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Thread: mRatio 3.4.1

  1. #1

    mRatio 3.4.1

    Attachment 9524

    Added support to other type of encodings on language files
    Corrected some buttons that cut out chars when translated string is bigger than original string
    Added uTorrent Memory Reader feature

    Special Thanks:
    Yusuke Kamiyamane
    Philip Piper

    Portuguese - The248
    Spanish - Anon
    Italian - MacGyver
    Deutsch - Pliplo
    Arabic - Cheatos

    Want to translate?
    Spoiler Translate Instructions:
    Included with this release there is a English.mRLng template file, it's inside mRatioLanguages folder.
    Use this BEncode Editor to be able to open and modify the file.

    1. Try to keep the translation size close to the original size or the program may cut some words out
    2. Any text that ends with a few extra spaces, keep those spaces, for example "Details ", keep those extra spaces.
    3. This {0} will be replaced by a word, keep it on the translation
    4. If the new language uses special chars, you may need to add a new row "lngEncoding" with content "UTF-8", check Arabic language if you need an example


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    There are too many to display.

  3. #106

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    (1) [BUG REPORT]

    Added 2 two torrents, and mRatio crashed.

    Found this in mRLog.txt
    [3/9/2011 9:13:19 PM][][Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.][ICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocm93SGVscGVyLlRocm93SW52YWxpZE 9wZXJhdGlvbkV4Y2VwdGlvbihFeGNlcHRpb25SZXNvdXJjZSBy ZXNvdXJjZSkNCiAgIGF0ICM9cUhzV0E4eFpkayRfQ2FiZENfM3 JjX1E9PS4jPXFUQ0pGY0dXJEwza2tIV2lFNDFZcEN3PT0oKQ0K ICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5UaHJlYWRIZWxwZXIuVG hyZWFkU3RhcnRfQ29udGV4dChPYmplY3Qgc3RhdGUpDQogICBh dCBTeXN0ZW0uVGhyZWFkaW5nLkV4ZWN1dGlvbkNvbnRleHQucn VuVHJ5Q29kZShPYmplY3QgdXNlckRhdGEpDQogICBhdCBTeXN0 ZW0uUnVudGltZS5Db21waWxlclNlcnZpY2VzLlJ1bnRpbWVIZW xwZXJzLkV4ZWN1dGVDb2RlV2l0aEd1YXJhbnRlZWRDbGVhbnVw KFRyeUNvZGUgY29kZSwgQ2xlYW51cENvZGUgYmFja291dENvZG UsIE9iamVjdCB1c2VyRGF0YSkNCiAgIGF0IFN5c3RlbS5UaHJl YWRpbmcuRXhlY3V0aW9uQ29udGV4dC5SdW5JbnRlcm5hbChFeG VjdXRpb25Db250ZXh0IGV4ZWN1dGlvbkNvbnRleHQsIENvbnRl eHRDYWxsYmFjayBjYWxsYmFjaywgT2JqZWN0IHN0YXRlKQ0KIC AgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5FeGVjdXRpb25Db250ZXh0 LlJ1bihFeGVjdXRpb25Db250ZXh0IGV4ZWN1dGlvbkNvbnRleH QsIENvbnRleHRDYWxsYmFjayBjYWxsYmFjaywgT2JqZWN0IHN0 YXRlKQ0KICAgYXQgU3lzdGVtLlRocmVhZGluZy5UaHJlYWRIZW xwZXIuVGhyZWFkU3RhcnQoKQ=
    Opened mRatio again, and those 2 torrents were already in the list.

    (2) Still haven't replicated the frozen bug.
    Last edited by SaintShaolin; 09.03.11 at 14:20.
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  4. #107
    ^^^^ Thanks, it's related with the Favicon option, if it get's annoying just disable the Favicon option in the program options temporarily until it's fixed.
    ps: don't forget to clean the log, so you don't send the same bug again
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  5. Who Said Thanks:

    SaintShaolin (10.03.11)

  6. #108

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    With 95 torrents in the list, mRatio runs at 220+MB of memory.
    Just saying. But no issues so far.

