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Thread: Couple of Changes

  1. #1
    Member Cr@zYiNsEiN's Avatar
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    Couple of Changes

    Hello SB-Innovation Team,

    I want to recommend a couple of changes to the forum board so that it (the forum) can accommodate a better "User Experience" to the members. I will be proposing the changes step by step to explain each and how it can benefit other members.

    So the kick things off, here they are: -

    1) Ability to mention people's names in posts and threads and their member profile (URL to their profile) gets embedded.

    Why? At times, I want to mention people's names on my posts, and others reading it may find it challenging to get to the member's profile. Without this feature, I would have to mention the person's name with an "@" or "#" (<- I don't think I've used it yet. However, I just wrote it down for the sake of throwing more light on my point). Next, I would need to manually search for the member profile link and then join it by embedding the link using the "[URL]" tag. This happens to be way too much work to mention a member's name of SB-Innovation.

    Read a staff member's PM. This feature can't be implemented.

    Just a heads up! The second one relies on the first change. If the SB-Innovation Team happens to ignore the first one for some reason, skip to the third feature/change.

    2) User name mention(s) show up in "Notifications" instead of having to go through "Unread Posts" manually.

    Why? It would separate regular posts from posts where I should be paying attention too. I hope the explanation has made things clear.

    Read a staff member's PM. This feature can't be implemented.

    3) Getting notifications that the person you mentioned in a particular thread or post has seen your thread or post.

    Why? Things are pretty much self-explained here. To those reading this, if you still need an answer to why. Well, here is why. It would help know that the person you mentioned in a particular thread or post has seen your thread or post. Also you wouldn't have to keep Personal Messaging the person in question to see your posts.

    Read a staff member's PM. This feature can't be implemented.

    4) Ability to bump threads for member's attention without having to make a useless post.
    Why? I don't want to risk my account from getting banned for spamming the forum board. I worked hard to learn and get where I am, and I wouldn't want to risk things to get members' attention.

    Solved read post

    Note 1: - Being honest here, I did risk my account getting banned within the first year I registered
    as I had set up two accounts. SB-Innovation doesn't allow this, and it is mentioned in the Forum Rules.
    Every user must have his own and only one account.
    A moderator warned me, and the account was deleted.

    5) Ability to mark threads as safe or unsafe by the Original Poster (only for the mods or tools client file(s)/mods or tools emulation(s) sub-forums or whatever you call them).
    I've mentioned some of the sub-forums that require them. Others don't need this feature as there's no requirement for them.
    Why? Members creating client files should be able to mark Mods or Tools client(s) or emulations threads safe or unsafe. This is so if some member, moderator, or administrator happens to find an error with a particular mod or tool client(s) or emulation(s), the thread can be marked unsafe until unless the author of the client(s) or emulation(s) or someone carries out whatever needs be to carried out to fix things. Then and only then can the thread be made unsafe. Doing this will help members be aware of what's safe and unsafe and prevent the moderators and administrators from being bothered to keep changing the thread's name or status. <- Depending on what is implemented.

    Note 1: - Yes, I have intentionally left out the ranks of members because they are nevertheless members.
    Note 2: - Yes, I am quite aware the @anon has the highest number of client(s) or emulation(s) releases and happens to be active and still at it.

    6) Warn members from posting on old and irrelevant threads. Also, bypassing a certain number of these warnings lead to a strict form of punishment.
    Why? Things are pretty much self-explained here. To those reading this, if you still need an answer to why. Well, here is why. I noticed posts in which a couple of members have made posts on old threads that are irrelevant or outdated. These members are merely posting for the reason of increasing their post count on this forum board.

    It is already implemented, according to post

    7) Removing third-party tracking cookies and scripts from SB-Innovation.
    Why? Just picture a typical day online. You start it off by checking texts and emails, then scroll through Facebook on the way to work and post a photo of your breakfast on Facebook, tagging the cafe. At noon, you check showtimes for a movie that a friend recommended on Twitter and looked up prices for some new phone you want.
    Later in the day, you begin seeing recommended tweets about that movie, web ads for that phone, and suggestions for breakfasts or coffees to try. It's no coincidence; it's data-tracking. Third parties work with websites to insert additional tracking methods.
    I don't mind the tracking as sometimes my work of finding something good and cheap is cut short. But some creepy ads can be notably annoying, especially when making incorrect assumptions. At times, my family and friends use my devices and find themselves being served with ads based on what I read, click, and visit online. Things get a bit awkward, and I have some difficult explaining to do.

