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    this lengthy documentary mostly depicts the COVID situation in France, but also shows examples from other countries

    Hold-Up (2020) 2:45:33

    -With his documentary "Hold-Up", the director Pierre Barnérias wanted to denounce the lies, corruption and manipulation in France around the management of the coronavirus
    video with French audio and (unfortunately poor) English subs

    backup link:

    some background info:

    Since its November release, ‘Hold-Up‘ has been viewed, shared, downloaded and discussed by literally millions of people.

    As word spread, boosted by the recommendation of actress Sophie Marceau, the Thought Police decided the film could no longer simply be ignored.

    Macronist politicians screamed “conspiracy theory!” and “fake news!” and now-familiar fascistic measures swung into operation: Pierre Barnérias’s film was taken down from nearly everywhere it was put up online and its crowdfunding disabled.

    detailed highlights:

    - governments lost credibility, the WHO lost credibility, the truth is not being told, debates have been denied
    - democracy in France has been destroyed
    - pharma industry are selling cures for diseases, they need sick people in order to do that; the more disease the richer they get, they are not stopping disease
    - scientists are not willing to discuss the situation

    - predictions made by the WHO in the past (Bird Flu, Hong Kong Flu, Ebola) proved to be exaggerated and luckily no one paid attention to them at the time

    - Neil Ferguson predicted the death of 500k people in the UK at the beginning of the pandemic - he has a history of alarmist predictions: back in 2009 he predicted a few million dead and 500k in the UK [from the Swine Flu, and was wrong...again]

    - WHO issued 3 recommendations this year regarding the masks:
    1. in January - 2 pages long
    2. in April - 5 pages
    3. in July - 16 pages - scientifically unsubstantiated increase in data (appears to be a mockery, not actual novel information)

    - half of the people who died are older than 85 years [source: Michael Levitt], which is very close to the average life expectation of the population
    - data from the French Bureau of Statistics from March till September of 2018,2019,2020 shows an excess of mortality in 2020 between 15.03 - 15.04, when France was in a lock-down
    - in 8 months of pandemic the virus [supposedly] killed more than 1 million people around the world, much less than TBC, which no one cares about

    - after the summer, there was an epidemic of [false] positive cases created by the usage of PCR tests, which are lacking in reliability
    - the positives are increasing due to the increase in CT (cycle threshold) values of the PCR tests - the more they increase, the more you find small, infinitesimal particles of other biological contaminants - prof. Raoult showed that above 35 cycles you don't discover viral particles - in Germany the values used are 25 max. and the French regional agency is silent about their CT values being used
    - so how can France have so much more positives than in neighboring countries? either the virus stops at the border or the tests are made with more than 25 cycles
    - the PCR reaction is exponential, if we increase CT values, they increase the sensitivity, the amount of DNA used increases (after 50 cycles it gets to 2^50) - France uses 50 cycles for their PCR tests?!

    - even though the mortality curves throughout Europe (FR, DE, IT, UK, IR) show that the danger is gone, yet Ireland having only 3 deaths re-introduces lock-down and the numbers in Sweden, which had no lock-down, speak the same story
    - while the European numbers are encouraging, in Canada concentration camps are being built - a member of the Canadian parliament was questioning their government about who is actually going to be isolated in these camps and how many people [turns out he was denied a precise answer and the camps could be used for a wide range of purposes, from political imprisonment to epidemiological reasons]

    - doctors appearing on TV in France keep spreading panic and fear (they show an example of Dr. Martin Blachier, who received payments from the pharma industry)


    - images of (severe) facial infections due to the over-usage of masks are shown, explained by the dermatologist
    - people are forced to wear masks - cotton and surgical mask aren't protective - the labeling itself states 'does not protect against infections' - masks are not being washed, they keep getting touched with hands, put on and off, thus becoming infested with microbes after several hours
    - a pupil is interviewed who states that they are being forced to constantly wear the mask, while in class and during breaks - she often takes the mask off to be able to breathe, but pupils are being attacked if they do that, one pupil was punished with a 7 day ban from entering the school premises
    - another parent says that their school was shut down for a week and 1.400 pupils had to be tested just because one of the pupils was absent for 10 days due to being tested positive to COVID - some parents did not allow their children to be tested
    - another person employed at a nursery says that children are getting accustomed to the masks, so much so that when someone takes them off, they get scared - they end up thinking it is normal to live with a mask!

    - wearing masks can have the following consequences:
    1. increased contamination risk (moving and touching the mask with dirty hands)
    2. microbial infestation (re-usage of humid or dirty masks)
    3. headache and having trouble breathing
    4. facial irritation, infection, redness, acne (prolonged wearing of masks)

    - women having babies in hospitals are wearing masks while delivering, so the first thing a newborn baby sees is parents faces covered with masks [psychological shock]

    - 1 out of 5 children in Europe are victims of sexual abuse according to the European Council - the lock-down made these things even worse because violence increased and people were unable to file complaints due to the lock-down, they could not get outside the house
    - according to a psychiatrist for minors, the number of alleged rape cases tripled, there were 12k sexual assaults on children in France daily, 100k fines and physical threats [the video shows a police officer bothering people about social distancing while sitting and having their drinks in front of a cafe]
    - a cardiologist points out negative effects from fearing the virus on the psychological health of many of his [older] patients who weren't able to see their children/grandchildren
    - secondary effects are enormous, the collapse of many companies and shops
    - an example of an old mother was given, who was supposed to have cancer surgery, but did not get the chance due to the lock-down and now she is in the final stage of cancer
    - preventive cancer screening, x-rays, specialist examination and such were practically completely stopped at the time, so in 6 months time the number of patients who had a specialist examination reduced by 50% compared to previous years - this means several 10k people did not get proper treatment - such political decisions may have cost 75k people their lives [source: Dr. Michael Yeadon]

