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Thread: uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.1 Build 25130 - NEW4

    1. uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.1 Build 25130 - NEW4 Details »»

      uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.1 Build 25130 - NEW4

      Version: 2.2.1 Build 25130, by (Guest Coder) Owyn is offline

      Developer Last Online: Jul 2014 Show Printable Version Email this Page
      Rating:  Downloads: 28828
      Released: 24.03.11 Last Update: Never Installs: 104
      bugicon Bugs: 0 / 3 featureicon Features: 7 / 7 taskicon Tasks: 0 / 0
      • Supported
      • Free for all

      uSerenity 2.2.1 Build 25130

      see features page

      - remade whole fakeupload and multi system to be more fail-safe and flexible
      - now you can safely change labels from and to “fake” & “multi” while torrent is active

      edit 31\3\2012: - Now Fakeuploading stops and pauses along with pressing according buttons on a torrent.
      - - Added support for ipv6 announces.

      edit 5\6\2012: - Fixed fakeupload incorrect behavior when chaning label to empty one while torrent is active.



      Attached debug version for testers and those who say they have problems and are not sure that it works 100% of times. logs every action to a text file inside folder with program.

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      • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

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  1. #632
    Quote Originally Posted by Owyn View Post
    DHT-patch is discoverable with the help of other peers I suppose, else they just discovered that you used uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25130 and banned you for that.
    I'm guessing the latter. Seems to work just fine for the rest..
    Maybe because a lot of people are starting to switch to v3, even though its bulkiness and ads?

  2. #633
    Quote Originally Posted by Owyn View Post
    DHT-patch is discoverable with the help of other peers I suppose, else they just discovered that you used uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25130 and banned you for that.
    it's the perfect time for version spoofing dude.
    I know it's a lot of effort and coding.
    good luck.

  3. #634
    This explains why I haven't had any problems so far; I disabled DHT-Patch as I have no use for it.

  4. #635
    Quote Originally Posted by Owyn View Post
    DHT-patch is discoverable with the help of other peers I suppose, else they just discovered that you used uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25130 and banned you for that.
    DHT-patch is disabled, the later is correct.
    The guy who interviewed me @What.CD was aware that the uTorrent build I'm using is a cheat tool!

    As I said, He disabled me for suspicious activity though I didn't cheat there for quite a time.

    BitMe disabled me two or three days after What.CD and they didn't reveal the exact reason except for the word: cheater and a kick from the channel!
    I guess that was a reprecussion from the What.CD ban but I'm not sure since I had cheated on BitMe recently and was using differenet usernames and emails for both trackers.

    This tool is outdated and using it is a great risk (imho), I'm not saying it's discoverable but the build is!

    I've switched to the latest utorrent build in the rest of trackers I have accounts on.

  5. Who Said Thanks:

    mmmmm (24.02.14)

  6. #636
    Quote Originally Posted by Extraterrestrial View Post
    The guy who interviewed me @What.CD was aware that the uTorrent build I'm using is a cheat tool!

    As I said, He disabled me for suspicious activity though I didn't cheat there for quite a time.

    This tool is outdated and using it is a great risk (imho), I'm not saying it's discoverable but the build is!
    Not everyone using uTorrent 2.2.1 build 21530 is automatically a cheater, even though that's what's implied. To refute that notion, I've read forum posts by at least ten staffers from various trackers that stopped upgrading their legit uT installs at that build. There were two more builds of 2.2.1, but the only changes were the ads. Why upgrade? uT 3.* sucks rocks, so a LOT of "average" users stayed with 2.2.1 21350.

    That What.CD staffer was "aware" of a goddamn guess based on shitty math: uTorrent version/build + questionable torrent activity = OMFG BAN. If someone is stupid enough to use insane multipliers or fake upload speeds on a tracker as anally-retentive as What, they deserve their bans. The first rule of cheating on trackers is "don't be a dumbass." Ignoring that and going balls-deep with no thought about the consequences is the definition of dumb. Hell, What supposedly employs people to analyze traffic logs and sniff out potential and/or obvious cheaters. This is one time where being unique is a bad thing.

