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Thread: the tool to drool

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    people preffer to be controled or lied rather to face the truth "
    meeting the truth would mean they'd have to change their ways (of living) and rarely anyone is willing to do so - nevertheless, nature will force them to reconsider, over and over again, until they either wise up or run out of chances in this incarnation - then they will be forced to accept another body in less favorable conditions and history repeats itself
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  2. #17
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    then they will be forced to accept another body in less favorable conditions and history repeats itself
    you basically describe living in hell -ofcourse with the condition that they are conscious enough about it -when ignorance is soo beatifull and confortable bliss
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  3. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    you basically describe living in hell
    actually, i was describing life in this world (applicable to all living beings) - hell, on the other hand is much much worse, reserved for serious offenders
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  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    actually, i was describing life in this world
    What's the difference? lol
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  5. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    What's the difference? lol
    in this world you have a chance to improve, hell doesn't offer such options
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  6. #21
    Does everyone have that chance? Some times it feels like there is none
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  7. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    Does everyone have that chance?
    animals and plants do not have this chance, until they reincarnate as humans
    humans in barbaric or primitive or immoral or atheist societies or families generally have little chance

    Some times it feels like there is none
    not sure what you mean
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  8. #23
    Idk I'm pretty sure I'm in hell right now.
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  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy View Post
    Idk I'm pretty sure I'm in hell right now.
    Things will get better
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  10. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    Idk I'm pretty sure I'm in hell right now.
    well, hell is an actual place beneath the Earth's surface, without sunlight, therefore in this case it can be ruled out

    what you're feeling are the results of karma, of your past activities - these results are sometimes pleasing and at other times displeasing, sometimes brief in duration and at other times extended
    even people with a very good karmic balance experience pain or miseries, that is what happens in this world, it is sometimes called a place of miseries

    the only way out is through spiritual advancement according to revealed methods, where only those who reach the highest level of realization are guaranteed never to return or fall down again
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  12. #26
    DarkSaibot v.1.3.10's Avatar
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    @ Sazzy : i know the felling - basically i won't see anything good in the real world and most of the time i'm just plain dull and numbed about outside world seeing just fake people - fake subjects - a whole bunch of clichés - selfishness and notting pure that come's in a altruistic purpose from the bottom of the heart - beside hate violance and ugly inside people - long story short - i see how the reptilian brain from people has never evolved for a better humanity -they just learned to hide'it better - but i still have hope - and i'm saying this wihout going to anything shitty in my life - is just a cynical analysis about humanity with no byass


    based on the reincarnation theory i have 4 question for you :

    1)who decided the reincarnation ? a god ? the cosmos ? who put the first rule of reincarnation
    2) wha't the main goal of reincarnation - or the final step or the end of reincarnation
    3) the rule of reincarnation apply to wich species ? only humans and animal ? every living creature from earth only ? how about aliens ? can an alien reincarnate in a human and vice-versa
    4) on how many dimensions reincarnation apply ? 2 dimension - 3 dimensions like us - 10 dimensions ?
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  13. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    basically i won't see anything good in the real world and most of the time i'm just plain dull and numbed about outside world seeing just fake people - fake subjects - a whole bunch of clichés - selfishness and notting pure that come's in a altruistic purpose from the bottom of the heart - beside hate violance and ugly inside people
    interestingly, you just described the contents of movies and tv-shows: fake, increasingly ugly and mind-numbing

    i see how the reptilian brain from people has never evolved for a better humanity
    there's no such thing as a 'reptilian brain' in humans, though human bodily features may visually or functionally resemble those of other species
    human brain (as a materialistic object or organ) doesn't evolve - not counting the growing up period
    a better humanity is achieved by changing one's behavior, by adopting better ways (one better person already means a better humanity, albeit slightly better on average)

    based on the reincarnation theory
    its not a theory

    1)who decided the reincarnation ? a god ? the cosmos ? who put the first rule of reincarnation
    not 'a god', the (supreme) God
    the cosmos is composed of matter without the ability to decide

    2) wha't the main goal of reincarnation - or the final step or the end of reincarnation
    there may be several related purposes:
    - to re-incarnate, to again enter a materialistic body - to continue experiencing life in the materialistic world, while it lasts (we're talking trillions of years)
    - to allow souls plenty of time to achieve higher levels of realization
    - to give them what they wanted (to experience life in the materialistic world)
    - to give them what they deserve, what meets their spiritual qualifications (they qualified for entering this world)

    the end of reincarnation means to exit the cycles of birth and death (spiritual qualifications required)
    for advanced souls the end of reincarnation may be temporary (liberation, liberated souls) or permanent (only those who reach the highest level of realization)

