If you want an account renamed, disabled or deleted:
- Send a PM to one of our Moderators (you don't need 10 or more posts to do so), or
- Use the contact form, and one of us will get to it as soon as possible.
- Do not create another account - both will be permanently banned.
- In the case of a name change, please tell us what your new name should be - we aren't psychic, and we won't come up with one for you.
- If disabling or deleting your account, we will not delete your posts. This also does not give you permission to create a new one.
- If you change your mind, please use the contact form and we'll reverse your decision.
- The staff have other things to do. Repetitive name change or disablement and re-enablement requests will be ignored.
If you forgot your password:
- Click here to reset it.
- Do not create another account - both will be permanently banned.
If you forgot your password and can't access your e-mail address:
- Use the contact form. Explain your situation, and provide as much proof of actually owning that account as possible. Our staff will evaluate your submission and get back to you.
- Do not create another account - both will be permanently banned.
If you haven't received the confirmation e-mail:
- Click here to have it sent to you once again.
- If you still can't receive it, tell us via the contact form and we'll manually activate your account. Don't forget to change the e-mail address to a working one in case you need it later (password recovery, receiving announcements).
- Do not create another account. We won't ban both in this case, but it does waste our time.
If you're seeing the following message upon logging in:
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never
- You have not been banned - your account has been locked due to inactivity, which happens after three months of not logging in.
- Use the contact form to ask for a re-enablement, and try to be more active this time.
- Do not create another account. We won't ban both in this case, but it does waste our time.