Mozilla Ponders an "Open" Web App Store (Implying that Google Chrome's Store Isn't?)

A post on the Mozilla blog yesterday has the company, makers of the Firefox web browser, pondering the creation of an "open" web application store and imagining what such a store should look like. Although the musings come across as a bit "me-too"-ish, considering that Google just announced its own Chrome Web Store earlier this week, it's hard to argue with the principles Mozilla sets forth. An open web app store should "exclusively host web applications based upon...other widely-implemented open standards in modern web browsers," reads the post. It should "be open and accessible" and "set forth...guidelines and processes that are transparent."

Of course it should. But the subtext here is that Mozilla is proposing a Web App Store that's open, as if Google is not doing the same. But is that the truth?
Chrome Web App Store

Granted, we don't know much about the Google Chrome Web App Store beyond what's been officially announced. But what we do know so far is that it doesn't sound like an exclusionary venture on the search giant's part meant to only highlight Google products or those designed just for the Chrome browser.

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Mozilla Ponders an "Open" Web App Store (Implying that Google Chrome's Store Isn't?)