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Thread: [discussion] Who is the world's first forger?

  1. #1

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    Cool [discussion] Who is the world's first forger?

    Hey, I guess that would be the most enjoyable discussion participated in.

    Who is the world's first forger?
    What is the first software that was developed in order to forge ratio?
    Who first published the network counterfeiter tool for people?
    Do you have a method you do not advertise the network or spinal friends?

    Questions for developers and high levels:
    Why do you continue to support the tools forger ratio And to develop new tools and publish them on the net for people who did not even say thank you at all? What actually motivates you?
    For example, I remember Anon here a long time and he is helping people and developed a tool u torrent forger and even now he continues helping non-stop.
    I know there are many great people here who help and developers tools that I did not mention their names so I'm sorry but I remember Anon when I was a child and came to this site. He was very Dominant.

    Discussion enjoyable
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (14.05.16)

  3. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by agent Hugo Smith
    Who is the world's first forger?
    in general? regarding any kind of forgery? its the one who invented the term, its meaning and its application in the materialistic world - the question you should ask is: who invented all these things around us, who gave them their meaning, some of which we are able to comprehend nowadays - the people we call inventors are merely receivers of such knowledge, not the origin thereof (proof can be found in trying to locate the origin of your own thoughts)

    Quote Originally Posted by agent Hugo Smith
    forger, counterfeiter ...
    its called 'fake ratio' or 'faking'
    the terms you used are more appropriate for physical items

    Quote Originally Posted by agent Hugo Smith
    Why do you continue to support the tools forger ratio And to develop new tools and publish them on the net for people who did not even say thank you at all? What actually motivates you?
    there may be many motivators, depending on the person involved:
    - developing a tool needed in the filesharing community (mostly for those having trouble keeping up with ratio requirements and personal abilities to uphold them)
    - sharing knowledge/skills/tools/info/data (similar to filesharing)
    - fun
    - fame & bragging rights
    - revenge and other negative motivations
    - every kind of restriction or limit motivates a certain amount of people to try to break it
    - for every rule there is an exception

    interestingly, afaik you need to 'say thanks' in order to get/download the tools here, but more generally, why should it matter if someone said thanks, forgot to say it or did not care about it at all?

    Quote Originally Posted by agent Hugo Smith
    He was very Dominant.

    btw. another interesting topic may be: ok, so you did your share of ratio faking, but what did you do to give back the data you took from/via the trackers or any kind of source in general, do you consider 'giving back' as important as 'taking'? do you strive towards balance in your life or are you only interested in that what you can get/take/receive?
    Last edited by slikrapid; 14.05.16 at 18:15. Reason: typo
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  4. #3
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    The first cheater was probably someone who read the BitTorrent specification or used a packet sniffer to check how traffic is reported, and then attempt to manipulate it. Since all information is sent in plaintext, that must not have taken long. Two of the earliest methods were using a browser to send a fake announce with tons of upload, and removing the tracker URL after starting a torrent so traffic won't get counted. No idea what the first program was.

    The motivations I have seen in this forum are having fun, dealing with the challenge of whether it can be done, exercising programming skills and leveling the playing field for those with slow connections. Yes, for every person who stays and contributes there are 19 who get the mods and leave, but that's an Internet constant and nothing can be done about it.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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