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Thread: Torchwood

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    BBC - BBC One Programmes - Torchwood
    Torchwood (TV Series 2006–*) - IMDb
    Science-fiction and crime drama created by Russell T Davies dealing with the machinations and activities of the fictional Torchwood Institute.

    Because season 4 just started it might be time that it gets its own thread. Also note that this show is related to Dr. Who
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    Se7Ven (15.07.11)

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    Yes i am a big fan of Torchwood and Captain Jack in my opinion this show is one of the best Science-fiction Series on TV

    Nosce Te Ipsum
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    if these imdb comments have any truth to it, seems like a sloppy mess for the teenage audience:

    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    Torchwood is supposed to be a national organization that has been going on in the background since the 1800s, so why does everyone at Torchwood Three act like teenagers who cannot control their emotions. They are so busy sleeping with each other and breaking protocol that they have no idea how to deal with the aliens that are supposedly their modus operandi.

    Day One was about a sex alien, and it went downhill from there. So far, Cyberwoman was the least believable. Ianto lies, betrays his teammates, endangers the world, and all he gets is a kiss from Jack? He should be fired! Gwen and Owen are sleeping with each other, but nobody cares, Tosh is totally isolated, Jack goes from manically depressed to desperately flirting with anything that breathes, and the aliens are incidental.

    It's like they shoved Bones, Buffy, CSI, X-files, Days of our Lives, and just a Dash of Doctor Who into a blender and hoped really hard that what came out would be good. Then, just to prove that they were 'edgy' and 'adult', they mixed in some random sex scenes that not only do not contribute to the plot, but in some cases slow it down.

    I really did want to like Torchwood. But no matter how hard I try to see the good in this (Gwen is OK, but tell me how she can be a fully fledged Police officer but not know how to use a gun??) the bad just pulls it right to the bottom of the ocean, along with all the other sludge. Hopefully in a couple of years Torchwood will nothing but a bad memory.
    Quote Originally Posted by imdb
    2: I hate the terrible incompetence of the Torchwood staff that leads them to make repeated mistakes either out of selfishness or plain stupidity that often end up causing the deaths of innocent civilians. I hate the fact that the staff then seem to just shrug this off with no guilt or reprimand and get back to the main business of trying to sleep with each other. I hate the fact that any other decent black ops unit in any other show would have fired and quite possibly executed all of them several times over by the end of the series.

    3: I hate the fact that the writers idea of an adult Sci-Fi show is basically a kids sci-fi show with a little bit of gore and some rumpus. Gone are complex plot lines, thoughtful explorations of tough issues and realistic characters. In their place are quick cheap shows with lots of filler and plot holes so vast that they actually threaten to absorb small galaxies.

    4: I hate the fact that this could have been such a great show. There are one or two moments in the series that were genuinely wonderful, such as when in the Episode Out of Time the father met his senile dying son and then took his own life. Touching, poignant stuff. A pearl sat softly in the midst of half a ton of glistening oyster mucus.

    5: I hate the fact that this whole abortion of a show clings like some kind of parasitic worm to the Doctor Who franchise to gain loyalty from legions of fans who would otherwise probably not have cut the show as much slack as they have. I watched the entire damn series waiting for it to get good. It never did.

    6: I hate the fact that we were promised a mixture of This Life meets the X-Files. It sounded great. But what we actually got was a TV version of Heat magazine with the occasional alien and the odd gunshot wound.
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  5. #4
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    hehe, you could say that more or less about most shows
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