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Thread: Interstellar

  1. #76
    No I'm talking about local tv As a eurofag, discovery channel is not local. It was some guy from the university at either Brussels or Leuven.

    Weren't the higher beings evolved humans (hence the reason they cared enough as their own lives depended on it) that helped him to basically save their own ass eventually as they didn't know how to communicate with the lower level humans?
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  2. #77

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    @ozymandis & hellman:

    no pain, no gain

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    the stupid ideea that human rase is the center of universe
    - no matter how huge our own universe may be, it is possible that our (human) species is the most advanced in this particular universe (one advanced species per universe, the earth an oasis within a desert-like universe, the materialistic realm consisting of a vast ocean of countless worlds/universes)
    - what would be more advanced? that which goes beyond the universe, not in a materialistic sense (traveling around a la star trek or interstellar), but in the spiritual sense: transcending towards another realm/state of existence

    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    i believe it just shows that other races don't care, if they even can at that point in time. I think that's not even too hard to believe. I'm not very worried about the ants in my backyard. I'm not even worried about humans living on the other side of the planet.
    maybe there's something else that cares, so they wouldn't have to
    or each one already has enough to care about
    or their caring abilities do not span such distances (out of range)
    or perhaps the situation does not require such kind of care

    all 5 of the above may apply simultaneously

    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    takes the fun out of entertainment and life in general

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSaibot v.1.3.10
    it has been sent my himself...and all the movie it makes you believe that is send by higher beings //i mean com'om what a superrior image has the Human race about his own race ...in a way that i can say that suffer from grandomany & arrogance
    from the review above:
    - coop's actions are influenced here by his future self - which may make sense only if you think of your future self as some kind of a magnet that attracts you and as time goes by you end up meeting/becoming your future self

    also, his future self is understood as more advanced/evolved, compared to his past self, thus comparable to a 'higher being'

    according Harvard-Smithsonian astro-physics center they have 10 hypothesis
    1. why would humans be the only ones at their level? our earth shows incredible abundance and diversity of life forms (conclusion: it can work in such a way), our solar system/galaxy/universe shows incredible scarcity and uniformity in terms of life forms (conclusion: this can also work) - caveat: the latter is if you trust nasa & co. in terms of truthfulness and competence (desperate & corrupt organizations will use anything to keep them afloat)
    2. ancient civilizations were not primitive, they lived in a different age with different conditions, tools and interests - they had much knowledge we are clueless about - we have much trouble understanding that which got passed on (or we foolishly dismiss it as primitive)
    3. civilizations on our level have similar knowledge and understanding as we do, likely in a different system of displaying/keeping that information (just like matter on earth is similar to matter on some other planet or even universe in terms of its level, though may vary greatly in appearance, depending on their materialistic 'laws of nature')
    4. what information can be expected? nothing new in essence, only in appearance
    5. 6. see under 3.
    7. 8. lol (way too much smoke and still no fire... but maybe with cgi...)
    9. foolish viewpoint, being more advanced means less intention on experimenting with other life forms
    10. the ancient people believed so and logic tells you there must be an intelligent primal force that keeps all this from falling apart into either a chaotic mess of coincidences or nothingness

    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    Weren't the higher beings evolved humans (hence the reason they cared enough as their own lives depended on it) that helped him to basically save their own ass eventually as they didn't know how to communicate with the lower level humans?
    they were from the future (=saved), but still had to go and save... again?
    they couldn't communicate, yet they did with 'lower' coop and 'lower' scientists via all those set-ups?
    they cared because of love, just like coop did, just like his daughter did, just like female brand did (love thy species as thy neighbor as thyself as thy essence, as the moral of the story?)
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    ozymandis (10.04.15) , DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 (09.04.15)

  4. #78
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    Weren't the higher beings evolved humans (hence the reason they cared enough as their own lives depended on it) that helped him to basically save their own ass eventually as they didn't know how to communicate with the lower level humans?
    not sure that i have understanded the question ,the higher beings was evolved humans yes, that's why i don't like it...because the key word is Humans...why it's always about humans

    beside the fact that i did not understanded the movies very well..since is more like incepetion type ..ideea inside an ideea inside something else..until you loose the point...for my it was not some evolved humans...it was more average..like him from the future sending message to him ...it's not something evolved..it's more like a dimension bending..

