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Thread: [Tutorial] How to run mRatio on a mac without a virtual machine

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    [Tutorial] How to run mRatio on a mac without a virtual machine

    One thing that always kept me from getting a mac was its lack of support for apps. This has largely gone away in the last couple of years, up to the point where I can find a mac alternative app for everything I personally used on a PC. So over the years, the apps I used on a virtual machine shrunk to the point where I only have 1 left… mR… Because of this app, I had to waste space for an entire other operating system. In the past when I used a virtual machine for other uses it didn’t bother me as much but now it just doesn’t make sense to waste over 10gb of hard drive space to run one 1mb program! I decided to find out my options and now I’m going to teach you what I learned so you too can run mR on your mac without the need of a virtual machine!

    Now before I start, please don’t make this topic into a Mac vs. PC argument. They both have their flaws and strengths. This is just a tutorial for anyone else out there on a mac (yes I know it’s a minority), which happens to also want to run the benefits of mR as there is no mac alternative.

    Warning: I am not responsible for whatever happens to any of your tracker accounts. Use at your own risk!

    Getting the required apps:
    1. First and foremost, download the latest available version of mR from the appropriate forum post on this site and extract it. The most current version available to the mass public at the time of this writing is 5.0.3 is the latest version and can be found here:
    2. Secondly, you will need an app by the name of Crossover. Crossover is a an app based on Wine which basically lets you run windows apps on Linux or Mac without actually having windows installed. You can get it here:
    The app does cost $60 but you can get a free trail. Of course being the internet, there are other methods of obtaining the app but that is up to your moral judgment For this tutorial I am using Crossover 13.1.0

    Aside: I mentioned that Crossover exists on Linux so I really don’t see why this wouldn’t work on it. However, I have never used Linux so use at your own risk!

    Installing everything:
    3. Now that you got crossover and mR, it’s time to install crossover. I trust that you know how to do this so I won’t take you through it.

    4. Open crossover and you should be greeted by something that looks like this

    I recommend to hit the “do not show this window on startup” because if you don’t the crossover welcome screen will pop up every time you open up mR which can get annoying.

    5. At the top go to “Configure” and hit “Install software….”

    6. The crossover software installer should pop up. Search for Microsoft .net framework 2.0” and click it. You should find it under the heading of “Runtime support components”

    7. Now hit the little play button in the red circle in the previous image to go to the “Select a bottle in which to install” heading.

    8. Install .net framework 2.0 in a “New win xp bottle….” MAKE SURE IT’S THE XP BOTTLE! Future installed software is only compatible in the win xp bottle and we need all the required software in the same bottle to get mR to run! At this point you can rename the bottle to whatever you want. I changed it to Tracker Cheating but it’s really up to you what you want to call it.

    9. Hit install. Microsoft .NET framework will download and than will bring you through the installer. Basically just keep hitting next and accepting to the agreement until you get .NET 2.0 installed. Once it’s done installing, hit “finish”

    10. Back in the Crossover Software Installer hit “done”.

    11. Repeat steps 5-10 but this time install “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service pack 1” It should be under the heading “Service Packs and Upgrades”. MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL IT IN THE SAME BOTTLE AS BEFORE!

    12. At the end of the installation, it will ask you to restart your computer to complete the installation. Click it but don’t worry your computer won’t really restart.

    13. Repeat steps 5-10 but this time install “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service pack 2”. It should be under the heading “Service Packs and Upgrades”. Again make sure you install it in the same bottle at .net framework 2.0 and service pack 1!

    14. At the end of the installation, it will ask you to restart your computer to complete the installation. Click it but don’t worry your computer won’t really restart.

    15. Repeat steps 5-10 but this time install “Platform SDK Redistributable: GDI+”. Again, install it in the same bottle as before!

    Making mR run like a mac app:
    16. Remember mR that app you wanted to run in the first place? Yea well you finally got everything you need to run it! However, let’s make it run and function like a mac app, this is a mac app after all. What do I mean by making it run like a mac app? I mean having mR in your applications folder, you being able to drag it to your dock, arrange it in launch pad etc.

    17. In crossover click “Configure” and then “Manage bottles”.

    18. The bottle manager window should pop up. Select the bottle in which you have .net framework, its service packs and GDI+ installed and click “Open C: Drive”

    19. Copy the extracted mRatio folder into the “Program Files” folder that popped up

    20. Now go back to Crossover and under “Programs” click “Run Command”

    21. The run command options should come up. For “Use bottle” select the bottle in which you have .net framework 2.0, its service packs and GDI+ installed.

