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  1. #76
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    And I liked it, Razor should post another personality test.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  2. #77

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    And I liked it, Razor should post another personality test.
    Count me in one more

  3. #78
    Advanced User Blocker's Avatar
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    Last edited by Blocker; 15.02.15 at 21:33.

  4. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (06.04.15) , ozymandis (16.02.15) , Master Razor (15.02.15)

  5. #79
    Ok. Now that the gang is all here, let us continue.
    Let's discuss this site I found . We all have found in our everyday life that ads and commercials are known to repeat themselves. Repeat is the keyword. Either repeat, such lyrics or just the product.

    Consider the following:

    This is a commercial in my country, available in radio and tv. The keyword jobs keeps repeating at a very fast rate. At first, people think "what a stupid commercial" or "these guys have flipped" but it is all a distraction. The real message jobs and bestjobs (product) are by repetition, implated in your subconscious and that is what a subliminal message is.

    There many songs, ads and commercials that do the same.

    What do you think about all of this?

  6. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (06.04.15)

  7. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor View Post
    people think "what a stupid commercial" or "these guys have flipped" but it is all a distraction. The real message jobs and bestjobs (product) are by repetition, implated in your subconscious and that is what a subliminal message is.


    What do you think about all of this?
    I do not believe it to be true. If that method worked, wouldn't we all be wanting to buy things all the time, vaguely knowing why?

    However, I will say that backmasked vocals (another supposed method of subliminal advertising) are often surprisingly clear and explicit.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  8. #81
    I dont think it can be labeled as subliminal if you are aware of it.

    that being said, repetition is a recipe to learn things. And people have a tendency to pick the thing they know over the unknown. Having heard of bestjobs before and remembered it due to its stupid commercial, people will still pick it without a thought over something they have never heard of. Not subliminal, but gets the job done in a legal way !
    Last edited by Sazzy; 02.04.15 at 23:07.

  9. #82

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    The above ad is not a subliminal in my opinion.

    The above are more like earworms that try to kind of bias our thinking in a certain way.
    Sub conscious mind can't be influenced so easily unless your critical factor is down
    and you are in a hypnotic trance. That being said repetition does work by re activating
    certain pathways in our brain and making thinking patterns habitual this is more or less
    an effort in this direction

  10. #83

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    @The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry video

    some observations ('...' = docu quotes):
    - the military takes their soldiers for granted, they do not look at them as human beings, but as some kind of machinery or expendable objects
    - soldiers treated like lab rats or guinea pigs? an honorable military does not need or want drugged/medicated soldiers
    - seems some of these medication works similar to painkillers, numbs the effects of pain or in this case emotions (no cause is really treated, merely the side effects like pain/emotions become suppressed)
    - general medicine or civil psychology is not too different, they are sometimes even encouraged to 'make sales', private practitioners advertise various products in their offices, etc.
    - it also tells of an exaggerated faith in pills/medicine or an imagined need for those kinds of things (movies too: home cabinets full of various pills/medicine as if thats something normal), leading to an over-medicated general population, whereas these military examples are a more extreme version (though soldiers are usually in better physical condition to handle increased medication)
    - it is another clue from where a good deal of those new-age mental diseases come from (over-medication)
    - remember the vaccine craze that keeps getting rebooted every year or couple of years? over silly things such as the flu, or the insane idea of having vaccines for every kind of a disorder you can imagine or the insanity of vaccination from birth and in early childhood
    - 'pharmaceutical roulette' - remember the genetic roulette, regarding GM food?
    - '21 drugs at the same (period of) time' - just insane
    - 'psychiatric treatment of children (and family members) of deployed soldiers' - more drugs for the whole family, eh?
    - 'betrayal' - another 'inside job'? the truth may be even stranger: they didn't do it on purpose (actual betrayal), it is very likely that they didn't know any better (ignorance) - these people keep depending on each other to support the profession, new psychiatrists get educated how to do their job and they do it as instructed, rarely anyone really bothers or dares questioning almost dogmatic assumptions made in the profession by esteemed old colleagues, it would look like you're doubting your own profession and decades of practical experience, rarely anyone has enough data to cause some waves, let alone sustain them or directly affect serious change - it becomes a vicious circle of repeating the same mistakes of your predecessors, supported by the system that has no effective countermeasures (thus history again repeats itself)
    - there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of similar documentaries from all fields of human activities - and what gets done on the governmental level? very little if anything - other than on the informative level, it does not sound like a significant change (majority of viewers/voters not being ready for the change), at least not in the short run

    Quote Originally Posted by video
    non-pharmaceutical approach that has been phenomenally successful
    thats right, no drugs/pills needed, take the natural way (herbal medicine and the like, commonly/naturally available ordinary items/plants/salts/...)


