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  1. #91

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    interestingly, subliminal messages are actually pretty common: think of your own subconscious (or the collective subconscious) as constantly stimulating, emitting/receiving impulses & stimuli that obviously do have an effect on what happens as the outcome - it is a normal activity

    but then again, your subconscious is appropriately aligned to you, working 'on your frequency', whereas commercial stimuli work with some general ideas that may be temporarily aligned with only a minor number of viewers/perceivers and needing specific conditions to work, thus being of little effectiveness - this effectiveness may be even lower if you're observing your behavior and keeping an eye out on strange developments

    it can also be said that all that you perceive first entered (or came out of or formed within) the subconscious, before your conscious attention managed to focus on it, let alone comprehend it - it wouldn't be strange if what you perceive IS the contents of your subconscious (like your own little cloud within the collective cloud structure, or your own little blood vessel/neuron/flow/container/sub-structure/... within a greater interconnected structure)

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki, Subliminal stimuli
    Importantly, research on action priming has shown that subliminal stimuli can trigger only those actions that one plans to perform anyway: an action can be triggered subliminally only if the person already has the specific intention to perform this specific action.
    which may be understood as: being ready for the action, awaiting the right moment for it to happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    No, you wouldn't notice there's a subliminal message if it is subliminal, by definition.
    You're not gonna find any on broadcasts like these for sure, since it's highly illegal to do so.
    everything subliminal may be 'caught' by focusing conscious attention on it, like catching fish in an ocean (though there are some conditions, like having a good net, etc.)
    as for illegality, since when did that stop anyone (to continue testing promising ways of influencing the public, under new names or labels), especially if power/control/profit is what they desire

    also, there are many ways of sending messages and messages do not necessarily need to be in plain txt or standout images (think: metaphors or allegories) or embedded within every n-th frame - some of which reminds of the movie interstellar

  2. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (08.04.15) , Master Razor (07.04.15)

  3. #92
    everything subliminal may be 'caught' by focusing conscious attention on it, like catching fish in an ocean
    Correct. Once you know some patterns to look for, it will become clear.
    A man not knowing these things and runs into somekind of subliminal message, he will just think of them as weird which in tern leads to = something not right.

    some of which reminds of the movie interstellar
    What have you found?

    A little stroll on history lane. Women's history to be exact. By accident I have found two articles, interesting to say at least about them:
    From Manly to Sexy: The History of the High Heel » Sociological Images
    The Manly Origins of Cheerleading » Sociological Images

    So it seems men were first in everything. Life as we know it has things-translated as jobs, clothes and other things made exclusisively for women. I have litterally no history knowledge but if these articles are true, it means that women copied men at everything in an effort to promote equality. In which they are not so happy nowadays.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 07.04.15 at 23:47.

  4. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (08.04.15) , ozymandis (08.04.15)

  5. #93

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    Silkrapid are you into Hypnotism/NLP and stuff just curious?

  6. #94

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    Once you know some patterns to look for...
    if already familiar with the concept, it becomes harder to catch you off guard

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    What have you found?
    it just reminded me how messages got sent in unexpected ways in that movie (the anomalies, etc.)

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    as fashions typically filter down from elite.
    they are in a better position to support this fashion (via their influence, financial power,...) - it simply makes more sense that it gets born (or established or promoted) there where the conditions are most suitable

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    Actor Jimmy Stewart was head cheerleader at Princeton.
    hehe, jimmy...
    afaik it is generally thought that his western roles weren't tough enough, ie. too soft to be believable, especially when confronting more animal-like opponents

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    it seems men were first in everything.
    mostly, in male dominated societies - which would be the opposite in female dominated societies

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    it means that women copied men at everything in an effort to promote equality.
    it was available to be copied (you torrent because torrents are available to be used) and there was interest in doing it (like new toys to play with and get ideas from)

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    In which they are not so happy nowadays
    i'd say because they are not used to explore or uphold or respect their feminine side, since the masculine side is nowadays understood as something superior or desirable, even though both have equal relevance (think of the yin-yang symbol) and the male ignorance is not helping either (ignorance from a dominant position) - this reflects the situation in current societies and hints at some of the things they ought to do to get healthier (balance attitude towards these sides)

    also, if the females aren't happy, why would the males be? ... and expand this to the whole society