    22. For “Command” Hit browse, open the “Program Files” folder, open the “mR503” folder, select “mRatio.exe” and hit “open”

    23. Hit “Save Command to Program Menu”

    24. Congratulations! You now got mR working on a mac without a virtual machine! Now you can go into Launchpad and open it up like a normal mac app! Yes I know the icon is blurry. There is nothing I can do about that. If you want you can go onto the Internet and find a higher quality icon of whatever you want and change it to that.

    Last edited by zora; 15.02.14 at 17:58.
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    WhiteSniper (14.01.24) , Blocker (18.12.18) , shadowww (20.02.14) , Lucius (16.02.14) , Instab (15.02.14) , DriftKing (15.02.14) , mmmmm (15.02.14) , anon (15.02.14)

  3. #2
    What's the title and version of OS mac you use now (stable with you)?
    I want to give it try with this OS.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmmm View Post
    What's the title and version of OS mac you use now (stable with you)?
    I want to give it try with this OS.
    I'm on 10.9.1 OS X Mavericks. It's been very stable. I've only had minor gui glitches on the options page but seems to fix itself when you move your mouse around. Also when adding a torrent and you are typing in the upload and download speed the little box thing that pops up telling you the value in mb/s or kb/s seems to be very finicky. Sometimes it will show you the value and sometimes it wont but in all honesty it's a very minor issue

    Edit: Here's the gui glitches I'm talking about just so you get a better idea
    gui glitch in the options menu:

    after moving my mouse around:

    changing the upload download speeds:

    Last edited by zora; 15.02.14 at 18:13.
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    Lucius (17.02.14) , mmmmm (15.02.14)

  6. #4
    Can you test whether RM and RM+ working nicely without those GUI glitches ?
    Thanks for such great tut
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucius View Post
    Can you test whether RM and RM+ working nicely without those GUI glitches ?
    Thanks for such great tut
    I had to install .net framework 4.0 into the mR bottle before I could get RM+ to run but that was expected seeing as it's a requirement to get RM to run. After that I just installed RM like I did mR in the tutorial. Whenever I open up RM+ I get an "unknown error (0x2af9)" but if I hit continue, it seems to open up just fine with no GUI glitches. I haven't tested it on any tracker yet though so I have no idea how well it would work on that end. I can give it a shot on some low level trackers next week if you'd want me to though.

    Here's the error:

    RM+ opened up:
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  8. Who Said Thanks:

    Lucius (06.02.15)

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    Hi guys,

    I have a MacBook Pro running on (MacOS Sierra 10.12.2), since I updated to this version the emulation list has suddenly disappeared altogether. I am now clueless as I am not even considered as a beginner. I just followed the steps in this tutorial to install it in the first place. I am using a cracked version of CrossOver (v15.1.0.29653) and mRatio (5.4.1). Could anyone please help me solve my problem? It would be greatly appreciated.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xEFz View Post
    Hi guys,

    I have a MacBook Pro running on (MacOS Sierra 10.12.2), since I updated to this version the emulation list has suddenly disappeared altogether. I am now clueless as I am not even considered as a beginner. I just followed the steps in this tutorial to install it in the first place. I am using a cracked version of CrossOver (v15.1.0.29653) and mRatio (5.4.1). Could anyone please help me solve my problem? It would be greatly appreciated.
    Hey sorry for the extremely late reply. This post flew off my radar. Honestly, I have no idea what happened. I too have this issue. I kinda switched back to Vuze for the extremely little cheating that I do. I'd honestly just wait till JOAL gets a GUI and use that instead of mRatio on the mac at this point.
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    Hey man, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the MRatio tutorial for Mac, it is working just fine!

    I have one question though, I was downloading/seeding a file on there, and I was wondering where it gets stored. Like on utorrent, once I download the torrent file, the contents usually appear in my downloads folder, but that didn't happen with MRatio.

    Would appreciate any help

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  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by VMBJJ View Post
    I have one question though, I was downloading/seeding a file on there, and I was wondering where it gets stored. Like on utorrent, once I download the torrent file, the contents usually appear in my downloads folder, but that didn't happen with MRatio.
    mRatio doesn't download any files, it only simulates upload and download.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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