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Thread: Condoleeza Rice says it 'Idiotic' to trust North Korea.

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    Condoleeza Rice says it 'Idiotic' to trust North Korea.

    Well.. no kidding. Ain't that that true.

    Not only can you not trust North Korea to hand deliver on any promises. You can't even trust that country's government to feed its own people.

    Here. Look at the headlines:

    Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, has said only an "idiot" would trust North Korean promises that it has abandoned its nuclear programmes.

    Her comments came amid ongoing controversy over Pyongyang's refusal to define how its progress on dismantling its nuclear facilities will be measured......
    The link is here:

    Al Jazeera English - Americas - Rice: 'Idiotic' to trust N Korea

    The source is from Aljazeera Online News.

    Its not bad if you like 'alternative' news sources and are tired of getting 'washed' by the media that basically tells you what they want you to know.

    anyways,....its a short read if your interested.

    Has anyone yet seen any of the documentaries about North Korea and seen how destitute the people are there, let alone how deserted the Capital city is there??

    Its unreal...
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    jea its true u cant trust an dictator. especiallay not in things like atomic weapons. if he had this he could use it. even u dont know if the dictator jim kong is still alive.

    i think the biggest problem of this country is under control of the military. and this makes it not easy to change the country. there are a lot of people suffering but we cant help them. for an war against this military controllers are no economic reasons so the USA wont do anything. but is an war helpfull is another question? all people there learned that the western world is not good. so it would be no good way to make a war. so what can we do else. If we stop our economic support much more people will die. Even if we would kill Jim Kong there is no security that this country is free after this becouse of the controll of the military. and we dont know who are the unknown leaders of this country.

    Mfg Dagon

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    DAgon; you are totally right on the money with what you've said.

    The people inside North Korea have been indoctrinated since birth against the West.

    There is no way that the people there would ever welcome anyone from the west that tells them that they are there to liberate them.

    The ordinary people would soon fear and not trust any power from the west that would come into North Korea.

    even the Chinese believe that Kim Il JOng is a good guy. Its all just false things being told to citizens in Norht Korea that they are indoctrinated about.

    Military intervention wouldn't do anyting. IT just would antagonize the people and the whole situation.

    Some people I have seen in documentaries have escaped from that country, though in many cases, only to be returned via China back to North Korea and then to be sent to one of the many ' camps'. You know which ones I mean??

    What a poor shame.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    jea i can understand what u mean with camps.

    i read an article that there are a lot of refugees of north korea in china. so if n. korea brake down there would a lot of people flee to china. and this could be a big problem for them.

    if there is an possiblity to translate into english this article is really interesting
    Nordkoreas Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik im Zeichen der Krisen - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (B 35-36/2003)

    There are a lot of reasons why China helps North Korea.

    Mfg Dagon

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    Dagon, I had a look at your link. I was able to translate some of it into English, though the online translation wasn't that great. I think you know how bad those things are.

    I think that I've read some of that material elsewhere though, its not much different to what I've come across on previous occasions.

    I came across an interesting site thats operated by the North Korean Goverment.

    Its in English. Have a look here:

    Travel to the DPR Korea


    If your interested, you can read up on the 'no-no's' that the N. Korean goverment doesn't want its visitors to partake in.

    I just thought that I'd bring this page up. I thought it was somewhat interesting to read, though.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    jea interesting. all possibilites to communicate are forbidden. think they will only allow these things to photograph which they want.

    my grandfather got due to his qualifacation visa to the sowjet union. and at this time they had a "translator" or more a person that they controlls them at this time. the reason should be that they "are in danger".

    Mfg Dagon

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    " in danger..." . Ya. I bet, huh?

    That person just didn't want him to photograph places that his 'minder', as they would be called, photograph places that the old Soviet Goverment didn't want to be photographed, I would imagine, yes??

    Its the same thing in N. Korea.

    They have minders there too.

    did you ever watch this one documentary about a doctor, can't remember where he originally came from, who went to N. Korea to do eye surgery on as many N. Koreans as possible in some certain amount of time.

    He wanted to go there b/c the health of N. Koreans is, apparantly, quite poor.

    He wanted to organize a trip to that country to help out the ordinary citizens there. Men, women, and children.

