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Thread: FCC probably can't police Comcast's BitTorrent throttling

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    Elite zatoicchi's Avatar
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    FCC probably can't police Comcast's BitTorrent throttling

    Federal regulators are planning to meet on Friday and declare that Comcast violated Net neutrality principles when throttling BitTorrent traffic on its network. This would become the U.S. government's first Net neutrality-related ruling.

    There's just one problem with the Federal Communications Commission's plans: They may not be quite, well, legal. In other words, the FCC may not actually have the authority to make its ruling stick.

    In 2006, Congress rejected five different bills, backed by groups including Google, Amazon.com, Free Press, and Public Knowledge, that would have handed the FCC the power to police Net neutrality violations. Even though the Democrats have enjoyed a majority on Capitol Hill since last year, their leadership has shown zero interest in resuscitating those proposals.

    It's true that the FCC adopted a set of principles in August 2005 saying "consumers are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice." But the principles also permit providers' "reasonable network management" and, confusingly, the FCC admitted on the day of their adoption that the guidelines "are not enforceable."
    FCC probably can't police Comcast's BitTorrent throttling

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    ""consumers are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice." that is a good alternative for customers to NJoy !! I guess if they really can make it till a certain forcing rule comes out to abandon ISP's Inet Throttling on customers usage,then I guess it would be amazing for most users tho !!

    "their leadership has shown zero interest in resuscitating those proposals"

    also this would be a positive point for users side I guess,if they have the intention not to harm nor limit users Inet usage then I guess Comcast will have a very weak hope to continue pissing off customers
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    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Damn, just when it looked like Comcast users were almost about to be able to get what they paid for... :|
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    and this is what they are trying to do lately since their old plan failed (to limit Inet usage to p2p sharing & still getting paid for Inet service) so they are now making customers feel that they got service for money paid !!
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  5. #5
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    If they don't block P2P traffic completely, but shape it, they're technically "allowing" it What kind of lies are that, people that buy a fast connection mostly want to just get on and start browsing & downloading their favorite shows and games. They can't avoid that. Everyone that gets on the "information highway" will sooner or later learn about the joys of P2P
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    well,its reality my buddy !! everyone is not satisfied for what he/she pays for since there is no perfection involved with full satisfaction due to human's bad habit asking for more cash just to provide the least service available
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