  7. Who Said Thanks:

    alpacino (02.03.14) , Lucius (25.02.14)

  8. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by gagaolala View Post
    Not everyone using uTorrent 2.2.1 build 21530 is automatically a cheater, even though that's what's implied. To refute that notion, I've read forum posts by at least ten staffers from various trackers that stopped upgrading their legit uT installs at that build. There were two more builds of 2.2.1, but the only changes were the ads. Why upgrade? uT 3.* sucks rocks, so a LOT of "average" users stayed with 2.2.1 21350.

    That What.CD staffer was "aware" of a goddamn guess based on shitty math: uTorrent version/build + questionable torrent activity = OMFG BAN. If someone is stupid enough to use insane multipliers or fake upload speeds on a tracker as anally-retentive as What, they deserve their bans. The first rule of cheating on trackers is "don't be a dumbass." Ignoring that and going balls-deep with no thought about the consequences is the definition of dumb. Hell, What supposedly employs people to analyze traffic logs and sniff out potential and/or obvious cheaters. This is one time where being unique is a bad thing.
    I'm not sure what you're implying here but I'm not a rookie in regards to cheating, I've been doing that for years and if you continued reading you were going to know that I hadn't cheated there for some time (2 or 3 months).
    And you're wrong about how many people use this build, If you checked the peer list of torrents on a high-level tracker, you'll be shocked at how many stick with this build, many still use uT 2.* but very few use this build, at least that is what I've noticed through regular inspection of peer lists!

  9. #638
    Quote Originally Posted by Extraterrestrial View Post
    I'm not sure what you're implying here but I'm not a rookie in regards to cheating, I've been doing that for years and if you continued reading you were going to know that I hadn't cheated there for some time (2 or 3 months).
    And you're wrong about how many people use this build, If you checked the peer list of torrents on a high-level tracker, you'll be shocked at how many stick with this build, many still use uT 2.* but very few use this build, at least that is what I've noticed through regular inspection of peer lists!
    No implications. Actually, I thought it was pretty clear that I think you're responsible for your fate. Whether or not you're a rookie is immaterial to the process by which I came to that conclusion.

    You're making the faulty assumption that they inspect only current traffic logs. That's not the case, nor is that at all what I said. They've got a cache of data that spans several years, so there's no dearth of metaphorical rocks to overturn in pursuit of ratio cheaters. You're thinking short term, and that's just shortsighted on your part.

    Also, to hell with those "high-level" trackers and the associated elitism that you're trying to interject here. You can whip out your e-penis in front of someone who thinks that kind of juvenile shit matters, ok? The trackers I use may not be the ultra-secret, mega-exclusive circlejerks that you're accustomed to, but the kind of places that let common riff-raff like me in seem to be populated by people that don't need to use everything that's all shiny and new simply for the sake of it being shiny and new.

    Accept the fact that you came into this thread making accusations that are simply unfounded and move on.

  10. #639
    Quote Originally Posted by gagaolala View Post
    No implications. Actually, I thought it was pretty clear that I think you're responsible for your fate. Whether or not you're a rookie is immaterial to the process by which I came to that conclusion.

    You're making the faulty assumption that they inspect only current traffic logs. That's not the case, nor is that at all what I said. They've got a cache of data that spans several years, so there's no dearth of metaphorical rocks to overturn in pursuit of ratio cheaters. You're thinking short term, and that's just shortsighted on your part.

    Also, to hell with those "high-level" trackers and the associated elitism that you're trying to interject here. You can whip out your e-penis in front of someone who thinks that kind of juvenile shit matters, ok? The trackers I use may not be the ultra-secret, mega-exclusive circlejerks that you're accustomed to, but the kind of places that let common riff-raff like me in seem to be populated by people that don't need to use everything that's all shiny and new simply for the sake of it being shiny and new.