    Quote Originally Posted by ozymandis
    are you into Hypnotism/NLP and stuff
    eh? no
    although i might agree with some of their thoughts, like: 'there is no failure, only feedback', 'stopping the world',...
    and disagree on the idea of 'therapy makes it happen' - ie. the most potent therapy goes only so far due to the subject/patient/person in question and other surrounding conditions - if the person is not 'ready' to be healed, nothing will heal him and if the elusive surrounding conditions aren't adequate, nothing will work as expected - in other words, you get that which you are ready for, of all the things seemingly available to you (aka the karmic outcome)
    Last edited by slikrapid; 08.04.15 at 21:27.

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (09.04.15)

  8. #95
    Slik, some good books to read?
    I just finished reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy and I was amazed, to say at least. I'm seeing some mistakes I have done in the past years just by reading it.
    Don't exactly want literature unless it is very important. Similar books like this - whatever you think it is a MUST-READ.

  9. Who Said Thanks:

    Blocker (27.04.15)

  10. #96

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    some good books to read?
    what i can recommend to everyone is meditation

    its basic purpose is to achieve physical & psychological relaxation and a clarity of mind/thought/consciousness, while consciously awake, perceiving the changes
    its advanced purpose may include 'fishing in the subconscious', exploring the depths of your being, etc. - what you may achieve depends on what you're ready for, the purer your intentions the higher you may go (so forget any cheating hehe)

    Quote Originally Posted by book
    "I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world." -- Dr. Joseph Murphy. At last, a great new scientific discovery brings the incredible force of your subconscious mind under your control. Here are the simple, scientifically proven techniques and the astonishing facts about how your subconscious powers can perform miracles of healing. How lung cancer has been cured and optic nerves made whole again. How you can use the newly discovered Law of Attraction to increase your money-getting powers. How your subconscious mind can win you friends, peace of mind, and even help you to attract the ideal mate. How your dreams can help you solve problems and make difficult decisions -- or warn you of potential disaster. Prosperity, happiness and perfect health are yours when you use The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind.
    - he has perhaps seen miracles but likely also misinterpreted them (they are exceptions, that happen only under very rare and specific conditions)
    - you cannot control the subconscious, it is not yours to control - a change of (own) attitude/viewpoint makes the difference, not your imaginary powers over anything
    - besides, you need to be ready for the change, that is the law of attraction ('like attracts like' and 'the question attracts the answer')
    - the rest seems like the usual story about gaining materialistic power, wealth and happiness (with the usual results that do not meet the expectations)
    - true power is that of a higher level of understanding or spirituality - it is a state of mind/consciousness, not a state of your wallet (or the number of your 'friends' or the amount/diversity of your happy experiences or the amount of data in your head/memory/storage, etc.)

  11. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (10.04.15)

  12. #97
    Dismount this theory Zeigarnik Effect
    slik, kill it.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 24.04.15 at 20:47.

  13. #98

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    the theory seems fine, but this depends on your attitude regarding these tasks - if they were something important or impressive or difficult to accomplish, painful, etc. you'll probably remember them more than the easy or mundane tasks (perhaps that is why life seems difficult, so you can remember the lessons within - as in: no pain, no gain)

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki, The Zeigarnik effect
    In psychology, the Zeigarnik effect states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks
    It seems that the effect depends on additional factors, most above all on the importance of the interrupted task for the person.

    seems to me that by being moderate (not too many tasks at once, avoiding over-working oneself, sleeping regularly,...) and by completing your tasks (at least mentally, considering them sufficiently done, positive thinking,...) you can avoid getting 'your head full' or loaded with tension from incomplete tasks 'asking/demanding' to be dealt with

    there is a similar example with grieving, where people need so-called closure so they can move on after some troublesome/tragic event
    and another example is 'time heals everything' where eventually all things get back on track (closure, rest, karmic release, end of a cycle,...)

