Engineering Puzzles | Facebook


If you love puzzles like we do, become a fan of the new Puzzle Master Facebook Page . Notes are regularly posted to answer questions, explain puzzles, and announce new things. While you're here, try your hand at the following puzzles. The larger the difficulty, the harder it gets (hors d'oeuvres are simple tests to help you out).
If you solve these puzzles you could actually get a job at Facebook.Answers are accepted in the following languages GNU C/C++ 4.2.3,Ericsson Erlang 5.5.5,GHC Haskell 6.8.2,Sun Java 1.5.0_15,INRIA OCaml 3.10.0,Perl 5.8.8,PHP 5.2.4,Python 2.5.2, Ruby 1.8.6


Since I'm an IT engineer friends send links like these all the time.
Solving programming puzzles is a fun way to develop your logical and problem solving abilities.

I have a list of other sites like


Project Euler

Programming Praxis

There is one called as rubyquiz but the site seems down right now...

Great way to brush up on your skills also...