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  1. #4126
    I used to get happy birthday from a lot of people when I had my fb account and now that I don't nobody remembers it except for my mom.
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    Hah this turned out (and by far) to be my biggest forum post ever, anywhere. wow... I'm turning into god damn Hemingway, whats next, writing a novel? t.t

    right now you have some knowledge, as you get older you'll gain some and lose some, as you die you'll lose it all - this is obviously not a good method of acquiring knowledge, since you end up empty handed
    its the same with other 'things of value', like: personal possessions, wealth, beauty, youth, health, fame, enjoyment, happiness, family, loved ones, friends, pets, you name it
    All things numbered are coming and going. I already experienced degrees of loses of >half of things you numbered. But while I live I can still learn, recover, and overcome those loses. When I die as you say - I lose it all. But they are wordly things closely tied with the living ones, so why should I upset myself about losing things when I die, which I will not have any use of anymore, anyway.
    I will surely not interact with the world anymore and everything that I learned
    is useless and doesn't matter for me anymore. Hopefully I passed things that I
    gained knowledge of and consider valuable to my kids and other living people.

    trustworthy spirituality teaches the way towards life eternal in eternal knowledge and eternal bliss
    trustworthy spiritual movements (usually known as religions) are maintaining such (revealed) knowledge, for the benefit of humanity
    Ah, trustworthyness. Whats the criteria to determine will you trust someone/something or not? My trust level in everything is, as you noticed by now, very low. As I eventually find dirt and hidden agendas everywhere. Nothing of this world is really pure. Religions don't impress me. Born and raised as christian, I gained valuable lessons from it on topic of: power of unconditional love and altruism.
    These are core positive points of Christianity. Everything else is fluff in my eyes. Promises of eternal life/knowledge/bliss are just tool of giving hope to people, something to cling on while they have nothing else to. And that in return worked to preserve Christianity as religion all these milleniums.
    Yea, its nice to believe in eternal things, it caters well to our ego, it gives a great deal of comfort, it "brings lost souls to the light of god blahblah", as religions exploited that human need very well and filled that much needed void.
    But learning from my life experience - NOTHING is eternal. Everything is just constantly changing shapes and forms, recycling around, and I'm quite sure, we humans can't name a single non-fictional eternal thing.

    ...for the benefit of humanity
    doubt that benefit of humanity is on the mind of clerics, they mostly care for self preservation and expansion, like most organizations.

    great leaps of faith are made throughout one's life: faith that the next day will arrive, that you'll be able to finish what you started, that your actions have some meaning, that something would benefit you, that your body won't collapse all of a sudden, that some idea is worth trusting, etc. - sometimes these leaps are successful and sometimes they fail
    all these "faiths" I have something to base on: I can say with 100% certainty that next day WILL arrive, because from my life experience - sun went UP every bloody day, so there is 0 need to doubt that, especially now when I lived through so much prophecised doomsdays, so they are also ruled out as total bullshit. Only debatable thing about day is will I live to see it, but that is subjective, arrival of day on Earth has nothing to do with my personal state.
    Other "faiths" mentioned are nothing taken blindly but are estimated by my knowledge and abilities collected throughout life.

    in order to advance spiritually, one has to develop unflinching faith in trustworthy spiritual revelations (aka holy scriptures) and trustworthy spiritual teachers (aka movement founders, gurus, saints), because that is an impediment-free way of transferring knowledge, which leads towards personal spiritual revelation
    This is the paragraph I disagree most. I can't and don't want to trust and have faith into anyone or anything no matter how holy and trustworthy they appear. I don't wanna believe, because believing does not =equate= knowing.
    I want knowledge which doesn't come from faith. As how it looks to me many spiritual "knowledge" comes when one convinces himself enough through the blind unflinching faith reinforced by the like minded, so he, in time, accepts certain belief as the fact. Problem with this is obvious: world/life/death/universe isn't formed according to what we believe. Hence, faith is not a way towards truth.

    so it would be honest to say that you are still (knowingly or unknowingly) searching for the truth
    Absolutely. I will search for the universal truths until my last breath. But I'm not calling that spiritual search/journey/anything. I just live, open to ideas and thoughts. Maybe I will one day dig deeper into eastern philosophies and (maybe) religions as I'm aware I can learn a lot from ancient minds which have pondered eternal questions since the rise of humanity. But every extraordinary supernatural claim will be scrutinised by the sum of my life experiences and nothing will be accepted in blind faith.

