Well,since lots of users already tried to figure out what those small letters stand for & what contents are served inside those trackers,I thought we should have the Biggest most updated list for all well known trackers with contents shared over there....so let's start
Note : I will Sort them Alphabetically without mentioning direct links to them since most of the high level trackers just don't like their links posted publicly..
420P = 420Project (E-learning)
A-L = Acid-Lounge (General)
AoM = Art of Misdirection (Magic)
AN = AudioNews.ru (Audio production)
AZT = AudioZoneTorrents (Audio production)
BB = Blue-Bytez/Cherrykiss.org (Porn)
BCG = Blackcats Games (Games)
BF = BitFactory (German tracker)
bG = bitGAMER (Games)
BH = BitHUmen (Hungarian tracker)
BHDTV = Bit-HDTV (High-definition)
BiTT =BitTorrents.roa.k.a LastTorrents (General)
BMTV = BitMeTV (TV shows)
BN = BitNation (General)
BS = BitSoup (0-Day)
BS = BitSpyder (E-learning)
BT = BootyTorrents (Porn)
BT = Boxing Torrents (Boxing)
BTF = BitTorrentFiles (German tracker)
BTN = BroadcastThe.Net (TV shows)
BTS, B2S = Born2Seed a.k.a. HDCorea (HD)
BV = BitVaultTorrent (0-Day/Italian)
BW = BitWorld (German tracker)
BWT = BollyWoodTorrents (Desi/Bollywood)
BSk = BitShock (General)
BZ = BizTorrents (E-learning)
CN = CosaNostra (Movies)
C-O = Cinema-Obscura (Movies)
CT = ChronicTracker (0-Day)
CG = Cinemageddon (B-class movies)
CHD = CHDBits (HD)
CMS = CinemaMovieS (General)
CZ = CZone/CZTeam (Romanian tracker)
DB = DanishBits (Danish tracker)
DCT = DCTorrent (Desi/Bollywood)
DDT = DIDIDave (General)
DH = DigitalHive (0-Day)
Docs = Docspedia.org (E-learning)
DotR = DayOfTheRelease (General)
DS = DarkSide (General)
DT = DesiTorrents (Desi/Bollywood)
EFF = Eternal-Fire-Fusion (German Tracker)
Emp = Empornium (Porn)
EotW, E**W = Edge of the World (Music)
ET = EclipseTorrents (General)
ExB = ExtremeBits (Sports)
E****, E = Exigo (Lossless music)
FB = FinBytes (General)
FCZ = FullContactZone (Wrestling)
FF = FunFile (General)
FL, FL.ro = Filelist.ro (Romanian tracker)
FP =Filelista.k.a Filepost (0-Day)
FP = FilePorn (Porn)
FSC = FunSharingCommunity (General)
FTN = FeedThe.Net (0-Day)
FTS = FreeTheScene (0-Day)
FTS = Freaks Tracking System (German tracker)
F***, FTWR = FollowTheWhiteRabbit (General)
SFZ = SceneFZ (Romanian tracker)
GFT = GForces Tracker (0-Day)
GFX = GFXNews (Graphics/3D Contents)
GTI = GrabThe.Info (General)
GoEM = Garden of Eden Movies (Movies)
HDC = HDChina (HD)
HDS = HDSource (German tracker)
HDW = HDWorld (German tracker)
HT = HeavenTrackera.k.a HeavenSource (Polish tracker)
iD = iDesir (Desi/Bollywood)
iFi = I Feel It (Movies, music and TV shows)
ILT = I Love Torrents (General)
IPT = IPTorrents (General)
IT = IndieTorrents (Indie)
iTN = InspireThe.Net (General)
iTS = inTheShadow (General)
KG = Karagarga (Non-mainstream movies)
LB = LearnBits (E-learning)
LM = Linkomanija (Lithuanian tracker)
