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Thread: BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

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      BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

      Version:, by (Coder) DigitalDJ is offline

      Developer Last Online: Jun 2024 Show Printable Version Email this Page
      Category: [Multi OS] Rating:  Downloads: 1567
      Released: 23.09.20 Last Update: Never Installs: 3
      • Supported
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      • Free for all
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      • Beta Stage

      SB-Innovation Presents

      BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta

      Coded by:

      >>>>>> DigitalDJ & ghostfucker <<<<<<


      >>>>>> Butcho <<<<<<
      >>>>>> Rebound <<<<<<
      >>>>>> hitman <<<<<<
      >>>>>> Manas <<<<<<
      >>>>>> eudora <<<<<<
      >>>>>> ghostfucker <<<<<<
      >>>>>> anon <<<<<<
      >>>>>> Instab <<<<<<
      >>>>>> cloud99 <<<<<<
      >>>>>> illusive <<<<<<
      >>>>>> molosse <<<<<<
      >>>>>> --->HDBD<--- <<<<<<

      Supplied by:

      >>>>>> SB-Innovation <<<<<<

      Original Mod by:

      >>>>>> Shu <<<<<<

      Change Log:

      + Fix PerfectSpoof sending User-Agent to tracker

      + Integrated Peer Injector 0.3 by anon

      + Perfect Spoof 2 by ghostfucker

      + uTorrent ID Generator

      + Modifiable Client Files

      + Ghostleech

      + LTEP Fixes

      + Multiple peerlist entries fixed

      + More No Report Options

      + (Fake Upload) Stop faking when swarm speed is zero

      + Upload Kicker

      + Ratio Tool

      + Synced with latest LegitBly Mod

      + (Upload Multiplier) Show as seeder

      + (SBI-Hack Torrentview) Scrollbars added

      + Fix Tracker Update Interval Divider

      + Use Swarm Peers fixed

      + Updated core to BiglyBT

      BiglyBT Change Log:
      BiglyBT Change Log
      Vuze Change Log


      1. Download the latest OpenJDK Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release).
      2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download). Do not open BiglyBT after installation.
      3. BACK UP YOUR TORRENT LIST! IT IS LIKELY YOU WILL LOSE IT! You must export your torrents. Copying or exporting / importing old configurations will not work.
      4. Extract the hack files using 7-Zip (7-Zip Download) or equivalent to %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT) and overwrite ALL files.
      5. Delete the "jre" folder in %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
      6. Open the OpenJDK archive downloaded in step 1 and extract the "jdk-XX" folder to the BiglyBT folder %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).
      7. Rename the extracted "jdk-XX" folder to "jre".
      8. Run Notepad as Administrator and open %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT\BiglyBT.exe.vmoptions (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT\BiglyBT.exe.vmoptions), append the following line:
      NOTE: If you want to run BiglyBT-console.exe perform step 8 but instead create file "BiglyBT-console.exe.vmoptions"
      9. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

      1. Download and install the latest Java. It must be Java version 15 or higher. (JDK GA Release). Note the path to the OpenJDK archive downloaded. You will need it for step 5.
      2. Download and install the latest non-beta BiglyBT release (BiglyBT - Download).
      4. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to /Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt and overwrite ALL files.

      NOTE: To see the folder in Finder, you may need to perform the following steps:
      4a. Open Terminal
      4b. Run the following command:
      defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
      4c. Hold the "Option/Alt" key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch
      4d. Once you have copied the files, you can revert to hiding folders with:
      defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
      5. Open up a Terminal and run the following commands. NOTE: You need to replace "PATH_TO_OPENJDK_ARCHIVE" in the first command to the path to the OpenJDK archive from step 1.
      sudo rm -r "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle"
      sudo tar -xzf "$OPENJDK_ARCHIVE" -C "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/"
      sudo mv "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jdk-"* "/Applications/BiglyBT/.install4j/jre.bundle"
      echo -e "\n--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" | sudo tee -a "/Applications/BiglyBT/.biglybt/java.vmoptions"
      6. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

      NOTE: Based on Ubuntu 20.04
      1. Install the latest OpenJDK and libjna package from your distro's package repository. On Ubuntu 20.04 this is openjdk-15-jre and libjna-java.
      NOTE: Some distros do not have an OpenJDK of version 9 or greater available. In which case, you will need to download and extract the tar.gz package supplied by OpenJDK (JDK GA Release).
      sudo apt install openjdk-15-jre libjna-java
      2. Download the latest non-beta BiglyBT release and make it executable (BiglyBT - Download).
      wget https://files.biglybt.com/installer/BiglyBT_Installer.sh
      chmod +x BiglyBT_Installer.sh
      4. Run the installer, specifying app_java_home variable to your JRE folder. On Ubuntu, this is: /usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/
      app_java_home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-amd64/" ./BiglyBT_Installer.sh
      5. Extract the hack files within the ZIP file to "~/biglybt" (/home/<username>/biglybt)
      unzip -o BiglyBT_*.zip -d ~/biglybt
      6. Append the following VM options:
      echo "--patch-module=java.base=ghostfucker_utils.jar" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      echo "--add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol=ALL-UNNAMED" >> ~/.biglybt/java.vmoptions
      7. Run BiglyBT and Enjoy!