    if you have much doubt about walking, you might never make the first step (necessary to start walking)
    You are right about that. Thats why I have less doubts concerning myself (because I will not deceive myself on purpose, and I have my wellbeing as the first priority) and more doubts towards external sources.

    life seems fine when everything goes as expected or to a manageable degree, but when trouble starts mounting, when questions start pouring in, when everything else fails, when there is nowhere else to go, when the prodigal son gets fed up with illusory foreign landscapes,... then it may be time to return to one's true (spiritual) home, to those infallible eternal fundamentals of life
    I've had my share of troubles, and my answer regarding them is: "shit happens". That "shit" sometimes helped me gain some insight but its still shit and it just happens. I hate the shit, and wish for shitless world, but no point deceiving myself, shit isn't going anywhere. And there is noone to blame for it, and noone (except other earthly beings) to ask for salvage/comfort from the said shit. However, to be honest to myself, there was one instance when I was (in what I thought then) deep shit, and honestly asked for divine intervention and I was soon out of the shit. Feeling was great, euphoria lasted a bit. But today, in retrospective, I doubt it was anything more then a plain, basic coincidence. Especially considering that cause of my shitty situation was just ordinary lost case of cell phone (though outdoors, on remote island). But yea, its not really a good contender for truly shitty situation, (no, I wasn't in grave danger) like bad disease or injury which I had my share of experience with but nothing unwordly to note. I usually expect world actors to solve world problems (and all problems I can possibly have are worldish by nature(in contrast to spiritual) - so there wasn't any instance before or after mentioned incident that I asked for miracles )

    the usual materialistic goals or results will eventually prove unsatisfactory/unfulfilling, transient/fluctuating/unstable, false/illusory/disappearing,... the exact opposite of what a human (a spirit soul) is actually looking for, who due to his ignorance (of the nature of reality) is looking for happiness/fulfillment in the wrong place (the materialistic world)
    Eh, I'm not so sure. Materialistic goals and results are very clearly set and defined. Chasing them and achieving and gaining can surely yield plenty of happiness and fulfillment. Having a stable, worry free life, financial security, having loving spouse be next to you in all situations, kids to raise, grandkids... Sounds like as close to heaven as you can get on Earth. Maybe only to me, because I have yet to achieve any of mentioned materialistic goals heh. Compare that to something undefined as self realization, THE chase for supposedly TRUE happiness and spiritual advancements... all dubious, uncertain things hmmmm.

    i'd say this was something important for you to talk about, otherwise you'd just keep lurking like before, no?
    Ehh, I don't know. I guess I wanted somewhere type out things about which I thought about lately, and found this corner of the internet to do so, thanks to your few posts which triggered me off. I don't expect to find any big truth and knowledge here, but don't let this dishearten you, I'm happy that you engage in conversation with me and I DO fully respect your opinion and I'm open to learning something from it; maybe because they nostalgically remind me of someone, sometime, maybe even me myself once.

    I'm so sorry for wall of text.... It just turned out so -_- These long, boring, January nights...
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  4. #4128

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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww
    I will surely not interact with the world anymore
    you forgot reincarnation - if your life ends while (significantly) attached to this world in some way, you will have to accept another body (not necessarily human) and return for another round, etc.

    Hopefully I passed things that I
    gained knowledge of and consider valuable to my kids and other living people.
    thats fine

    As I eventually find dirt and hidden agendas everywhere
    some of these are fictional, often intentionally made up or exaggerated by their enemies, or should i say adversaries

    Nothing of this world is really pure.
    you aren't able to see the underlying purity due to a superficial understanding of the world

    I gained valuable lessons from it on topic of: power of unconditional love and altruism.
    thats fine too, however approaching unconditional love means very large amounts of faith - reading about it and agreeing is not enough, one needs to faithfully practice it on a daily basis

    Promises of eternal life/knowledge/bliss are just tool of giving hope to people
    Jesus personally said that, which means it is most certainly true, coming from a spiritually advanced Seer, so there is a trustworthy source of spiritual information

    And that in return worked to preserve Christianity as religion all these milleniums.
    no, remember: it arrived through higher powers and those powers will preserve it as long as necessary (as long as prophesied)

    it gives a great deal of comfort, it "brings lost souls to the light of god blahblah", as religions exploited that human need very well and filled that much needed void.
    so the need or void is there, what else is supposed to fill it?