    - the issue of health is being used to deprive you of your freedom
    - lock-down leads to heavy collateral damage (health, social, economic, systemic) - the risks far outweigh the benefits,
    - examples: people with chest pain not arriving to be examined ended up dying from a heart attack; likewise there were carcinoma, leukemia, lymphoma diagnosed 3, 6, 7 months late and untreated - these lost treatment opportunities will end up far surpassing COVID mortality; old people losing their cognitive abilities faster due to social isolation, lack of air and masks (as testified by speech therapists), children in nurseries wearing masks throughout the day [comparison given to negative experiences at Romanian orphanages], these children are not being able to learn proper pronunciation or emotion, it is a road towards madness
    - millions will lose their jobs, mass insecurity is being created, this is a process of destruction of western countries - people are not aware of the magnitude and cumulative consequences of these actions - in order to protect ourselves from one evil, the damage being done in the process is literally 100x worse

    - if they become labeled as a 'contact' [being in contact with someone who tested positive], the pupils are unable to go back to school without being tested first

    - the PCR test has been discredited, thus a large number of positives are likely actually false positives, exaggerated up to 20x or 95% of all positives in UK during the last 4 months - this was invented to spread fear, the possibility of a conspiracy was mentioned [source: Yeadon]

    - mortality in high-risk patients was quite high: 20-30%
    - incompetence in dealing with the virus was mentioned, 3 months waiting for China to deliver simple items like face masks

    - we are in a war and the primary enemy is the truth - the government intentionally used metaphors of war in order to manipulate their population - history shows that new laws that were produced during crises somehow managed to stay active even when the crises were gone

    - viruses are not enemies, we have been living with them since the dawn of time, they cannot be exterminated or their circulation stopped, we need to learn to live with them
    - when we are confused, fear forces us to comply with what is being demanded from us
    - it is politics of forcing fear, a kind of psychological terror
    - rarely anyone uses trains anymore, there are armed policemen at the stations and in trains checking on whether masks are being worn - this was not happening even during actual terrorist attacks
    - whether you listen to a public or private radio channel, it is all the same story and thinking: FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, hide away, your neighbor might infect you, use the mask, be careful of how you speak and so on

    - Sweden decided in March that they would not intervene and in April it was fairly clear they made a good decision [source: Dr. Michael Levitt]
    - epidemics arrive mostly during winter - it is known that Flu viruses, which are a part of the Corona family of viruses, mutate and blow away in due time - right now we are not in a 2nd wave, it is an infection caused by another virus [like Rhinoviruses during early winter]
    - the Diamond Princess cruiser with 3700 passengers had some interesting data: it was a confined area (corresponding approx. to a 1/4 million people per square km), a 40x greater population density than the densely populated Hong Kong - on this ship 20% (700) people was infected and out of them 7 died - if you calculate the same for UK you get 55k people or 220k people for USA, this was sent to Neil Ferguson but he never answered [source: Levitt]
    - i'm much more afraid of my own government, 10x more, than of the virus [source: Yeadon]

    - the president of the French Health Council in charge of the Corona measures stated: 'we must understand that there is a mid-term and long-term goal regarding the virus - it is not only September of 2020, but also winter 2020 and Spring 2021' [Gates extended that for 2 years or so]
    - the interviewed person commented that this is not a scientifically based statement because all known epidemiological curves are the same: a steep rise, culmination, a fall and a disappearance - unless this describes the intentions behind the pandemic


    - a graph that puts COVID in perspective, compared to other causes of death in the world per year:
    cardiovascular diseases: 17,7 million
    cancer 9,6 million
    famine: 9,13 million
    air pollution: 8 million
    corona virus: 1,1 million [even with such inflated numbers]

    - when compared to other epidemics like Smallpox or Spanish Flu, the corona lags far behind - the last epidemic that caused a panic was from 2009 (H1N1, Swine Flu) - it had a similar scenario, the WHO was exaggerating then, catastrophic scenarios were described and there was a connection between fear and vaccination

    examples of how masks were transformed from being useless to becoming mandatory:
    28.02.2020. French Health Minister Veran states: masks are unnecessary if you are healthy and have not been in contact with infected people
    04.03.2020 Ex government spokesperson NDiaye says: you should not buy masks and you cannot buy them because we instructed pharmacies not to distribute them without a prescription, there is no risk of shortage of surgical masks (last term supplies)
    06.03.2020 Minister insists not to use masks in the general population, they are not recommended and are not useful - if you are not infected and your doctor does not recommend a mask, you should not wear it
    17.03.2020 Spokesperson says: you cannot buy masks in French pharmacies because they are not necessary unless you are ill
    18.03.2020 Directorate-General of the French Ministry of Health Solomon says: it does not make sense to wear a mask, distancing is the best protection
    31.03.2020 President Macron says: The masks - it is the prime battle, the government is transparent, mobilized from day one and continues to progress
    03.04.2020 Solomon says: we are encouraging people to wear masks if they want to
    07.04.2020 Veran states: there is no decision about a recommendation of wearing masks nor an obligation, nor a recommendation for the general population at this stage
    13.04.2020 Macron says: beginning from 15.05. the government needs to secure a mask for every citizen of France - regarding occupations where people are more exposed and in public transportation, the mask has to be worn at all times
    22.04.2020 Solomon says: I was always supporting the availability of masks to the general population
    28.04.2020 Ex prime minister Philippe says: wearing a mask is becoming mandatory in all forms of public transportation
    14.06.2020 Macron says: a new phase where masks will be mandatory in all closed public spaces

    Prof. Perronne, leader of the Department of Infections at the Garches Hospital comments on governmental contradictory statements: 'We feel as if being in a circus'
    - these are political objectives, not medical
    - as if they enjoy pushing such unjustified measures
    - doctors who force masks on healthy people are insensitive - the doctor's role is not to recommend people to wear masks in summer with 30 degrees Celsius outside, to avoid spreading the virus - the mask serves no purpose when you are healthy!
    - many people feel that something irrational and abnormal is going on, yet they remain still due to the manipulation

