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Thread: BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

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      BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

      Version:, by (Coder) DigitalDJ is offline

      Developer Last Online: Feb 2025 Show Printable Version Email this Page
      Category: [Multi OS] Rating:  Downloads: 1457
      Released: 26.02.22 Last Update: Never Installs: 1
      • Supported
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      • Beta Stage

      SB-Innovation Presents

      BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

      Coded by:

      >>>>>> DigitalDJ & ghostfucker <<<<<<


      >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<
      >>>>>> Rebound <<<<<<
      >>>>>> hitman <<<<<<
      >>>>>> Manas <<<<<<
      >>>>>> eudora <<<<<<
      >>>>>> ghostfucker <<<<<<
      >>>>>> anon <<<<<<
      >>>>>> Instab <<<<<<
      >>>>>> cloud99 <<<<<<
      >>>>>> illusive <<<<<<
      >>>>>> molosse <<<<<<
      >>>>>> --->HDBD<--- <<<<<<

      Supplied by:

      >>>>>> SB-Innovation <<<<<<

      Original Mod by:

      >>>>>> Shu <<<<<<

      Change Log:

      + Fix PerfectSpoof sending User-Agent to tracker

      + Integrated Peer Injector 0.3 by anon

      + Perfect Spoof 2 by ghostfucker

      + uTorrent ID Generator

      + Modifiable Client Files

      + Ghostleech

      + LTEP Fixes

      + Multiple peerlist entries fixed

      + More No Report Options

      + (Fake Upload) Stop faking when swarm speed is zero

      + Upload Kicker

      + Ratio Tool

      + Synced with latest LegitBly Mod

      + (Upload Multiplier) Show as seeder

      + (SBI-Hack Torrentview) Scrollbars added

      + Fix Tracker Update Interval Divider

      + Use Swarm Peers fixed

      + Updated core to BiglyBT

      BiglyBT Change Log:
      BiglyBT Change Log
      Vuze Change Log


      1. Download the latest OpenJDK Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release).
      2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download). Do not open BiglyBT after installation.
      3. BACK UP YOUR TORRENT LIST! IT IS LIKELY YOU WILL LOSE IT! You must export your torrents. Copying or exporting / importing old configurations will not work.
      4. Extract the hack files using 7-Zip (7-Zip Download) or equivalent to %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT) and overwrite ALL files.
      5. Delete the "jre" folder in %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
      6. Open the OpenJDK archive downloaded in step 1 and extract the "jdk-XX" folder to the BiglyBT folder %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
      7. Rename the extracted "jdk-XX" folder to "jre".
      8. Run Notepad and open %APPDATA%\BiglyBT\java.vmoptions (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\BiglyBT\java. vmoptions), append the following lines:
      9. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

      1. Download and install the latest Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release). Note the path to the OpenJDK archive downloaded. You will need it for step 5.
      2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download).
      4. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to /Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt and overwrite ALL files.

      NOTE: To see the folder in Finder, you may need to perform the following steps:
      4a. Open Terminal
      4b. Run the following command:
      defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
      4c. Hold the "Option/Alt" key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch
      4d. Once you have copied the files, you can revert to hiding folders with:
      defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
      5. Open up a Terminal and run the following commands. NOTE: You need to replace "PATH_TO_OPENJDK_ARCHIVE" in the first command to the path to the OpenJDK archive from step 1.
      sudo rm -r "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle"
      sudo tar -xzf "$OPENJDK_ARCHIVE" -C "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/"
      sudo mv "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jdk-"* "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle"
      echo -e "\n--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      echo "--add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      echo "-Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize=true" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      6. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

