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Thread: Pakistan shuts down YouTube & facebook

  1. #16

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    mate..its good thing..as in my life..i always learned 1 thing alot well..

    "Live life in your way..not the others want..make your future by your own hands..not as people says to you"
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by leechmodder View Post
    @anon: clamp down the thread before it flares further :p
    As long as there's no flaming or rule-breaking, I see absolutely no reason to lock a thread where intelligent discussion is taking place.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  3. #18

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    i'd say censorship is rarely a good thing, in many occasions its used for completely different purposes, other than those publicly stated (or voted on)

    this is an example what can happen if religion & government aren't separated (non-secular) and also an example of religious representatives that have no understanding of human need to make fun of things or have fun with them, not to mention basic human rights like that of expression

    nevertheless, if pakistan citizens want such a system they can have it, sure, the 'west' can protest or threaten a bit, but that should be about everything they can do - if the local people want something different they have to fight for it & demand it as loud as they can - then it is possible for the 'west' to step in with a stronger position, something helpful for the locals if their government doesn't want to address these issues

    as for al-qaeda (aka 'the list' lol), essentially, there is no such organization, its a fake one set up by cia and other intelligence agencies collaborating with governmental and other elements, using known extremist organizations (like the taliban) to associate them together (and thus hide inside) in the name of similar goals (mostly hard-line islamic & anti-western), supply them with weapons & financial means in order to have control over their actions & allegiance, creating a front or a puppet show for the world to consume/believe, so other military actions can be easily disguised/explained/justified by acting against the so called terrorists, when in reality these terrorists (the real local ones) have for decades been limited to their local territories, with no special weaponry or military expertise or abilities to wage any kind of war other than a guerrilla local one from their local caves, mountains & hideouts (not a chance to accomplish something even close to a 9/11 attack)

    as for osama, that guy is either dead (sacrificed in the name of this agenda) or enjoying himself on some saudi restricted private 'paradise', after all, he is a member of a wealthy saudi family, heavily connected to the saudi royal family

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    I do prefer believing the news rather than being delusional
    what if those news media owners are biased and release only manufactured/censored/harmonized news, how believable are they then?

    Quote Originally Posted by thecoolest
    its not have to worry...after all with proxy you can still get into the site...
    yes, but that's not the issue, the fact that it was done (or attempted) is a clear sign of what this government is after or rather what means they are willing to use - thats the most worrying thing, not that they maybe succeeded/failed at it
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    thecoolest (24.05.10) , cheatos (23.05.10) , caballero (23.05.10)

  5. #19
    slikrapid , I agree with what you've said but i will disagree on one point and may i will elaborate more tomorrow .
    as for al-qaeda (aka 'the list' lol), essentially, there is no such organization, its a fake one set up by cia and other intelligence agencies collaborating with governmental and other elements, using known extremist organizations (like the taliban) to associate them together (and thus hide inside) in the name of similar goals (mostly hard-line islamic & anti-western), supply them with weapons & financial means in order to have control over their actions & allegiance, creating a front or a puppet show for the world to consume/believe, so other military actions can be easily disguised/explained/justified by acting against the so called terrorists, when in reality these terrorists (the real local ones) have for decades been limited to their local territories, with no special weaponry or military expertise or abilities to wage any kind of war other than a guerrilla local one from their local caves, mountains & hideouts (not a chance to accomplish something even close to a 9/11 attack)
    My friend , there is no such thing as its a fake one set up by cia and other intelligence agencies this is the mentality of a delusional brainwashed folk who is doubting that the US government would kill 3.000 of it's own people lol and such a big accusation has absolutely no proof what so ever other than those who are making documentaries suggesting that to make living out of it.

    Could you tell me who would commit suicide killing thousands of people unless it's one who is driven by faith that he will get something better in the afterlife? What about London and Madrid attacks which was all suicide attacks?

    Who would commit such a suicide act ?

    BTW, it's not a big deal for someone to enter US and make a bomb using very primary materials and blast himself in a subway station killing hundreds . It's like killing people with a gun you bought.

    And it's not too hard also to hijack a plane and crash into a building , who told you that it's hard to hijack a plane with absolutely no 911 to call

    Maybe you're living in west and has no access to what is their ideology . It's not only al-qaeda . It's an ideology that people believe in and then from that belief they commit suicide attacks.
    what if those news media owners are biased and release only manufactured/censored/harmonized news, how believable are they then?
    Media owners can't cover your eyes seeing a suicide bomber blast himself into a crowd killing hundreds.
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 23.05.10 at 21:48.
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  6. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65 View Post
    the US government would kill 3.000 of it's own people lol
    are you serious? what the usa government has for decades done to its (and neighboring) citizens would take thousands of pages to list and have millions of people listed as victims of usa politics - i'll give just a few hints: think about all those unnecessary foreign wars & military interventions (vietnam, korea, iraq, afghanistan as the most known), think about all those corporate pharma/agra/chema products/experiments that have been found toxic/dangerous, causing again millions to die or suffer, with the blessings of the government (otherwise these products wouldn't pass as healthy/safe) - if those examples aren't good enough to prove how the government has no problems to sacrifice, not thousands, but millions of its citizens i really don't know what is