    But learning from my life experience - NOTHING is eternal. Everything is just constantly changing shapes and forms, recycling around, and I'm quite sure, we humans can't name a single non-fictional eternal thing.
    you're talking about changing forms manifesting in the materialistic world as experienced with our senses, but at their fundamental level, they are made from the so-called external spiritual energy (all of them), which is eternal too
    all living beings experiencing this world are present within the world, their souls are here and these are pure, eternal spirit souls
    thus your subjective experience may be very far from a truthful interpretation of the world

    they mostly care for self preservation and expansion, like most organizations.
    they have a duty to maintain the knowledge, teach the ignorant and spread the good news around the world, that there is hope for humanity if they change their wicked ways

    I can say with 100% certainty that next day WILL arrive, because from my life experience - sun went UP every bloody day, so there is 0 need to doubt that, especially now when I lived through so much prophecised doomsdays, so they are also ruled out as total bullshit.
    these doomsday prophets may be erroneous at accurately pinpointing the time, however they are correct about the event itself
    not only that, there is a number of doomsday events appearing at regular intervals throughout the past and the future
    and finally there is a number of events where the sun does not rise the next day, or when it gets entirely annihilated
    so as you can see, just because something happens many times over, it is in no way certain to continue, which means you're also relying on faith based assumptions or predictions

    I can't and don't want to trust and have faith into anyone or anything no matter how holy and trustworthy they appear. I don't wanna believe, because believing does not =equate= knowing.
    there is no other way of transferring spiritual knowledge - first there needs to be faith, then strong faith and then comes absolute certainty (=absolute accuracy=absolute truth=absolute knowledge)
    there is an example in Christianity of faith-based walking on water, where one disciple was walking on water while having an unflinching faith in Jesus, though started to sink as soon as some doubts arrived and disturbed his mind
    this is also not blind faith, because the disciple did see The Truth, at least for a few moments or so

    I want knowledge which doesn't come from faith.
    science also has faith in the scientific method; even though it can give only more or less accurate theories but no way to examine any spiritual fundamentals mentioned before; even though they have no idea where from or how does this knowledge arrive in their mind, though they are arrogant or ignorant enough to claim it all as own inventions or own abilities

    Absolutely. I will search for the universal truths until my last breath.
    well, you can simply read from some holy scripture and you got access to universal truths, however only reading about it is not enough and if you want a first hand experience, then you have to (faithfully) follow prescribed ways, otherwise there is a good chance that the path will lead to a dead end, where a person may think he has knowledge, but it may be an impure version, his own (mis)interpretation polluted by previous beliefs, misconceptions and hidden motives (usually of exploiting this knowledge for selfish purposes)

    (and all problems I can possibly have are worldish by nature(in contrast to spiritual)
    the reason why living beings are born in the materialistic world in the first place is spiritual in nature, one might say that their faith (or the level of personal spiritual realization) was not great enough to remain in the vicinity of the spiritual world, so they had to fall down when the circumstances were favorable to such an outcome - the story of the garden of eden

    Having a stable, worry free life, financial security, having loving spouse be next to you in all situations, kids to raise, grandkids...
    thats all nice and dandy, but we all know that it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears (and luck/fortune) to arrive there, forming a lot of attachments to one's accomplishments, only to see it crumble away later on

    again, as expected, there is a suitable story from the Christian holy scripture, about a rich man who actually followed basic religious requirements/commandments, yet when the next stage in his spiritual advancement required him to let go of all his amassed riches and follow Jesus only, he was unable to let go of all those attachments and with a sad heart abandoned that opportunity
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    shadowww (03.01.19)

  6. #4129

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    you forgot reincarnation - if your life ends while (significantly) attached to this world in some way, you will have to accept another body (not necessarily human) and return for another round, etc.
    Now you are bringing up Buddhist beliefs. Reincarnation until liberation through enlightenment. So looks like you are taking concepts from various religions and blending them into your own mix of spirituality. They aren't even fully compatible to each other (reincarnation vs heaven), but I'm sure you believe truth is somewhere in between. With your capacity for faith (which is quite polar opposite of mine) imagination too has capacity to find compromise between any conflicts among different teachings.

    thats fine too, however approaching unconditional love means very large amounts of faith - reading about it and agreeing is not enough, one needs to faithfully practice it on a daily basis
    You are right here. And I think it takes a special kind of person to be able really live out this principle. I know I can't. As my stance is that some people which walk this earth don't deserve and will not get any sympathetic feeling, mercy, forgiveness, and sure as hell not any love from me. No, noone in particular from my vicinity crossed my mind, but be sure that there are plenty of people around which are nothing more then cause of suffering for others.

