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Thread: The Rant Thread

  1. #46
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    Lunarian Revolution - an uprising where one of its central aims is a universal right to read?

    Check this to give it some context. Those are the things he feared at the time, now they're becoming real.

    i'd say he represents what you'd call 'controlled opposition' that actually reinforces current mainstream goals
    Oh, I have no idea about his political or religious views. I just know him for his contributions to, and thoughts on, computer science.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  2. #47
    FU*K MICROSOFT!!! All these years I've been using this piece of shit OS. While I do not know for certain how Windows got so popular, the fact of the matter is that ever since v1.0 Windows was always intended for the common user, common tasks and nothing else. It was made to attract users, and not scare them (ie. make them think). As for myself, I am an idiot, but I am trying really hard to change my ways however late it may be. I am very sorry that I started with Windows, I'm sorry for everything related to Microsoft that came in contact with my life.
    I feel very comfortable with Linux, my personal opinion is that you work a lot less using, configuring and maintaining linux than windows and I am never going to return. What attracts me is the cleanliness, the standard of organizing things, --they literally have a standard for everything while microsoft doesn't even have a standard for their os updates. Everything is built to help you, not trick you, or drag you down or force you. You are just. free.

    While Microsoft forever lost the server and mobile os market (amongst other things), we shall see when (not if) they will lose desktop share as well.
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  3. #48
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    I do not know for certain how Windows got so popular
    Because it had the right things at the right time. OS/2 never took off, no one bothered to make programs for it. Mac couldn't run on IBM PC compatibles. Unix didn't have a graphical interface, and the ones on its clones feel patchy and like an afterthought to this day.

    Furthermore, I don't think there really any standards on Linux, besides the design choices that were copied from Unix. When there's always at least a half dozen choices for your init system, kernel, desktop environment, window manager, login manager and other system components, it's hard to say you have standards in the sense of a minimum implementation of something that should always be supported. Sometimes having too many options can be damaging. In this regard, I'd consider Windows to be actually better, because all the "parts" come from a single source, so there are no inconsistencies on design or compatibility (the same could be said of Mac OS).

    With that said, whatever OS you choose, the most important thing is that you...

    feel very comfortable
    ...with it.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    alpacino (14.12.17)

  5. #49
    Furthermore, I don't think there really any standards on Linux
    All user application settings are in a single location as opposed to windows where it can be either in registry, appdata, local appdata, installation folder, windows folder....
    cli manual pages of linux are the best, windows never did have any help files. I windows I always had to google anything I wanted to know because it was never documented in the OS. If I have a linux box without internet, I could easily learn everything I want to know just by using terminal. Do that with Windows.
    Linux follows stric update models, most know are point releases and rolling releases. What does windows have? And on top of that, ALL applications are updated, not just the OS.
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  6. #50
    Here's one from me: you know that 1:1 ratio gamers use for their gaming mice (ie. no software acceleration) ? That 1:1 or (6/11 in windows world) is fake in windows. Turns out id still adds acceleration, even when it should be disabled. They do the same with keyboards (long press character repeat). Linux has real NO acceleration. You can easily feel it. Windows is a LIE, everything they did is a LIE.
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  7. #51
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    All user application settings are in a single location as opposed to windows where it can be either in registry, appdata, local appdata, installation folder, windows folder....
    cli manual pages of linux are the best
    "...besides the design choices that were copied from Unix"

    windows never did have any help files. I windows I always had to google anything I wanted to know because it was never documented in the OS. If I have a linux box without internet, I could easily learn everything I want to know just by using terminal. Do that with Windows.
    Not sure what this is supposed to mean. Windows and all its bundled programs come with thorough documentation, available by just pressing F1, with or without an Internet connection (on 7 at least... Windows 10 probably requires you to be online just to use the calculator). Hidden settings and workarounds won't show up there, but those don't show up on any help file.

    Linux follows stric update models, most know are point releases and rolling releases. What does windows have? And on top of that, ALL applications are updated, not just the OS.
    Package managers and curated repositories are one area where it outshines, that very much is true.

    Can't comment about Linux mouse acceleration as I have no idea how it's implemented if at all, but under Windows just running the MarkC fix takes care of disabling it completely.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  8. #52
    Not sure what this is supposed to mean. Windows and all its bundled programs come with thorough documentation, available by just pressing F1, with or without an Internet connection (on 7 at least... Windows 10 probably requires you to be online just to use the calculator). Hidden settings and workarounds won't show up there, but those don't show up on any help file.
    They are not complete. It lacks some details that are only available online, and I am not talking about workarounds.

    Can't comment about Linux mouse acceleration as I have no idea how it's implemented if at all, but under Windows just running the MarkC fix takes care of disabling it completely.
    That's the problem --everything in Windows is either a hack, or 3rd party application, or some random bug that does a desired functionality.
    For instance, to create a folder .a (dot a) you cannot just name the dir .a because it outputs an error. You do it like .a. . Microsoft never implemented this functionality, and from their standpoint it's a bug, but for us it a bug that does a desired functionality.