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    and such a big accusation has absolutely no proof what so ever other than those who are making documentaries suggesting that to make money out of it.
    the evidence is not even scarce, its so obvious one cannot believe their eyes, all it takes is to check out a few of those 9/11 revisionist sites, compare that with the official tale and see how fast it becomes a fairy-tale

    also, the money that these documentarists made is peanuts compared to the real business on multiple levels usa accomplished by using this particular 'war on terror' hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Could you tell me who would commit suicide killing thousands of peoples unless it's one who is driven by faith that he will get something better in the afterlife?
    lets see: mind controlled individuals, mercenaries, corporate, governmental, intelligence agents - they would be able to accomplish it professionally (with logistical/financial/informational backup machinery/personnel, and inside help too), as fanatics are simply too crazy and untrained and would fail miserably like some amateur noobs

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    What about London and Madrid attacks which was all suicide attacks?
    check the information surrounding the events and all the unusual local circumstances and you'll find out its way too suspicious to be taken for granted

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    BTW, it's not a big deal for someone to enter US and make a bomb using very primary materials and blast himself in a subway station killing hundreds . It's like killing a people with a gun you bought.
    yeah? how come these things are quite rare then and the number of fanatics not really that low, not to mention all kinds of manuals available on the net? and don't tell me its the patriot act that's helping here

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    And it's not too hard also to hijack a plane and crash into a building , who told you that it's hard to hijack a plane with absolutely no 911 to call
    riiight, so why does it happen just occasionally and has such major global consequences afterward, not to mention its alignment with corporate goals or insider help (not shooting them down and not promptly reacting and a few more curious majorly helpful, as they officially say, coincidences) or later cover-ups, missing or confiscated evidence, non-pursued trails, people who knew what was going on in detail or being pre-warned and so on

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Media owners can't cover your eyes seeing a suicide bomber blast himself into a crowd killing hundreds.
    so there are suicide bombers...its highly improbable though that the same ones are also bomb makers and skilled or educated or wise or informed people, they are most likely brainwashed/indoctrinated/mind-controlled people of lower or no education or importance (so no one misses them or so that their identity can be easily manipulated), it is also possible that they aren't even aware that they are carrying an explosive device (detonated remotely), as simple carriers, and then others ask themselves who would do such a suicidal thing, well, how about someone who doesn't even know about it
    Last edited by slikrapid; 23.05.10 at 22:52.
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    caballero (23.05.10)

  8. #21

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    I completely agree on silkrapid's statement about 9/11. Its like, obivious to me that its all plotted up by US goverment to get people support war for profit on middle east! And there is number of evidences that can back that up + its completely logical when you look big picture.

    Quote Originally Posted by a007_hacker View Post
    Good for Pakistan, let's hope other Muslim countries follow and do the same. Maybe Facebook will do something about it
    I almost gave you minus reputation for this (and I never thought to do that to anyone before) but I guess you already got one and I'm compassionate being so I can't do you that ^).
    But can you please explain me (elaborate on) your second quoted sentence, I don't get it at all?

    Lets clear things up here. Article clearly states that there is been some stuff on youtube/facebook that can potentionaly offend muslim people. I don't know what do they exactly refer to because I consider it unimportant. So, basically pakistani goverment tries to protect their people from not being offended if I got this right...
    Well, I don't see how any reasonable being can approve such thing. (that goes to you a007_hacker)
    From POV of pakistani goverment I see reasons for keeping their people in dark, they are trying to protect their "system of rule" (in lack of better wording) which traditionally includes Islam. de facto goverment just protects itself, their actions are not in benefit of majority of pakistani people. Because any govement that cares about their people would not filter informations available to them. Common sense. Its just matter of time when all these wanna be theocracies fall down. They can't stop the flow of time.
    Quote Originally Posted by silkrapid
    nevertheless, if pakistan citizens want such a system they can have it,
    Do you really belive that Pakistani goverment really reflect whishes of their people? I highly doubt in that.
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  9. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww View Post
    Lets clear things up here. Article clearly states that there is been some stuff on youtube/facebook that can potentionaly offend muslim people. I don't know what do they exactly refer to because I consider it unimportant. So, basically pakistani goverment tries to protect their people from not being offended if I got this right...
    Well, I don't see how any reasonable being can approve such thing.
    Well, you said it yourself; it is unimportant to you. Therefore, you point of view would be just as you stated; "Pakistan government are trying to keep there people in the dark". I cannot deny that this is not a reason, it might be a reason because I've seen it happening in different countries. However, in the current circumstances, you cannot distinguish what is the actual reason, you can only predict and the most likely prediction is that the block is because of the offence!. Nobody in Pakistan was against the decision, at least the Muslims weren't considering what happened. I will say it again, because it's unimportant to you, you will never realize the real situation.

    And I should also add, the government are not aiming at protecting their people (protecting them from what!), but blocking a whole country from a website will bring big losses to the site. And I can tell you that this method is working like a charm, the biggest group (which reached a five figures number) has been deleted after the block and hopefully the smaller ones will follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww View Post
    I almost gave you minus reputation for this
    But can you please explain me (elaborate on) your second quoted sentence, I don't get it at all?
    Calm down mate, this is a discussion and talking about the rep points and me getting a negative rep before shows that you are not willing to discuss and don't like anyone who disagrees with you, no hard feelings