    Can't be done according to post

    Note 1: Yes, I use Firefox as it has a built-in tracker blocker. Yes, I use an AdBlocker add-on. Yes, I use a VPN. Yes, I use Tor. Yes, I do specific searches with a private window. Yes I periodically, clear my cookies and history. Yes, I periodically purge my Google ad history. Yes, I do opt-out of interest-based ads. However, I still get served with ads. Either I am too slow to keep up with Third-Party tracker blocking, or the "Third-Party Advertisers" keep finding a loophole to continue tracking me.

    Note 2: - Facebook and Twitter are two examples I've used because they are amongst the two that caught my eye on SB-Innovation.

    Note 3: - If enabling third-party tracking is set up to pay for the server, hosting, or maintenance costs indirectly, please ignore the last suggestion. If not, please take it down.

    Additional Note 1: - If some suggestions have already been asked before and ignored by the SB-Innovation Team, please let me know. I will strike them from my list.

    Additional Note 2: - Yes, I searched for the following suggestion via the search feature on SB-Innovation before making a thread here. Also, I didn't find relevant results; that why I made this thread in the first place.

    Additional Note 3:- If you are not part of the SB-Innovation Team and decide to participate in the thread, please keep your posts relevant.
    Last edited by Cr@zYiNsEiN; 04.11.20 at 10:10. Reason: Added new suggestion (#3)!

  2. Who Said Thanks:

    sashiagustina (03.11.20)

  3. #2

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    indeed, very comprehensive suggestion thread. fascinating to read it, hopefully it will be implemented in forum soon

  4. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cloud99 View Post
    1) Ability to mention people's names in posts and threads and their member profile (URL to their profile) gets embedded.

    2) User name mention(s) show up in "Notifications" instead of having to go through "Unread Posts" manually.
    Good idea. Thread subscriptions are already able to provide similar functionality, but not as specific. And sending PMs or VMs to say "hi, check this post" gets annoying quickly.

    3) Ability to bump threads for member's attention without having to make a useless post.
    We don't consider this to be inappropriate behavior (of course, all extremes are bad) nor take action against it. There is already a double post merger to automatically handle the most egregious cases.

    4) Ability to mark threads as safe or unsafe by the Original Poster (only for the mods or tools client file(s)/mods or tools emulation(s) sub-forums or whatever you call them).
    I don't think this is necessary. We want client files shared on the corresponding sections to always be considered safe in principle; no one should knowingly post an emulation or program that is detectable or flawed. (Borderline cases like "encryption vs. no encryption" or "Transmission for Windows vs. Transmission for Linux" can be addressed with a note on the first post.)

    Of course, mistakes can happen, and if they do, the attachment(s) can be deleted until they're worked out. If people don't see a download link in the meantime and can't be bothered to read the thread and find out why, that's their fault.

    5) Warn members from posting on old and irrelevant threads. Also, bypassing a certain number of these warnings lead to a strict form of punishment.
    We already take action against this. Most of those posts have been deleted, perhaps before you saw them. Whenever you think we missed something, feel free to hit the report button.

    6) Removing third-party tracking cookies and scripts from SB-Innovation.
    Ideally, there would be no Google Analytics, Facebook or Twitter scripts, nor would Cloudflare be used. Unfortunately, the first three are monopolies on their corresponding fields, and as a webmaster, you have to play nice with them if you want people to find you and to have an online presence. As for Cloudflare, the forum has been targeted by many DDoS attacks in the past, and they're the only protection we know that is both effective and affordable (hint: there are no donation buttons, paid downloads or advertisements here). In any case, the social networking stuff is not very active, although it has been helpful during downtimes. I'm sure those can be replaced with static links.

    Later in the day, you begin seeing recommended tweets about that movie, web ads for that phone, and suggestions for breakfasts or coffees to try. It's no coincidence; it's data-tracking. Third parties work with websites to insert additional tracking methods.
    My my, this explains those "uncensored JAV streaming" and "you will cum 5 times in 1 minute if you play this game" banners I keep seeing!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  5. Who Said Thanks:

    Cr@zYiNsEiN (04.11.20)

  6. #4
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, the script removal for Facebook and Twitter is a no-go, since there's no way to remove them while preserving all functionality for those who do want to use the buttons. You're welcome to block them on the client side, my personal method of choice is the Acrylic DNS Proxy hosts file.

