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  1. #16

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    Calling cheaters greedy and seedbox users not is a very false statements. Sure seedbox users spend money and legitimately upload to help users but they also create so much traffic that people who go on the torrents at a later point cannot. I have a 10Megabit-15Megabit upload home connection and even with my speeds I cheat on certain trackers like SCC and TL if I land on the torrents late, but trackers like, I never cheat because it is incredibly easy to upload there, I would download a fresh TV show the next day and still rack up 5 gigs. Seedbox users are also ratio whores that make it hard for non seedbox users to obtain a proper ratio.
    You cannot really imagine how much harm you can do to people that dedicate almost all their efforts and free time pushing a significant part of their lives into the background to build a nice legacy to be remembered for. I didn't, either, until tonight.
    I honestly had thought you were going to talk about companies that make the movies and games but was surprised to know that you were talking about trackers. Trackers list the hard work of the makers on their website for free, now what's a bigger sin? Cheating to get these releases or trackers actually listing them?
    I wish the OP wasn't disabled so he can reply to these responses.

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  3. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    You cannot really imagine how much harm you can do to people that dedicate almost all their efforts and free time pushing a significant part of their lives into the background to build a nice legacy to be remembered for. I didn't, either, until tonight.
    Yes they invest their time in Promoting Piracy, and what about time and efforts of those who invest their lives in making those software, games movies..etc we use. If you are calling to quite cheating on tracker then I will request you to stop torrenting altogether and purchase those software rather then downloading them from trackers if you really care about time and efforts of other people because a programmer invest not only his time and efforts but a huge amount of money as well to promote and market his software on internet and what trackers do they steal efforts of others [/quote]

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    I'm aware I will never be able to give back to the communities all I have stolen from them, but if with this post I make even just one of you quit from cheating, I'd be greatly satisfied.
    No this post can't stop cheaters from cheating untill and unless , trackers change their policies where only RICH people with high bandwidth are respected, and poor like me having small bandwidth are left alone, and thats why I made small bandwidth innovation my permanent home, and will also suggest the same to you as well.

    If trackers implement policies such as

    1. Periodic freeleech sessions,
    2. Respect for guys with small bandwidths
    3. Relaxed seeding requirements for guys having small bandwidth
    4. A seeding point system which replace all other requirement for example a user have to seedback a torrent to a certain time period regardless of the fact that someone download data from him or not.

    and other similar things.. People will stop cheating themselves when they will know that its useless to cheat when they can survive .. but to MAKE this happen trackers need to give little leniency to those who don't have seedboxes/high speed internet access and same equality and respect as those rich people get and a friendly environment.

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    I know I'll be getting a "lol, you got caught", "create another account man" and so on from some cool people here. But that's not the point, and you all must be aware of it.
    On contrary to this, you received long and detailed answers, this proves that unlike arrogant tracker staff that humiliate even hardworking users , community at SBI respect every one regardless of their status and class.

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    It's the attitude we must quit from, the greed to get everything the faster the better, and especially that false feeling of being smarter than everyone else working harder with his PC on 24/7 and spending their well earned money on seedboxes. I'm talking about cheating in general as it was the world I got trapped into, but this statement can also be extended to any other way of deceiving a community, call it trading, call it selling, call it whatever you want.
    Everybody want to get everything faster and better, becuase is they don't do it they face humiliating statements from the tracker staff that , you are a leecher, you are banned of not maintaining a healthy ratio and so on again if world become ratio free cheating will be gone.

    I personally never felt like I am smarter then a guy who is seeding 24/7 from his expensive seedbox or ovh ftp sever.

    Deceiving a community ? deceiving a deceiver is not called deceiving , its called stealing from a stealer.