    by the way..what was with that shitty robots? :)) they looked like they was made from recycled vending machines :))
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  5. #79
    I think you might need to rewatch it, since you seem to have missed a very important part near the end.
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  6. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    - no matter how huge our own universe may be, it is possible that our (human) species is the most advanced in this particular universe (one advanced species per universe, the earth an oasis within a desert-like universe, the materialistic realm consisting of a vast ocean of countless worlds/universes)
    it is possible in the same level that it is impossible , if we are the most advanced in this universe the question is who let us here and where or when it was the start point for us ...

    each way you see'it it's anyway just theory's and specuallations since we don't have all the facts,so all the view points are equally accurate as they are inaccurate and wrong

    - what would be more advanced? that which goes beyond the universe, not in a materialistic sense (traveling around a la star trek or interstellar), but in the spiritual sense: transcending towards another realm/state of existence
    i was thinking more about the materialistic sense ..because spiritual sense is another mather...

    - coop's actions are influenced here by his future self - which may make sense only if you think of your future self as some kind of a magnet that attracts you and as time goes by you end up meeting/becoming your future self

    also, his future self is understood as more advanced/evolved, compared to his past self, thus comparable to a 'higher being'
    that's why i did not like'd the ideea

    they were from the future (=saved), but still had to go and save... again?
    they couldn't communicate, yet they did with 'lower' coop and 'lower' scientists via all those set-ups?
    they cared because of love, just like coop did, just like his daughter did, just like female brand did (love thy species as thy neighbor as thyself as thy essence, as the moral of the story?
    1. why would humans be the only ones at their level? our earth shows incredible abundance and diversity of life forms (conclusion: it can work in such a way), our solar system/galaxy/universe shows incredible scarcity and uniformity in terms of life forms (conclusion: this can also work) - caveat: the latter is if you trust nasa & co. in terms of truthfulness and competence (desperate & corrupt organizations will use anything to keep them afloat)
    2. ancient civilizations were not primitive, they lived in a different age with different conditions, tools and interests - they had much knowledge we are clueless about - we have much trouble understanding that which got passed on (or we foolishly dismiss it as primitive)
    3. civilizations on our level have similar knowledge and understanding as we do, likely in a different system of displaying/keeping that information (just like matter on earth is similar to matter on some other planet or even universe in terms of its level, though may vary greatly in appearance, depending on their materialistic 'laws of nature')
    4. what information can be expected? nothing new in essence, only in appearance
    5. 6. see under 3.
    7. 8. lol (way too much smoke and still no fire... but maybe with cgi...)
    9. foolish viewpoint, being more advanced means less intention on experimenting with other life forms
    10. the ancient people believed so and logic tells you there must be an intelligent primal force that keeps all this from falling apart into either a chaotic mess of coincidences or nothingness
    7.the secret i think that is refering more about the people who govern us and have all the interest to keep this sort of things "secret" imagine what will happend next day after you see with your own eyes and is admited that "aliens exist and are among us they work with us " the whole society system will collapse

    8 is more explained in 7
    9. Dulce base ...just an example
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  7. #81

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    @DarkSaibot v.1.3.10:

    each way you see'it it's anyway just theory's and specuallations since we don't have all the facts,so all the view points are equally accurate as they are inaccurate and wrong
    some theories/claims are better or more believable or trustworthy than others
    some ways of accessing information are better or more believable or trustworthy than others
    until you can access such information on your own (direct conscious experience), this is as good as it gets

    7.the secret i think that is refering more about the people who govern us and have all the interest to keep this sort of things "secret" imagine what will happend next day after you see with your own eyes and is admited that "aliens exist and are among us they work with us " the whole society system will collapse
    i think governments (especially usa & co. with the help of private contractors) specialize in providing doctored info or false data and bogus stories: from their PRs (pre/during/post-war propaganda), operatives (psy-ops, cyber-warfare,...), numerous tests on the unsuspecting public (vaccines, drugs, chemicals testing,...) to their official reports (like 9/11 or other scandals) - thus it would not be surprising if they are heavily involved in inflating & supporting the whole aliens story in a similar manner (using UFO phenomena to conflate the two)
    why? to mislead or cover-up illegal tests being performed on people (aliens did it!), to be able to use another phantom enemy (like the taliliban) or even as a possible ally/adviser scenario (imaginary aliens want to save our planet, listen to their advice!) or as yet another perpetual problem (needing a new stream of underhanded measures & solutions to 'protect' the public)