      Before posting problems please make sure:
      1. You have updated Java in the "jre" folder to the latest version (must be Java 15 or higher) (JDK GA Release]).
      2. You have uninstalled BiglyBT using the uninstaller.
      3. You have removed the BiglyBT Application folder:
      C:\Program Files\BiglyBT (Windows x64)
      C:\Program Files (x86)\BiglyBT (Windows x86)
      /Applications/BiglyBT (macOS)
      ~/biglybt / /home/<username>/biglybt (Linux)
      4. You have removed the BiglyBT Settings folder:
      %APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\BiglyBT (Windows XP - Application Data may be Hidden)
      %APPDATA%\BiglyBT / C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BiglyBT (Windows Vista - AppData may be Hidden)
      /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BiglyBT (macOS)
      ~/.biglybt / /home/<username>/.biglybt (Linux)
      5. Reinstalled BiglyBT using the package from BiglyBT - Download.
      6. Re-applied the hack by following the installation instructions above.

      Portable Mode:
      Portable mode is now built into BiglyBT / Vuze. See wiki article: Portable Vuze.


      Supporters / CoAuthors

      Show Your Support

      • If you like this modification support the author by donating.
      • For saying thanks to the author, please click here.
      • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

    Who Said Thanks:

    Clectus1 (05.12.20) , sneakayz47 (04.12.20) , Paranormal (22.11.20) , epicwin101 (21.11.20) , dhunterhell (05.11.20) , cloud99 (31.10.20) , jens32 (26.10.20) , boogeyman12 (26.10.20) , GhostCode (08.10.20) , Snitlev (02.10.20) , Sazzy (01.10.20) , eragooo (26.09.20) , mercuryf (25.09.20) , Lucas Kane (24.09.20) , illusive (24.09.20) , anon (24.09.20) , qUeLo (23.09.20) , sigduwksnsksis9283 (23.09.20)

  1. #77

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    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/biglybt/ui/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 53.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    	at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
    	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    	at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    	at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(LauncherEngine.java:77)
    	at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(WinLauncher.java:94)
    i got this error, i followed all the step. but there is a strange situation, when i dont have jre folder after installation, but i still copy JDK and rename it into jre into the installation folder.
    I tried JDK 15 and JDK16
    still get the same error

    this is my vmoption file
    -include-options ${APPDATA}\BiglyBT\java.vmoptions
    Last edited by sashiagustina; 08.12.20 at 08:12.
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  2. #78
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sashiagustina View Post
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/biglybt/ui/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 53.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
    See http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthread.php?p=359461 onwards.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    sashiagustina (08.12.20)

  4. #79
    i had a silly question related to the peer id and such, i have no idea on how in depth each client detection works so speaking as no brainer here. I cheat from mratio(qbit client) and same client version for bbtem now usually i just cheat and after it is done i stop it and move the torrent to bbtem for seeding purposes. since im using the same client the peer id is bound to change and considering this is happening in within few seconds should i be worry or is it safe?
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  5. #80
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigduwksnsksis9283 View Post
    I cheat from mratio(qbit client) and same client version for bbtem now usually i just cheat and after it is done i stop it and move the torrent to bbtem for seeding purposes. since im using the same client the peer id is bound to change and considering this is happening in within few seconds should i be worry or is it safe?
    qBittorrent uses an individual peer_id and key for each entry, and retains them until the client is closed. This behavior prevents you from making excuses because...
    • You can't claim you merely stopped and started the torrent, the values don't change in that case.
    • Removing and readding does generate different values for the "same" one (technically a new entry), but there's no plausible reason to do that, let alone constantly.
    • Running two instances of the client and "moving" torrents between them also results in different values, but there's no reason to do that either.

    Bottom line: it's a detection vector, a small one that's unlikely to be noticed, but you have no truly convincing argument to give if it does happen. You have to either accept this or not move torrents between programs.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  6. Who Said Thanks:

    sigduwksnsksis9283 (08.12.20)

  7. #81
    guess i'll use another client then
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  8. #82
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    The problem is, you don't have a lot of choices. The ideal scenario would be one where both peer_id and key are individual and volatile, because then you could use the same port and look 100% realistic. However, in all major clients, at least one of them is either global or persistent. A client where both are global and persistent would also work in theory, except that mRatio does not support the input of "foreign" identification data (only exception: memory reader) and BiglyBT Extreme Mod only allows a custom peer_id. Keep in mind this wasn't designed to be used alongside another program.