  14. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (26.04.15) , Master Razor (25.04.15)

  15. #99
    you'll probably remember them more than the easy or mundane tasks (perhaps that is why life seems difficult, so you can remember the lessons within - as in: no pain, no gain)
    Obviously. I can remember everything bad that happend to me, yet I cannot recall the good things.

    seems to me that by being moderate (not too many tasks at once, avoiding over-working oneself, sleeping regularly,...) and by completing your tasks (at least mentally, considering them sufficiently done, positive thinking,...) you can avoid getting 'your head full' or loaded with tension from incomplete tasks 'asking/demanding' to be dealt with
    It has some truth in it. I can confirm that using a task manager, writing down your tasks, your brain feels free. The point is to actually decide in your mind what to do with a task and not to postpone it - where this effect originates from. Like a computer, open 1000 apps, waiting in stand-by, not doing anything just consuming resources because of instructions lack.
    Last edited by Master Razor; 25.04.15 at 21:37.

  16. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (26.04.15)

  17. #100

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    Obviously. I can remember everything bad that happend to me, yet I cannot recall the good things.

    It has some truth in it. I can confirm that using a task manager, writing down your tasks, your brain feels free. The point is to actually decide in your mind what to do with a task and not to postpone it - where this effect originates from. Like a computer, open 1000 apps, waiting in stand-by, not doing anything just consuming resources because of instructions lack.
    That is a very good analogy for understanding this thanks

  18. #101
    Is it true? Or should I believe the experiments beeing done in Antarctica, HAARP is the blame for this?

    Time passes by at an alarming rate for me, don;t for you guys if it is the same but I am going crazy here. 1 minute is like a half-hour here.

  19. #102

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    Time passes by at an alarming rate for me

    as for haarp, wasn't that thing related to attempts at weather control/influencing/experiments (combined with chemtrails)? not related, unless you count time spent on reading about it or worrying about it as 'slipping away'

  20. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    1 minute is like a half-hour here.
    This statement can be interpreted in two completely opposite ways, though from context, I assume you mean thirty minutes of absolute time feel like one minute to you.

    Anyway, here are some random thoughts of mine on the matter.

    "Time flies when you're having fun", and as you've grown older, increasing possibilities for that became available. Also, with every passing year, it takes more time to fill the same fraction of how much you've lived - "time is money", and as such, it makes sense that it'd be subject to inflation?

    A little tweaking of your schedule may go a long way. When I was at school, I'd sometimes return home an hour earlier instead of going out with friends or getting online, and that made the rest of the day seem much longer than a single hour.

    Time should be used wisely, but don't whip yourself over how much of it you've wasted in the past by not doing or knowing what you do now (you can't change that) nor how you could be being super-productive right now (because you're not a machine that can work at its fullest 24/7). Just try to do your best.

    Related links:
    Why time appears to speed up with age -
    Chronostasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  21. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (05.05.15) , Master Razor (01.05.15) , ozymandis (01.05.15)

  22. #104
    Economy Sucks!
    These are my thoughts on the matter. I hate this bullshit that surrounds me.

  23. #105
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    Economy Sucks!
    These are my thoughts on the matter. I hate this bullshit that surrounds me.
    A semi-related rant I've been meaning to make for a while:

    I'm a bit sick of all the so-called discounts supermarkets, stores and such offer these days only if you'll sign up for their "club card" and buy everything using it.

    Firstly, they always make a profit either way. It's stupid to think they'd actually go out of their way to reduce it if you merely flash a piece of plastic at the counter. You just pay what used to be the regular price, and an extra, invisible markup if you use cash.

    Secondly, you have to give personal information to get these cards, thus tying your identity to any and all purchases you use them for. All of this goes to a database later used to find out which "promotions" and "discounts" would drive future sales up. And it works very well, because even for those aware of this, money is not an unlimited resource and they'd rather not pay extra merely to remain anonymous to the system (which is pretty sensible).

    20 years ago, everyone wanted cash. Club cards didn't exist, there were no discounts whatsoever for other forms of payment, and paying using a credit card resulted in a surcharge, because they weren't getting the money now.

    What happened since then? It seems they realized how precious those purchase logs are for data mining, and for credit cards, the buyer's promise to pay "real" money in the future is backed by their bank's promise to potentially leave any debtors homeless.

    In the end, though, I keep remembering the words I heard from day one when I had Accounting as a subject at school: "the purpose of a business is to make money".
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  24. Who Said Thanks:

    ozymandis (06.05.15) , slikrapid (05.05.15) , Master Razor (04.05.15)

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