    9. Dulce base ...just an example
    did you just drop a random example here?

    some good examples of unexplained real phenomena:
    - crop circles (obviously intelligent design, scientifically analyzed areas, publicly accessible areas, too large/fast/intricate designs to make, even on paper, let alone in the field, no one can reproduce them or make sense of them,...)
    - actual UFOs (=unidentified flying objects, not automatically or necessarily aliens) - flying lights/orbs (hessdalen project, scientifically analyzed areas, publicly accessible areas, observable phenomena, occurring elsewhere in the world too, pilot/radar/visual reports, no one can reproduce them or make sense of them,...)
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  8. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    @DarkSaibot v.1.3.10:

    some theories/claims are better or more believable or trustworthy than others
    some ways of accessing information are better or more believable or trustworthy than others
    until you can access such information on your own (direct conscious experience), this is as good as it gets
    i agree

    i think governments (especially usa & co. with the help of private contractors) specialize in providing doctored info or false data and bogus stories: from their PRs (pre/during/post-war propaganda), operatives (psy-ops, cyber-warfare,...), numerous tests on the unsuspecting public (vaccines, drugs, chemicals testing,...) to their official reports (like 9/11 or other scandals) - thus it would not be surprising if they are heavily involved in inflating & supporting the whole aliens story in a similar manner (using UFO phenomena to conflate the two)
    why? to mislead or cover-up illegal tests being performed on people (aliens did it!), to be able to use another phantom enemy (like the taliliban) or even as a possible ally/adviser scenario (imaginary aliens want to save our planet, listen to their advice!) or as yet another perpetual problem (needing a new stream of underhanded measures & solutions to 'protect' the public)
    i agree with this also that governments use aliens to cover something else ,it's a conspiracy inside conspiracy ,very smart done, but i still agree that in a way governments have been in contact , or put their hands on some alien Technology to reverse engineer,some say even that on area 51 is an alien that work with them and so on,because i can't explain otherwise the technological boom that it was made in the last 100 -150 years considering the fact that Edison invented the light bulb around 1879 not even 200 years ago

    did you just drop a random example here?
    yes , because i was refering more about the places where aliens supposingly test on humans , humans on humans

    some good examples of unexplained real phenomena:
    - crop circles (obviously intelligent design, scientifically analyzed areas, publicly accessible areas, too large/fast/intricate designs to make, even on paper, let alone in the field, no one can reproduce them or make sense of them,...)
    - actual UFOs (=unidentified flying objects, not automatically or necessarily aliens) - flying lights/orbs (hessdalen project, scientifically analyzed areas, publicly accessible areas, observable phenomena, occurring elsewhere in the world too, pilot/radar/visual reports, no one can reproduce them or make sense of them,...)
    i think about crop circles has been debunked that 90% of them are hand made,or human made, but it still reamins the 10%

    actual UFOs (=unidentified flying objects, not automatically or necessarily aliens) - flying lights/orbs (hessdalen project, scientifically analyzed areas, publicly accessible areas, observable phenomena, occurring elsewhere in the world too, pilot/radar/visual reports, no one can reproduce them or make sense of them,...)
    yes, this is way is so arrogant and grandomany for humans to think that they are the only one inteligent lifeform in this universe or any other universe

    what do you think about this ? real or fake ?
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  9. #83

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    @DarkSaibot v.1.3.10:

    i can't explain otherwise the technological boom that it was made in the last 100 -150 years
    our history is full of technological breakthroughs, of theoretical or practical nature, which took much time to develop from early to more mature stages - even p2p or torrents may be considered as a part of this trend and they too fit the pattern (childhood...maturity) - all of this is normal and consistent with the past

    i think about crop circles has been debunked that 90% of them
    i was talking about famous, large examples, not every single one that might be found out there

    as for filmed alien autopsies or corpses, afaik they are all fake (and silly looking) - due to the development of movie industry and the like, it became easier for any amateur crew to make such 'bodies' and continue these pranks - you can expect more as cgi develops

    ancient skeletons with unusual cranial shapes (incl. any prehistoric skeletons, aka cavemen), on the other hand are probably much better examples of genuine bodies, though they all look very similar to humans, thus likely not of alien origin
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