Hi guys, I just found out that Iblocklist got subscription only and you only can update your lists once a week. Could you think of some way to work this around? 10x and greets
Hi guys, I just found out that Iblocklist got subscription only and you only can update your lists once a week. Could you think of some way to work this around? 10x and greets
so you can update once a week without a subscription?
Your account has been disabled.
Nope, so I can update every day. But I found a solution anyway: its called proxy
Once a week is good enough, anyway.
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
Last edited by GenadevVitya; 26.09.13 at 20:40.
Hehe anon, yes its totally fine to update once a week, bur my cheating nature couldnt let that go :)
Yes, it is, at least the site says so.
Last edited by C3PO; 27.09.13 at 13:23.