      NOTE: Based on Ubuntu 20.04
      1. Install the latest OpenJDK and libjna package from your distro's package repository. On Ubuntu 20.04 this is openjdk-15-jre and libjna-java.
      NOTE: Some distros do not have an OpenJDK of version 9 or greater available. In which case, you will need to download and extract the tar.gz package supplied by OpenJDK (JDK GA Release).
      sudo apt install openjdk-15-jre libjna-java
      2. Download the latest non-beta BiglyBT release and make it executable (BiglyBT - Download).
      wget https://files.biglybt.com/installer/BiglyBT_Installer.sh
      chmod +x BiglyBT_Installer.sh
      4. Run the installer, specifying app_java_home variable to your JRE folder. On Ubuntu, this is: /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/
      app_java_home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/" ./BiglyBT_Installer.sh
      5. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to "~/biglybt" (/home/<username>/biglybt)
      unzip -o BiglyBT_*.zip -d ~/biglybt
      6. Append the following VM options:
      echo "--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      echo "--add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      echo "-Dorg.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize=true" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      7. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

      Before posting problems please make sure:
      1. You have updated Java in the "jre" folder to the latest version (must be Java 15 or higher) (JDK GA Release]).
      2. You have uninstalled BiglyBT using the uninstaller.
      3. You have removed the BiglyBT Application folder:
      C:\Program Files\BiglyBT (Windows x64)
      C:\Program Files (x86)\BiglyBT (Windows x86)
      /Applications/BiglyBT (macOS)
      ~/biglybt / /home/<username>/biglybt (Linux)
      4. You have removed the BiglyBT Settings folder:
      %APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\BiglyBT (Windows XP - Application Data may be Hidden)
      %APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BiglyBT (Windows Vista - AppData may be Hidden)
      /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BiglyBT (macOS)
      ~/.biglybt / /home/<username>/.biglybt (Linux)
      5. Reinstalled BiglyBT using the package from BiglyBT - Download.
      6. Re-applied the hack by following the installation instructions above.

      Portable Mode:
      Portable mode is now built into BiglyBT / Vuze. See wiki article: Portable Vuze.


      Supporters / CoAuthors

      Show Your Support

      • If you like this modification support the author by donating.
      • For saying thanks to the author, please click here.
      • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

    Who Said Thanks:

    kelly (08.06.22) , deadgoa7 (20.04.22) , alisiktan (14.04.22) , coolio256 (08.04.22) , Sazzy (29.03.22) , Paranormal (29.03.22) , nero103 (11.03.22) , RaMa (03.03.22) , yuckfou (02.03.22) , Snitlev (02.03.22) , qUeLo (01.03.22) , Lucas Kane (01.03.22) , thisis (28.02.22) , lyric (28.02.22) , illusive (27.02.22) , anon (26.02.22) , BrianBosworth (26.02.22) , mmmmm (26.02.22)

  1. #32

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    Hey there,

    If one is planning to Ghostleech, would you recommend enabling Ghostleech option or just select No Reporting (0UP/DL)? Also, is it preferable to show you as leech or as seed?
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  2. #33

    Red face

    picture here https://imgtu.com/i/XwbuTK

    There seems to be a problem here, the places in the circle cannot be ticked at the same time, the result is that if I tick “stop download”,the upload will continue, so the upload value may exceed my expectations (this is related to whether my account will be caught for cheating or not)

    Could them both be selected at the same time? Seems that it can be done with just a few very small changes(a small patch ),thank you my dear inventor.
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  3. #34
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ljhonn95 View Post
    If one is planning to Ghostleech, would you recommend enabling Ghostleech option
    This sounds like a trick question...

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    the places in the circle cannot be ticked at the same time, the result is that if I tick “stop download”,the upload will continue, so the upload value may exceed my expectations (this is related to whether my account will be caught for cheating or not)
    Known issue; see http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?p=365132.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. #35
    Hi guys!
    It seems that there is a difference between the linux vs the windows version.
    For example, on the linux version I do not find the webUI to access BiglyBT remotely - called xmwebui.
    I went on the website of BiglyBT but it is also not possible to download : https://files.biglybt.com/plugins/xmwebui_0.8.6.biglybt
    Are you facing the same issue?
    I also tried with the default version of BiglyBT... Is there a way to get this xmwebui manually?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbesclapez View Post
    Hi guys!
    It seems that there is a difference between the linux vs the windows version.
    For example, on the linux version I do not find the webUI to access BiglyBT remotely - called xmwebui.
    I went on the website of BiglyBT but it is also not possible to download : https://files.biglybt.com/plugins/xmwebui_0.8.6.biglybt
    Are you facing the same issue?
    I also tried with the default version of BiglyBT... Is there a way to get this xmwebui manually?
    OK guys, it was an adventure, but i got it installed. I did not finish the config yet.