    Could you point out to which "second quoted sentence" please.
    If you're talking about this, all I'm saying is that the way "thecoolest"introduced the topic suggests that he is affected by the block.
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  10. #23
    are you serious? what the usa government has for decades done to its (and neighboring) citizens would take thousands of pages to list and have millions of people listed as victims of usa politics - i'll give just a few hints: think about all those unnecessary foreign wars & military interventions (vietnam, korea, iraq, afghanistan as the most known), think about all those corporate pharma/agra/chema products/experiments that have been found toxic/dangerous, causing again millions to die or suffer, with the blessings of the government (otherwise these products wouldn't pass as healthy/safe) - if those examples aren't good enough to prove how the government has no problems to sacrifice, not thousands, but millions of its citizens i really don't know what is
    My friend , Wars is not like Killing your own people intentionally by burning them down in a suicide attack

    Even Hitler didn't kill innocent people without a reason (at least that's what he thought when he was burning jews ) . Now , you're telling me that Bush is more evil than Hitler to kill anonymous innocent 3.000 of his own people You're telling me that the christian conservative Bush administration has no ethical qualms what so ever about killing thousands of its own people.
    That's absolutely foolish to even think of not to believe.

    the evidence is not even scarce, its so obvious one cannot believe their eyes, all it takes is to check out a few of those 9/11 revisionist sites, compare that with the official tale and see how fast it becomes a fairy-tale
    * United States, September 11: Attacks kill 2,973, and many more later from exposure to toxic dust in a series of hijacked airliner crashes into two U.S. landmarks: the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane, originally intended to hit the United States Capitol Building, crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after an apparent revolt against the hijackers by the plane's passengers.

    For More info :

    Was 9/11 an Inside Job? | Cracked.com

    There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons.

    September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    lets see: mind controlled individuals, mercenaries, corporate, governmental, intelligence agents - they would be able to accomplish it professionally (with logistical/financial/informational backup machinery/personnel, and inside help too), as fanatics are simply too crazy and untrained and would fail miserably like some amateur noobs

    check the information surrounding the events and all the unusual local circumstances and you'll find out its way too suspicious to be taken for granted
    for conspiracy theorists everything is fake including their own body........
    yeah? how come these things are quite rare then and the number of fanatics not really that low, not to mention all kinds of manuals available on the net? and don't tell me its the patriot act that's helping here
    Check your records, only in 2001: 30 suicide bombers in Israel alone killing hundreds of civilians , hmm are they all fake?
    * Israel, January 1: A Hamas suicide car bomber detonates in the city of Netanya, wounding 50.[1]
    * Colombia, January 10: A car bomb wounds at least 50 in a shopping center parking lot in Medellín.[2]
    * Russia, February 5: A bomb blast in Moscow's Byelorusskaya metro station injures 15 people.
    * Israel, February 14: A Hamas suicide bomber plowed a bus into a crowd and detonated, killing 8 and wounding 21.[1]
    * Serbia, February 18: Podujevo bus bombing, 13 Serbian civilians are killed by a bomb attack on a bus in Kosovo.
    * Colombia, March 1: A bomb destroys a high-voltage pylon leaving vast areas of the country without power for five hours. Attack is blamed on ELN
    * Israel, March 4: A Hamas suicide bomber detonated in the city of Netanya, killing 3 and wounding 65.[1]
    * United Kingdom, March 4: The Real IRA exploded a car bomb outside the BBC's main news centre in London. One London Underground worker suffered deep cuts to his eye from flying glass and some damage was caused to the front of the building.[3] (See 4 March 2001 BBC bombing)
    * Russia, March 24: Twenty people die and 93 are injured in three bomb attacks on Russian towns near the border of Chechnya.
    * Israel, March 27: A suicide bomber blows himself up next to a bus in Jerusalem's French Hill area, injuring 30 Israelis.[4]
    * Israel, March 28: A suicide bomber detonated near a gas station outside Kfar Saba, killing two Israeli teenagers on their way to school.[4]
    * Israel, March 28: A suicide bomber, from the Palestinian Hamas organization, blew himself up amidst a gathering of students waiting at a bus stop, four teenagers were wounded, one of them in critical condition.[4]
    * Israel, April 22: A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up in Kfar Saba, an Israeli town near Tel-Aviv, killing two and injuring over 50 people, including many women and children.[4]
    * Israel, April 29: A suicide car bomber attempted to target a school bus near Nablus, but detonated prematurly.[5]
    * Colombia, May 4: A car bomb kills four and injures 32 in a luxury hotel in Cali. No group claims the attack.[6]
    * United Kingdom, May 6: The Real IRA detonate a bomb in a London postal sorting office. One person was injured.[7]
    * Colombia, May 17: A car bomb kills 20 and injures at least 50 in a park in Medellín.[8]
    * Israel, May 18: A Palestinian suicide bomber from the Hamas blew himself up at the entrance of a shopping mall in the city of Netanya, near Tel-Aviv, 5 people were killed in the blast and over 100 men, women and children were injured.[4]
    * Colombia, May 24: Two bombs kill four near the Universidad Nacional campus in Bogotá. One more bomb is defused before it could explode. Right-wing paramilitaries are suspected.[9]
    * Israel, May 25: Two suicide car bombers targeted a bus station in Hadera, injuring 65.[5]
    * Philippines, May 27: Militants of Abu Sayyaf kidnapped 20 tourists from the Dos Palmas resort on the Island of Palawan. 5 of the hostages were killed later.
    * Israel, June 1: A Hamas suicide bomber kills 21 civilians, 16 of them teenagers, in the Dolphinarium massacre in Tel Aviv.
    * Colombia, June 17: A car bomb injures 16 in the town of San Martin, Meta. No group claims responsibility, but both FARC and AUC are suspected.[10]
    * Israel, June 22: A suicide bomber detonates in the city of Dugit, killing 2.[1]
    * Israel, July 9: A Palestinian suicide car bomber detonated near the Kissufim crossing point in the southern Gaza Strip, causing no other casualties.[11]
    * Israel, July 16: A Palestinian suicide bomber detoneated at a bus stop near the train station in Binyamina, halfway between Netanya and Haifa. The Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack which killed two people.[4]
    * Sri Lanka, July 24: A suicide squad of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) staged an attack on Bandaranaike International Airport and the air force base at Katunayake. The 14 man-squad destroyed or damaged about 20 aircraft and killed seven Sri Lankan workers and soldiers.
    * United Kingdom, August 3: The last (at time of writing) IRA bomb on mainland Britain explodes in Ealing, West London, injuring seven people.[12] (See 3 August 2001 Ealing bombing)
    * Israel, August 8: A suicide car bomber detonated, lightly wounding one soldier, at a roadblock near the B'kaot moshav in the northern Jordan Valley shortly after 9:00am.[11]
    * Israel, August 9: A Hamas suicide bomber detonates in Jerusalem killing fifteen and wounding 130 in the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing.
    * Angola, August 10: A passenger train, carrying 500 refugee struck a landmine, following to explosion and derailed, between Zenza do Itombe and Dondo, Cuanza Norte Province, Angola. Which blamed on UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) rebel group, with kills 152 and injures 146. (see 2001 Angola train attack)
    * Israel, August 12: A Palestinian suicide bomber wounds 15 people when he blows himself up in a restaurant in Kiryat Motzkin in northern Israel.[4]
    * Republic of Macedonia, August 22: An explosion ripped apart a 14th-century Orthodox monastery.[13]
    * Colombia, August 23: In a series of attacks near Medellín, 10 bombs kill one and injure 39 others. No group claims responsibility.[14]
    * Colombia, August 23: At least 15 members of terrorist group ELN die when the explosives they were carrying detonate.[15]