LW = Lossless World (Lossless music)
M&S = Moobs&SpeedFire (General)
MT = MusicTorrents (Music)
MT = MagicTorrents (Magic)
MTN = MusicThe.Net (Music)
M-V = Music-Vids (Music videos)
MW = MagicWarrior (Magic)
NB = Norbits (General)
NT = Nordic-T (General)
PAT = ProAudioTorrents (Audio production)
PEC = Piranha Exchange Community (Autosports)
Pedro's, BTM = XBTMusic (Lossless music)
PiN = PackMe.IN (Packs)
PP = PeerPortal (General)
PT = PolishTracker (0-Day)
PT = PussyTorrents (Porn)
PtN = PirateThe.Net (Movies)
PTP, PTPC = PassThePopcorn (Movies)
PWT = ProWrestlingTorrents (Wrestling)
PYM = PimpYourMobile (Mobile)
Revolt = Revolt.org.uk (General)
RTT, RevTT = RevolutionTT (0-Day)
RMVB = RMVBusters (RMVB-format movies)
RP = Rautaportti (Finnish tracker)
RsR = Romanian ShareReactor (General)
RTN = RapThe.Net (Rap music)
RTS = RunningTheScene (General)
RTSHQ = RespectTheSeed (General)
ScB = SceneBits (0-Day)
SCC = SceneAccess (0-Day)
ScL, The Clover = SceneLife (0-Day)
ScL = SceneLinks [united with BitShock] (General)
SCN = SceneNetwork (General)
ScT = SceneTorrents (0-Day)
ScP = ScenePalace (0-Day)
SeX = SceneXpress aka "The X" (0-Day)
SHD = SceneHD (HD)
ST = ShareTorrents (General)
SITR = Smoking In The Rain (General)
SoftT = SoftTorrents (General)
SqN = Scene Quality Night (Music)
SSC = SportScene (Sports)
ST = SuperTorrents (0-Day)
STB = SyncTheBits (Mobile)
Sub = SubTracker (German tracker)
TB, TBy = TorrentBytes (0-Day)
TB.ro = TorrentBits.ro (0-Day)
TBH = TheBlackHand (Movies, former CN)
TC = TehConnection (Movies)
T-D = Torrent-Damage (0-Day)
TDC = TheDVDClub (DVDs)
TFA = TorrentsForAll (General)
TH = TorrentHeaven (German tracker)
THC = The Horror Charnel (Horror movies)
Thor, Thor's Land = EThor.net (French Canadian tracker)
TiT = TorrentIt (0-Day)
TL = TorrentLeech (0-Day)
TM = TribalMixes (Mixes)
TMB = TheMixingBowl (Mixes)
TNG = The New Generation (German tracker)
TMK = The Monkey Kingdom (Car TV shows)
ToG = Tracker of Gods (German tracker)
TR = TranceRoute (Trance music)
TRB = TranceBooster (Trance music)
TS = TS-Tracker (German tracker)
tT = TorrentTech (Electronic music)
TT = TranceTraffic (Trance music)
TTC = ToTheCore (Unknown)
TTG = TorrentGui (General)
TTi = TTi.nu (0-Day)
TvT = TvTorrents.com (TV shows)
TvT.ro =TV.Torrents.Roa.k.a FreshOn.TV (TV shows)
TW = Turbowolke (German tracker)
UG = Underground-Gamer (Old games)
UTN = UnleashTheNet (Movies, IMAGiNE's tracker)
UK-T = UK-Torrents (0-Day)
UK-T = UK-Two (New UK-T, general)
WB = Wild-Bytes (General)
WBVA = World Boxing Video Archive (Boxing)
x264 = x264.me (x264 high-definition)
XD = xXx-Devil (Porn)
XNT = Excellent a.k.a XNT.nu (0-Day)
XWT = XtremeWrestlingTorrents (Wrestling)
ZP = Zionpimps (Anime)
ZT = ZoneTeam (General)
Note : List is Updated constantly whenever a new Acronym is known...Check regularly !
If I missed any,please inform me by writing in this thread,so that I can add them...