
    Probably because they want a goverment in Palestine that is 'favorable' to thier own views.

    Not a goverment in Palestine that does not favor Israel itself.

    Its called domestic interference and is a violation of that country's soverergn status.

    Many countrys do this towards others.

    Many people see the US as one of the bigger violators of this practice.
    Though thats another discussion in its entirerty.

    the Lisbon Treaty, which helps both to support the future of the European Union. But in this way in Palästina its not ok. They have to use diplomatic ways, in my opinion, not more fighting.

    You'll have to educate me on the Lisbon TreATy.

    Palestine should definitly resort to diplomatic methods.

    War and blood don't solve problems.

    They only help to exacerbate the situation.

    I've been reading in Al-Jazeera news reports some more on the clashes in Palestine.

    Apparantly, there have been protests around different parts of the globe against Israel.

    Though not as much here. I think one hears of protests against Israel the closer one is to such regions.

    Here. Have a look at this news article if your interested. Its in English.

    Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Angry protests over Gaza offensive

    NOw honestly, I don't hear about clashes and protests against Israel in my country.

    I only read about it in alternative news sources. Which is why I believe so much in attaining news from different sources.

    the regular media, where ever they be, only serve the consumer what they want them to hear.

    Though, again, it may have to do with how close one lives to other regions where conflict occurs far-far away.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    Snitlev (03.01.09)

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    I agree with you, SealLion. If they want to fight, send them to the moon. I think, however, that Israel's Foreign Minister's statement is predicated by her wanting to appear as a "hard-liner" and the fact that she is involved in an election. Not that this justifies her statement...on the contrary, I believe her statement in its transparency belies the kind of candidate she is attempting to portray herself to be. Just my two cents...
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    Probably because they want a goverment in Palestine that is 'favorable' to thier own views.
    and this is not democratic definitly. therefore elections in this way are useless.

    You'll have to educate me on the Lisbon TreATy.
    ths treaty is about a constitution for the Eurpean Union. As the EU was smaller and we had less countrys it was easier to make decisions. now the EU consists of 27 countrys. so we have to improve the old system and make decisions faster. there are eu-enemies in the EU who dont like this system, mainly strong left and strong right people (hope correct translated) and they want that people fear the EU. even some politicians fear that they could loose power. as u see 80% of the german laws come from the EU. the eu brings, in fact, us a stable Europe (i hope no more wars) and enrich the members due to economical efects. same importance has one of the most stable and most important currencies in the world: the EURO, the european currency.

    Mfg Dagon

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    Ah, I see now about the Lisbon Treaty. That would have made sense to have it initially set up.

    and yes. I do understand what you mean about 'strong right and left". Your talking about strong right and left political affiliations that are normally considered extreme, yes??

    And yes. I do know about the Euro. Its a very strong global currency.

    ONe of the major currencies on the globe, I believe.

    I think its worth about 2,5X the Canadian loonie here.
    {our own nickname for the Canadian dollar here }

    Because, as you've suggested already, a strong European economy.

    I'm also surprised to hear about the large percentage of statutes that make up German laws. Those must be related to trade, border issues, food and agriculture, security, and so on and so on, yes??

    I guess this would all make sense due to the integration issues.

    Though, I think, correct me if I'm wrong, that the UK is still holding out on replacement of its Pound to over the Euro, yes??

    Last I heard, it still is, though again you'll have to correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would understand their drive to maintain independence.

    I do know that the Scottish economy is also quite strong because of a very highly skilled labor force. They're not just bag-pipe blowers there.

    Aside from all of that, HEre's some interesting info that I found.

    check it out:

    You can get the link here:

    PARADE Magazine | Who gets U.S. Foreign Aid?

    BUT...have a look here:

    And this is important to note as it takes away any false conceptions of there being no help or aid from the US.

    Though, I have no idea if my country's goverment is donating any.

    That would be very disappointing if it isn't.

    YOu can get the link for that here:

    The United States Contributes $85 Million for Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinian Refugees

    I don't necessarily agree with what's said in the last paragraph, though.

    My opinion.
    Last edited by SealLion; 03.01.09 at 16:37.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

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  17. #14
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    ONe of the major currencies on the globe, I believe.
    only US-Dollar is more important becouse a lot of things like oil are traded in USD but more and more things can be tradet in Euro. Some economists think the Euro is the new leading currency.

    I'm also surprised to hear about the large percentage of statutes that make up German laws. Those must be related to trade, border issues, food and agriculture, security, and so on and so on, yes??
    jea lot of things are under influcence of the EU. We have even the right if the EU says there is a law and our governments ignore this law, we can go to a court becouse every country has to take this law and change it into national law.

    jea thats right, due to integration its important to live in this way. it would be useless if all countrys together decide to make a law and then after this they wouldnt use it as national law.

    The UK is still holding the Pound and they have still no open boarders like the most of the countrys in the EU. The UK is often more like the USA, they prefer to make things seperatly. I.e. they are driving on the left side. some of us say to them "island appes". If they say the Continent, they mean Europe without UK. But i hope they will change during time their way and support more the EU.

    the USA have still a strong weapon lobby :-( therefore they are supporting war.

    btw. i was years ago one day in canada, to see the niagara falls and the biggest "whirlpool".

    Mfg Dagon
    Last edited by Dagon; 03.01.09 at 17:14.

    "If we were not given immortal souls, then we must create our own." Philip J. Farmer
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