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Thread: mRatio 3.0.15

  1. #1

    mRatio 3.0.15

    Fixed all know bugs.
    • mRatio requires .net framework 2.0 to run properly (Only if are running mR on Windows)
    • Mono (Only if are running mR outside Windows environment)
    • Permission to create/modify/delete files on it's folder and sub folders
    • Permission to make/receive internet connections.
    How To Run (On Windows)
    • Extract mRatio.exe and mRatioClients to a folder at your choice
    • Run mRatio.exe
    Things You Should Know
    Files included in the package:
    • [FILE] mRatio.exe = Main executable, mRatio core
    • [FILE] jreinfo.jar = Run this file for automatically mRMonoInfo.txt creation (Only required if you use Mono)
    • [FOLDER] mRatioClients = Contains all the emulations available (*.mRClient)

    Files created by mRatio:
    • [FILE] mRatio.mRConfig = mRatio settings
    • [FOLDER] mRatioTorrents = Contains information on saved torrents (*.mRSave)
    • [FILE] mRLog.txt = Information about errors saved by mRatio, helps fixing future problems
    • [FILE] mRMonoInfo.txt = Required information if want to use Azureus emulation (Only if you use Mono)

    Any other file/folder on mRatio directory does not belongs to mRatio
    • Max upload speed per torrent = 2mb/s
    • Max download speed per torrent = 10mb/s
    • Unable to use uTorrent emulation
    Confidence System

    Spoiler Confidence System:

    What is it?
    It's a system that allows to control upload speeds of multiple torrents at the same time, making cheating easier when you have a lot of torrents in the list.
    How does it work
    It works based on the maximum upload speed per tracker and the trust you have in each torrent.
    Attachment 8574

    N = Do not use confidence system, means the torrent will run manually controlled by you
    1 = Low trust in that torrent, the program should be careful with speeds on that torrent
    5 = It's a good torrent to cheat on, the program should give higher speed to that torrent

    Controls the maximum upload speed per tracker, means the total speed of all torrents associated with the tracker with at least '1' smiley should never go higher than the specified value.
    Default maximum speed is 100Kb/s.
    In Practice

    1. After adding a torrent, define the trust you have on it.
      For example, you can give an old torrent or a torrent with low peers/leechers 1 or 2 smilies, while a torrent with lots of peers can be given 3 or 4 smilies, finally if you know thats a very good torrent to cheat on you can give it 5 smilies.
    2. Do that to every torrent you want the program to automatically control.
    3. Now go to trackers speeds, and define the maximum upload speed per tracker.
    4. Start the torrents and you will notice they are fully automatic on upload speed.



    Torrent / Tracker / Number smilies:
    • a - TL, 2 smilies
    • b - TL, 4 smilies
    • c - TL, 0 smilies
    • d - FTN, 1 smiley
    • e - FTN, 0 smilies
    • f - TL, 1 smiley

    • TL max upload speed = 200 Kb/s
    • FTN max upload speed = 35 Kb/s

    For the program this means:
    • Torrent, c and e, don't have smilies so they are manually controlled by the user, the system as no effect on them.
    • Upload speeds, a + b + f < 200Kb/s
    • d upload speed < 35 Kb/s
    • Because torrent b as 4 smilies is upload speed is going to be bigger than torrent a and torrent f that have less smilies.
    • b upload speed > a upload speed > f upload speed but all speeds together are less than 200kb/s

    Changing the maximum upload speed per tracker, adding a new torrents or changing the trust on any torrent makes the program reevaluate the speeds.
    How To Disable/Avoid Confidence System

    All torrents should be 0 smilies (N), if you want you can hide the trackers by pressing right click and deselecting "Show Trackers".