    Accept the fact that you came into this thread making accusations that are simply unfounded and move on.
    blah blah blah, why are you attacking me on a personal level? ha, who are you?! You lousy staffer with 2 posts! :)

  11. #640
    Quote Originally Posted by gagaolala View Post
    Accept the fact that you came into this thread making accusations that are simply unfounded and move on.
    It's not unfounded per se. It might be, but we can't really know, can we?
    Still, it's good that he came in to report this. Even _if_ it was his fault, at least now we can lay low and be a bit more careful on those trackers, just in case.

  12. Who Said Thanks:

    Extraterrestrial (26.02.14)

  13. #641
    Quote Originally Posted by Extraterrestrial View Post
    blah blah blah, why are you attacking me on a personal level? ha, who are you?! You lousy staffer with 2 posts! :)
    You make me sad, man. Seriously.

    I am not now, nor have I ever been, a staffer at any tracker. Never had any desire to be, either. My post was supposedly "attacking you on a personal level" because you didn't follow the common sense approach I took to begin with. Then came the tracker level nonsense and it just irked me. That's all for show, man, and you know it. Talking about your tracker collection and how you've got accounts at whatever trackers everyone is drooling over this week is the online equivalent of pulling out a big wad of cash in front of people. It serves no purpose except for stroking your own ego, and I'm not into that.

    Oh, by the way, responding dismissively instead of trying to show me where I'm wrong makes it seem like you agree with me. Not defending your internet honor is basically tacit agreement with the claims made about you. Didn't you take "Posting on Forums 101?"

  14. #642
    Quote Originally Posted by gagaolala View Post
    You make me sad, man. Seriously.

    I am not now, nor have I ever been, a staffer at any tracker. Never had any desire to be, either. My post was supposedly "attacking you on a personal level" because you didn't follow the common sense approach I took to begin with. Then came the tracker level nonsense and it just irked me. That's all for show, man, and you know it. Talking about your tracker collection and how you've got accounts at whatever trackers everyone is drooling over this week is the online equivalent of pulling out a big wad of cash in front of people. It serves no purpose except for stroking your own ego, and I'm not into that.

    Oh, by the way, responding dismissively instead of trying to show me where I'm wrong makes it seem like you agree with me. Not defending your internet honor is basically tacit agreement with the claims made about you. Didn't you take "Posting on Forums 101?"
    I don't know why are you taking this to a personal level! but if talking about my tracker collection bothers you (though I didn't) so be it, I have all the trackers you wouldn't dream of getting into it and proud of that!
    Btw, it's obvious that you're a staffer, we had some of your colleges here in the past and they denied it too.

    In case you didn't know, posting about me repeatedly isn't going to help you achieve anything here (we are all unknown and anonymous users); If you have something informative about the topic, go ahead and post it but if you continued the bullying, I'm gonna report you!
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 26.02.14 at 01:41.

  15. #643
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    I didn't take Posting on Forums 101.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  16. Who Said Thanks:

    Extraterrestrial (26.02.14)

  17. #644
    Quote Originally Posted by Extraterrestrial View Post
    I don't know why are you taking this to a personal level! but if talking about my tracker collection bothers you (though I didn't) so be it, I have all the trackers you wouldn't dream of getting into it and proud of that!
    Btw, it's obvious that you're a staffer, we had some of your colleges here in the past and they denied it too.

    In case you didn't know, posting about me repeatedly isn't going to help you achieve anything here (we are all unknown and anonymous users); If you have something informative about the topic, go ahead and post it but if you continued the bullying, I'm gonna report you!
    Oh, for Christ's sake. Are you really this obtuse? Seriously? And the paranoia. Oh holy hell, the paranoia. I'm not a What staffer. Guaranteed, promise, swear on my father's grave. And if I was, why would I be so stupid as to tell you that there is NO WAY AT ALL that they can know with absolute certainty that anyone is using uSerenity? Stating the obvious fact that they're making pseudo-conclusions based on traffic logs and the specific uTorrent version/build would be awfully counter-intuitive and really goddamn dumb on my part. I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU, SON. You don't/won't see that, but I know what my intentions were/are, and that's what matters.

