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Thread: RM Clients

  1. #16
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jade.007 View Post
    That's the date when the first version of the tutorial was originally posted I updated it just a few months ago; BiglyBT didn't even exist until last year.

    Generally speaking, though, it is a good idea to check post timestamps as you did; a lot of people have lost their accounts because they followed some advice that was valid years ago, but not anymore.

    I have been working on it since yesterday already ... I will still be able to work a little today.
    But there are so many options compared to RM, that I only understand the functioning of 50% of the cheating mode!
    RatioMaster merely simulates upload and download traffic without transferring any data. BiglyBT is a modification to a real BitTorrent client, and that's why it has a lot more features.

    Take your time, ask whatever you need to ask, and don't forget you can always experiment using a public torrent, where you won't risk losing an account if something goes wrong.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  2. #17

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    Hi anon,

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    ... ... a lot of people have lost their accounts because they followed some advice that was valid years ago, but not anymore.
    Wahhhouu !!! It doesn't laugh here if we make mistakes... I hope you have more tolerance with Newbees like me whose have some troubles understanding everything that is written on this forum !
    At least, I am warned and I know what can happen to me now :

    But I wish that your signature "Come visit sometime, okay? We'll always be here for you. We... we all love you." is not only for the show, but that the boss really all his members ! >>>

    So, you should indicate when the post is updated with its NEW DATE ALSO !

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    ... ... and don't forget you can always experiment using a public torrent, where you won't risk losing an account if something goes wrong.
    What do you mean by a public torrent ?
    Is there some "xxx.torrent" specific's files for experiment the BiglyBT Extreme Mod application ???
    Or either do you mean a public client (like piratebay) with any release.torrent ? But In that case, we can't see if our Ratio/account increases ?

    Today, nothing works (with the BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta installed) ...
    I can not configure the update of the tracker with a server socks5 ... For the download, it works. But for the upload, I have nothing: there is apparently a blocage on the outgoing connections. Even if I cut all firewalls !!!

    Not easy to set up the BiglyBT client , and I do not even talk about shu mod !!!
    Last edited by jade.007; 23.09.18 at 15:52. Reason: TRANSLATION ERROR
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  3. #18
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jade.007 View Post
    Wahhhouu !!! It doesn't laugh here if we make mistakes... I hope you have more tolerance with Newbees like me whose have some troubles understanding everything that is written on this forum !
    At least, I am warned and I know what can happen to me now :
    I meant losing their accounts on trackers, not in this forum! It is very hard to get banned from here or even receive a warning, so don't worry about it.

    But I wish that your signature "Come visit sometime, okay? We'll always be here for you. We... we all love you." is not only for the show, but that the boss really all his members ! >>>

    So, you should indicate when the post is updated with its NEW DATE ALSO !
    I did add a notification, check page 33 of the tutorial

    What do you mean by a public torrent ?
    Is there some "xxx.torrent" specific's files for experiment the BiglyBT Extreme Mod application ???
    Or either do you mean a public client (like piratebay) with any release.torrent ? But In that case, we can't see if our Ratio/account increases ?
    Yes, I meant a public torrent from The Pirate Bay or similar. You won't see your ratio going up on some account, but the mod keeps stats of its own, and there you will notice fake upload going up/down/stopping in reaction to the different settings you try. Making a disposable account on some private tracker with open signups that you don't care about is also a possibility.

    Today, nothing works (with the BiglyBT Extreme Mod by SB-Innovation Beta installed) ...
    I can not configure the update of the tracker with a server socks5 ... For the download, it works. But for the upload, I have nothing: there is apparently a blocage on the outgoing connections. Even if I cut all firewalls !!!
    The SOCKS5 proxy acts as a firewall itself, because incoming connections cannot be received through it. This doesn't mean you can't upload, but it becomes much harder. This is by design, and if it bothers you too much, you're going to have to drop the proxy or replace it with a VPN that has port forwarding.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. #19

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    Hi anon ,

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I did add a notification, check page 33 of the tutorial
    Indeed, that's right !!!
    You have well indicated here the update of the post, but it is not AS VISIBLE AS for example on this other post :
    Tracker-Cheating: Quick Links

    Well, for now, I gave up configuring the socks5 server with BiglyBT ...
    With Private Trackers, I have a fake upload, but it is not counted on the account of my private customer.

    So, for now, I have to use Ratio-Master to increase my ratio ...

    You would not have an idea by chance on the subject?

    Another thing: the French translation of the page "Extreme Mod" in the menu option is filled with misspellings, grammar, and translations.
    Is it possible to correct the text of this page in the "shu-mod" program ?

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    I meant losing their accounts on trackers, not in this forum! It is very hard to get banned from here or even receive a warning, so don't worry about it.
    GREAT !!!
    What an idiot I am, I should have understood the remark !
    But it's the automatic translator which misled me!