    24.09.2020 Veran states: the anti Flu campaign starts 13.10 like every year - the Flu will be late and light due to the masks and the distancing! More due to the distancing because the studies claim the masks are not effective
    [if the masks are not effective, why are they still mandatory?]
    [how come the increase in COVID is blamed on not wearing the mask, while the decrease in Flu is attributed to wearing a mask]

    - manipulation of numbers: up until 23.10. 32k people died from the virus, death from the Flu vanished
    - health workers are testifying that non-COVID diseases are being diagnosed as COVID - there are even financial incentives to do so because for example: ordinary medical consulting costs 25 EUR, while COVID consulting costs 55 EUR (contacts and their phone numbers need to be reported too); daily stay at a hospital costs 1k EUR, while a COVID stay costs 4k EUR per day
    - many countries are re-counting their dead due to this
    - WHO recommended to ban autopsies, but several pathologists, hospitals and universities from Germany and Italy still did perform them - turns out many patients did not die from respiratory insufficiencies, but rather from thrombosis (blood clots), which was useful to start treating them early on with anti-coagulants, thus showing the need for autopsies
    - seems the WHO intended to inflate apocalyptic numbers in order to meet their previous predictions, so the numbers turned out to be mere fiction
    - Taiwan experts already warned about a specific virus in 31.12.2019, first the WHO ignored them and minimized the danger, yet later on created a world-wide panic

    WHO faults:
    - is late at recognizing transmissions
    - downplays epidemic risks
    - overestimated mortality
    - does not recommend the usage of hydroxychloroquine [HCQ]

  2. Who Said Thanks:

    alpacino (28.12.20)

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    - this epidemic scenario was known from 2011, when it was uncovered by French senators [Senate report shown on screen] - was the epidemic expected? even worse, it was desired!
    - there is a pandemic of using diagnostic methods invented by the researchers of the Flu virus, the WHO recommendations were bad, based on wrong information about the severity, conflict of interests, etc.

    - there is a treatment used for years, as shown by Dr. Didier Raoult, who claims he was using HCQ for 25 years for infectious diseases, corroborated by medical books - even Fauci (USA Minister of Health) once spoke about the usefulness of HCQ against SARS, yet nowadays he goes against it
    - the Chinese have shown the usefulness of HCQ against the first SARS, but stopped using it due to the quickly disappearing epidemic - they tried it on COVID and it worked again
    - a cardiologist notes that when his patients were showing 20-30% mortality, he felt the obligation to at least try the Dr. Raoult protocol of treatment - so he started using it on Monday and already by Friday, the effects were noticeable - the same was experienced by his colleagues - there were barely any people being reanimated and there were no cases of death! so he was very surprised by the attacks which came later on
    - ex Minister of Health Douste-Blazy describes the HCQ situation as absurd, since France was the only country that had this medicine and doctors were divided over the issue (HCQ can be dangerous for heart patients), he adds that among 7k cases in Marseilles there was not even one problem with administering HCQ, historically it was administered to 2 billion people without problems
    - contrary to all this, the Minister of Health Veran limited the usage of HCQ to specialists only on 5.3.2020 (25.03?) - the very next day the decision was worse, limiting HCQ usage only to hospitals and serious cases, which was surprising to many medical practitioners, especially since administering HCQ at later stages is not effective
    - after being asked why is he limiting a medicine known for 50 years, the Minister of Health started insulting the female doctor asking the question, shouting that the question itself is scandalous
    - other optional drugs: Lopinavir (does not work), Remdesivir (no studies, unavailable) - so 70% doctors were willing to use the Raoult protocol
    - turns out the only reason to ban HCQ, as stated in front of a parliamentary inquiry committee, was because people consume too many drugs already!
    - 7 months later the battle against HCQ still continues, especially on mainstream media, where some pro-government speakers are known to be financed by pharma companies (example: Gilead Science, the manufacturer of Remdesivir)
    - after several tries to get the information, official governmental data on the history of HCQ usage show that in the last 4 years more than 3 million pills were distributed throughout France, freely available, no prescription needed - 2 deaths were known (one was a suicide by overdose and the other was using another drug simultaneously where no actual connection to HCQ was ever established)
    - according to Perronne, any heart attacks were not caused by HCQ but rather by the virus causing COVID
    - the prestigious medical journal The Lancet buried HCQ with a study smearing HCQ, published on 22.05; soon thereafter HCQ was banned in France and elsewhere, it got cancelled for 3 ongoing studies - turns out the Lancet study was being done on 5 continents and their data was fake, invented, acquired from some statistical analysis company
    - even though the Lancet scandal was a sign of global deception, still other articles unfavorable to HCQ kept being published, like a Swiss meta-study which analyzed 800 other studies, but chose to include only 29 of them in the study; what they did not like was thrown away (cherry-picking), they even used unpublished data, it was totally fake but prior to that the media was all over the story for 3 days straight
    - such fake studies are responsible for a number of deaths worldwide because many doctors stopped using HCQ after the Lancet published it, this was observable through a peak in mortality 2-3 weeks after stopping the treatments - later on when the Lancet retracted this fake study, HCQ was being used again and mortality dropped as well - authors of the study should be held responsible for such actions
    - medicine is starting to rely on statistical analysis instead of actual laboratory research
    - most people do not realize that for 15 years the majority of what is being published is actually fake! this was the title of an article by prof. Ioannidis from 2005 - this was confirmed by other medical authorities and editors of medical journals - for example, the main editor of the Lancet said in 2016 that at least half of all published articles were fake [due to vested interests pushing the desired results], ex leading editor of the New England Journal of Medicine said: you cannot trust anything that is currently being published! Shocking!
    - still, the French Minister of Health did not revise his decision on banning the sales of HCQ
    - this Lancet scandal was done during the weekend, while the editors were not working
    - HCQ was known to be effective against both SARS and MERS for 15 years and now against COVID-19, confirmed by Dr. Zhong, a famous virologist during the SARS and MERS epidemics in 2003, who managed the Wuhan crisis in February