    Jesus personally said that, which means it is most certainly true, coming from a spiritually advanced Seer, so there is a trustworthy source of spiritual information
    Yea, this assumes belief into New Testament scriptures. Thing is I fail to find a valid rational reason to assume such blind belief. Not that I don't like a great deal of the teachings there. I think people can learn a lot from them: mainly, how to treat one another and build society based on much purer principles then society which we have today. There is obvious wisdom in Jesus words, but thats all that I'm taking from it. His apparent word about anything heavenly is not enough for me.
    Again, reasoning for this is that I can verify that loving each other is great thing where everyone profits, while anything supernatural is quite unverifiable by definition...

    no, remember: it arrived through higher powers and those powers will preserve it as long as necessary (as long as prophesied)
    Thats assuming a belief into Revelations.

    so the need or void is there, what else is supposed to fill it?
    Good question. I don't know. :) Probably in utopian perfect society, where there is lack of suffering there would be no need and no void to fill.

    you're talking about changing forms manifesting in the materialistic world as experienced with our senses, but at their fundamental level, they are made from the so-called external spiritual energy (all of them), which is eternal too
    all living beings experiencing this world are present within the world, their souls are here and these are pure, eternal spirit souls
    thus your subjective experience may be very far from a truthful interpretation of the world
    Ah those elusive eternal spirits, souls, and energy how could I forget about them. Oh yea, its because my subjective experience denied existence of any such things. And I don't let baseless faith get into my perception of reality. No, someone else telling me fairies exist doesn't count. Personal experience only.

    they have a duty to maintain the knowledge, teach the ignorant and spread the good news around the world, that there is hope for humanity if they change their wicked ways
    Quite... optimistic and idealistic view. I can't share it. Clerics are people like the rest, vulnerable and corruptable. Their ideals are not unshakeable.

    there is no other way of transferring spiritual knowledge - first there needs to be faith, then strong faith and then comes absolute certainty (=absolute accuracy=absolute truth=absolute knowledge)
    there is an example in Christianity of faith-based walking on water, where one disciple was walking on water while having an unflinching faith in Jesus, though started to sink as soon as some doubts arrived and disturbed his mind
    this is also not blind faith, because the disciple did see The Truth, at least for a few moments or so
    If spiritual knowledge requires faith towards external entities, as you said and exemplified - then I'm obviously not gonna get it.

    science also has faith in the scientific method; even though it can give only more or less accurate theories but no way to examine any spiritual fundamentals mentioned before; even though they have no idea where from or how does this knowledge arrive in their mind, though they are arrogant or ignorant enough to claim it all as own inventions or own abilities
    I don't see how independently provable and testable scientific facts have anything to do with faith. It can't examine spiritual stuff because supposedly spiritual stuff lacks meaningful notable connection with the world. Scientific knowledge comes from scientific research and experiments of course...

    the reason why living beings are born in the materialistic world in the first place is spiritual in nature, one might say that their faith (or the level of personal spiritual realization) was not great enough to remain in the vicinity of the spiritual world, so they had to fall down when the circumstances were favorable to such an outcome - the story of the garden of eden
    Ok, by now its obvious that you are much based in Christianity. I liked this other story more, don't know its source. Maybe it was from some guy on mushrooms or some "new-age" source which just exists today without known lineage, doesn't matter to me. Story is that we "souls" are born in the materialistic world because we choose so out of our free will. Because we just desired to experience how it feels to be a certain human. Okay. Now... Thing is: both are just cute little stories. You can believe either, or you can believe none. Or you can find a way to blend both. Hah. I'm choosing to ground in reality and not have any baseless believes.

    thats all nice and dandy, but we all know that it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears (and luck/fortune) to arrive there, forming a lot of attachments to one's accomplishments, only to see it crumble away later on
    Why would it crumble? However, I do agree that big attachments to anything are bad.... Buddha pinpointed it as a cause of suffering long time ago.