    The World Trade Center after being hit by the hijacked airliners.

    * Republic of Macedonia, August 26: Two people died in an explosion that flattened a Macedonian-owned hotel.[16]
    * Israel, September 4: A Palestinian suicide bomber wounds 15 people when he blows himself up outside a Jerusalem hospital.[4]
    * Israel, September 9: A suicide bomber detonated at a train station in Nahariya, an Israeli city, killing three people and wounding over 90 unarmed civilians. The Islamic Palestinian terrorist group Hamas took responsibility for the murders.[4]
    * Israel, September 9: A suicide car bomber hit Beit Lid junction near Netanya, injuring 17.[5]
    * Afghanistan, September 9: Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, who spent years fighting Soviet occupation and then leading the anti-Taliban United Front (aka Northern Alliance), is killed by Algerian suicide bombers disguised as a camera crew.[17]
    * United States, September 11: Attacks kill 2,973, and many more later from exposure to toxic dust in a series of hijacked airliner crashes into two U.S. landmarks: the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane, originally intended to hit the United States Capitol Building, crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after an apparent revolt against the hijackers by the plane's passengers.
    * France, September 13: Paris embassy attack plot foiled.
    * India, October 1: A car bomb explodes near the Jammu and Kashmir state assembly in Srinagar, killing 35 people and injuring 40 more.
    * Israel, October 7: A suicide bomber detonates at Beit She'an Valley, killing 1.[1]
    * United States: Anthrax attacks on the offices the United States Congress and New York State Government offices, and on employees of television networks and tabloids.
    * Israel, October 17: Tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi is assassinated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
    * Republic of Macedonia, November 11: 66 Macedonians killed in a fight with Albanian terrorists who begin a revolt in Macedonian city of Tetovo.
    * Israel, November 26: A Hamas suicide bomber detonates at Erez Checkpoint, injuring 2.[1]
    * Russia, November 29: A female Chechen suicide bomber, Aiza Gazuyeva, 18, blew up herself with a hand grenade, killing a Russian general Gaidar Gadzhiyev whom she blamed on the death of her detained husband. Two other soldiers were also killed and two injured.
    * Israel, November 29: A Palestinian suicide bomber detonated on a bus traveling on a major highway between the Israeli coastal cities of Hadera and Afula, killing 3.[4]
    * Israel, December 1: Palestinian suicide bombers detonated on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem, a pedestrian mall frequented by many young people on Saturday night. A car bomb exploded nearby 20 minutes later. Ten people were killed, including many children, and 188 were injured in the terrorist attacks.[4]
    * Israel, December 2: A Hamas suicide bomber boarded an Israeli bus traveling from the Neveh Sha'anan district in Haifa, paying the driver with a large bill. He then blew himself up as the driver asked him to collect his change.[4]
    * Israel, December 5: A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up outside a Jerusalem hotel wounding three people.[4]
    * Israel, December 9: A Palestinian suicide bomber detonates explosives at hitch-hiking post near Haifa wounding eight unarmed Israeli civilians.[4]
    * United States, December 12: Jewish Defense League plot by Chairman Irv Rubin and follower Earl Krugel to blow up the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California, and the office of Lebanese-American Rep. Darrell Issa, foiled.
    * Israel, December 12: Two Palestinians suicide bombers blow themselves up in the Gaza Strip, wounding at least three people.[4]
    * India, December 13: 2001 Indian Parliament attack.
    * United States, December 22: 2001 shoe bomb plot.