    HCQ was proven to be:
    - effective
    - harmless
    - cheap
    - available
    - easy to use (orally)

    - yet it was not used in the only European study called Discovery, lead by INSERM 'Institute for Medical Research' - somehow our scientific elites preferred another drug called
    Remdesivir, which is:
    - not effective
    - toxic to kidneys
    - costs $3.200
    - unavailable
    - application though injection

    - there was another attempted study on 1000 doctors who were already infected, the protocol was prepared, they asked for permission from the Ministry of Health to use HCQ, the manufacturer SANOFI promised free HCQ dosages, but nothing happened after that, even though this was an ideal chance to monitor the outcome, but the government was blocking the permits
    - still they tried the study without HCQ, using only the available Azithromycin, which showed a certain efficiency - doctors from Swiss, Spain, Belgium joined in the study, giving information of their own and they realized such bizarre events were not happening only in France, but worldwide - seems governmental authorities were banning HCQ, pharmacies were obstructing the process involving HCQ, even Azithromycin was somehow out of stock in an organized fashion in major cities

    - veterinarian labs were not allowed to do tests
    - private clinics were not allowed to accept excess hospital patients
    - independent doctors were told they would not get medical supplies after 1.10.2020
    - this epidemic is similar to others, the treatment is what differs
    - it was forbidden to make comparisons to other epidemics, like the Flu, although ti is logical to refer to known respiratory diseases
    - the course of the epidemic could be predicted due to these similarities
    - the question is: how to explain the over-usage of testing, isolating healthy people, forcing masks onto a healthy population, using masks in open spaces, accelerated development of vaccines leaving out the third phase of testing - this was never done before
    - after the ban on HCQ, the government approves Rivotril (so far used only in palliative care)

    - some hospitals refuse to accept people older than 80 years, empty hospitals refuse to accept patients for reanimation, some patients were even given an injection of Rivotril which killed them while they were suffocating
    - people in care homes were in lock-down even earlier than the general population, locked in their rooms without visits - even in prisons, the prisoners get to have a walk and visits, such inhumane treatment
    - this is a prison, every time we lose a part of our freedom in the name of safety and health, we won't be able to get it back again
    - the executive branch is given all authorities to pass unconstitutional laws based on arbitrary decisions, using force or punishment, just like in a prison - 1 million fines (135 million EUR worth) were administered, 9k in the UK
    - there is a real danger that the criminal law will put basic human rights in jeopardy, where failing to comply with isolation becomes a crime - after this becomes normal something else comes along, these are extreme measures for limiting freedoms, which were established in the Declaration on human rights and the Constitution
    - for example, Macron fixed the local elections so that the lock-down comes after the first round, which makes the second round impossible, thus intentionally sabotaging local elections

    - the virus was announced years in advance:
    - in 2009 the journalist Alexandre Adler wrote on secret CIA archives where a possible H1N1 pandemic outbreak in China was mentioned as well as a late identification of the virus, predictions of 100 millions of casualties due to economic casualties, unavailable vaccines
    - in 2010 the billionaire Rockefeller funded Foundation in USA prepared several apocalyptic scenarios (Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development) like Lock Step, predicting a pandemic outbreak in China, millions of deaths and the related measures

    - then comes the billionaire Bill Gates, a new expert on viruses, who failed to control computer viruses while running Microsoft - according to him, a return to normal will not be possible until the entire population of the planet is vaccinated
    - in 2015 he predicts a war more terrible than nuclear war - if something will kill 10 million of people in the next decades, it will be infectious viruses, microbes, not rockets - viruses can be transformed into weapons
    - Bill and Melinda Gates are suggesting that people who should be the first to get the vaccine are medical workers around the world, the African-American population of USA, poor countries, etc.

    - Jacques Attali is another visionary appearing on mainstream TV, claiming that the epidemic will end when the vaccines arrive, this could be in 1, 2 years or never! he predicted Macron would become the president and even hinted at a female president after that - his suggestion is to be ready for the next inevitable crisis, to activate a global world police, world supplies and a global world tax in order to prepare for a real world government
    - in 2009 the WHO was suspected of either overestimating the risk from an epidemic or worst case scenario, inventing a pandemic
    - legally, the lock-down in France was prepared on 5.12.2019 in parliament where the Michel Amiel Law was supposed to prepare the legal frame for a State of emergency and the lock-down - this was even before the Wuhan crisis erupted

    - the head of the WHO, Tedros was a Health Minister in Ethiopia, allegedly hiding a cholera epidemic [and a member of a marxist terrorist organization in his youth]
    - UN employees were claiming that pharma industry is the cause of major corruption on the planet, much more than the usual governmental contracts
    - conflicts of interests were discovered,
    connecting pharma company Gilead Sciences board member working as a member of Macron's scientific Committee managing the COVID crisis, also leading that Discovery study which was designed to prevent the usage of HCQ
    - prof. Raoult publicly called upon investigative journalists to discover why two comparative studies involving HCQ were stopped, even though it was showing good results
    - apparently, two Gilead Sciences shareholders are also shareholders at The Lancet, namely USA investment funds: Vanguard Group and BlackRock, known in France due being involved in the pension fund scandal
    - the same people who erroneously predicted 500k dead are still enjoying their positions

    - in 2017 Fauci announces an epidemic that is going to surprise USA
    - millions of $ are being spent on researching transmission of animal viruses to humans (a rare event in nature) - once these viruses adapt to humans, they become transmissible, which is a characteristic on a pandemic virus - then they try to find a vaccine when the virus appears - this kind of research [gain of function research] was deemed dangerous and temporarily stopped between 2014 and 2017, but they were continued with a $3 million grant to Wuhan labs
    - apparently, symptoms similar to the Wuhan outbreak were already known from March and April 2019 in USA - the Fort Detrick Lab was closed in Summer 2019 due to 'biological material' leak
    - 18.12.2019 there was a simulated pandemic scenario called Event 201 in USA arranged by the Johns Hopkins University, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), supported by the WHO
    - the 3 major news agencies informing the world public were also involved: AFP (Agence France-Presse), Associated Press (USA) and Reuters (UK) [notice how these 3 countries also have the most powerful/oldest masonic lodges]
    - turns out major news outlets were also recipients of donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, even the government gives fat 666 million EUR worth checks to the press for supporting government actions
    - likewise, practically all media are in the hands of several billionaires

