Broadening its fight against the government's "unconstitutional and illegal dragnet surveillance" of millions of Americans, a watchdog group today filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency, the president, vice president and other government agencies and officials involved in the domestic surveillance program.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) already has a pending case against AT&T for its role in supplying the government with its subscribers' phone records. The new lawsuit, Jewel vs. NSA, was filed on behalf of five AT&T customers seeking to shut down the surveillance program and hold those who authorized it accountable in the form of civil damages.

"The suit alleges that the spying violates the constitution, as well as a variety of federal privacy laws," Kevin Bankston, a senior attorney with the EFF, said on a conference call with reporters.
InternetNews Realtime IT News - EFF Sues Feds to Stop Domestic Spying