    riiight, so why does it happen just occasionally and has such major global consequences afterward, not to mention its alignment with corporate goals or insider help (not shooting them down and not promptly reacting and a few more curious majorly helpful, as they officially say, coincidences) or later cover-ups, missing or confiscated evidence, non-pursued trails, people who knew what was going on in detail or being pre-warned and so on
    It has such major global consequences because it happened on the territory of the US killing 3.000 of it's own people , and it's not occasionally you just have to watch some news regularly and see how much suicide attacks happened or aborted by the intelligence agencies or by ordinary people themselves like the last Nigerian attempt to blow up American airliner.


    so there are suicide bombers...its highly improbable though that the same ones are also bomb makers and skilled or educated or wise or informed people, they are most likely brainwashed/indoctrinated/mind-controlled people of lower or no education or importance (so no one misses them or so that their identity can be easily manipulated), it is also possible that they aren't even aware that they are carrying an explosive device (detonated remotely), as simple carriers, and then others ask themselves who would do such a suicidal thing, well, how about someone who doesn't even know about it
    lol , that's absolutely ridiculous .
    Do you actually believe that they were detonated remotely . Check the complete list my man .

    If it wasn't against the rules of this forum , i would linked you to suicide bombers communities all over the internet to see that they really know what's they are doing.

    As i said, It's not only al-qaeda . It's an ideology that people believe in and from that belief they commit suicide attacks.
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 24.05.10 at 10:48.
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  11. #24

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    Alright, I'm usually smarter in the morning then in the late night, so I read through thread again trying to understand things from a007_hacker's point of view.

    Quote Originally Posted by a007_hacker
    Good for Pakistan, let's hope other Muslim countries follow and do the same. Maybe Facebook will do something about it
    Ok, now I think this means: "since youtube/facebook didn't do anything to remove blasphemous material from their servers lets show them (yt/fb) in their face what can we (muslim countries) do and lets block access to these webpages from our country!"

    If thats what you ment, alright. Its not so terrible opinion to have as I thought yesterday (when I thought you are brainwashed american that had something against Pakistani people and other muslim states) and it doesn't hurt my feelings as it did when I read it yesterday when I wanted to rep minus you.
    Also, your last reply on this topic confirms and clarifies that you was thinking in a way I just wrote.

    So, since I'm all cool and calm now, let me explain you why I still disagree with you (but I'm not angry or mad against you anymore ):

    1. internet is media which is not forced upon anyone, it is completely your free will - free will of individual that takes you on surfing/browsing adventures. It is completely matter of individual taste what is one interested in, what webpages will one visit, how seriously will (s)he take it.

    2. being that said... it is fundamentaly wrong for goverments to decide and limit this freedoms. I see now that it was drawing a Muhammad that was issue (guess was blind yesterday lol). Every individual, with access to internet should and must decide for himself will he be offended (in which case he will browse away) or will he laugh upon it or will (s)he react in any other way. I understand that drawing of that "unimaginable" divine being can be potentionally offensive for muslim extremists but I strongly belive they are just very small minority (especially these with access to internet). And anyway being (any) extremists renders you idiot in my eyes which I don't have much of sympathy for. Extremism is just plainly wrong, and that way of thinking must be extincted.
    Quote Originally Posted by a007_hacker
    Well, you said it yourself; it is unimportant to you.
    Well, yes... I don't think it matters is it drawing of Muhammed or is it anything else. All what I wrote above applies to any "blasphemeous" material published by anyone on the internet. Oh, and if matters, to understand me more clearly: I'm born and raised in christian (catholic ("we" say thumbs up to pope) to be specific) family but I'm not religious person at all. And not a follower of any religion at all...

    To yoyojojo65 & his terrorist story:

    I see you like videos, so I would like to share you one which I think can teach you and show you ways of critical thinking and observations of causes and consequences in general. Its only 3:20 minute long video but it says incredibly much in that time, I advise you to watch it few times to get all connections.

    perhaps better to see this one too (from the same studio). Its basically same thing, but in this one example is oil, which is issue behind 9/11 and that war on middle east so you probably want to check it out aswell:

    ---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65 View Post
    Even Hitler didn't kill innocent people without a reason (at least that's what he thought when he was burning jews ).
    Oh man, please don't say this. Its purely wrong way of thinking.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65 View Post
    Now , you're telling me that Bush is more evil than Hitler to kill anonymous innocent 3.000 of his own people You're telling me that the christian conservative Bush administration has no ethical qualms what so ever about killing thousands of its own people.
    Profit is always in before of moral to them. OF COURSE HE DID. This christian conservative thing you mentioning is total bullshit. Most powerful goverment on world does not base itself on "christian" laws.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65 View Post
    That's absolutely foolish to even think of not to believe.
    I think quite opposite.
    Last edited by shadowww; 24.05.10 at 14:06.
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    slikrapid (24.05.10) , caballero (24.05.10)

  13. #25
    hmm , well shadowww your story is quite interesting but mine is more interesting i think.
    I'm from a native arabic speaking country , I was brought up as a muslim and i currently don't believe in any sort of religion so don't treat me as a brainwashed folk who is close-minded to one side of the picture .
    Actually , before i wrote one word in this thread i knew what exactly I'm taking about .
    If you are familiar with Zeitgeist , loose change and don't see why or how this happened you will be spamming this thread singing that the US has plotted the 9/11 but that's only one side of the picture and that's why you are skeptical and i don't blame you by the way .
    As a person who is been brought in the same environment where people become terrorists , i know why someone would kill himself and how this can happen and what are the possibilities of something like 9/11 could happen again.
    If you want i could link you to terrorist site communities , the only thing that it's against the rules of this forum and you will not understand a thing because it's all in arabic language but you can use google translate and enjoy facing reality not being skeptical about things you have absolutely no access to it ( you can PM me if you want).
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 24.05.10 at 16:02.
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  14. #26