    again, as expected, there is a suitable story from the Christian holy scripture, about a rich man who actually followed basic religious requirements/commandments, yet when the next stage in his spiritual advancement required him to let go of all his amassed riches and follow Jesus only, he was unable to let go of all those attachments and with a sad heart abandoned that opportunity
    Haha yea, I don't know... I'm definitely not a rich guy, nor attached to anything much material, as I'm aware of transience of everything. My problem would mostly be about verifying validity of this Jesus bro, and his outworldly stories.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww
    They aren't even fully compatible to each other (reincarnation vs heaven)
    they seem incompatible on the surface, but the same story can be told from many perspectives or points of view, without any of them losing their truthfulness

    As my stance is that some people which walk this earth don't deserve and will not get any sympathetic feeling, mercy, forgiveness, and sure as hell not any love from me. No, noone in particular from my vicinity crossed my mind, but be sure that there are plenty of people around which are nothing more then cause of suffering for others.
    it was said that a person will be judged by his ability to forgive - why would you expect to receive something you're not able to give
    all so-called evil or bad people are actually victims of their own ignorance and choices based on that ignorance, thus 'forgive them for they know not what they do'

    this assumes belief into New Testament scriptures.
    I think people can learn a lot from them
    holy scriptures are to be believed in their entirety, not through cherry-picking some part of it that is pleasing to one's ego

    Probably in utopian perfect society, where there is lack of suffering there would be no need and no void to fill.
    religions offer models of achieving perfect societies - it can be easily argued that the very reason why we currently don't have perfect societies is our severely lacking implementation of these models

    Clerics are people like the rest, vulnerable and corruptable. Their ideals are not unshakeable.
    correct, but (proper) practice makes perfect

    If spiritual knowledge requires faith towards external entities, as you said and exemplified - then I'm obviously not gonna get it.
    thats because you cannot do it alone, people of this age are weak and they need help from a trustworthy teacher (one who has already reached self-realization, one who has seen the Truth) - in Christianity that teacher is Jesus, in Buddhism the Buddha, etc.

    It can't examine spiritual stuff because supposedly spiritual stuff lacks meaningful notable connection with the world. Scientific knowledge comes from scientific research and experiments of course...
    people are not able to reach tangible spiritual results because they are not qualified at this point (not following prescribed activities)
    spiritual knowledge also comes from spiritual research - each have their own requirements in order to be successful

    Story is that we "souls" are born in the materialistic world because we choose so out of our free will.
    Because we just desired to experience how it feels to be a certain human.
    thats eating from the tree of good and evil, or experiencing dualities of the materialistic world

    there is another side to this coin: we did not qualify for anything better than that, our free will choices determined our future: poor choices, poor future; which is why it is said 'choose wisely'

    Why would it crumble?
    either through unfavorable external circumstances or through personal death

    nor attached to anything much material, as I'm aware of transience of everything.
    you'd be surprised at the amount of attachments, from the more obvious bad habits or ego-pleasing activities, to the less apparent ones like subconscious desires, not to mention karmic causality spanning lifetime(s)

    My problem would mostly be about verifying validity of this Jesus bro, and his outworldly stories.
    faithful, patient and determined followers or disciples, who are observing all of His injunctions are certain to succeed

    . I'm choosing to ground in reality and not have any baseless believes.
    actually this materialistic world we live in is not considered real or a reality, it is considered illusory or false - which means you're actually choosing to base your beliefs on illusions and falsehoods, which may be generally necessary due to the human (fallen) condition, but certainly not recommended in terms of spiritual advancement
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    shadowww (05.01.19)

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    it was said that a person will be judged by his ability to forgive - why would you expect to receive something you're not able to give
    Eh, I'm not expecting anything.

    holy scriptures are to be believed in their entirety, not through cherry-picking some part of it that is pleasing to one's ego
    Isn't about pleasing ego. I can just take moral lessons while ignoring what I consider fantasy fluff.

    religions offer models of achieving perfect societies - it can be easily argued that the very reason why we currently don't have perfect societies is our severely lacking implementation of these models
    This reads as idealizing religions bit too much. See today's most 'religious' countries. The muslim ones. In short, they are countries with way more problems then the rest. Lesser freedoms, more oppression, censorship, conservativism. Quite far from perfect society. If religions would work as role models they would have first have to evolve and transcend to something quite different then what they are today. Oh, but they can't do that. Because they are very history bound. And if something is resistant to change -- than its religions. I say, take lessons you can from the old scriptures and ditch the rest. In case of Christianity, in between New Testament scriptures and todays Church stays cca 2000 years of human interpretation and basically politics. Only thing that can be considered 'pure' here are Gospels. But even them were written by humans which weren't even eyewitnesses of the main figure - Jesus.