    - a patent expert shows how they used a SARS virus and genetically combined it with a Malaria DNA sequence, the insertion of 157 fragments gave the SARS-COV1, patented in 2003, which means the work on this started 10 years earlier
    - in 2011 they transitioned to SARS-COV2
    - in 2015 there was a patent on Tests detecting COVID-19, thus the virus and the disease were already known
    - the virus was manipulated with, thus it is slightly more dangerous than the natural Corona viruses, but the real danger are the vaccinations that are about to come
    - the virus was manufactured in the Louis Pasteur Institute before arriving to Wuhan or elsewhere
    - the Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier speaks of a cover-up, of hiding the artificial characteristics of the virus, although luckily the virus does not like foreign manipulation and thus sheds these parts and becomes less dangerous in time

    - a team in Shanghai published their analysis of the SARS COV 2 sequences in the journal Nature 03.02.2020 but the Chinese government suddenly stopped research, the paper showed different stages of lab virus production - any molecular biology lab that has access to bat virus sequences can do this and create such a virus according to these instructions
    - the genome of 2 viruses isolated in military labs was used as a matrix for mutations using genetic engineering, creating additional capabilities of the virus
    - the probability of this virus having a natural origin is very low
    - it appears that the virus was not created to kill, due to its low efficiency, but FEAR was created - coronaviruses come from animals and they do not like humans as hosts because it makes them weaker

    - they interviewed a military intelligence operative who said that governmental actions do not resemble anti-biological combat and that he was given a document stating that the virus is not of natural origin, that it was genetically modified to be a binary virus, with increased permeability

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    - the pandemic simulation was orchestrated by the WEF based in Davos, attracting the most powerful industrialists of the planet - for 50 years they were using disasters and catastrophes of human and natural origin to further their agenda of The Great Reset, as a way towards the One World Government (as outlined by the official visionary Attali, who says that G20 is illusory, while all leads towards this world government, which may be formed before or after The War, the bacteriological war?)
    - in 2018 Bill Gates patent combines nano-particles, sensors and cryptocurrency, where cryptocurrency can be given to users based on whether their sensed body activity is verified to be within desired parameters [if vaccinated then you get some virtual money]
    - in order for this to function, a communication grid needs to be functioning, which explains the rushed installing of 5G technology in France during lock-down - this and other user data requires higher network throughput capacities than currently available [hence 5G needed]
    - without 5G there is no Internet of Things [IoT], this is one of the main goals of the UN agenda 2030 on sustainable development, which is the basis of the Great Reset
    - this is a complete control over a person: if you go to a forbidden place, you cannot use your money, if you are practicing undesirable physical activities or avoiding prescribed activities, you won't get paid - everything will be automated and money will be given according criteria decided by companies in control of your personal data, leading to an integrated control system, where individual persons will be denied self-determination

    - Ariane Bilheran, an expert for 'pathology of power' with 20 years experience, claims that historically the elite are planning conspiracies due to being afraid of losing power over the majority of the population - nowadays thoughts are criminalized
    - next measures will depend on people and their willingness to wear the mask
    - for example medical advisors in the UK Witty and Wallance keep appearing every 15 days and spreading fear with senseless prognoses, they have been caught lying several times (then after being discovered, this is explained as a misunderstanding) - unfortunately, i have come to the conclusion that the government is not my friend and the government advisers are dishonest, people should wake up - i'm afraid that people preparing these scenarios are 3-4 steps ahead of us [source: Yeadon]

    - this pandemic is just the first phase, there is a banking war going on behind the scenes - large technological companies (like Apple) have had an enormous success on the market - such a company behaves like a country, but without democracy - similarly Bezos of Amazon doubled his net worth - he is a libertarian, like all of them in decision making circles - it could happen that in this banking crisis the common banker may need protection, because technically physical money may not be needed anymore - your mobile phone can be used to accomplish online payments, contactless payments [Near Field Communication technology], and avoiding contact is a main COVID topic, including contact with physical money which circulated through many hands, therefore our credit card and mobile phone are very important here
    - moving onto purely digital currency brings problems concerning privacy and free choice of human beings - the phone has other sensors and communication pathways like Bluetooth, which is used by the 'Stop COVID' app, that was active on some people's phones in May, when their activities were remotely monitored by Google, who prepared a report on the surveillance, but Google is not the State, it is a private company - what is their ethics, what are their projects? one of them is 'immortality', something that Elon Musk announced: the possibility of influencing the human mind starting some time next year, after implanting a memory chip into the brain of a pig, as a part of the Neuralink project, rarely anyone asks questions about ethics
    - how to explain the fact that Twitter founder invested $1 billion in COVID or that he invested in Square, a financial payments company, since 2016, which started gaining momentum during COVID crisis - both leading men of Google Eric Schmidt and Twitter/Square Jack Dorsey can be found together in the Berggruen Institute, which features a program dealing with transformation of the human using biotechnology and AI, as well as cancelling of democracy as we know it, other members of this project are: Tony Blair (UK), Gordon Brown (UK), James Cameron (USA), Jacques Delors (FR), Luc Ferry (FR), Bernard-Henri Levy (FR), Alain Minc (FR), Elon Musk (USA), Xavier Niel (FR), Sean Parker (Napster) (USA), Condoleezza Rice (USA), Nicolas Sarkozy (FR), Jacques Attali (FR), etc.
    - ethics, morality and public debate are removed; some people are allowed to think, while others are supposed to comply; the elite think that you are not allowed to access this knowledge
    - [students listening to lectures at prestigious universities are being flattered/indoctrinated by their teachers like Dr. Laurent Alexandre who spoke to them in 2019:] I am an elitist and I think that the complex world of future can be steered only by intellectuals, you will be living in the golden age, we must create an inclusive society and find a way to avoid the gigantic gap, what Yuval Noah Harari calls 'the gods and the useless' - you are the gods, you will be controlling and managing over transhumanist technologies and over the useless [people], those less able to fit in the coming world - The Yellow Vests are indicators of this unbearable intellectual gap that we are creating, between the gods-winners and the useless-losers