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    yoyojojo is true..but as i think ban sites or that things wont stop people to do what they are doing

    if they think people want to believe what they are saying..they have to work hard..have to do it ..by porper way..by making people educate about their saying that will help (more than closing any site as i think )
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    Extraterrestrial (24.05.10)

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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowww View Post
    Do you really belive that Pakistani goverment really reflect whishes of their people? I highly doubt in that.
    without assuming anything its ultimately up to the pakistani citizens to articulate their wishes and act accordingly - if they don't fight for what they want, why should anyone else (outside) step in

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Wars is not like Killing your own people intentionally by burning them down in a suicide attack
    sure it is, just a different method of mass sacrifice - whereas it can be tolerated in direct confrontations or when fighting for freedom, yet most of usa wars were not direct confrontations - they were military interventions far from their homeland for questionable goals & causes

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    when he was burning jews
    you'd be surprised what manipulations were done considering this particular incident, check out some revisionist sites (revisionists.com) for that...btw there was a holocaust conference in iran (teheran) in 2006. available on google video if you're interested

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    christian conservative Bush administration has no ethical qualms what so ever about killing thousands of its own people.
    only because they are representing 'christian conservative' ideology does not mean that they have to work only following this ideology - have no illusions, they will use whatever means necessary in order to accomplish their goals...sacrifice being a reoccurring one, regardless of what label/ideology was used by all those governments

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Attacks kill 2,973, and many more later from exposure to toxic dust in a series of hijacked airliner crashes into two U.S. landmarks: the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.
    what they failed to mention is that those planes couldn't cause the buildings to collapse so they had a bit of inside help with termite explosives set up before the planes crashed (detonated after), which is why their collapse was so similar to usual demolitions done in construction...then we had buildings collapsing without even being hit by anything sizable, thoroughly incinerated bodies, yet the dna survived or the passports stayed intact, disappearing pentagon plane debris, wrong plane-type parts being planted on the scene, crash site too clean and the impact point too small compared to the plane-type that supposedly crashed, not to mention suspicious/unusual measures being done (before & after the incident) regarding the buildings, their inhabitants, financially relevant transactions and key players related to the incident....but, as said before, the official fairy-tale has more holes in it than swiss cheese

    as for all those clips you posted, those are easily faked or staged (acted) just like in a movie, whereas the plane gets auto- (remotely) piloted towards its destination and in the meantime the defense fighter jets get mysteriously delayed or removed from the scene precisely because they would be able to shoot down the planes in a matter of minutes

    as for the second comic image (from the 2nd set) about keeping it all a secret - its obviously a large operation with many players involved (another simple reason that excludes terrorists), but one doesn't need to inform them all about everything, all they know is on a minimum 'need to know' basis, nothing more - they just have to follow orders and follow them without questioning, no more and no less - its in their job description

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo6
    30 suicide bombers in Israel alone killing hundreds of civilians
    of all the places you pick the infamous israel (well known for all kinds of manipulations) to prove your point - now this makes me suspicious of you being from an arabic country or more precisely a native one

    also, notice how during years before 2000, 2001 there was a relatively steady number of terrorist attacks by the usual suspects, yet for some mysterious reason the number multiplied in 2000 & 2001 with israel having a way too unusual proportion of attacks - it hints on foul play and manipulation, likely by fake (in terms of the blamed perpetrators) or purposely failed attacks or ordinary incidents inflated to terrorist level, just to pump up their number and increase global panic

    also, the number of attacks would be high if it was done by a single or just a few terrorist organizations, but just a few attacks per organization throughout a year is not that much, especially if we're talking about some fanatics, eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo6
    If it wasn't against the rules of this forum , i would linked you to suicide bombers communities all over the internet to see that they really know what's they are doing
    actually, these sites prove nothing - just that someone is using the web for spreading propaganda, its similar to telephone sex, you never really know who is on the other side and whats really going on...is it real or just a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo6
    As a person who is been brought in the same environment where people become terrorists , i know why someone would kill himself and how this can happen and what are the possibilities of something like 9/11 could happen again.
    but you see, talking about being prepared for suicide and actually doing it is something quite different, not to mention doing it in a foreign land without any inside help - it may be possible for some minor targets, but an operation of 9/11 scale is not that simple at all and logically it would never had a chance without some massive machinery combined with insider & outsider help on many levels, both low and high (governmental/military/intelligence)

    and btw. just a friendly advice: don't believe the media too much, they are not trustworthy, since they are owned by big corporations whose owners have some different ideas about what should people hear/see/know and what not, its a rather well packaged harmonized bundle, all shiny & flattering, yet one can almost feel the hypocrisy & its crawling stench oozing from behind the smokescreen surface
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    shadowww (24.05.10)

