Try telling Hiroyuki Sano that the iPhone is just another cell phone. The 24-year old college student from Nagoya began on Tuesday what will become a 73-hour wait outside the outlet of Japanese carrier Softbank that will be the first in Japan to begin selling the iconic handset on Friday morning.

For Sano, and the approximately 20 people already waiting in-line on Wednesday at lunchtime, the real wait began over a year ago when Apple CEO Steve Jobs first unveiled the handset at the Macworld conference in January 2007. While Apple went on to sell millions worldwide it never hit the shelves in Japan because the first-generation version didn't support the cell phone systems in use here.

"When the iPhone was announced I watched Steve Jobs' keynote and thought it looked like a great product and I've wanted one ever since," said Sano, who was wearing an Apple t-shirt.

With the 3G model, which supports the WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) system used in Japan, he finally has a chance to get one.
Source :

PC World - For Japanese Mac Faithful, Queuing for the IPhone Begins