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Thread: How to join What.CD

  1. #106

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    You can survive even with the crappiest upload speed on What if you dedicate a lot of time to upload and seed your own stuff.
    You should highlight this in red :-) Its not like a normal tracker where you can build up an awesome ratio through webseed. You def have to upload stuff to make ratio.

  2. #107
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nachten View Post
    You should highlight this in red :-)
    Only if I also get to write "a lot" in 72px and bold
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  3. #108

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    0/5 sssssss24 can be a great place to start. If you can get in there and build a decent ratio then youll be able to get an invite to just about anywhere.

  4. #109

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    Quote Originally Posted by Betrayed View Post can be a great place to start. If you can get in there and build a decent ratio then youll be able to get an invite to just about anywhere.
    Are u the admin of BTN

  5. #110

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  6. #111
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    The problem with Internet communications is that you never know who's on the other side of the screen. Here's a log from when I apparently teleported to India to join the disabled channel, experiencing slight language attrition in the process.

    HTML Code:
    * anon-sbi (007@137cd8.bc0c46.9b33a4.1d7331) has joined
    <&whatcdmod> anon-sbi: what's up?
    <+anon-sbi> My account had been disabled
    <&whatcdmod> Which account was that?
    <+anon-sbi> :)
    <+anon-sbi> do you know me?
    <&whatcdmod> Hmm, not sure.
    <+anon-sbi> May be all of your moderators and admins know me.
    <&whatcdmod> I thought that you weren't a fan of IRC?
    <+anon-sbi> Not a fan of IRC?
    <&whatcdmod> I thought that you, anon, did not like using IRC :P
    <+anon-sbi> Your moderators want me to join your team to code the site.:)
    <+anon-sbi> do you know me now?
    <+anon-sbi> Can you guess me where I am from?
    <&whatcdmod> ok, cyclotron, I don't really have time for another chat
    <+anon-sbi> LOL
    <&whatcdmod> You can leave the channel unless you want to give me some details about your "other accounts." :D
    <+anon-sbi> Let it happen
    <+anon-sbi> You cant spit a shit on me
    <+anon-sbi> LOL
    <&whatcdmod> Goodbye.
    <+anon-sbi> Ok mother fucker.Its fun here
    <+anon-sbi> LOL
    * +anon-sbi (aaa@137cd8.bc0c46.63c541.1b4420) Quit (G-Lined: ...)
    * anon-sbi (aaa@137cd8.bc0c46.f831ca.eebda3) has joined
    * CommandServ sets mode: +v anon-sbi
    <+anon-sbi> HAHA
    <+anon-sbi> HAHA
    <+anon-sbi> how much u can ban me?
    <+anon-sbi> Dynamic IPS are always there
    <+anon-sbi> different browsers are there
    <+anon-sbi> different versions are there
    <+anon-sbi> HAHA
    * +anon-sbi (aaa@137cd8.bc0c46.f831ca.eebda3) Quit (G-Lined: ...)
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. #112

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    The problem with Internet communications is that you never know who's on the other side of the screen. Here's a log from when I apparently teleported to India to join the disabled channel, experiencing slight language attrition in the process.
    Is it a good idea to upset them?
    I'd rather keep a low profile in these circumstances.

    ---------- Post Merged at 18:54 ---------- Previous Post was at 18:45 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Betrayed View Post can be a great place to start. If you can get in there and build a decent ratio then youll be able to get an invite to just about anywhere.
    there is no tracker that I despise more than WCD.

    Considering the real time you have to dedicate on it, you might as well not spend any minute on WCD and work during that time. Or do some family/friend stuffs.
    If you choose to work, use that money you earned to buy your music or go on other music trackers.

    No tracker should be crazy difficult for its member. It sorts of defeat the whole purpose of sharing on P2P. they could at least offer generous bonus points.

  8. #113
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by molosse View Post
    Is it a good idea to upset them?
    It's tempting, but no matter the outcome, nothing good will happen. What do you get out of rejoining the channel to brag about how you can change your IP and reregister? They aren't going to say "you're right, there's nothing we can do about, so you can have your account back".

    there is no tracker that I despise more than WCD.

    Considering the real time you have to dedicate on it, you might as well not spend any minute on WCD and work during that time. Or do some family/friend stuffs.
    If you choose to work, use that money you earned to buy your music or go on other music trackers.

    No tracker should be crazy difficult for its member. It sorts of defeat the whole purpose of sharing on P2P. they could at least offer generous bonus points.
    True, is super difficult to seed on, and virtually demands that you make your own uploads, but that's a necessary evil. Otherwise, they wouldn't have as many torrents as they do (the amount was in the seven digits last time I checked), and most of those that do get uploaded would die out within six months. If staff could find a way to let everyone download everything they want and not harm retention and keep new uploads coming, they certainly would! And things have improved since I first joined them back on 2008, when there were no dynamic ratio requirements and you didn't get any initial buffer. But ultimately, those are the rules of the game. Bonus points harm retention (unless implemented very carefully and not in the usual way, see in Waffles), and all ratio-free trackers have died.

    Note I don't like this either, and I actually tried to uploads lots of my stuff in the past (to decide it wasn't worth the effort, even back then!). So the options are 1. cheat, 2. wait until the next global freeleech then rent a 10 Gbps seedbox and go on a rampage, 3. get your music somewhere else. I went for no. 3, it was easier. IS NOT for the casual user!!
    Is an outdated torrent website?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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