I few weeks back I posted about a site I was working on.
Reference: http://www.sb-innovation.de/showthre...threadid=21500

Now I have another part of the project I been working on and in need a beta testers.
More information:


For those who didn't know. A separate executable version of p2pelite is being worked on for use outside your browser. Features it will include: Inbox access, Friend messaging, P2P technology file transfer, Direct access to the database, Quick screenshot view option, Subion function which allows you to subscribe to watch your favorite release group. More functions will be added as they are developed which include sample streaming. A photo of the prototype will be included with this post. Beta testing will be announced soon. If you want to be the first to test this utility post a reply requesting to be in the beta test pool.

Security features:

IP will NOT be shown during file transfers or during public posting of files/releases.

SSL secure login/messaging.

Option to use a P2PELiTE proxy gateway or your own.
Follow this link to see first screenshots of the prototype application and if interested ask to be placed in the beta testing pool.