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Thread: Pictures of Chernobyl

  1. #1
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    Pictures of Chernobyl

    I came across a really interesting site.

    I thought that yu might like the views from this site.

    If you like pics of Urban Exploration, you might like these pictures.

    CHERNOBYL: This should never happen again! (319 photos) **-** mdolla

    I highly RECOMMEND that yu allow the web page to load with all the pictures that are there.

    Go do something else for a few moments while the page loads with all the pics.

    have a look at the military compound with all the old military equipment. Those Russian Helicoptors there are huge. The compound itself is also quite large.

    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    anon (14.10.08)

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    WTF man I couldn't believe that,a couple of posted pictures over there are taken exactly 100% from real life & put into Call Of Duty 4 (Sniper Mission)....if you played that awesome game,you will surely remember,take a look :

    This one is shown in the game's trailer when you first launch the game & in the begining of the Sniper mission :

    Also reviewed in the begining of that mission :

    Another one in the begining of the mission & upon launching the game :

    damn,this one is so real man,it's shown exactly with every single detail inside the mission while you will go thru the window to the tornado game outside the yard :

    The jumping board of the pool,also you can see it by toggling upside :

    Shown in the begining of the game & in the end of the mission,also is the extraction point where you have to wait for like 15 minutes before the "BigBird" grabs ya

    very nice find SealLion,REP added reminded me with such an interesting game....it's that I couldn't imagine that those scenes are taken from live places
    Last edited by Aurion; 14.10.08 at 15:36.
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  4. #3
    Retired Seal
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    Ya. I thougth that those pictures were pretty cool, too.

    did you see all the gas masks too near the end / bottom of the web page??

    I still can't imagine how the place looks after complete human abandonment.

    I guess one could think of Chernobyl as how the planet would look like if all humans were gone.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  5. #4

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    man I couldn't believe that,a couple of posted pictures over there are taken exactly 100% from real life & put into Call Of Duty 4 (Sniper Mission)
    yeah i have to admit it too that those are really impressive pictures, and what came first into my mind was COD 4
    as i have never seen the real places before it looked like that they've just copied the game.. (but of course i know that its the other way around )

    but isnt it dangerous to walk there around without a gasmask?
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  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    did you see all the gas masks too near the end / bottom of the web page??

    I still can't imagine how the place looks after complete human abandonment.

    I guess one could think of Chernobyl as how the planet would look like if all humans were gone.
    Complete boring to death... Surely no one would ever want to feel that way I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by vDD+wR View Post
    yeah i have to admit it too that those are really impressive pictures, and what came first into my mind was COD 4
    as i have never seen the real places before it looked like that they've just copied the game.. (but of course i know that its the other way around )

    but isnt it dangerous to walk there around without a gasmask?
    Well,yeah But I guess the Military facilities have assured that those ares are fully clean of any Nuclear radiations that might harm any visitors
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  7. #6
    the way nature is taking over chernobyl is beautifull.

    its sad and we may hope never again for something like this to happen again.

    Great Job SeaLion wonderfull photo documentary.
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  8. #7

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    Even the Russians themselves,hope that disaster won't happen again at all...lots of people got homeless & diseased due to over radiated chemical moleculars in the thin air floating around near by countries harming hundreds & thousands of people
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  9. #8
    Really shocking images...

    I'm honestly shocked about the real dimensions of this disaster. Of course, I knew that it had been terrible etc. but I couldn't imagine it- and seeing it now with my own eyes is a lot different.

    I wonder what would happen to my place if such a tragedy happened
    Theses houses in Chernobyl once also have been homes of families
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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manas View Post
    I'm honestly shocked about the real dimensions of this disaster. Of course, I knew that it had been terrible etc. but I couldn't imagine it- and seeing it now with my own eyes is a lot different.
    I thought the same, too: it's when you see how things ended up yourself that you can have your own outlook.

    Just finished seeing all the pics myself - @SealLion: saw the tank, helicopter and gasmask you mentioned. It's a bit like a mixture of old and new, seeing life grow around the places a nuclear explosion that ended it all for thousands once hit. Also remember the wind spread for most of Europe, so Ukraine wasn't the only country affected.

    I think Chernobyl has shown how destructive nuclear energy can be if something goes wrong...

    And talking about game related to this, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. kind of sprang to mind here.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. #10
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    I'll hope that doesn't happen in the Future Time, sorry for my English, but I hope the People all offer the World have understand this Message and he learnt of the mistake!
    Last edited by Snitlev; 15.10.08 at 04:43. Reason: news

    Wer versucht zu rennen, bevor er laufen kann, kommt meistens zu Fall

    stop animal experiments, take child molesters - they like pain!

    Besser man bereut was man getan hat, anstatt zu bereuen das man es unterlassen hat
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  12. #11
    Retired Seal
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    thanks for your comments everyone. I didn't think that the pics {I know there were lots of them. It took me about 1/2 hours or so for all the pics to load} would have such an interest.