    nice images, looking like a human neuron structure or maybe something you'd see on a christmas tree
    but, what is being done here is extrapolations based on small segments of data:
    - assuming the processes would continue in the same way
    - assuming the raw data coming from the probes/instruments is understood
    - assuming theoretical relationships are accurate, some of which have been questioned lately (like the red-shift theory)

    is there an easy way to test or prove any of it? no
    moral of the story? you're not alone, there's a vast ocean of countless worlds/universes with their own unique conditions and inhabitants, yet with the same underlying essence and the general purpose/meaning/path (so, if you understand the basics of one universe, you understand the basics of any other one, thus no need to dream of traveling out there just to find out the same old story in another wrapping)

    @ Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI):

    that online test is erroneous regarding androgynous scoring (they misinterpreted filler questions as belonging to androgynous scores!):

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki, Bem Sex-Role Inventory
    Traits are evenly dispersed, 20 masculine, 20 feminine, and 20 filler traits thought to be gender neutral.
    how to interpret (the so-called new method):

    Quote Originally Posted by wiki, Bem Sex-Role Inventory
    androgynous is the result of scoring above the median in both masculine and feminine categories. Sex-typed scores, masculine and feminine, are the result of scoring above the median in one gender and below the median in the other. An undifferentiated score is now a result of scoring below the median in both masculine and feminine categories.
    which means all of you guys may be considered androgynous in the psychological sense, since everyone has over 50% in both masculine and feminine categories, those with a higher result in one category may think of it as a more dominant area but not enough to be considered non-androgynous

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Razor
    It appears people use this test to actually define what is/should be their gender. Ever heard of the saying "A man trapped in a women's body" or vice-versa? It is all psychological anyway, the way you grew up and with whom (if singled-parent) creates these things.
    gender/sex = physical characteristics
    masculine/feminine = psychological characteristics (as seen from the scores, these are both present within each of the physical sexes - thus single parenting can work if the parent has some androgynous traits or if he/she remembers the necessity to at least role-play them when needed)
    - one's psychology is formed from a combination of inherited traits (states from previous incarnations with their karmic significance), the local conditions (genetics, family, society, living conditions,...) and one's own path (the flow of developments/events/experiences and the changes in one's personal characteristics/understanding), ie. roughly: WHO (the person), WHERE (the location/conditions) & WHAT (the development/path/flow/changes to both the person and the conditions)
    - in the current 'modern' societies women are expected to behave in masculine ways (independent, aggressive, self-reliant,...), which means their emancipation actually made them more masculine(!), continuing the masculine domination now with more male-like members of the female gender - whereas if our societies were really more advanced/sensible, they would have achieved a greater appreciation and influence of their feminine characteristics (making them relatively equal in value to the masculine counterparts, up to the point where the males would harness their own urges just to keep this balance intact, out of respect for this equality - and vice versa regarding the female urges)
    - why does the pope wear feminine clothes? to simulate or remind of feminine characteristics
    - why do (eastern) religious images show male gods with feminine facial, hair (long) and bodily (smoothness/softness, curves) characteristics? to remind of the presence/relevance of their feminine side, ie. both sides are represented adequately and in a wholesome way

    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    Master Razor is actually a girlllll!
    naughty, eh?
    he only has strong feminine traits, as well as barely sufficient masculine ones, but still androgynous in total

    anyways, these tests are all very rough and shouldn't be taken as particularly important, especially since by controlling your impulses it is possible to restrain the impulses/urges and on the other hand, by intentional or unintentional role-playing it is possible to play them out (how probable? thats another story) - so they seem like a stretchable bunch
    also, the question is whether our answers reflect what we 'currently are' (less likely) or what we 'think of ourselves' or what we 'want to be(come)'