    You need a hack or application for everything in Windows.
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  9. #53
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Yeah, and not being able to name a folder con, nul or lpt1 is even worse
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  10. #54
    It just occured to me that no matter who wins we still lose. Microsoft controls the OS consumer market, Google controls all major web platforms, Facebook rules over communication and personal data, and on top of them is Cisco that controls the internet traffic.
    We're doomed. All corporations are scum and do nothing but find ways to deceive and enslave people to their will. But this isn't something new - it always been like this - wonder why that is. Is it man's nature to desire power at any price? No amount of money will ever be enough, no amount of power will ever suffice, why?
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  11. #55
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    Facebook only "controls" the information people give them. If you don't use their service and block their tracking stuff, they suddenly become a non-issue. Google is almost the same, except for reCaptcha and googleapis.com, which too many sites rely on when they should have fallbacks (or just self-host their libraries).

    As for Microsoft and Cisco, it's harder for me to disagree there. Windows and Office are de facto standards whether we like it or not. Large chunks of the Internet rely on devices that run IOS. And all of those products are closed source. I guess the only thing keeping those companies from doing whatever they want are the reduced sales that would result from boycotts and public backlash.

    If they desire power, they already have it.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  12. #56

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    It just occured to me that no matter who wins we still lose.
    every win and every loss in this (materialistic) world is temporary, including corporate ones; unless you manage to score a spiritual win (self-realization), which is an eternal win, which means no more losses, ever again

    We're doomed.
    this (materialistic) world is doomed to eventually end up destroyed/annihilated, to disappear as if it never happened in the first place

    wonder why that is. Is it man's nature to desire power at any price? No amount of money will ever be enough, no amount of power will ever suffice, why?
    a (hu)man desires absolute freedom, though many foolishly think they can achieve it though accumulating materialistic wealth (experience, money, knowledge, energy, resources, power, control etc.) or that they can achieve it within this (materialistic) world

    Quote Originally Posted by anon
    Facebook only "controls"...
    at the moment, however the tendency is to achieve an ever wider range of control, with the ultimate desire to control the whole universe, which is the reason why they (as well as the majority of other mega corporations, billionaires and large global organizations) are a part of a movement towards a 'one world government'

    I guess the only thing keeping those companies from doing whatever they want are the reduced sales
    it is because they still haven't achieved a sufficient level of control over the environment, technology, nature, humans and global/local events

    If they desire power, they already have it.
    which is obviously not enough, their (leader's) goal is to get closer to becoming gods, literally
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  13. #57
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Since we were talking about companies that have control and want even more...

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #58
    I don't know how I appear in my internet form but in real life I'm really a sad shy person. It's gotten so worse my family no longer recognizes me. I keep hearing phrases like "What happened to you?" or "Why are you so sad?" .I try to keep away from most if not all social events because I'm affraid of bringing everybody down. I'm doing quite well actually but I just don't see it, my brain refuses to accept it. The reality is nobody wants to hang around with a drag, and i'm not forcing anyone to do so.
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  15. #59
    People are very mean, in general. I have yet to find a person that willingly cares for me.
    I've been listening to Coldplay - Paradise and it got me thinking. Nobody actually needs piles and piles of money - just enough to get by and purse your dream(s).
    Sometimes I get so mangled up into this materialistic world that I forget what is it I actually want. But people people that purse materialistic things can't relaly be blamed for them - I mean, we live in a society, amoungst other people. It's very difficult in a community for one individual to be outside of the normallity barrier. In my country, if you don't have a house, a wife and kids it's like your banned. You're not alive. It's basically a social sin to not have a wife and kids. But maybe you don't want either of these, maybe you just wanna travel, alone, and enjoy life. You don't want to go to clubs, or drink till you puke, or have sex 14 hours a day.
    I hate this "the majority draw the lines for normallity".
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  16. #60

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    People are very mean, in general.
    that depends on who you encounter and under what circumstances

    I have yet to find a person that willingly cares for me
    your parents
    i could add God to the list, but you currently aren't (spiritually) qualified to find Him

    many others also displayed some amount of caring when assisting you in some way: be it with indirect or direct help, be it online or offline, be it from strangers or someone you know

    Nobody actually needs piles and piles of money - just enough to get by and purse your dream(s).
    what if the dream is (or becomes): piles and piles of money? or if the dream is: live a luxurious life?

    people that purse materialistic things can't relaly be blamed for them
    who is to blame then? if you say 'society', that is also a group of people - they also got the idea from somewhere

    maybe you just wanna travel, alone, and enjoy life.
    pursuing enjoyment in the materialistic world also falls into the category of pursuing materialistic things

    I hate this "the majority draw the lines for normallity".
    but you love this: 'I (as in: you) draw the lines for normality', right?

    so who is the person qualified to draw lines for normality?
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