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    Remember, staff at most of the biggest trackers don't see a penny from donations and they are risking to get arrested just to give us a second home.
    They don't take this risk for you and me, they take this risk so they could become rich and can feed their families , scene has become a business bro, you can't imagine money that a successful tracker earns

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    They are people as us, talk to them as you would do to a friend you could sat with. Would you let a cheater talk for hours on a disabled channel, being aware of all his historial? I wouldn't. They did let me.
    Sorry but I lolled hard here, as this statement reminded me of those conversations that I had after I caught cheating on different trackers, for example

    @Bitme : I was caught cheating on a dead torrent a long time ago.

    staffer asked me question such as "why you was cheating" I gave him a sincere reply , that I am a student and I wanted a buffer to download a heavy tutorial of several GBs , he didn't said oh that alright you can do so "AS knowledge must be free" on contrary to this he kicked me from the IRC and left me a message "GTFO you lil faggot".

    @bitmetv : I was caught for cheating

    staffer had a long conversation with me as how I cheated and what I used, I gave satisfactory reply, and when he collected enough information about me, he kicked me out .. it don't call it a friendly behavior as well.

    @RevTT : I was framed as a trader.

    Yes I am a trader but I never traded RTT invite, I tried to explain them but before I could explain them my completely, I was humiliated and expelled from the IRC forcefully. not only this but I lost most of my accounts on other trackers the same day. : well what can I say but the I have found them the most evil staff on planet..

    In short trackers don't respect cheaters and they will never do it in future as well.. in anyways cheaters don't give a damn and will continue to cheat until this double standard exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    It is really woth it, and there is always time to get out of the hole, even though it's so deep you can't manage to see the starting point. Thanks to the people that deserved to be thanked. You know who you are.
    I know who I am , and I am proud to be a cheater.

    Last edited by SBcheater; 03.04.10 at 17:52. Reason: corrections

  4. Who Said Thanks:

    Blocker (07.04.10) , vvtwx (04.04.10) , mangathala2002 (04.04.10) , jacksbi (04.04.10) , slikrapid (04.04.10) , ares (03.04.10) , MrCheat (03.04.10) , dreamer (03.04.10) , cheatos (03.04.10) , anon (03.04.10) , jamesbanned (03.04.10) , Mihai (03.04.10)

  5. #18

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    what a post. i am weeping right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by SBcheater : well what can I say but the I have found them the most evil staff on planet..
    what could be worse than 'GTFO you lil faggot'?

    and for the record, i cheat because it's fun. i can afford a seedbox, that's not a problem.
    Last edited by jamesbanned; 03.04.10 at 18:05.

  6. #19
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    Under normal conditions I'd have written a very long post here, but why bothering when SBcheater has already done so? I differ on some aspects, but who cares.

    And just for the record, nperversion's post did get one user to quit as well... I guess he and the staff can be a bit happier now.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by nperversion View Post
    It's the attitude we must quit from, the greed to get everything...
    ...and you all must be aware of it...
    no, its a personal/individual decision, everyone should have the freedom to make their own choices, whatever they may be - so if a person is greedy (according to the society's perspective), that person has a right to be greedy if thats his choice (whether someone likes it or not)

    your perspective is a narrow and one-sided (reminds me of religious preachers, missionaries and 'reborn' ones), there is much more to it all and many good arguments to prove the contrary

    bottom line: entertainment leaks into internet, its easily available...cheating tools exist, easily what are you going to do about it? lets leave the choice to internet users, to do whatever they want to do and leave the 'holier than thou' speeches to those with vested interests

    Quote Originally Posted by skullfire
    p2p is supposed to be free, but if your connection sucks and you cannot have a decent ratio? you buy a seedbox, and it defeats the fucking purpose of it being free.
    the problem is that nothing, and i mean nothing (even your own life/existence needs constant maintenance/management), is really free - for p2p you need at least an internet connection (ISP costs), for the files you need a computer, for it to run you need electricity, and so on - even if all of it was free, if you want to use it, you need to spend/invest time & attention to it

    Quote Originally Posted by Instab
    however i think this is going in the wrong direction anyway because if you wanna feel sorry for something it'd have to be the music and movie industry that got hurt due to torrents ... not the trackers
    that one may be a bit difficult considering how they overprice their products & their attitude towards the customers, not to mention the natural digital era trends that they aren't taking into consideration when pushing obsolete economic/business models