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  3. #61
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbangtheory View Post
    Oh and is there a particular reason why the max UP speed is 2 MB/s?
    Last time I checked, it was to protect you from yourself.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. #62
    Oh and another little "issue"
    when you "stop all" torrents (about 150 of them)
    some of them around 50 say "sending stats to tracker" or ages. then they come up as stopped,
    but infact they are not acctually stopped, in your history, it says that the 50 torrents are still seeding seeding...its like shutting down mR without stopping the torrent...if you get what i mean.
    its kinda like the downloading problem i mentioned earlier, but it this case no error message comes up...

    hope that is kinda clear lol
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  5. #63
    Thanks for this, is anyone using it successfully on IPT ?
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  6. #64
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  7. #65
    Already tried that which is why I asked here.
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  8. #66
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    And you didn't do it correctly, otherwise you wouldn't be asking.

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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    theintervurt (30.11.10)

  10. #67

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    mratio works like a charm in the following trackers

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  11. #68
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by contactjoy123 View Post
    mratio works like a charm in the following trackers

    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  12. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbangtheory View Post
    sweet, any ETA on next version?
    Still in development ... have no idea when it's going to be done, don't want to make the same mistakes of the last one.
    Rushing things always ends bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbangtheory View Post
    Oh and is there a particular reason why the max UP speed is 2 MB/s?
    Last time I checked, it was to protect you from yourself.
    nice one
    Maybe on the next version we change that so it pleases everyone and still be safe
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    ParamouR (01.12.10)

  14. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by The248 View Post
    Still in development ... have no idea when it's going to be done, don't want to make the same mistakes of the last one.
    Rushing things always ends bad.

    nice one
    Maybe on the next version we change that so it pleases everyone and still be safe
    Lol fair enough. Just wondering, are you considering doing what anon said
    "True. I guess limiting the amount of torrents that can be announcing at the same time to 50 and "queuing" the rest (I'm talking about announces, not running status) would solve it. I think in uTorrent, this is controlled by the max half-open connections thingy, since What.cd's tracker won't take more than 20 and will refuse connections if you set it higher."

    Limiting for both starting and stopping torrents :)
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  15. #71

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    One more option like "Minimize to Tray" would be nice
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  16. #72

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    does anybody tried to run this two times?
    I really want to start 2 mratio 3.15 files but it seems impossible for me, i already have tried the recover thing as with utorrent but it doesn't work with Mratio, also the mratioconfig make again and then lauch for recover doesn't work..
    Anyone suggestions? Thanks in advance!
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  17. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Bellamore View Post
    does anybody tried to run this two times?
    Why do you want to run two instances if mR supports multiple torrents by default? It doesn't make sense, does it?

    I really want to start 2 mratio 3.15 files but it seems impossible for me, i already have tried the recover thing as with utorrent but it doesn't work with Mratio, also the mratioconfig make again and then lauch for recover doesn't work..
    Anyone suggestions? Thanks in advance!
    uTorrent and mRatio are two different programs, command line arguments for uT will not work for mR obviously.

    mRatio is designed to run one time only.

    I am cheatos

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  18. #74

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    Quote Originally Posted by cheatos View Post
    Why do you want to run two instances if mR supports multiple torrents by default? It doesn't make sense, does it?

    uTorrent and mRatio are two different programs, command line arguments for uT will not work for mR obviously.

    mRatio is designed to run one time only.
    i need it because i am seeding hundereds of torrentfiles at once, it would be great if i can make a instant copy for every tracker i seed +300-500 torrents.
    at this moment there is no option to make tags for torrents i insert (excample: trackername) so i can click on it and can see every torrent of that or in the torrentfiles (map) there would be a tag because the torrentfilename ex. [Bitsoup] Part 1 life.
    now i need to search (sort) on tracker, but some trackers have strange trackernames without the trackername itself in the trackerurl, thats why its hard to find some torrents back if you search it, even as the torrentnames, sometimes they are also different from the name on the trackersite, then you need to check all the files again.
    Hope i have explaned well, just notice i have nothing against this program, its soo goood, this are only "some' problems i have.

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  19. #75
    okay okay ,
    Just (1) page back, The248 has already said that the new version will introduce torrent searching:

    I am cheatos

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  20. Who Said Thanks:

    Bellamore (17.12.10)

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