    3) the rule of reincarnation apply to wich species ? only humans and animal ? every living creature from earth only ? how about aliens ? can an alien reincarnate in a human and vice-versa
    applies to all species that qualify for life in the materialistic world (incl. humans, animals and plants)
    a living being can reincarnate only in species within this universe

    an 'alien' is a term that can have many meanings: stranger/foreigner/extra-terrestrial - what we call 'Earth' (our known continents) is just a small part of the actual Earth, so there are many other terrestrial (earthly) species living around our known inhabited area, then there are living beings above the Earth (demigods and their associates), beings below the Earth (demons and their associates) - this kind of division or structure, living conditions and rules are then repeated throughout all the other (innumerable) universes, contained within the materialistic world, thus some inhabitant of any of those universes may also be called an alien, from our perspective

    4) on how many dimensions reincarnation apply ? 2 dimension - 3 dimensions like us - 10 dimensions ?
    there's only 3 spatial dimensions - anything more (or less) than that is just a theoretical construct (imaginary)
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  14. #28
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    there's no such thing as a 'reptilian brain' in humans
    i was refering about the primal brain (not to think about reptilians ) Triune brain model or our basic behaviors - that acutally define us human - the compulsive one - i need to eat -E sleep - survive - fuck - kill - easy to do bad thing -hard to do good things - the unconsciously judgments that are the same no mather how evolved we pretend we are on the surface

    interestingly, you just described the contents of movies and tv-shows: fake, increasingly ugly and mind-numbing
    but i don't see them in movies

    a better humanity is achieved by changing one's behavior, by adopting better ways (one better person already means a better humanity, albeit slightly better on average)
    and any better ways or better humanity happend in the last 2000 years beside the tech evolution reverse engineered ?

    the (supreme) God
    wich is ? who created him ? i'm asking without mockery

    there may be several related purposes:
    - to re-incarnate, to again enter a materialistic body - to continue experiencing life in the materialistic world, while it lasts (we're talking trillions of years)
    - to allow souls plenty of time to achieve higher levels of realization
    - to give them what they wanted (to experience life in the materialistic world)
    - to give them what they deserve, what meets their spiritual qualifications (they qualified for entering this world)

    the end of reincarnation means to exit the cycles of birth and death (spiritual qualifications required)
    for advanced souls the end of reincarnation may be temporary (liberation, liberated souls) or permanent (only those who reach the highest level of realization)
    to continue - to allow - to give them what they wanted - to give them what they deserve - yes but why ? i mean - this has a bigger reason or purpose beside that - or why bother so much about them to allow,to give and so on - isn't this an egocentrically way ?

    3) extra-terrestrial - outside earth - i'm inetersted
    applies to all species that qualify for life in the materialistic world (incl. humans, animals and plants)
    a living being can reincarnate only in species within this universe

    an 'alien' is a term that can have many meanings: stranger/foreigner/extra-terrestrial - what we call 'Earth' (our known continents) is just a small part of the actual Earth, so there are many other terrestrial (earthly) species living around our known inhabited area, then there are living beings above the Earth (demigods and their associates), beings below the Earth (demons and their associates) - this kind of division or structure, living conditions and rules are then repeated throughout all the other (innumerable) universes, contained within the materialistic world, thus some inhabitant of any of those universes may also be called an alien, from our perspective
    there's only 3 spatial dimensions - anything more (or less) than that is just a theoretical construct (imaginary)
    is the ideea true - that if we don't know that is more - that dosen't mean they are not actually more - if we try to be sincere with ourselfs - if you don't know something that dosen't mean it dosen't exist -unless we live in denial - a better example - i never felt- visited or touched any piece of cayman islands land - that dosen't mean that cayman islands don't exist or is just a theoretical construct - pr mars - or any other planet
    Last edited by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10; 05.03.19 at 22:50.
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  15. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    Triune brain model or our basic behaviors - that acutally define us human - the compulsive one - i need to eat -E sleep - survive - fuck - kill - easy to do bad thing -hard to do good things - the unconsciously judgments that are the same no mather how evolved we pretend we are on the surface
    triune brain? lets just throw in some more theories, eh?
    urges can be controlled, if so desired and it is recommended not to become their slave
    good things may be hard to do when there is a habit of doing the opposite or when the corrupt society promotes all kinds of bad activities
    subconscious judgements depend on your upbringing, way of life and attitude - a better person will have less and generally milder negative subconscious impulses

    but i don't see them in movies
    maybe you got desensitized...

    and any better ways or better humanity happend in the last 2000 years beside the tech evolution reverse engineered ?
    seems living conditions still aren't bad enough for the majority to reconsider their way of life
    technological advancements in the hands of corrupt people will go to waste as usual

    wich is ? who created him ? i
    'supreme' means above all others - in all main religions there is one God above all other beings, so thats Him
    He is uncreated, unborn, one without a second, eternal, supreme controller, supreme enjoyer, etc.

