Microsoft's latest legal headache is a suit from a little-known company called Gotuit Media, which charges elements of Silverlight infringe on the video metadata company's patented technology.

In a suit filed July 2 in San Francisco Federal Court, Gotuit charges Silverlight infringes on several of its patents and seeks an injunction against the software maker as well as damages and attorney's fees.
Track on Silverlight

Microsoft plans to use Silverlight to allow visitors to to watch multiple events at the same time, as well as view streaming commentary. Gotuit cited these plans as part of its patent infringement suit.
(Credit: Dan Farber/CNET )

Gotuit may be a relative unknown, but Microsoft is facing an opponent it knows quite well. Gotuit is represented by San Francisco-based lawyer Spencer Hosie, the same Hosie that successfully represented in its suit against Microsoft.

Hosie declined to comment on the Gotuit case.

Of note, Gotuit, in its complaint, mentions specifically Microsoft's plans to use Silverlight in conjunction with video metadata as part of its powering of the Web site. Silverlight is Microsoft's rival to Adobe's Flash for Web video, among other uses.

Microsoft faces lawsuit over Silverlight | Beyond Binary