    - the question is when will people open their eyes and react to this? will you be able to look your children in the eyes in 10-20 years and say that you did not know? our children will ask why we did not protect them, this is abominable

    plague mortality: up to 100%
    COVID mortality: 0,3-0,5%


    - in Germany, Italy, Spain, USA hundreds of doctors gave statements; extra-parliamentary commissions were formed, people are protesting in the streets, Youtube keeps censoring truthful information
    - according to psychologists and psychotherapists, children are being traumatized on a massive scale with heavy mid- and long term psychological consequences to be expected
    - the Corona measures are without a factual and legal basis, which makes them unconstitutional and they must be terminated at once [source Dr. Reiner Fuellmich]
    - thousands of citizens in 15 countries on all the continents in the world have come together to protest this coup d'etat [source Robert F. Kennedy]
    - general practitioners (GP) & doctors worldwide are getting organized, like the French 'Let The Doctors Prescribe' Collective [because they are being pushed around and pressured to implement governmental recommendations only] - in their own words: 'the information given was counterproductive for the doctors, in the beginning the recommendations were: don't visit the doctor, stay at home until seriously ill and only then call the ambulance - at the same time we were being told that the hospitals were full and the reanimation departments overcrowded - which is a direct consequence of earlier recommendations! ... we were in a situation which negates our profession, we were prevented at protecting ourselves, protecting the patient, performing tests and providing treatment ... we were pressured not to prescribe HCQ and to follow the lead of mainstream doctors and their procedures ... we should protest and apply the philosophy of our profession which we were taught during basic education ... if there was really concern for the patients, to treat them and lower their numbers, things would have been done differently

    - president of Madagascar publicly speaks about success with using a natural non-toxic, non-invasive medicine to treat COVID patients

    - more fake news from Reuters: record breaking 523 dead in 24 hours from COVID in France since April, which was later corrected to 288 without effect, since the 2nd lock-down was about to be implemented

    - our elites have chosen their weapon: fear and [a personal feeling of] responsibility
    - for 30 years a Danish researcher Peter C. Gotzche warns about the pharma industry methods in his book 'Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare': drugs kill ~200k people yearly in USA - half of them died after listening to their doctors, due to side-effects and the other half died due to errors because no doctor can memorize the whole list of numerous (20,30,40) contraindications of drugs - he showed what the top 10 companies were doing in the form of organized crime during the last 10-50 years; crime has increased because when crime pays, you get more crime

    - a young french researcher Florian Gomet started running after the lock-down just to show how there are other ways of being healthy, he ran 3,5k km without money, without a passport, across Europe during the COVID crisis

    - nowadays science has became like a religion, where ideas turned into dogmas are being defended even though they haven't even been mastered yet - per definition, religion is not to be doubted, nowadays it is impossible [not allowed] to doubt the scientific consensus - but reality exists and when the scientific consensus does not reflect reality, then we have an illusion

    - the sociologist Michelle Pincon-Charlot thinks that we find ourselves in WW3, that this is a class war waged by the richest against the poor - with AI and robots, seems there is no need for all these hungry and thirsty mouths who supposedly destroyed the environment
    - Catherine Fitts (Bush administration) says that the banks are creating a Reset of the financial system, which is a small part of the global management system, the whole world is being experimented upon

    - if tomorrow we get a new virus, a new epidemics; things will be even worse - i think we will not come out of it and fear is useful to the government
    - their challenge is how to commercialize transhumanism, it is difficult to combine technocracy and global slavery
    - people who do not see a world dictatorship advancing do not understand the situation

    - number one tactics is divide and conquer: humans against each other, males against females, one generation against the other - but we have the power to change that, because love is what created civilization: mother's love for her child, man's love for the woman

    - recently, the president of the SANOFI company (HCQ manufacturer) Bogillot in a letter to French Minister of Health Veran said how he is concerned over a high demand for HCQ [which was falsely declared toxic on 13.01.2020] and he listed (snitched on) hospitals which made such requests for treatment of COVID, he practically goes against his own product but at the end of the letter admits how he has no right to interfere - currently, HCQ is not officially banned but this has been replaced by an organized lack of supply and pressure on the doctors not to use it

    - finally, the docu author asks some of the interviewed doctors whether they will take the vaccine: one bursts with laughter, another says 'no way'
    - it was confirmed that the vaccines will be administered in special centers and not at GP's offices so as to counter any avoidance of vaccination - public officials will be doing the vaccination and everything will be documented in writing or an electronic device, this has already been decided/voted upon
    - the vaccine contains mRNA which can alter human DNA and transfer this alteration onto the next generations, children and grandchildren

    - first, we need to defeat fear, then fight for the freedom of prescribing medicine - we have everything here but we are forbidden to provide treatment - people have to do exactly the opposite of what they are being told on TV

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    Quote Originally Posted by H265
    If the masks work---Why the six feet??
    If the six feet works---Why the masks??
    If both of the above work---Why the lockdowns??
    If all three of the above work---Why the vaccine??
    If the vaccine is safe---Why protect it with a no liability clause??
    If SARS-CoV-2 exists---Why has it never been isolated??
    If SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated---How can an effective vaccine be developed??
    If the RT-PCR test works---Why so many false positives??
    If Kary Mullis, the inventor of the RT-PCR test who conveniently died in August 2019, says his test shouldn't be used to diagnose infectious diseases---Why use it to detect SARS-CoV-2??
    If there is an epidemic---Why so many empty hospitals? ?
    If large numbers of people are dying from SARS-CoV-2---Why so many fake causes of death on death certificates??
    If SARS-CoV-2 exists---Why give doctors financial incentives to diagnose SARS-CoV-2??
    If the official COVID-19 narrative is defensible---Why censor people who dispute this narrative?

    a few more of those 'absurdities':

    If the manufacturers explicitly say the masks don't work --- why are masks becoming mandatory and why any kind of mask is fine?

