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Thread: Height

  1. #1

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    How can I increase my height .I am 18 and half :5ft 5inch only
    Very much stressed about my height .Is there anyway to increase then that would be great guys .
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  2. #2
    Member Cr@zYiNsEiN's Avatar
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    Hi there,
    Increases in height are principally due to the lengthening of your long bones, as the growth plates are still active or ?open.? Near the end of puberty, hormonal changes make the growth plates to harden or ?close,? and the lengthening of bones to come to a standstill. Growth plates close around ages 14 and 19 in men and age 16 in women. You should know that even with a healthy diet, most people?s height won?t increase after age 18 to 20.

    Many people claim that climbing, hanging, using an inversion table, and swimming can increase your height. Sadly, there is no good evidence to support these claims. Your height varies somewhat throughout the day due to the compression and decompression of the cartilage discs in your spine. By decompressing your discs, some of these activities could momentarily increase your height to a minimal extent. But that's it.

    Suppose you're short, people are going to make jokes about it. They make them to make you feel bad and themselves good. But if you're the first to make jokes, if you engage in a little self-deprecating humor, they'll be much less inclined to make them. It will also make them like you more because it will be apparent that you have good humor, and people like that.

    I mean, believing that your height is tied to whether you'll be happy and prosperous is a little like believing what the Crystal Ball says (if you believe in that shit). Life is what you make of it. And you can be satisfied, content, and wealthy at any height (or hair color or weight or income level).
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    GodDamn (19.10.20)

  4. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Well, you could pull a Milhouse (skip to the 3:38 mark).

    Silliness aside, I find cloud99's advice accurate (though I wish he had credited the original source ) and don't think there are any magic methods here. As long as you've eaten well and gotten enough exercise during your formative years, it's pretty much up to genetics.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    PimpThisLamar (20.10.20) , GodDamn (20.10.20) , Cr@zYiNsEiN (19.10.20)

  6. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by GodDamn
    How can I increase my height .I am 18 and half :5ft 5inch only
    Very much stressed about my height
    obsessing or stressing about your height is nonsensical
    there is a reason why you were given this particular body (karma) and you're supposed to accept your body as it is

    surely, you possess certain unique or above average qualities compared to other people, even if height may not be one of them
    as opposed to worrying about the physical, it is better to strengthen your self-esteem and build character

    more importantly, every person ought to focus on spiritual matters (eternal, transcendental) and deal with material things (physical, psychological, emotional, mental) only insofar as necessary or when really needed - case in point, you don't need to be higher for your body to function properly, it is not a health issue and therefore no particular effort ought to be made regarding your height

    actually, you may consider yourself fortunate, because there are 'trillions' of living beings less fortunate than you, for example those who were (according to their karma) forced to accept lesser bodies, like those of animals or plants, who are incapable of understanding anything about their (spiritual) identity or things like the purpose or meaning of their lives

    Quote Originally Posted by cloud99
    Life is what you make of it.
    which means: the way you are living this life will determine where you end up in your next life
    similarly, the way you were living your previous life determined where you ended up in this life

    And you can be satisfied, content, and wealthy at any height (or hair color or weight or income level).
    material wealth, satisfaction or contentment are temporary and transient, they are not eternal and therefore not worth pursuing

    whatever wealth you gain in this life will be lost (at least) at the time of death
    whatever satisfaction you experienced throughout this life will be lost after some time has passed

    an intelligent person seeks that which is never lost, that which is eternal and transcendental
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    PimpThisLamar (20.10.20) , Cr@zYiNsEiN (20.10.20) , GodDamn (20.10.20)

  8. #5

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    will do man , thank you very much for your advice
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