Modify the Number of Download Connections
Firstly, it's best to check the number of concurrent connections your network hardware can support.
- If you connect to the Internet via a modem attached directly to your PC (eg via USB), then you should be able to virtually have an unlimited number of connections.
- If you use a dedicated router to connect to the internet, the number of concurrent connections will be limited by the capability of the router. Due to the limited amount of memory (RAM) used in such devices, the number of concurrent connections is relatively small for P2P. All Linksys (wired or wireless) routers support a maximum total of 253 concurrent connections. This limitation applies to all internet activity, so don't tell Shareaza to use all of them; allow some spare connections for web browsing and emails etc.
- If you use PC as a dedicated router (with a modem attached directly to it), then you should be able to virtually have an unlimited number of connections.
Unfortunetly there's no test for this, so I suggest contacting the router manufacturer for information. If you just can't, or don't want to, you'll have to guess (255 is a good estimate).
Once you've learnt the number of connections your hardware can handle, you now know what you can set the options to.
- Shareaza Settings > Internet > Downloads - Set Maximum Transfers to 40% of the maximum concurrent connections supported by your network hardware (or use the maximum value if you can have an unlimited number of connections). Set Transfers per File to half of the Maximum Transfers value. Increasing these values helps to properly utilize your bandwidth - this allows you to optimize your "swarm" or "multi source" downloads. In other words - tweaking this setting is strongly recommended.
- Shareaza Settings > Networks > eDonkey2000 - Set Client Link Connections to 40% of the maximum concurrent connections supported by your network hardware (or use the maximum value if you can have an unlimited number of connections). Increasing the number of client link connections is the key to the eDonkey network, allowing you to stay in more queues and take advantage of your bandwidth.
Configuration Tip: Maximum Transfers - The
Maximum Transfers setting tells Shareaza how many transfers it can use to contact sources, and the more people it can contact, the faster it can start a download. The configuration of this setting depends on your bandwidth. Increase the setting until your bandwidth is allocated. The absolute maximum value for this setting is 200 - unless you have a very high bandwidth connection (fewer than 1% of Shareaza users). If you want to get the most out of your connection, try starting the number at 40-60, and raising the number in increments of 10-20 and seeing which gives you the best performance. It is
BAD for the network to increase this setting too high, so be sure you don't set it to an unreasonable amount. Having too many connections can also impede your network equipment (such as a router or DSL modem), or your computer.
Windows 9x Users: Do not increase the Maximum Transfers too high or you could crash your system! See the
The Lockups Page for more information.
Configuration Tip: Transfers Per File The ‘Transfers per File’ is how many sources Shareaza can download from at once. The configuration of this setting also depends on your bandwidth. For a very high bandwidth connection, try 50. For a DSL connection of about 512 kb/s Download, try around 15. The more bandwidth you have, the more the setting should be increased.
Configuration Tip: Client Link Connections This setting determines how many eDonkey sources it can stay it contact with, and the more people you can download from, the better. It is related more to your computer than bandwidth – if your computer is slower, than don’t push it too high. For a newer computer and pretty fast broadband, 800 – 1000 would not be out of the question.
Windows 9x Users: Do not increase the Client Link Connections too high or you could crash your system! See the
The Lockups Page for more information.
You will have to restart Shareaza for these changes to take effect.