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Thread: BANNED! IP address and other concerns

  1. #1

    BANNED! IP address and other concerns

    Hello to any and everyone who reads and responds to this. I apologize if there is a similar thread but if so I couldn't find it. I recently was banned from 6 top-tier trackers. "FUCK!" <- right?? I was banned about 2 months ago. I have read the thread about having multiple accounts on one tracker and I have done everything mentioned but I had some concerns.....

    I have no idea how trackers like MAM, RED, GGN, AB, PTP, etc handle their incoming members. Is every new member scrutinized? Or is it more of an automated process?

    I have no idea what tools are available to PT admin/sysop so I was hoping to find some knowledge here.
    How close can your location be determined based on IP address? I am fairly certain that even though im in a pretty large U.S. city there are not many PT users in this area. I am worried that my new IP will be flagged for being in the same area as a previously banned IP/user.(me).

    . How long should I wait before attempting to re-join? I guess this question would change based on how much scrutiny new members receive when signing up. I feel like I am public enemy #1. I was even banned from the IRC network. I can't even talk to staff about my banned account if i wanted to. I was still able to communicate to friends in IRC on the unofficial channels and speak to anyone through IRC DM's. I don't think they liked that so they shut that shit down real quick...

    Should I accept an invite from a user? Yes, said user is aware that I am banned and knows I have taken the proper precautions. I don't want to get them banned in return for helping me out but they know the risk.

    Would interviewing be the better path to take to avoid suspicion? Again this is dependent on other factors, like how much scrutiny new members are under when signing up. Again, does the staff have something that will throw up red flags if an IP is within a certain range of a previously banned IP?

    Lastly, I have already made several new emails. A new computer just waiting on the shelf with all new OS, apps, and browser. I only need time to pass and to change my IP. I am still a member of some other sites and I am very, very surprised about this. I most certainly should have been banned from these ones as well but yet it didnt happen. I am guessing I probably have to let those accounts just die and go away, right? I should definitely not log in to them on my new IP once I get it, correct?

  2. #2
    Member illusive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momnohognoff View Post
    Hello to any and everyone who reads and responds to this. I apologize if there is a similar thread but if so I couldn't find it. I recently was banned from 6 top-tier trackers. "FUCK!" <- right?? I was banned about 2 months ago. I have read the thread about having multiple accounts on one tracker and I have done everything mentioned but I had some concerns.....
    There are multiple posts about measures to take before rejoining so yeah similar posts are there just need a bit of digging.

    Quote Originally Posted by Momnohognoff View Post
    I have no idea how trackers like MAM, RED, GGN, AB, PTP, etc handle their incoming members. Is every new member scrutinized? Or is it more of an automated process?
    Once banned on one, your data including but not limited to your IP addresses history are shared with other trackers through private channels. It is not automated but there are scripts to flag your account on most of these trackers and once staff takes a look, it is done.

    I have no idea what tools are available to PT admin/sysop so I was hoping to find some knowledge here.
    How close can your location be determined based on IP address? I am fairly certain that even though im in a pretty large U.S. city there are not many PT users in this area. I am worried that my new IP will be flagged for being in the same area as a previously banned IP/user.(me).
    Ip addresses history for you including but not limited to your browser data (cookies, history..etc.), usernames, torrent client, irc client...etc might include data to get detected again. So you need a wipe clean data and to be far away from any old tool as possible. I believe there was a browser bug that allowed trackers to detect users being members on other sites !!. Regarding IP address, either use a dedicated VPN or server for connection or a static IP address that you have never used before.

    . How long should I wait before attempting to re-join? I guess this question would change based on how much scrutiny new members receive when signing up. I feel like I am public enemy #1. I was even banned from the IRC network. I can't even talk to staff about my banned account if i wanted to. I was still able to communicate to friends in IRC on the unofficial channels and speak to anyone through IRC DM's. I don't think they liked that so they shut that shit down real quick...
    the longer you wait to join, the less suspect-able you be when you do.

    Should I accept an invite from a user? Yes, said user is aware that I am banned and knows I have taken the proper precautions. I don't want to get them banned in return for helping me out but they know the risk.
    The risk is always there, some trackers bans a whole country for couple of members banned and try to rejoin. But the risk increased in your case so your choice.

    Would interviewing be the better path to take to avoid suspicion? Again this is dependent on other factors, like how much scrutiny new members are under when signing up. Again, does the staff have something that will throw up red flags if an IP is within a certain range of a previously banned IP?
    Yes it would. And yes again about the red flag.

    Lastly, I have already made several new emails. A new computer just waiting on the shelf with all new OS, apps, and browser. I only need time to pass and to change my IP. I am still a member of some other sites and I am very, very surprised about this. I most certainly should have been banned from these ones as well but yet it didnt happen. I am guessing I probably have to let those accounts just die and go away, right? I should definitely not log in to them on my new IP once I get it, correct?
    If these trackers are in the network then yes this is a high risk. Again, your choice about what to do with accounts (maybe throw them to someone who does not care instead of letting them dying, like me for example ). If you want to keep them, then never login to these sites from same device and network that you use to login to new accounts. Simply use a dedicated server to tunnel through or VPN.

  3. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momnohognoff View Post
    I apologize if there is a similar thread but if so I couldn't find it.
    Please look harder, because there are several, and when pieced together with the extended discussion in the tutorial you did find, you'll have thorough answers to everything you asked.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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