    If by wearing masks supposedly 'you are protecting others, not yourself' and everyone is wearing masks ... then nobody is protected!

    If healthy people cannot transfer the virus (asymptomatic transfer has not been proven) --- why apply any limits to them?

    If vaccination is safe and useful --- why fake the history of vaccination, why hide the numerous side effects, why hide the contents of vaccines, why avoid serious monitoring for side effects, why doctoring the safety studies (example: no classic placebo used), why are the manufacturer's self-made studies allowed even though they are obviously in a conflict of interests situation, why are pharma companies self-regulating with no independent or governmental control, why large scale censoring of dissenting opinion (mainstream media, mainstream science, mainstream politics, mainstream medicine)?

    If large numbers of people are dying from SARS-CoV-2 --- why the ban on performing autopsies (which can prove the cause of death), why are people not dying in the streets in huge numbers, why are ambulances not rushing around day and night, why is there no significant increase in yearly mortality even 9 months after the so-called pandemic started?

    If the Flu comes regularly every year --- Where did the Flu (numbers) go away after COVID supposedly started?

    If the RT-PCR test cannot detect a virus, if it is uncertain whether the test detects actual viral particles, if it cannot distinguish between dead or alive viral particles, if it cannot detect infection, if it cannot detect disease in progress; if RT-PCR is not even an actual test, but rather an unrelated lab amplification procedure --- why use it to detect so-called cases?

    If lock-downs destroy the economy and cause more damage than the actual virus --- why keep enforcing them?

    Why claiming 'we won't introduce any new lock-downs' and then introduce measures that are practically identical to lock-downs, just having a different label?

    Why are people still en masse being hooked up to machine respirators/ventilators (which practically guarantee death or lifelong lung damage) even though other less invasive (even featuring zero mortality) treatment procedures like HCQ are known since the beginning of the crisis?

    Why are organizations (UN,WHO) and people (Ferguson, Drosten) with a history of false alarm scare tactics (2009 Swine Flu) still allowed to be sources of information (computer projections) or actively involved as advisers in managing the crisis?

    alternative answers to why all these only seem to be absurdities:

    Why the masks?
    - to symbolically 'shut your mouth' or 'shut you up'
    - as a reminder, not to forget about the great pandemic 'ravaging' the population
    - to increase infections and respiratory problems, leading to new cases of respiratory disease, boosting false COVID stats
    - masks are used as a part of satanic rituals
    - spreading fear and panic (psychological warfare)

    Why the six feet?
    - limit human contacts (greetings, socializing, gatherings, protests, alienation)
    - mass surveillance equipment is less efficient when the distance between people drops below six feet

    Why the lock-downs?
    - less audience while 5G is being installed
    - preparing the population for future, more severe lock-downs as a part of UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030
    - having an excuse to disable ever-growing and more frequent protests
    - destroying the economy, creating large scale poverty, as a part of the Great Reset Agenda
    - because this guarantees a higher number of deaths, which is useful to further inflate COVID numbers

    Why the vaccine?
    - depopulation and weakening of health through biological warfare causing death, lifelong disabilities, sterility, disease, toxic overload, destruction of one's immune system
    - inserting programmable nanotechnology and monitoring equipment into the human body
    - desensitizing the population to keep willingly receiving continuous numerous vaccinations throughout the year
    - mass experiments on population

    Why inventing SARS-CoV-2?
    - to create a scapegoat to blame for 5G radiation effects (which are similar to Flu/Cold/other respiratory diseases)
    - to create a scapegoat to blame for the effects of vaccination (it is yearly mass vaccination which sustains yearly respiratory epidemics and it can be used as means to deliver new diseases into the population)

    Why the RT-PCR test?
    - because it can be easily manipulated to show the desired numbers

    Why so many false positives??
    - manipulation of CT (Cycle Threshold) values
    - manipulation of Primer samples
    - to keep the pandemics going with invented inflated COVID numbers

    Why so many empty hospitals? ?
    - so that people who actually need urgent hospital treatment for various reasons cannot receive it, thus likely to die sooner and then become misdiagnosed as COVID cases, also artificially increasing the overall mortality which is then used to prove the existence of the pandemic
    - and when you try and fail reaching a hospital by phone, you get the idea of them being overloaded with pandemic victims

    Why give doctors financial incentives to diagnose SARS-CoV-2??
    - so that they would over-diagnose COVID cases and artificially inflate the numbers

    Why so many fake causes of death on death certificates??
    Where did the Flu (numbers) go away?
    Why no autopsies?
    - to further inflate COVID death numbers

    Why are people still en masse being hooked up to machine respirators/ventilators?
    - because this procedure guarantees a higher number of deaths, which is useful to further inflate COVID numbers and overall mortality

    are there any actual pandemics or epidemics going on?

    YES, globally we have:

    - yearly Flu/Cold/Respiratory pandemics, yet no one officially suspects vaccines as causes and means of sustaining these pandemics - the same applies to causes such as wireless sources of EM radiation (like 5G and its predecessors, even Radio and Radar connection to past epidemics)
    - the top diseases or causes of death worldwide may be viewed as currently ongoing pandemics, yet this is being accepted as The New Normal of Health
    - a pandemic of medical misdiagnosis/misattribution (example: COVID cases, vaccination side-effects, causes of many diseases) and mistreatment (harmful therapies masquerading as medicine, like: chemo, irradiation, machine respirators/ventilators for COVID, vaccination, gene/GMO therapy, lifelong therapies, etc.)
    - a pandemic of mass murdering and experimenting on poor lab animals in the name of medical progress - in a karmic sense, now humans get a taste of their own medicine when the evil corrupt elite turn the whole human population into a lab experiment aiming at mass genocide
    - likewise, anything else used continuously, globally on a massive scale, having negative health consequences may be seen as an ongoing pandemic
    Last edited by slikrapid; 30.12.20 at 21:10. Reason: formatting fixed

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    I believe most of these characters like Gates, bezos, elon musk etc., are not the actual architects but just front men playing their part.