    So, I !!!
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  5. #20
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jade.007 View Post
    Well, for now, I gave up configuring the socks5 server with BiglyBT ...
    With Private Trackers, I have a fake upload, but it is not counted on the account of my private customer.

    So, for now, I have to use Ratio-Master to increase my ratio ...

    You would not have an idea by chance on the subject?

    Option 13a is the most common cause of this, and a source of frustration for new users. Set both amounts to zero and see if the "fake uploaded" value in the mod starts increasing. Remember that once you have already added a torrent, you have to change this in its individual settings, not the global ones.

    If it still doesn't work, post a picture of the settings you're currently using.

    Another thing: the French translation of the page "Extreme Mod" in the menu option is filled with misspellings, grammar, and translations.
    Is it possible to correct the text of this page in the "shu-mod" program ?
    These are all the strings the mod uses. If you can correct the mistakes, I'll talk to DigitalDJ to update the French translation. (Diacritics and other special characters require Unicode escaping, just enter them as they are and we'll take care of that later.)

    MyTorrentsView.upfake=Fausse Upload
    MyTorrentsView.upspeedfake=Fausse vitesse upload
    MyTorrentsView.shareRatioFake=Faux Share Ratio
    MyTorrentsView.downfake=Faux Download
    PeersView.menu.noupload=Pas d'upload
    PeersView.B=No Upload
    MainWindow.menu.help.donateshu=\u00c0 propos BiglyBT Extreme Mod
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdl=Quand le t?chargement est complet arr?r le torrent (pas de partage)
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdlremove=Et retirer le de la fen?e de partage
    ConfigView.label.noupafterdlremovetorrent=Effacer aussi le fichier .torrent
    ConfigView.label.dontsendcompletedflag=Ne pas envoyer le statut "complet" au tracker lorsque le t?chargement est termin?
    ConfigView.label.noupload=No upload (Pas d'envoie)
    ConfigView.label.manpeersrc=A chaque mise ?our essayer d'ajouter x peers (clients) (100-1000):
    ConfigView.label.manpeersrctxt= = x = Nombre de peer (clients) ?jouter
    ConfigView.label.enableupdate=Toujours activer le bouton de mise ?our avec le tracker
    ConfigView.label.updatefaster=R?ire le temps entre chaque mise ?our avec le tracker (1-20):
    ConfigView.label.updatefastertxt= = 'x'.  Diviser le temps restant avant la prochaine mise ?our par 'x'
    ConfigView.label.fakeofffakeaddedtoreal=Lorsque le syst? de faux rapport est d?ctiv?utiliser le dernier faux report et l'ajouter au vrai repport en cours.
    ConfigView.label.group.fake=Syst? de faux rapport au tracker
    ConfigView.label.downloadreduc=R?ction du download (%):
    ConfigView.label.downloadreducalone="Seul" - Utiliser sans aucune option de faux rapport *( "No Upload" sera d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.downloadreducmix="Mix" - Utiliser avec "ratio mode" ou "multiplicateur d'envoie" ou "speed mode" ou "speed mode++"
    ConfigView.label.downloadreductxt=R?ire votre download de 
    ConfigView.label.noreport=No reporting (0 UP & 0 DL)
    ConfigView.label.noreportleech=Se montrer comme ?nt un leech (0% complet)
    ConfigView.label.noreportseed=Se montrer comme ?nt une seed (100% complet)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrm=Fake upload "ratio mode" (0-5):
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmtxt=:1 (Envoy?e? et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmmaxtxt=:1 (up:dl)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadrmcontinue=Quand le torrent est tjrs dans la fen?e de partage continuer ?ugmenter le ratio avec taux d'envoi r? *( "No Upload" sera d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratio=Fake upload "speed ratio mode++" (0-50)&(1-10000000):
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiortxt1=Ratio: Entre 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiortxt=:1 (Uploaded:Downloaded) et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiomaxrtxt=:1 (up:dl)
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiostxt1=Speed: Entre 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiostxt=KB/s par torrent et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadspeedratiomaxstxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultiplier=Fake upload "multiplicateur d'envoi" (0-20): *( "No Upload" sera d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliertxt=*Envoie et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmultipliermixedseedingup=Utiliser avec Fake upload "Seeding upload mode"
    ConfigView.label.fakeseeding=Fake upload "seeding mod" : *(Tracker problem : connection aux seeds - Doit ?e plus test?+
    ConfigView.label.fakeseedingup="Seeding mode envoi"  UP = Vrai taux d'envoi | DL = 0byte  *( "No Upload" devra ?e d?ctiv?
    ConfigView.label.fakeseedingdl="Seeding mode r?ption" UP = Vrai taux de r?ption | DL = 0byte
    ConfigView.label.fakeupload=Fake upload "speed mode" (remplace votre vitesse d'envoi par)(1-1250):
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadtxt=KB/s par torrent et 
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmaxtxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadadd=ajoute votre total d'envoi r? ?otre faux total d'envoi *( "No Upload" doit ?e d?ctiv?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  6. Who Said Thanks:

    jade.007 (11.10.18)

  7. #21

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    Hi anon,

    I'm sorry to answer you so late, the week was busy.