    you'd be surprised at the amount of attachments, from the more obvious bad habits or ego-pleasing activities, to the less apparent ones like subconscious desires, not to mention karmic causality spanning lifetime(s)
    Yep, I have bad habits/addictions and activities which serve mostly for quick dopamine-fix. Still, I spend prolonged times outside, immersed in nature, far from any man-made 21th century distractions and there I'm aware what are real human needs and what are just ego whims.

    actually this materialistic world we live in is not considered real or a reality, it is considered illusory or false - which means you're actually choosing to base your beliefs on illusions and falsehoods, which may be generally necessary due to the human (fallen) condition, but certainly not recommended in terms of spiritual advancement
    Aww, this isn't nice of you, and if I'm less of a human I may even feel insulted by this.
    How dare you proclaim my world illusory!! On what basis? I know certain "we-live-in-simulation" theories are on the rise past years, and probably some old esoteric texts of eastern traditions hold similar ideas too. But that is a very bold claim. Which should not be thrown around lightly. Materialistic world is, for us humans, extremely real and the only one we have without any grain of doubt -- you don't need me to prove you that! Just go outside and explore it, its vast in all directions.
    Asking for something beyond almost feels ungrateful hah. Isn't your human biology advanced and beautiful enough already that you don't need that another outworldly, supposedly eternal element in it to function? I'm not saying science holds all answers on mystery of life and universe. I'm saying that human (ego's) need to preserve itself gave birth to much spirituality ideas we discuss. Act of believing feels to me like an easy way out, easy way to peace of mind, way too easy for me. Because of our ego, its much harder to just accept your own mortality. Yet, I currently think this is a way to go if you want to maintain honesty to yourself. This may sound like it, but I'm not preaching atheism to anyone, I don't care much who believes in what and I respect everyone's belief. As for me, beliefs are not a thing which are set in stone, they are ever changing according to new insights.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww
    Eh, I'm not expecting anything.
    Isn't about pleasing ego. I can just take moral lessons while ignoring what I consider fantasy fluff.
    it could be argued that its all about the so-called false ego which gets formed while experiencing the materialistic world - it is a false image of ourselves that influences our choices, where our free will becomes a servant of the ego, usually choosing only that what supports the ego image

    See today's most 'religious' countries. The muslim ones. Lesser freedoms, more oppression, censorship, conservativism. Quite far from perfect society.
    first things first: they have a severe lack of trustworthy, self-realized teachers - just reading or learning from the scriptures is not enough for proper interpretation (see the ego problem above)
    then, this age is called 'the age of corruption', which means people are easily corrupted or have a stronger tendency to live that way
    next, what they lack in inspiration, they try to substitute with more oppressive laws
    and finally, they made alliances with the adversarial forces (aka globalists or in the christian parlance: 'the synagogue of satan')

    in other words, similar problems (of implementation) like the rest of humanity

    Because they are very history bound. And if something is resistant to change
    that can be a good thing: it means consistency throughout time and good foundations

    a few quotes come to mind:
    'i shall build my church on a rock', meaning on a rock-solid base, rock-solid faith
    'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it' - learning from history (from trustworthy sources)

    Only thing that can be considered 'pure' here are Gospels. But even them were written by humans which weren't even eyewitnesses of the main figure - Jesus.
    written by self-realized humans in a disciplic succession means divine inspiration, thus it may be considered trustworthy - such people are able to literally See Jesus, as if standing next to him (purified vision or purified consciousness), regardless of the time they live in

    Still, I spend prolonged times outside, immersed in nature...there I'm aware what are real human needs and what are just ego whims.
    well, the pagans had a similar idea, but also a similar problem: no trustworthy teachers on the subject
    if you take nature as your (only) guide, you descend to the level of a more advanced animal (or a less civilized human), who simply takes what it wants or what it can take/get
    spirituality is also a real human need, because a human is essentially a spirit soul (experiencing life in a body, in the materialistic world)

    How dare you proclaim my world illusory!!
    on the basis of more advanced knowledge, coming from holy (vedic) scriptures

    Materialistic world is, for us humans, extremely real
    a well-made illusion of reality

    Just go outside and explore it, its vast in all directions.
    but also limited both in size and intricacy - those Seers are able to explore these limits and confirm ancient knowledge on the subject