  18. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    hmm , well shadowww your story is quite interesting but mine is more interesting i think.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    I'm from a native arabic speaking country
    Good, I love arabic people. They are very friendly and hospitable nation.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65I
    was brought up as a muslim and i currently don't believe in any sort of religion so don't treat me as a brainwashed folk who is close-minded to one side of the picture .
    Alright, but don't get me wrong, I do respect muslim people as well and do not consider them brainwashed and close minded. Being religious is not what makes you idiot, in short.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    If you are familiar with Zeitgeist.
    Oh, who isn't. I saw that movie when it was actual, and I liked it to some extent, but when you think about it and inform yourself you can't really take that movie seriously. It was kind of fun thing to watch but I would never base my opinions on some "truths" presented there.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    As a person who is been brought in the same environment where people become terrorists , i know why someone would kill himself and how this can happen and what are the possibilities of something like 9/11 could happen again.
    I have fair idea why people kill themselves. Shortly: 1. they are desperate 2. they are brainwashed (as all extremist by definition are) 3. mix of both
    I would not go any further on this.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    If you want i could link you to terrorist site communities
    I'm really really really not interested. There is extremist groupations everywhere. And I'm really not interested in peoples that incline towards that kind of mindset.

    So, silkrapid gave you long story of 9/11, guy is really familiar with details I don't even bother with so read him! If you go through my posts when I adress 9/11 you can see short story of same thing.

    I don't have anything else to add up on this topic. yoyojojo65, its all up to you. You make your own mind and belive whatever you want. Oh, and don't divide countries to muslim ones and christian ones because islam may have influence onto their respective goverments but that doesn't apply for "christian" countries. We past that era and it was called middle ages.
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  19. #29
    sure it is, just a different method of mass sacrifice - whereas it can be tolerated in direct confrontations or when fighting for freedom, yet most of usa wars were not direct confrontations - they were military interventions far from their homeland for questionable goals & causes
    Killing your own people intentionally by burning them down in a suicide attack is not like going to war , simple huh!!

    you'd be surprised what manipulations were done considering this particular incident, check out some revisionist sites (revisionists.com) for that...btw there was a holocaust conference in iran (teheran) in 2006. available on google video if you're interested
    It is complete ignorance to say that and not only that it's racist to say that the holocaust didn't happen according to what? to Iran! a complete religious regime where people are governed by Mullas (sheikh in sheitte muslims).

    You need to read some history books!

    only because they are representing 'christian conservative' ideology does not mean that they have to work only following this ideology - have no illusions, they will use whatever means necessary in order to accomplish their goals...sacrifice being a reoccurring one, regardless of what label/ideology was used by all those governments
    you didn't get me how is one has no ethical qualms what so ever about killing thousands of its own people?
    No one would kill himself in a suicide attack unless he beileves that he would be in a better place in the 'after life'?
    crash site too clean and the impact point too small compared to the plane-type that supposedly crashed
    You didn't check the websites i put , did you?

    Top Ten Photos 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts Hate | The Lay Scientist
    Was 9/11 an Inside Job? | Cracked.com
    There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons.

    The rest is nonsense , to believe such things you must be high or something or you have a very big imagination .

    of all the places you pick the infamous israel (well known for all kinds of manipulations) to prove your point - now this makes me suspicious of you being from an arabic country or more precisely a native one
    Let me tell you something ; i picked Israel because it's the only country that is surrounded by al-jihad - hamas ( which did all this suicide acts and it's the one who rules Gaza strip those days if you knew anything about what are you taking about).
    Check who rules GAZA and check who done the suicide attacks which i mentioned.

    I'm from a native arab country and you can ask any mod here about it , being suspicious is on your blood , for conspiracy theorists everything is fake including their own body........

    Being from arabic country doesn't mean that i would support everyone who make suicide attacks on civilians which you know that most arabs side with , having different beliefs and ideas doesn't mean i'm not arabic , it seems to one who tend to generalize people from certain places to have the same ideas(not strange to a believer of conspiracy theories ).

    as for the second comic image (from the 2nd set) about keeping it all a secret - its obviously a large operation with many players involved (another simple reason that excludes terrorists), but one doesn't need to inform them all about everything, all they know is on a minimum 'need to know' basis, nothing more - they just have to follow orders and follow them without questioning, no more and no less - its in their job description
    It seems that you're either former FBI agent or a former president of an intelligence agency to know all these details or maybe you're a fan of american tv-shows.

    also, the number of attacks would be high if it was done by a single or just a few terrorist organizations, but just a few attacks per organization throughout a year is not that much, especially if we're talking about some fanatics, eh?
    Not one organization , you have absolutely zero information about what you're taking about .

    There are al-qaeda , Geesh of al mujhadden - takfir and hegra - al jihad al isami , hamas ,hezb-allah ( sheitte muslim terrorist organization) ....... etc there is a lot that i couldn't count.

    actually, these sites prove nothing - just that someone is using the web for spreading propaganda, its similar to telephone sex, you never really know who is on the other side and whats really going on...is it real or just a hoax

    Even if every week those sites reveal some videos picturing some american soldiers and journalists getting killed or slaughtered!

    BTW , media makers don't show you these videos because they are afraid that it will hurt your feelings!

    but you see, talking about being prepared for suicide and actually doing it is something quite different, not to mention doing it in a foreign land without any inside help - it may be possible for some minor targets, but an operation of 9/11 scale is not that simple at all and logically it would never had a chance without some massive machinery combined with insider & outsider help on many levels, both low and high (governmental/military/intelligence)
    With no preparation and expectation , no one could think that someone could crash into World trade center and Pentagon so it's not hard to do that and an insider help did happen by US citizens Not native ones but immigrants .

    and btw. just a friendly advice: don't believe the media too much, they are not trustworthy, since they are owned by big corporations whose owners have some different ideas about what should people hear/see/know and what not, its a rather well packaged harmonized bundle, all shiny & flattering, yet one can almost feel the hypocrisy & its crawling stench oozing from behind the smokescreen surface
    What the news makers do is risking their lives getting you real news from war zones not some fat college boy who have absolutely no idea of what he is talking about.