    Thank you for your answer, indeed "option 13a" was misconfigured.
    But it took me a long time to understand that I had to put the torrent on "stop" then "source" or "source forced " so that the new values ​​of "options 13 a" were be considered !!!

    Plus, I had a big problem with BiglyBT:
    I do not know what happened, but at some point the application has planted. When it is restarted, all the folders of the releases have been erased; those that were being downloaded, like all those that were in source. So I easily lost more than 100 Go of data.

    The problem is not to re-download the lost files, but rather to try not to lose the ratio that I had just increased with difficulty!

    I did not understand what happened. I do not know if it's a bug of BiglyBT , a virus or a response from the private tracker who saw that I cheated on my ratio. I do not think of the third solution because they would have rather banished me, I think!

    Thank you for the given "Shu-mod" code to translate into French.
    But before doing the full translation, I need to understand all the functions of "Shu-mod" ... And there is a lot of work!
    Not to mention that to understand this mode of cheating, it is necessary to first understand how is working a BitTorrent application (peers, Tracker, DNS, Swarm ...) and the sharing of resources between clients / servers + communication Tracker!

    So I have a lot of work to do for that : I think I needs at least 3 weeks (minimum) to translate the file correctly or at least do things the best way possible !

    I even hope to offer a tutorial for newbie here if I (very) well understood all the features !

    Finally, if I want to re-download all the torrents that have been erased without any impact on my current ratio, is it the best solution to use the ghostleech function (configured as below) ?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	GhostLeech config.jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	53.3 KB 
ID:	19203

    Since the list of all the files I want to re-download is already included in the list of thr private tracker downloads, this assumes that there is no risk to re-download them without reporting the flux to the tracker ?

    PS : To save all the release's torrent list , is it the file "BiglyBT.jar" that which's must be copied ?
    Last edited by jade.007; 30.09.18 at 13:44.
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  8. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    • no encryption permitted: no additional parameters
    • encryption enabled: supportcrypto=1 after the peer_id; port is left as is
    • encrypted connections only: supportcrypto=1 and requirecrypto=1 after the peer_id; port is left as is
    • full stealth encryption: supportcrypto=1 and requirecrypto=1 after the peer_id; port set to 0; cryptoport appended and set to listen port
    i found the cryptolevel accept 3 states of configvalue:

    • 1 Plain encryption (aka obfuscation? security by obscurity?)
    • 2 RC4 encryption (considered obsolete for years)
    • 3 AES-encrypted( but it actually does not enable correctly? in source i see its implemented )

    the minimum cannot be aes because noone other peer would support this atm? looking forward :)
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    anon (02.10.18)

  10. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jade.007 View Post
    Sorry, I just noticed these posts! And I saw you praising the benefits of ghostleeching in another thread, so I suppose this problem is now solved
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  11. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Datendiebstahl View Post
    i found the cryptolevel accept 3 states of configvalue:
    Plain encryption only applies to the headers and not the message body, thus requiring minimal additional CPU time. It was effective when it was implemented, but I can personally attest that by 2006 it was already possible to see through it (because my provider did ). Full RC4, that is headers and message, is fairly effective at evading shaping, but I don't think any client other than Azureus ever had an effective implementation. RC4 as a cipher is indeed no longer considered secure, but remember that the objective was never to protect transfers against surveillance, only to make them look different enough to fool traffic shapers. In all likelihood it was chosen for its speed and simplicity.

    As for AES-based protocol encryption, that's news to me, I don't think any client has ever had such a feature. It would indeed be very welcome these days.

    In any case, I was unable to find a setting in BitTornado that would result in values of supportcrypto above 1, or to even find a setting to choose between plain and full RC4 at all.
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    Cr@zYiNsEiN (05.10.18)

  13. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post

    ... ... ...

    These are all the strings the mod uses

    NO !!!

    If you can correct the mistakes, I'll talk to DigitalDJ to update the French translation. (Diacritics and other special characters require Unicode escaping, just enter them as they are and we'll take care of that later.)

    MyTorrentsView.upfake=Fausse Upload
    MyTorrentsView.upspeedfake=Fausse vitesse upload
    ...   ...   ...
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadmaxtxt=KB/s par torrent
    ConfigView.label.fakeuploadadd=ajoute votre total d'envoi r? ?otre faux total d'envoi *( "No Upload" doit ?e d?ctiv?

    You're right, it's over here for questions about RM and I think also too it's better to continue the post HERE...
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