    I know certain "we-live-in-simulation" theories are on the rise past years
    typical wild ego-driven theories to an extent influenced by (misunderstood) ancient knowledge

    Isn't your human biology advanced and beautiful enough already that you don't need that another outworldly, supposedly eternal element in it to function?
    the eternal 'element' is what provides truthful answers to anything, especially answers to the most important questions, to most fundamental questions of our existence
    human biology has all the necessary tools to approach this 'element'
    other-worldly in the sense that it is transcendental to the materialistic world
    the biology does not work without the soul within - when the soul exits, the body ceases to function
    the matter in the materialistic world (or the world itself) likewise cannot function on its own, it needs spiritual assistance/maintenance/intervention/intelligence

    As for me, beliefs are not a thing which are set in stone, they are ever changing according to new insights.
    beliefs change while searching for the Truth, until it is found, at which point the search is over and life in the Truth is realized and continued (life eternal)
    life in the Truth means all insights are truthful, there is no room for the materialistic kind of ignorance, although there may be a problem of insufficient realization (causing the next fall from grace)
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  13. #4133
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Achievement unlocked, got a MB/s downloading speed within my country's borders:

    Eight and a half years later...

    And if it had been a bigger torrent, I might have actually seen the full 6.2 MB/s!

    Anyway, tomorrow I return back to my 1.1 MB/s reality, at least that can be a daily occurrence now
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #4134
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    Is there an app for Chrome like adblock, that would block certain things for me? For example I don't wanna see any article or pictures of Game of Thrones for next 4 months. I don't wanna see potential spoliers.
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  15. #4135
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoco View Post
    Is there an app for Chrome like adblock, that would block certain things for me? For example I don't wanna see any article or pictures of Game of Thrones for next 4 months. I don't wanna see potential spoliers.
    Self-restraint (don't open sites or discussions where this sort of thing is likely to come up) is the best addon for this. Oh, and adding hellman to your ignore list *snicker*
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  17. #4136
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    Then I should probably stay away from internet for the next 4 months
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  18. #4137
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    Roberto Pettinato once wrote this as a comedic criticism of Argentine society, but I think it applies to just about any democratic country.

    Why isn't there a politician we like?
    Here's why:
    If he speaks more than twenty minutes, he's boring.
    If he speaks less, he doesn't have a lot to say.
    If he does a great campaign inauguration, he's bought by powerful friends.
    If he has no financial support, then how does he plan to govern!?
    If he speaks strongly, he's acting.
    If he speaks normally, he lacks strength.
    If he visits his citizens, he's a demagogue.
    If he doesn't visit them, he doesn't give a fuck about the people who voted for him.
    If he's young, he lacks experience.
    If he's old, he should be retiring already.
    Now, if he dies... only then would we all say: "What a guy! A true and pure career politician... an irreplaceable loss!"
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    alpacino (14.01.19) , slikrapid (12.01.19)

  20. #4138

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    Quote Originally Posted by comedian
    Why isn't there a politician we like?
    who is 'we' and why would 'we' all like the same thing, the same politician?
    such a person would have to be something extraordinary, certainly not just another politician
    globalist brainwashing think-tanks have been involved in manufacturing such political persons for tens or even hundreds of years

    the comedic points here revolve around superficial issues like: length of speech, style, age, finances, appearances; which means that the actual practical moves or results of the politician are taking a back seat in the examination of his actions - as usual, the voters are sold on the packaging/hearsay/controversy and not the substance

    Now, if he dies... only then would we all say: "What a guy! A true and pure career politician... an irreplaceable loss!"
    exaggerated, but has some basis in:

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki
    The Latin phrases De mortuis nihil nisi bonum and De mortuis nil nisi bene [dicendum] ("Of the dead, [say] nothing but good") indicate that it is socially inappropriate to speak ill of the dead.
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  21. #4139
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    the comedic points here revolve around superficial issues like: length of speech, style, age, finances, appearances; which means that the actual practical moves or results of the politician are taking a back seat in the examination of his actions - as usual, the voters are sold on the packaging/hearsay/controversy and not the substance
    I guess we could consider it meta-criticism then
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  22. #4140
    Unless they're life long friends, you're not going to know the substance of a politician. You can't really blame voters for voting on the package as that's all they're getting to see and base their choice on.

    The real reason no one likes a politician is because their agenda always sounds great before the vote and gets tossed out for personal gain a day or two after.
    Last edited by Sazzy; 13.01.19 at 13:22.
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