    Apparantly, from what I recall reading somewhere, the Ukranians were, are, or already have, built a second sarcophagus around the nuclear reactor that leaked radiation.

    Nuclear Energy is actually very efficient and very safe. A lot of misconceptions about Nuclear Energy is based on fears. Personally, after having had some education on it in school, nuclear power is actually very safe.

    In my own home country, there is some talk of building a nuclear power plant in my home province. Honestly, I hope it goes ahead. It saves the planet from the use of fossil fuels. Its also very clean.

    For those of you interested in knowing where. Here is where a nuclear reactor is thought of being built. :

    This is basically the place where we make money off, of the Americans...harharharharhar.
    We own them.

    The kind of things that happened in Chernobyl, Bhopal {INdia}, as well as 3 Mile Island {somewhere down in the states...don't know where, though.Sorry}
    don't happen that often. Its just some unfortunate circumstance or error that was not supervised correctly.

    I think that nuclear energy is quite safe. Like I mentioned. Its just misconceptions, lack of education, and fears brought about by fear-mongers who suffer from lack of education on the matter.....at least thats what I feel and believe.

    sure. Its really unfortunate that what happened in Chernobyl and India, where about 3000 pple died {at least thats what I understood. Cant quite recall as that happened so long ago}.

    But how often do you have nuclear accidents versus global car accidents where who knows how many pple die each year around the globe due to drunk driving, or pedestrian accidents, or whatever.
    Or even through wars. "Which is even worse, of course.

    I still feel that nuclear energy is clean, effective, and safe when used, worked with, and supervised correctly by government and supervisory agencies.

    Also. Did anyone happen to see what those red vehicles were in the pictures of Chernobyl??

    Were they fire trucks of some kind or were they some sort of military vehicle that had some kind of missle launcher??
    Last edited by SealLion; 15.10.08 at 06:30.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (15.10.08)

  14. #12
    Snitlev's Avatar
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    sorry, he is only of German League / 22 Jahre nach Tschernobyl: Die Atomindustrie hat nichts dazu gelernt
    28.04.2008 Kurz vor dem 22. Jahrestag der Reaktorkatastrophe in Tschernobyl hat die Atomindustrie mit Verstuschungsmanövern rund um einen Reaktorunfall in Spanien von sich reden gemacht. Zudem häufen sich die Meldungen von kostspieligen Verspätungen und Sicherheitsmängeln bei den als «Flaggschiffe einer neuen Reaktoren-Generation» angepriesenen Anlagen in Frankreich und Finnland.

    Atomkraftwerk (AKW) Tschernobyl in der Ukraine. Sarkophag, der den vierten Block umgibt, welcher im April 1986 explodiert ist.Aufgenommen am 15.11.1994 © Clive Shirley/Signum / Greenpeace

    Am 5. April dieses Jahres enthüllte Greenpeace, dass ein Unfall im spanischen Reaktor Asco-I von der Betreiberin Endesa/Iberdrola monatelang verschwiegen worden war. Dies obwohl der Unfall eine erhebliche Kontamination der Umgebung zur Folge hatte. Erst unter einer erdrückenden Beweislast gab das Unternehmen zu, dass die Kontamination mindestens 100fach stärker war als ursprünglich behauptet.

    Derweil haben in Frankreich die Inspektoren der staatlichen Atomsicherheitsbehörde nur drei Monate nach Baubeginn des Atomkraftwerks Flamanville 3 eine ganze Reihe von Problemen mit dem «European Pressurised Reactor» (EPR) aufgedeckt. Flamanville 3 ist der zweite Versuch des Atomunternehmens Areva, einen EPR zu bauen. Das erste Projekt, Olkiluoto-3 in Finnland, liegt im Baufahrplan mittlerweile zwei Jahre zurück, liegt bereits weit über dem Budget und weist gravierende Sicherheitsmängel auf.

    Für Greenpeace ist Atomenergie keine Lösung im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Statt einer teuren und nach wie vor hochriskanten Technologie aus dem letzten Jahrhundert braucht es die Energie-Revolution mit erneuerbaren Energien und Energieeffizienz.
    I hope you translate this in english...
    Last edited by Snitlev; 15.10.08 at 12:24.

    Wer versucht zu rennen, bevor er laufen kann, kommt meistens zu Fall

    stop animal experiments, take child molesters - they like pain!

    Besser man bereut was man getan hat, anstatt zu bereuen das man es unterlassen hat
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  15. #13
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    if u go more east u found more regions like this. there are dangerous places. and if u show u are foreigner u are endangered.

    Mfg Dagon

    "If we were not given immortal souls, then we must create our own." Philip J. Farmer
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  16. #14

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    Well,the bad thing about this disaster is that lots of people got homeless,healthless & most of all diseased with Cancer related infections that affected many part of North Europe along to the western coast....hopefully nothing does happen such that again
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  17. #15

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    Uh.. I feel pity for the one who suffered from the explosion.
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