    The documentary went something like this:

    aFter about a few 100 eye surgeries were done on N. Koreans, the people then gave praise to thier Great Leader. Praising him, rather than the eye surgeon {who came to N. Korea out of good will} who had done the actual surgery.

    Apparantly, the citizens did such actions b/c they did not want to 'upset' or disapoint any of the goverment officials that were there as they were afraid of such pple.

    Also, apparantly because the citizens who had such surgery, didn't know that this foriegn surgeon came out of good will to thier country to help them. They believed that he was sent by their Great Leader.

    Thus the praise to their Great Leader.

    Apparantly, the people there are indocrinated to praise the guy.

    very sad documentary, I recall.
    Last edited by SealLion; 26.12.08 at 18:49.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    not only to make fotos even to speak with the people there. Heard from him some stories about this time.

    i have seen russia only due to business travel this year.

    the people in n. korea indoctrinated lot of things which are not true and u cant change it easily. i read months ago an article of a person who was there.

    I would like to travel to N. Korea but for me its to expensive. after living for a time in one of europas poorest and most dangerous regions i dont fear such a way of traveling.

    Mfg Dagon

    "If we were not given immortal souls, then we must create our own." Philip J. Farmer
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    rEally?..You went to Russia??

    That must have been an interesting trip.

    Where abouts in russia?

    To Siberia? or to one of the cities there like St. Petersburg??
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    i was only for 5 days in St. Petersburg. it was an really interesting time. especially st petersburg at night. the bridges are closed that the ships can move on the rivers there. i made a lot of pictures.

    Mfg Dagon

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    Dagon, one of the places that I'd like to go to, should I ever be fortunate to visit Russia would be east of the Urals.

    You know, to see the tundra and the rest of the land there.

    I hear in some places that it can be quite sparse in how the land is laid out.

    I once read of a man, who wrote a book, who took the trans-Siberian train all the way through to China. It was an interesting read.

    I hear that there is also supposed to be, in St. Petersburg, a large mansion or some type of building where the Czars used to live. ......just can't remember what its called though.

    Though I believe that its now a museum of some type where the visitor can see how the Czars used to live. With thier gigantic chandeliers and who knows how many rooms that there must be inside that building.

    Now correct me if I"m wrong, but I heard on some TV show, that I was watching, that there are over 1000 rooms. If thats true, man, they must have lived in excess, yes??

    I was also reading on the BBC news that the Russians are also starting to 'close-up'. That is, I heard that Putin and Medvedev in Russia want to have a new law passed that would make any russian citizen who speaks out against the russian goverment a traitor.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    jea i know what u mean. i was there. our guide showed us for about 2 hours ore more this place. after walking around without guide we lost the way and searched the entrance. normaly u have to pay if u want to make fotos. dont pay. go inside and make fotos. noone will controll u.

    Hermitage Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    if u would look at each thing inside 1 minute u would look in this museum for more than 9 years. here are some more pictures: Eremitage (Sankt Petersburg) ? Wikipedia

    look at this pictures
    SDC11156.jpg - ImageHost.org
    SDC11217.jpg - ImageHost.org
    SDC11319.jpg - ImageHost.org

    Mfg Dagon

    "If we were not given immortal souls, then we must create our own." Philip J. Farmer
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    did you take those pictures yourself??

    I really like the pics of the buildings. I like the architecture of the domed church.

    very, very nice indeed. Shows a bit of thier culture in their architecture, does it not?

    You can see the orthodox cross on the tops of the buildings, I see.

    The orthodox christians have a different shape of the cross than you would see elsewhere.

    now I remember the name of the building where the Tsars were: The Winter Palace.
    That Wikipedia Link you gave had me remember the name now.

    Yes I can believe you when you say that it would take ages to just to see what the whole place looks like inside and all the different rooms it has.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    Advanced User Dagon's Avatar
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    jea i took this pictures myself. i have from this 5 days 390 pictures.

    no, i think the eremitage dont show the culture of russia. think its more like u say in the this church. have this church in a key ring. think the orthodox churches and cathreadrals are often more like this. more colorful. katharina the great was a german princess. and she was collecting western cultural stuff like pictures and so on. and one day i was i think in pushkin-stadt in a palace.

    Mfg Dagon

    "If we were not given immortal souls, then we must create our own." Philip J. Farmer
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