    ---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

    also, notice how during years before 2000, 2001 there was a relatively steady number of terrorist attacks by the usual suspects, yet for some mysterious reason the number multiplied in 2000 & 2001 with israel having a way too unusual proportion of attacks - it hints on foul play and manipulation, likely by fake (in terms of the blamed perpetrators) or purposely failed attacks or ordinary incidents inflated to terrorist level, just to pump up their number and increase global panic
    lol , now we are taking ;
    First:there was rare suicide attacks.

    yes, there is a lot but Spain ,England ,US, Israel and the list goes on did these suicide acts to themselves and no one get to tell the truth, Huh!

    ---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

    as for all those clips you posted, those are easily faked or staged (acted) just like in a movie, whereas the plane gets auto- (remotely) piloted towards its destination and in the meantime the defense fighter jets get mysteriously delayed or removed from the scene precisely because they would be able to shoot down the planes in a matter of minutes
    No , there are not faked , those are not CIA products , those clips are american airline products which we can add them to the big conspiracy theory.

    ---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:47 ----------

    Good, I love arabic people. They are very friendly and hospitable nation.
    Thanks, arabic people aren't one nation , there is more than 20 arabic nation , we have not some thing like European Union , all what we share is language with different dialects and the same religion.

    Alright, but don't get me wrong, I do respect muslim people as well and do not consider them brainwashed and close minded. Being religious is not what makes you idiot, in short.
    That's right and good from you to respect people having different beliefs.

    Oh, who isn't. I saw that movie when it was actual, and I liked it to some extent, but when you think about it and inform yourself you can't really take that movie seriously. It was kind of fun thing to watch but I would never base my opinions on some "truths" presented there.
    It's a good documentary to watch and laugh at , i liked part one, part two is completely rubbish and the third part i can't make a decision as i have no good information in this field.

    I have fair idea why people kill themselves. Shortly: 1. they are desperate 2. they are brainwashed (as all extremist by definition are) 3. mix of both
    I would not go any further on this.
    that could be applied to people who kill themselves without harming anyone , just just being bored and don't see any meaning to their life.

    people who commit suicide attacks are completely different ; they have strong belief in their faith , have a good education most of them university education and they see what they're doing as some sort of a requirement to enter paradise.

    I'm really really really not interested. There is extremist groupations everywhere. And I'm really not interested in peoples that incline towards that kind of mindset.
    Your choice.
    Oh, and don't divide countries to muslim ones and christian ones because islam may have influence onto their respective goverments but that doesn't apply for "christian" countries. We past that era and it was called middle ages.
    Looks that you're under some new sort of dark ages ( conspiracy theories age) , and this will not lead you to anywhere rather than being like those who were saying that Sun is revolving around Earth.

    Their is no christian countries as i know , it's secular and democratic countries where everyone has the freewill to conduct his own life the way he sees best for him, This doesn't apply here in my country , if anyone knows that I'm not muslim anymore , that means death for me and this what makes me very sensitive about this subject . If some really deep shit is being imported to your countries and you don't recognize that , I wanted to step in and express my own thoughts from a nother point of view.
    Last edited by Extraterrestrial; 24.05.10 at 23:31.
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  20. #30

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    Man you now started to talk about completely different things if I follow you right. Local issues palestina/gaza related. I don't see how this relates to usa. And I don't have anything else to say to you regarding 9/11. Everything has been said from my point of view. You choose what to belive in!

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Thanks, arabic people aren't one nation , there is more than 20 arabic nation , we have not some thing like European Union , all what we share is language with different dialects and the same religion.
    Yes, of course. I just couldn't find more appropriate word then "nation". Seems this wiki description also sums it very well:
    Quote Originally Posted by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation
    A nation is a grouping of people who share common history, culture, language and ethnic origin, often possessing or seeking its own government.
    So government is not mandatory...

    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    that could be applied to people who kill themselves without harming anyone , just just being bored and don't see any meaning to their life.

    people who commit suicide attacks are completely different ; they have strong belief in their faith , have a good education most of them university education and they see what they're doing as some sort of a requirement to enter paradise.
    I was of course writing about people who commit suicide attacks and this yours description of reasons fits in my category number 2. (brainwashed).
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Looks that you're under some new sort of dark ages ( conspiracy theories age) , and this will not lead you to anywhere rather than being like those who were saying that Sun is revolving around Earth.
    Hehe this was funny thing to read. I ultimately belive only in myself and my reason. I will cope with conspiracies somehow, don't worry. They are here as my option, nobody forces me to belive in anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    Their is no christian countries as i know , it's secular and democratic countries where everyone has the freewill to conduct his own life the way he sees best for him,
    thats right (unless you count Vatican ^^)
    Quote Originally Posted by yoyojojo65
    This doesn't apply here in my country , if anyone knows that I'm not muslim anymore , that means death for me and this what makes me very sensitive about this subject .
    Well I'm sorry to hear that. You (as a nation / people) have to reject and rid of that theocracy.
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