    Quote Originally Posted by SBcheater
    Yes they invest their time in Promoting Piracy,
    the more appropriate term would be promoting 'closed/private community file-sharing' as pirates are those who make direct profit by selling 'on streets' or by outright robbery (as those on the seas), whereas file-sharers have no monetary benefit from distributing the files (other profit made by certain seedbox or torrenting site owners is indirect and derives from their hardware and/or software)

    Quote Originally Posted by SBcheater
    because a programmer invest not only his time and efforts but a huge amount of money as well to promote and market his software on internet and what trackers do they steal efforts of others
    this is debatable, as those who can afford to invest large amounts of money into advertising are surely not some low-profile/poor innovative programmers (who, similarly to low-profile artists actually benefit from spreading the word about their products/art as their customer base widens substantially) who, if they considered the digital age trends, would be better off to offer free software to private/personal usage and payable software to companies or something like that

    also, no stealing or theft happened while distributing files through the act of file-sharing, which is not a malicious act, as opposed to theft, which permanently removes the object in question from the owners possession

    what the society needs to do is simply ask itself: if a few groups or individuals did some act that is currently considered as not aligned with the law, then they may be considered acting like 'criminals', but what if such a behavior is done by tens of millions of people all around the world, shouldn't it then be called a natural trend, a sign of the digital era, that has to be taken into consideration and (with this in mind when determining its legal status) incorporate/include into new legislation, for shouldn't the laws be made to suit the people, the community, to promote their interests first and thus have priority over corporate ones

    lastly, imo file-sharing, similarly to just about any kind of human behavior/activity, is here to stay and will be around in one way/shape or another (same goes for cheating i suppose), the only question is what are you going to do about it, does it have relevance when trying to achieve you goals? you can be neutral, use it or don't use it, ultimately, its up to the user - personally, i won't significantly change my behavior/attitude considering this subject
    Last edited by slikrapid; 04.04.10 at 04:22.

  8. Who Said Thanks:

    Blocker (07.04.10) , Mihai (04.04.10) , anon (04.04.10) , cheatos (04.04.10) , shawshankraj (04.04.10) , jacksbi (04.04.10) , SBcheater (04.04.10) , jamesbanned (04.04.10)

  9. #21

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    0/5 sssss1308 : well what can I say but the I have found them the most evil staff on planet..
    If anyone have contact with Christopher Nolan he can surely make a kickass movie on private tracker staff and member like us..

    maybe it's worth mentioning that we do have more than cheating stuff here so if you wanna quit cheating you don't have to close your account here therefor
    If trackers implement policies such as

    1. Periodic freeleech sessions,
    2. Respect for guys with small bandwidths
    3. Relaxed seeding requirements for guys having small bandwidth
    4. A seeding point system which replace all other requirement for example a user have to seedback a torrent to a certain time period regardless of the fact that someone download data from him or not
    If this become true one day we r not gonna close this forum there r lot's of good things here, this is the actually good place where people r good and they r aware of what they r doing.
    Last edited by shawshankraj; 04.04.10 at 10:40.

  10. #22
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    Great post as always...

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    the problem is that nothing, and i mean nothing (even your own life/existence needs constant maintenance/management), is really free - for p2p you need at least an internet connection (ISP costs), for the files you need a computer, for it to run you need electricity, and so on - even if all of it was free, if you want to use it, you need to spend/invest time & attention to it
    Sure P2P isn't totally free unless you're hooking on someone else's Wi-Fi everyday, leeching electricity from somewhere to recharge your laptop as you go or something... so why adding extra costs (buying a seedbox, donating for upload credit or a no upload function in a mod, for example) when you already have enough? I think this is what skullfire meant.