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    They are profiting the most. And then sponsor scenarios like this. They are just the producers, others are the screenwriters and directors.

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    all these powerful people working in front or behind the scenes, regardless of how much they know about the actual agenda being played out, are merely fools, ignorant of karmic consequences of their actions - their foolish actions are securing them a lengthy stay at some of the hellish planets, reserved for serious offenders against God's Laws - to make the situation even more absurd, they like to think of themselves as wise or illuminated (some calling themselves the Illuminati) - in a way they are the architects of their own doom, victims of their own ignorance and unhealthy desires (in this case, for godlike powers and world domination)

    the ignorance argument can be supported by the following scriptural evidence:

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke 23:34
    [[ Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.

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    I keep getting spammed with recorded audio telling me to take vaccines/vaccines are safe and other bullshit by my mobile network whenever i try to call someone. I have to cut it the first time and call again. Any way i can block these recordings?

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    Last edited by H265; 06.02.21 at 18:49.

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    Robert Savoie
    1 month ago

    Imagine a vaccine so safe you need to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.

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    Last edited by H265; 14.02.21 at 06:52.

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    Dinosaurs Never Existed

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    The class “Dinosauria” was originally defined by “Sir” Richard Owen of the Royal Society, and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum-head “coincidentally” in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. The Masonic media and mainstream press worldwide got to work hyping stories of these supposed long-lost animals, and then lo and behold, 12 years later in 1854, Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden during his exploration of the upper Missouri River, found “proof” of Owen’s theory! A few unidentified teeth he mailed to leading paleontologist Joseph Leidy, who several years later declared them to be from an ancient extinct “Trachodon,” dinosaur (which beyond ironically means “rough tooth”).

    Firstly, it should be needless to say that it is impossible to reconstruct an entire hypothetical ancient animal based on a few teeth! But even more importantly, it is dubious that a myriad of ancient reptile/bird and reptile/mammal transitional forms necessary for the blossoming theory of evolution, would be hypothesized and then conveniently “discovered” by teams of evolutionist archeologists purposely out looking to find such fossils! And it is even more dubious that such fossils have supposedly existed for millions of years but were never found by or known to any civilization in the history of humanity until evolutionism’s Masonic renaissance in the mid-19th century!

    Giant Human Beings Existed

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    The Titans, Cyclops, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, the Jolly Green Giant, or Jack’s Beanstock Giant: all these characters bring to mind fictional “mythological” imaginings, but what about in actual literal Earth history? Many people assume these so-called “tall-tales” have no basis in fact, but is that true? From the Bible to Greek mythology, Native American legends to conquistador diaries, nursery rhymes to newspapers, from Josephus and Homer to modern day historical accounts and archeological finds, evidence of giant human beings living on Earth is abundant.

    How We Know Jesus and the Early Church Existed

    Quote Originally Posted by The Ten Minute Bible Hour
    How do we know things about the distant past? How do we know details about the lives of the most famous historical figures? What about Jesus? Outside the Bible, how do we know anything about Jesus or the early Church?

    In this episode, I talk about how studying the ancient past works, and then I take a look at a bunch of writers who mentioned details about Jesus and early Christianity in the 1st and 2nd centuries. I also compare the amount of documentation that exists to confirm details about the lives of ultra-famous Greek and Roman figures with the amount of documentation that exists to confirm details about Jesus and the Church. In addition, we'll consider some of the common criticisms of the reliable historicity of Jesus.

    In just 30 lousy minutes, you can learn about history, the Bible, Jesus, Caesar, and why there's every reason to believe that Jesus existed, did remarkable things, gained a following, was executed, and then was the object of worship for a new religion immediately after his life and death.

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    Gravity Does Not Exist

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    If you fill a balloon with helium, a substance lighter than the nitrogen, oxygen and other elements which compose the air around it, the balloon will immediately fly upwards. If you blow a dandelion seed out of your hands, a substance just barely heavier than the air, it will float away and slowly but eventually fall to the ground. And if you drop an anvil from your hands, something much heavier than the air, it will quickly and directly fall straight to the ground. Now, this has absolutely nothing to do with ?gravity.? The fact that light things rise up and heavy things fall down is simply a natural property of weight. That is very different from ?gravity.? Gravity is a hypothetical magnetic-like force possessed by large masses which Isaac Newton needed to help explain the heliocentric theory of the universe.

    Relativity Does Not Exist

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Dubay
    Around the turn of the 20th century, in order to save the dying heliocentric model from the conclusive experiments of Airy, Michelson, Morley, Gale, Sagnac, Kantor, Nordmeyer and others, Albert Einstein created his Special Theory of Relativity, a brilliant revision of heliocentricism which in one philosophical swoop banished the universal aether from scientific study replacing it with a form of relativism which allowed for heliocentricism and geocentricism to hold equal merit. If there is no absolute aetheric medium within which all things exist, then hypothetically one can postulate complete relativism with regard to the movement of two objects, such as the Earth and Sun. At the time, the Michelson-Morley and Michelson-Gale experiments had already long measured and proven the existence of the aether, but the church of heliocentricism was not to be deterred, Einstein never tried to refute the experiments scientifically, choosing instead to object philosophically with his notion of ?absolute relativity,? claiming that all uniform motion is relative and there exists no absolute state of rest anywhere in the universe. Nowadays, just like the theory of heliocentricism, Einstein?s theory of relativity is accepted worldwide as gospel truth, even though he himself admitted geocentricism is equally justifiable.


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