    # Facebook
    NX > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >fbcdn-* > > > >fbexternal-* > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > fbexternal-* fbstatic-* igcdn-*
    #@ facebook.txt
    # Twitter
    NX > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > /ns[1-4]\.p34\.dynect\.net > > > > > > > >
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    Cr@zYiNsEiN (04.11.20)

  8. #5
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    Hello To SB-Innovation Team,
    I've added a new suggestion to the list, which is numbered as #3. Please check the first post in the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Good idea. Thread subscriptions are already able to provide similar functionality, but not as specific. And sending PMs or VMs to say "hi, check this post" gets annoying quickly.

    Will the #1 and #2, and #3 get implemented? Just a heads up! I've also put in a third one to the list, which is also similar, which also happens to be identical to #1 and #2. I ask about the implementation to strike it off my list in the original post, and when it's all done, I'll request to shut down this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    We don't consider this to be inappropriate behavior (of course, all extremes are bad) nor take action against it. There is already a double post merger to automatically handle the most egregious cases.
    Okay! I will try and avoid this with my activity. Just another question. How long should I exactly wait before making such a post? A week, two, a month?

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I don't think this is necessary.
    Okay, I will strike it out of my list after I finish making this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    (Borderline cases like "encryption vs. no encryption" or "Transmission for Windows vs. Transmission for Linux" can be addressed with a note on the first post.)
    I tried doing this from the start. Will continue doing so to keep members aware of the type, build, OS version, and OS build.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Of course, mistakes can happen, and if they do, the attachment(s) can be deleted until they're worked out.
    I didn't know you could do this. I always imagined, once you've attached something data to a post, only members of the staff could remove it. Also, that happens to be the reason why you found one of my emulation threads with two download zip files. Anyway will do what you mentioned from now on, whenever there's any error's detected in the client files.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    If people don't see a download link in the meantime and can't be bothered to read the thread and find out why, that's their fault.
    Thanks for clearing this up.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    We already take action against this. Most of those posts have been deleted, perhaps before you saw them. Whenever you think we missed something, feel free to hit the report button.
    Will do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    you have to play nice with them if you want people to find you and to have an online presence.
    Go it. I will strike out this out from my suggestion after making this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    As for Cloudflare, the forum has been targeted by many DDoS attacks in the past, and they're the only protection we know that is both effective and affordable (hint: there are no donation buttons, paid downloads or advertisements here).
    Wow! This is new knowledge for me. I didn't know that Cloudflare protected SB-Innovation. I just confirmed this by looking up the response headers from SB-Innovation. I will send you a Private Message regarding this CloudFlare protection, which is also something you should pass down to all moderators, admins, and the forum board owner (if there's one).

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I'm sure those can be replaced with static links.
    I will look into this when I have time. Thanks for the information.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    My my, this explains those "uncensored JAV streaming" and "you will cum 5 times in 1 minute if you play this game" banners I keep seeing!
    I know for sure that Google doesn't allow certain types of adult content in ads and destinations.
    Whereas Facebook. Facebook's guidelines for Adult Products or Services state, "Ads must not promote the sale or use of adult products or services, except for ads for family planning and contraception." But people keep finding loopholes on them. I'm sure you can find people questioning certain ads on Facebook and how it managed to get approved in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Unfortunately, the script removal for Facebook and Twitter is a no-go,
    Thanks for trying anyway. I will strike this from my list.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    You're welcome to block them on the client side, my personal method of choice is the Acrylic DNS Proxy hosts file.
    I will strike this from my list. Also I will bookmark this post for further looking into this. Can I make another thread dedicated to this after I have done my research on the matter? So that a member of the staff can shut down my suggestion thread as soon as possible.
    Last edited by Cr@zYiNsEiN; 04.11.20 at 10:12. Reason: Fixed "Code Tags."

  9. #6
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cloud99 View Post
    Okay! I will try and avoid this with my activity. Just another question. How long should I exactly wait before making such a post? A week, two, a month?
    There isn't a defined period, just use common sense

    I didn't know you could do this. I always imagined, once you've attached something data to a post, only members of the staff could remove it. Also, that happens to be the reason why you found one of my emulation threads with two download zip files. Anyway will do what you mentioned from now on, whenever there's any error's detected in the client files.
    Attachments can be deleted by editing their associated post or from the "Attachments" list in your user control panel. Note that posts cannot be edited after 48 hours have passed.

    Wow! This is new knowledge for me. I didn't know that Cloudflare protected SB-Innovation. I just confirmed this by looking up the response headers from SB-Innovation. I will send you a Private Message regarding this CloudFlare protection, which is also something you should pass down to all moderators, admins, and the forum board owner (if there's one).
    Looking forward to this.

    Can I make another thread dedicated to this after I have done my research on the matter?

    Thread closed by request.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  10. Who Said Thanks:

    Cr@zYiNsEiN (06.11.20)

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