    Of course, you can twist it a lot, remember yocto from STN? He used the same "you're already paying for your net and electricity" argument to justify a 3 euro donation to keep your account on the site alive, saying that you shouldn't even feel them go away with the "overwhelming" prices of everything else.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  11. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (04.04.10) , vvtwx (04.04.10) , Mihai (04.04.10) , SBcheater (04.04.10) , shawshankraj (04.04.10)

  12. #23

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    You can always debate that nothing is free in this world,everything involves time isn't it? But what I mean is that if you noticed, seedbox users often use RSS feed or whatever scripts to grab the torrent as fast as possible to buffer up their accounts, however, do you think they actually use the program/game/app/whatever they downloaded? I think not.

    Let's be realistic, let's say we have seedboxes, cost probably ranging US50-100 over dollars depending on speed. Then would you just download torrents that you wanted? or would you continue to jump on new torrents to continue buffer up? Free-leech packs are great for low bandwidth users, but would seedboxers leave them to us? I think not.

    Poor people with low bandwidth, even if they seed 24/7, they might not even reach 1:1 ratio for weeks if they downloaded a large file, whereas seedboxers are hogging the torrents 24/7. Yes they pay for their boxes, but the point of buffering & buffering? - e-penis, higher user-classes. Even I as a cheater don't buffer my accounts unless I'm going to download something huge. The poor people stuck at the bottom of the chain, and guess where they turn to? LMAO here.

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  14. #24

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    It's a great post man..I wish your post read by all goddamn seedbox user..

  15. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Sure P2P isn't totally free unless you're hooking on someone else's Wi-Fi everyday, leeching electricity from somewhere to recharge your laptop as you go or something... so why adding extra costs (buying a seedbox, donating for upload credit or a no upload function in a mod, for example) when you already have enough? I think this is what skullfire meant.
    you're making it sound like you either need to cheat or get a seedbox to keep a good ratio... it's not true... i cheat for the challenge and because it saves me some effort but i'm sure i could do it without cheating or a seedbox.

  16. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenjin View Post
    you're making it sound like you either need to cheat or get a seedbox to keep a good ratio... it's not true...
    Of course it isn't, but on some trackers it does look like it sometimes.
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  17. #27

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    how are people on lousy .5mbps connections (that's normal for most people, if not an overstatement) supposed to compete with all of the 100mbps connections on well seeded torrents? the answer is that it is not possible. when a tracker admin tells you 'your ratio is bad, you're lazy, you didn't seed, you didn't... whatever,' he sometimes bans you anyway. maybe if sites weren't run by greedy individuals who banned users who gave an honest effort (or even donated), it would not be necessary to try things that are against the rules. it's time for sites to check their attitude toward their users, since the sites are supposed to be for the users, not the other way around.

  18. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by skullfire View Post
    seedbox users often use RSS feed or whatever scripts to grab the torrent as fast as possible to buffer up their accounts...
    ...but the point of buffering & buffering? - e-penis, higher user-classes.
    well, i won't judge them for doing it - if thats their goal, let them have it, i have no problem with seedbox users having huge buffers as the upload speed they offer when i'm downloading from them makes up for any disadvantages and brings a smile to my face

    let's say we have seedboxes...Then would you just download torrents that you wanted? or would you continue to jump on new torrents to continue buffer up?
    i never did like the idea of downloading something you don't need/want just to increase your buffer, which is why i don't do it and probably never will, furthermore cheating makes contemplating seedboxes irrelevant

    The poor people stuck at the bottom of the chain, and guess where they turn to?
    many things about the system are not fair or are biased, but this inspires people to find a way around it and diminish their disadvantages and still accomplish their goals - so the system complains and tries to catch the 'apostates', whereas it should realize the problem and try to create a satisfactory solution to it (that is, if it cares about the disadvantaged ones) - some sites manage to balance the things quite nicely and its a pleasure to seed there for months on downloaded files - as for the others, well, may you all get a taste of the sbi cheating spice

  19. #29
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    there is always wrong and right. To decide which is good is a point of view and i don't share same feelings with the post starter for a long time and i wouldn't.

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