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Thread: [TuT]Best Settings For uTorrent !! Get Double Speed.

  1. #46

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    General, the most important ones... Those that will definitely make a difference.
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  2. #47
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Sorry for not answering before, but I didn't have time to go through this at the time. Anyway, here it goes.

    Under "Bandwidth"

    • Maximum upload rate (kB/s)

    It is usually adviced to set this to 80% of your maximum upload speed to avoid line saturation, although you can go up to 90% without a significant decrease in download rates, if you wish to upload as much as possible.

    • Global maximum number of connections
    • Maximum number of connected peers per torrent
    • Number of upload slots per torrent
    • Use additional upload slots if upload speed < 90%

    These are delicate. The wrong settings have the potential to really affect speeds negatively. Personally, I've set them to 100 global, 20 per-torrent, 1 upload slot with additional slots enabled. This allows the use of my not so great upload speed in an efficient manner, and prevents downloads from slowing down due to opening more peer connections than it is necessary. Of course, that's for my Internet speed. A good guideline to finding your right values would be to open uTorrent's Speed Setup Guide, pick the closest match for your upload speed from the list, then dividing the given numbers for these settings by 3.

    Under "BitTorrent"

    • Enable DHT Network
    • Enable DHT for new torrents
    • Enable Peer Exchange

    If you only download from private trackers, turn all of these off. Otherwise, they're good to find more sources in public torrents; TPB for one only offers magnet links for torrents with more than 10 seeders, so they might even be required!

    • Enable bandwidth management [uTP]

    Turn this off. I'll cover this one with more detail in the Advanced section.

    • Enable Local Peer Discovery

    I've been told this one also allows you to seek peers within high-speed "metropolitan" networks which some providers in e.g. Romania and Lithuania possess, in addition to regular LANs - which makes it desirable in that situation. That is not the case with my provider, so I am not able to conduct any tests... in any case, it'd be useless if your ISP doesn't have one of those.

    • Protocol Encryption

    Just leave it disabled with legacy connections allowed. This encryption is useless and no longer serves its original purpose or any other one, really.

    Under "Queue"

    • Maximum number of active torrents (upload or download)
    • Maximum number of active downloads

    I've set these to 1000000 and 1, respectively, so that I can seed as many things as I wish (not all of which will be uploading at the same time, that's a different thing), and downloads arrive one-by-one with maximum speed; if one stalls or goes very slow, thus clogging the queue, you can right-click -> Force Start it so that it ignores this setting.

    • Minimum ratio (%)
    • Minimum seeding time (minutes)
    • Minimum number of available seeds

    Set them all to 0 so that there's no drama with seeding torrents suddenly stopping and preventing you from getting bonus points.

    Under "Advanced"

    • bt.connect_speed

    This controls how many connections uTorrent can open each second. The default of 7 is fine - I just want to let people know this exists

    • bt.no_connect_to_services

    Disallows connections on some default "service" ports (e-mail, IRC) so that your firewall won't complain. Set it to false so that you can reach peers who have chose to use those ports for whatever reason.

    • bt.transp_disposition

    To quote the help file:

    This option controls µTorrent's level of bias towards using TCP or uTP for transporting data (assuming the peer at the other end of the connection supports both transport protocols). The following is a list of the accepted values:
    1 allows µTorrent to attempt outgoing TCP connections
    2 allows µTorrent to attempt outgoing uTP connections
    4 allows µTorrent to accept incoming TCP connections
    8 allows µTorrent to accept incoming uTP connections
    16 tells µTorrent to use the new uTP header. This is an improved communication header, but is not backwards compatible with clients that do not understand it.
    5 means uTP gets turned off. 10 means only uTP is allowed. 13 means incoming uTP connections are allowed, but otherwise TCP is always used. 13 might be the more desirable setting, as you will use the more efficient (in terms of bandwidth required) TCP, but allow uTP for those peers who want it. 255 means allow everything.

    • net.max_halfopen

    Set this to 50. Don't forget you must have patched your TCPIP.SYS file if you're on Windows XP.

    • offers.left_rail_offer_enabled
    • offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled

    Setting these to false gets rid of the advertising in uTorrent 3.

    3.x.x introduced more advanced settings you can tweak, but I went back to 1.8.5 after trying to like those versions and failing at it, so I haven't had the chance to test them, and would rather not recommend values I haven't tried. Go here if you want to see a list and experiment yourself.

    Under "Advanced -> Disk Cache"

    • Override automatic cache size and specify the size manually (MB)

    Turn this on. For a home PC, 10% of your total installed RAM makes a good value.

    • Reduce memory usage when the cache is not needed
    • Turn off read caching if the upload speed is slow
    • Remove old blocks from the cache

    Turn all of these off. This will make uTorrent use more memory, but reduce the stress uploading places on your hard drive(s) by reading from it as little as possible. On systems with enough of RAM, this is hardly a disadvantage and thus only desirable.

    Hope it helps!
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. Who Said Thanks:

    THC (04.03.13)

  4. #48

    What was the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aurion View Post
    Well,its ok buddy,I just felt strange when you replied to parts of my topic in no extra infos way !! However you mentioned some nice explanations of few parts which is quite good !! Just try to reply to parts not being handled well !! Anyway,thnx for my "Thanks Point" & take it easy
    Aurion, I think your original tut was just fine and I have no idea why dude had to confuse everything by going over your information line by line, adding stuff, unnecessary confusing silly stuff.
    Pretty much just took your cool tutorial and scrubbed it, tried to make it his own, negating almost everything you said while at the same time validating your words and helpful information.
    Just basically attempting to instigate a negativity to your tut.
    That's called "trolling" I think.
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  5. #49
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Aurion, I think your original tut was just fine and I have no idea why dude had to confuse everything by going over your information line by line, adding stuff, unnecessary confusing silly stuff.
    Pretty much just took your cool tutorial and scrubbed it, tried to make it his own, negating almost everything you said while at the same time validating your words and helpful information.
    Just basically attempting to instigate a negativity to your tut.
    That's called "trolling" I think.
    Yeah, fuck me for politely adding to the tutorial and clearing possible misconceptions.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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