    The only reason I replied to your post in the first place was because you were making claims that were just as untrue as the ones made by the guy you talked to in their IRC channel, and I wanted to set the record straight. That's it! You're the one that blew this up into some kind of fucking catastrophe by making accusations and evidently not understanding that I was trying to add something informative to the topic (which you've now demanded I do). How is this unclear at all? I can't write in crayon on construction paper and pass it to you like a note in kindergarten, man. There's no way to convey what I'm saying other than in text, and it seems you're not able to cope with such a novel and intricate form of communication. How the hell are you coming to all these conclusions? It makes no sense. Honestly, tell me, because I just don't understand.

    To end this desperate plea for someone - anyone - to understand elementary concepts, using the "cool" emoticon and threatening me with a report to a mod isn't scary. I'm not going to cower or quake in my boots in fear of reprisal or retribution. Nothing about that is even marginally fearsome. Hell, I've got to go to the grocery store in a few minutes and that's causing me more pangs of dread than anything a mod in an internet forum can do. Dude, being a tattletale is petty, childish shit. If it makes you feel better, go right ahead. Ain't my place to tell you what to do or how to react. You're obviously not capable or willing to listen to me anyway, so screw it. Have fun, bro. I'm terribly sorry for attempting to assist. No good deed goes unpunished, and this proves it.

  18. #645
    Quote Originally Posted by gagaolala View Post
    Oh, for Christ's sake. Are you really this obtuse? Seriously? And the paranoia. Oh holy hell, the paranoia. I'm not a What staffer. Guaranteed, promise, swear on my father's grave. And if I was, why would I be so stupid as to tell you that there is NO WAY AT ALL that they can know with absolute certainty that anyone is using uSerenity? Stating the obvious fact that they're making pseudo-conclusions based on traffic logs and the specific uTorrent version/build would be awfully counter-intuitive and really goddamn dumb on my part. I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU, SON. You don't/won't see that, but I know what my intentions were/are, and that's what matters.

    The only reason I replied to your post in the first place was because you were making claims that were just as untrue as the ones made by the guy you talked to in their IRC channel, and I wanted to set the record straight. That's it! You're the one that blew this up into some kind of fucking catastrophe by making accusations and evidently not understanding that I was trying to add something informative to the topic (which you've now demanded I do). How is this unclear at all? I can't write in crayon on construction paper and pass it to you like a note in kindergarten, man. There's no way to convey what I'm saying other than in text, and it seems you're not able to cope with such a novel and intricate form of communication. How the hell are you coming to all these conclusions? It makes no sense. Honestly, tell me, because I just don't understand.

    To end this desperate plea for someone - anyone - to understand elementary concepts, using the "cool" emoticon and threatening me with a report to a mod isn't scary. I'm not going to cower or quake in my boots in fear of reprisal or retribution. Nothing about that is even marginally fearsome. Hell, I've got to go to the grocery store in a few minutes and that's causing me more pangs of dread than anything a mod in an internet forum can do. Dude, being a tattletale is petty, childish shit. If it makes you feel better, go right ahead. Ain't my place to tell you what to do or how to react. You're obviously not capable or willing to listen to me anyway, so screw it. Have fun, bro. I'm terribly sorry for attempting to assist. No good deed goes unpunished, and this proves it.
    Useless diatribe that adds nothing to the topic! I have better things to do than responding to an internet troll.

  19. #646
    Quote Originally Posted by Extraterrestrial View Post
    Useless diatribe that adds nothing to the topic! I have better things to do than responding to an internet troll.
    Responding to my "useless diatribe" is also useless and contributes nothing to the thread vis-à-vis the topic. Therefore, by posting simply to chastise me you've done precisely that which you've decried. And in an effort to educate you on that salient point, I've made another "useless" post, though not a diatribe.

    Also, I'm not an "internet troll." <insert emoticon here>

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