    @The Lightbulb Conspiracy video

    some observations ('...' = docu quotes):
    - how do you define, introduce and maintain 'what is necessary'? surely not by nu-communist/socialist methods? surely not to dictate what people ought to do?
    - 'posterity will never forgive us' - what makes you think posterity will be less ignorant than the current generations? mere & more accumulated data over time is not knowledge, it is still only data up for interpretation/understanding
    - abundance of resources vs finite planet? both for a wise inhabitants (who won't waste too much like spoiled/ignorant 'economist' manchildren, nor hoard too much like spoiled/ignorant 'capitalist' manchildren, nor support spoiled/ignorant dictatorship by 'communist' manchildren and the like)
    - its funny to see how early promoters of planned obsolescence get treated to euphemisms 'he tried to balance, to find a solution', whereas they are examples of artificial and counterintuitive reasoning (lets ignorantly push stuff that suits only a part of the equation, the producer or the financier or the economy, ignoring the rest) - these 'new prosperity measures' (planned economy) were not officially introduced because that would leave documented proof of their manipulations for all to see - instead they entered the scene through unofficial doors (common practice spreading among producers)
    - interestingly, the early planned obsolescence was not due to intentional manipulation of product functionality, but simply due to a heavy promotion of new, improved products with a status-symbol meaning - old ones were still usable on the 2nd hand market or repairable for continued usage (not simply thrown away like nowadays)
    - without planned obsolescence there wouldn't be malls or products? lol, there might be less generic products, more versatile ones, more developed ones (longer development cycles), but also at a slower rate, with a slower move towards new things and likely less intermediate products
    - interestingly, in the case of industrial machinery, its the other way around: they try to make the heavy machinery long lasting, unlike mass consumption goods (no united consumer body with higher standards or expectations)
    - the common mistake here is to demonize things: growth & obsolescence aren't necessarily problematic, its the way they are handled and implemented - if this is done ignorantly (of the nature of reality) & underhandedly (ulterior motives), don't expect improvements
    - regarding the age of internet, see above under 'there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of similar documentaries...'
    - guess what can be expected from the 'limited resources' argument? forget new products and start-ups, buy from the existing cartel, it would be unsustainable to waste resources on new unproven ideas or reviving old ones (like 100 years without serious light-bulb competition or old-design improvements) - which will again, as expected, benefit the old, established manufacturers due to their well entrenched lobbyist positions invisible to casual observers
    - so now you get people (descendants from those cartel companies) who appear as having some environmental concerns - their proposal? ridiculous increase to the cost of light bulbs (get it? moar profit for them) so that the manufacturers would suddenly start with responsible and durable production - also, what kind of products do we get? the worst of the bulbs in terms of ergonomy/health and ease of manufacturing (no competition)!
    - not to mention completely unacceptable and dictatorial moves like forceful phasing-out of the incandescent light bulb by law in the EU & co., pretending to be beneficial to the environment, etc. - aka 'how to use the law to win a market', then continue the usual way of exploitation and PR lies
    - that swiss textile manufacturer looks promising... (notice how his example of non-toxic biodegradable products is still a form of planned obsolescence, but more nature or health friendly)
    - anti-growth movement? back to the hippie-era (era of their youth, you know, the best age ) of stoned-to-death, infertile but happily medicated in their reservations/communes or plugged in their virtual reality communities?

    Quote Originally Posted by gandhi
    the world is big enough to satisfy everyone's needs, but will always be too small to satisfy individual greed
    this includes greed to dictate terms of life/living/existence to other people (say, via laws applicable to all, yet serving only the ignorant minority, achieved via votes of the ignorant majority), ie. includes the greed of societal groups (communities, states, countries/nations, local/global organizations, EU,...)
    notice also how the first part of this quote may be understood as a realistic assessment or objective view (world is big enough, that is a part of its purpose) and the other part as a subjective view of reality (individual idea of 'what is big enough') - may be viewed as an example of the difference between 'what it is' & 'what we may think it is'

    @ subliminals:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy
    Having heard of bestjobs before and remembered it due to its stupid commercial, people will still pick it without a thought over something they have never heard of.
    what if they connect it with 'stupid', then they won't be eager to pick it up
    but they might be curious to visit the site (or check/try whatever they offer) and see what the fuss is all about
    finally, the idea may be: whatever the company does, gotta stick in the viewer's mind (for all of them are potential customers)

    what may be semi-subliminal about the commercial:
    - the feeling of safety, fun, relaxation, no worries (unlike 'the jobless' or those 'with lame jobs'), 'cause they have the best jobs right there (bestjobs), no?

    but... what if you already have a negative view of all commercials? as fun as some of them may be, that still won't change the attitude of distrust regarding the contents - the same applies to specific companies or products

  11. #84
    People will pick something stupid over something unknown. Tested and proven! People are weird

  12. #85

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sazzy View Post
    People will pick something stupid over something unknown. Tested and proven! People are weird
    Not necessarily it depends on person to person

  13. #86
    Ok, "most people" then, to be politically correct

  14. #87
    Subliminal message?

  15. #88
    No, you wouldn't notice there's a subliminal message if it is subliminal, by definition.
    You're not gonna find any on broadcasts like these for sure, since it's highly illegal to do so.

  16. #89
    There are ways of recognizing it.

  17. #90
    How? Subliminal messages are like 1 frame every 30. Your brain filters that out so you only subconsciously see them. Normal people would go crazy if they actively could see these.

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