    1- I downloaded the ZIP file from https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT-plugin-xmwebui
    2- I renamed the file to xmwebui_0.8.6.jar (it could work with ZIP too)
    3- I manually installed it from the GUI.

    Last edited by anon; 25.06.22 at 11:58. Reason: Please use the Edit button when available
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  5. #36
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    You could have avoided the adventure by not trying to install an outdated version of the plugin

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  6. Who Said Thanks:

    jbesclapez (25.06.22)

  7. #37
    Great. Thanks Anon!!

    I have BiglyBT installed and i can download torrents.
    Once I installed the Mod, even if the BiglyBT seems to work, it is not downloading anything anymore.
    I uninstalled and tried to reinstall but still the same...
    FYI, i am trying from a docker in Ubuntu! Have you guys got the same issue.

    Got it working. It was an issue when copying the step 6. After copying line per line it was fine!
    Last edited by anon; 25.06.22 at 22:20. Reason: Please use the Edit button when available
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  8. #38
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbesclapez View Post
    Great. Thanks Anon!!
    Don't mention it, though I don't know how you found that outdated link in the first place

    Once I installed the Mod, even if the BiglyBT seems to work, it is not downloading anything anymore.
    I suppose this was the error message?

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.net.www.protocol.https.PsHttpsURLConnectionImpl
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  9. #39
    Hi Anon.
    Thanks again for your time!!
    Got it working. It was an issue when copying the step 6. After copying line per line it was fine! well... nearly fine.
    Now when I run it, it is downloading, but it is slow. I am so far from what I get in terms of speed from the original version. I am pretty sure, that the problem is me / my knowledge. I am a noob at ubuntu.
    So I had a look at the step 6 and my understanding is that it adds lines to javaoption. The path of my .java hidden folder is under /root/.java (like below)
    Attachment 21321
    and there is no such path like ~/.biglybt/java.vmoption
    Where should i run those lines 6 then?

    -- UPDATE
    I think it works now. I restarted and speed is fine. Do not ask me how/why :-)
    Last edited by jbesclapez; 26.06.22 at 20:54.
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  10. #40
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbesclapez View Post
    So I had a look at the step 6 and my understanding is that it adds lines to javaoption. The path of my .java hidden folder is under /root/.java (like below)
    Attachment 21321
    and there is no such path like ~/.biglybt/java.vmoption
    Where should i run those lines 6 then?
    ~ is shorthand for the current user's home directory. Under normal circumstances, BBTEM runs under your regular account, so you won't find .biglybt in the home directory for root. The commands in step 6 must be run from an unprivileged terminal without using sudo or a root shell, which as a matter of fact should never be done unless explicitly required. (If in doubt, you can run `whoami' to know exactly that.)

    -- UPDATE
    I think it works now. I restarted and speed is fine. Do not ask me how/why :-)
    Torrents can be slow or fast for a variety of reasons, including swarm conditions, client settings and local network connectivity. Unless you specifically confirm this problem is caused by the mod, it is beyond the scope of this thread, but if it happens again and you think the torrents should be giving better speeds, I recommend checking out the Vuze Wiki and looking into TCP tuning for Ubuntu. Don't forget to open the listening ports in your router and iptables to be connectable
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. #41

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    No DL not working for TeamOS tracker!!

    I have ticked the No reporting (0up/0dl) in mod but it still got reported!
    i don't know much about it or is there any other mod that will download but reported as no download!
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  12. #42
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackSparrow47 View Post
    i don't know much about it
    Fortunately, that's fixable.

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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