    to continue - to allow - to give them what they wanted - to give them what they deserve - yes but why ? i mean - this has a bigger reason or purpose beside that - or why bother so much about them to allow,to give and so on - isn't this an egocentrically way ?
    because God wants people to realize their own eternal identity and to return to their natural position, as opposed to being lost in materialistic life and ignorance
    egocentric would be to use your free will and revolve your activities around your false identity (the ego), which is what the majority does

    what would you do if you had lost children that keep repeating their mistakes, abandon them or offer a chance to learn their lesson?

    that if we don't know that is more - that dosen't mean they are not actually more
    if you don't know, it is pointless to imagine 'that there might be' or 'that there might not be', you still won't know

    authorized ancient scriptures offer trustworthy insight into such things beyond common human abilities to explore or find out - they don't speak of 'other dimensions', but of purifying one's senses (through spiritual advancement) in order to see the world as it (truly) is, to see the Truth - there are no dimensions beyond the Truth

    a barely blind man that regains sight doesn't start looking into another dimension, he simply has a better vision of this 'dimension'
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  17. #30
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    triune brain? lets just throw in some more theories, eh?
    urges can be controlled, if so desired and it is recommended not to become their slave
    good things may be hard to do when there is a habit of doing the opposite or when the corrupt society promotes all kinds of bad activities
    subconscious judgements depend on your upbringing, way of life and attitude - a better person will have less and generally milder negative subconscious impulses
    yeah - but i don't talk here about the low % of people that are somehow more evolved or gifted like others - more spiritual - loving people - animals - nature - let's make pace not war - the type of people that actually has a heart and a brain - even them are somehow marginalized by the vast majority being mocked - bullied or stigmated - i'm talking about the vast majority that hasn't evolved a bit - i mean let's see the big picture about world- mostly we still are hating each other based on skin color - political vision - religion - ideeas and beliefs - and all of the negative traits that prevail in people - creating wars(fake or not) just to be wars - killing each others for the most stupid reasons - bulling each otjer- mocking each other - taking advantage of the weak just to feel more powerfull - and this shit going on and on since the start of humanity ( unless you give me explanation about this - using ADAM and Apple and EVE ) we basically still this because we don't know better than being driven by the subconscious judgements - kill - eat - fuck - directlly or indirectlly with the help of corrupt people ,politicians and so on - and the one's that haven't killed or lusted somebody else woman or man - they haven't not because they where pure of hart - but basically because they where to scared about repercussions and society being socially programmed that way ( only the chosen one's ( i'm not saying this in a good way) to have the abilitty to excape from ,creating wars, killing people,suppress cures,and so on - the one's that farts peace over their asses - the trully pure one's are rare - so where is the evolution ?- urges controlled in them ?- not to become their slave of urges examples ?

    because God wants people to realize their own eternal identity and to return to their natural position, as opposed to being lost in materialistic life and ignorance
    egocentric would be to use your free will and revolve your activities around your false identity (the ego), which is what the majority does
    this god has a lot of pacience with them - still - even if i'm not totally a believer based on faith - without any science - resonable explanation - proof- i still believe in GOD created use -no mather wich will be that GOD - even the outter earth (alien) one that crossed DNA monkeys to create first humans or if it's the one 'supreme' ,above all others - in all main religions there is one God above all other beings, so thats Him, uncreated, unborn, one without a second, eternal, supreme controller, supreme enjoyer, etc.

    authorized ancient scriptures offer trustworthy insight into such things beyond common human abilities to explore or find out - they don't speak of 'other dimensions', but of purifying one's senses (through spiritual advancement) in order to see the world as it (truly) is, to see the Truth - there are no dimensions beyond the Truth

    a barely blind man that regains sight doesn't start looking into another dimension, he simply has a better vision of this 'dimens
    a good explanation will be also that purifying one's senses (through spiritual advancement) in order to see the world as it (truly) is, to see the Truth - meant also a purifying one senses to be able to see between dimensions

    but i was surprised to say that they are no other dimensions - because that part of me that believes in reincarnation is the one that thinks the reincarnated part of us is the spirit - and the spirit don't belong to 3'th dimensional space - if it did you managed to see him - unless some people manage to really achive purifying senses in the highest way to be able to see him overhere - wich i have low info that somebody managed or if it trully was this dimension what he saw - because if you manage to see - how you know for sure what you see is from here - or manage to disctinct them

    also about reincarnation i'm confused why GOD if desired for us to evolve - didn't let the memories of our past lifes in the curent one - and so on - it wasen't more appropiate this way ? unless my vivid dreams that i have at night ( wich are not pleasent mostly) are fragments from past lifes
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