    I was going to write a long reply about how it could be done with uTorrent if you resort to several complicated workarounds that have considerate room for error, but it's not worth it. I suggest either separating your activity so that you never need to "move" torrents from the same tracker between programs, or using the BBTEM's ratio tool instead of mR.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  9. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    The problem is, you don't have a lot of choices. The ideal scenario would be one where both peer_id and key are individual and volatile, because then you could use the same port and look 100% realistic. However, in all major clients, at least one of them is either global or persistent. A client where both are global and persistent would also work in theory, except that mRatio does not support the input of "foreign" identification data (only exception: memory reader) and BiglyBT Extreme Mod only allows a custom peer_id. Keep in mind this wasn't designed to be used alongside another program.

    I was going to write a long reply about how it could be done with uTorrent if you resort to several complicated workarounds that have considerate room for error, but it's not worth it. I suggest either separating your activity so that you never need to "move" torrents from the same tracker between programs, or using the BBTEM's ratio tool instead of mR.
    I would love to stay only on bbtem's ratio tool but see i have the problem of being dumb.
    I can't optimize this so help me on this.

    this "Downloads" and "Stops" the torrent.
    now lets is there a way to make it auto/directly turn on "fake report to tracker system" and then turn on speed++ and then few of its stuff from there? if not then i guess that's my resort but i will have to test this on a tracker to optimize it my way.

    also why does the downfake amount vanish whenever i disable the "ratio tool" and switch "fake report to tracker system"? is this known bug or am i doing something wrong.
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  10. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigduwksnsksis9283 View Post
    this "Downloads" and "Stops" the torrent.

    now lets is there a way to make it auto/directly turn on "fake report to tracker system" and then turn on speed++ and then few of its stuff from there?
    The last checkbox ensures the torrent is added as stopped. Otherwise, the default behavior is to force start if the ratio tool is enabled. Obviously this only makes sense when changed in the global settings and has no effect on individual ones, since you'll have already added the torrent by then.

    There is no feature to automatically change modes upon torrent completion or any other criteria. If you need the swarm settings (which is what I'm guessing here), you'll have to settle for 22f. Also, it looks like your maximum download speed is lower than the minimum

    also why does the downfake amount vanish whenever i disable the "ratio tool" and switch "fake report to tracker system"? is this known bug or am i doing something wrong.
    Since both features are mutually exclusive I'd guess this is intentional, sort of like a fresh start when you switch modes (as 15a can also alter this stat).
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. Who Said Thanks:

    sigduwksnsksis9283 (08.12.20)

  12. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    The last checkbox ensures the torrent is added as stopped. Otherwise, the default behavior is to force start if the ratio tool is enabled. Obviously this only makes sense when changed in the global settings and has no effect on individual ones, since you'll have already added the torrent by then.

    There is no feature to automatically change modes upon torrent completion or any other criteria. If you need the swarm settings (which is what I'm guessing here), you'll have to settle for 22f. Also, it looks like your maximum download speed is lower than the minimum
    alright so tell me one thing, what does it do after it is downloaded? send the completion of file announce? if so i guess i can deal with this.

    PS: the speed was that for example reasons
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  13. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigduwksnsksis9283 View Post
    what does it do after it is downloaded? send the completion of file announce?
    Yes, unless you enable option 6 (which is not mutually exclusive with anything) for that torrent
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Yes, unless you enable option 6 (which is not mutually exclusive with anything) for that torrent
    Nice, another question since it is yes.

    so whenever "ratio tool" is turned on the show you as seeder gets disabled, will i get in trouble for just sending a complete and then after i switch to the fake report system and the show you as seeder is not enabled by default? maybe im overthinking
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  15. #88
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    Changes apply immediately. If you switch before the next tracker update is due, they won't notice anything. You can also have "show you as seeder" without leaving the ratio tool, by setting 22c to 100.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  16. Who Said Thanks:

    sigduwksnsksis9283 (09.12.20)

  17. #89

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    Hi everyone just two question please

    i try 3x times reinstall and i never see the JRE folder....
    5. Delete the "jre" folder in %PROGRAMFILES%\BiglyBT (C:\Program Files\BiglyBT).

    anyway i always upload the JDK from openJDK and rename..


    In console i getting always this error

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	err.PNG 
Views:	13 
Size:	54.5 KB 
ID:	20838

    Thanks for a help :-)
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  18. #90
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    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.net.www.protocol.https.PsHttpsURLConnectionImpl
    Did you edit the .vmoptions file as described in the first post?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  19. #91
    Hello. A new beta version was released. Would it be possible to provide an update?
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