    ---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

    I've come across the frozen bug again.
    But this time it's different. Only the ratio column is updating.

    I didn't see anything in the logs, just some timeout issues.

    [3/10/2011 7:06:04 PM][][Timeout while waiting for data.]
    You probably need to add more debugging statements.
    Are you handling some exceptions silently? (i.e. No logs for some exceptions?)
    Last edited by SaintShaolin; 10.03.11 at 06:31.
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  7. #109
    mRatio saves to log's if you allow it and only if it crashes or it doesn't know how to parse the response from tracker.
    That didn't crash mRatio, so theres no exception to handle.
    I'm pretty sure it's objectlistview related, to confirm this, when it happens again on the detail of the torrent (you may need to enable it, "Layout -> Details Panel") see if it updates normally, if it works fine on the panel then it's for sure objectlistview related

    The 220Mb memory, do you have "Options -> Performance -> Reduce memory consumption" enabled?

    On a side note, if you increase "Options -> Performance -> Interface refresh frequency", mRatio will go easier on the cpu, since you alway run allot of torrent at once that may be good for you (be aware it will update mRatio interface less often) that way you have more cpu clear to other tasks.
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  8. #110

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    (1) Reduce memory consumption was checked.
    (2) Refresh rate: 1

    I'll try to show/hide the Details panel the next time it freezes,
    and I'll give a feedback here.
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  9. #111

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    hey, im using this, works great... but ive ban on PTM, plz have any topic that explain how cheat on each tracker? or a tuto of how cheat without a ban? every tracker is cheatable?
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  10. #112
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ratu123 View Post
    hey, im using this, works great... but ive ban on PTM, plz have any topic that explain how cheat on each tracker? or a tuto of how cheat without a ban? every tracker is cheatable?
    Are you not using the search function of this board in purpose, or simply out of laziness?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  11. #113

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    Quote Originally Posted by ratu123 View Post
    hey, im using this, works great... but ive ban on PTM, plz have any topic that explain how cheat on each tracker? or a tuto of how cheat without a ban? every tracker is cheatable?
    PTM? I had no problems cheating there, using low speeds.
    But you don't need to cheat in PTM. It's a ratioless tracker.

    Every tracker is cheatable, but you need to be very smart/careful.
    Some trackers watch for excessive cheating. Others do not care at all.
    Use the search function and look for cheating on specific trackers.
    Last edited by SaintShaolin; 12.03.11 at 02:46.
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  12. #114

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    Will Deluge 1.3.1 memory reader available on future updates?
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  13. #115
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kon View Post
    Will Deluge 1.3.1 memory reader available on future updates?
    If someone feels like creating a Deluge 1.3.1 emulation and making it public, then why not.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  14. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    If someone feels like creating a Deluge 1.3.1 emulation and making it public, then why not.
    Its already added into public version.
    Busy , new things always comes
    Its the time for personal life ,Still here from time to time, Greeting for everybody All .

    Its easy way to capture the announces :-
    Tutorial how use SmartSniff to Capture announces for Bittorrent
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  15. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (13.03.11) , SaintShaolin (13.03.11)

  16. #117

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    Quote Originally Posted by kon
    Will Deluge 1.3.1 memory reader available on future updates?
    why does the deluge emulation need a memory reader?
    deluge is an open source client and therefore the emulation should be safe in my opinion.
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  17. #118
    so you can use mR at the same time with deluge at the same tracker (different torrents).
    Busy , new things always comes
    Its the time for personal life ,Still here from time to time, Greeting for everybody All .

    Its easy way to capture the announces :-
    Tutorial how use SmartSniff to Capture announces for Bittorrent
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  18. Who Said Thanks:

    Dr.house (14.03.11) , DarkFlame87 (13.03.11) , mirrormask (13.03.11)

  19. #119
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmmm View Post
    Its already added into public version.
    Sorry, I didn't notice kon said "memory reader", not "emulation".
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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