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Thread: Battlefield Bad Company 2

  1. #46
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Not really. It is detectable, but only a few sites actually have scripts against it.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  2. #47

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    oh...how about TL, RevTT, IPT, BitGamer, GFT ?
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  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by leechmodder View Post
    oh...how about TL, RevTT, IPT, BitGamer, GFT ?
    check the resp. threads. would go too much off-topic otherwise
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  4. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Every tracker can be put on global freeleech by any of us if we wanted to... seems SBfreak already replied to your question, but don't forget there's also ghostleeching if you don't want to affect your stats.

    Ratio cheating talk on a game thread, heh.
    lol i didn't want go through all that trouble

    Quote Originally Posted by GotIt View Post
    I checked a few general trackers with no luck. I'm sure you could use one like revtt or even a public tracker and then take it to where you want to seed/cheat it though.


    I should probably get this as well. I love the COD games, and this seems on par or even better, so I will get this asap !
    I'm getting it from czone! Its on FreeLeech
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  5. #50

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    If you are already on a ratio cheating site why do you even bother about freeleech or not ?
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  6. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by NS021NS View Post
    If you are already on a ratio cheating site why do you even bother about freeleech or not ?
    There's no point in risking getting banned on tracker (or scene banned) when you can get it on FL .

    I finally ended up getting it from Demonoid Its only 2GB full rip
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  7. #52
    Advanced User saebrtooth's Avatar
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    good ol Demonoid has almost everything
    I also found a 5+gig version on TL for PC
    dont ban me just spank me
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  8. #53

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    I changed my opinion about this game.
    it's annoying. I can play it for like.. 20 minutes maximum before I get upset.
    I get killed too often by things I don't see or understand.
    the game is a bit heavy.. you can't see what you're shooting with all the dust flying around..
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  9. #54
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    You should turn down some of the shadows and other special effects affecting dust then u will have 20/20 vision and ready to kick ass
    dont ban me just spank me
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  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by shmizan View Post
    I get killed too often by things I don't see or understand.
    yes that happens to me too! I got killed when a building collapsed on me
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  11. #56

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    for me it's a bit different.. I am down to cover and I just die all of a sudden
    maybe grenades? but it's so impossible to see them or notice you're thrown one at..
    in Gears of War you could clearly see when a grenade is thrown, for example.
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  12. #57

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    i have bayed this games , so cool the SP is too short , but i thinks it was better than codmw2 sp
    bc2 MP is very cool,
    i play with medic , for me is the best
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  13. #58

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    So. Since this place is dedicated to cheating, I thought I'd give an update related to cheating and this game.

    I recently procured a free account to an aimbot service to BC2. The friend I got this account from said he got an "amazing deal" and bought a few. Normally I don't really go for this type of thing, but Battlefield BC2 has a shitton of locked weapons and items. Personally I don't like having the bread and butter of certain classes locked up so far an unlock tree it's pretty much months of your time just to be competitive against everyone else who does have those items. So procurement of an aimbot account seemed well timed and destined. I fired up the game, and severely limited the aimbots capabilities in order to fly beneath the radar and be less conspicuous. Actually, I was borderline neurotic about the whole thing. Paranoia was my best friend. Despite the measures I took, I was banned within three days.

    In hindsight, I've learned a few things. As we all do by our mistakes...

    The sellers of aimbots services will tell you anything to get you to pay up and subscribe. The particular aimbot I used was very well known (AA). They told me the hack was "completely undetectable" multiple times. It's smattered all over their forums and their FAQ. They also told me that the hack automatically shuts itself down when anti-cheat measures are being taken, to avoid any banning. This was also a lie.

    So my research, post-ban, showed that BC2 uses Punkbuster, which has two main methods of detection (it took me about four hours of searching to find out this information, Punkbuster doesn't exactly make this well-known) :

    The first involves checking the memory of the gamer for known hacks/bugs. This is somewhat easily evaded by the creator of the hack routinely updating the program by just a line or two of arbitrary code every night and letting it's users update. The aimbot service I was using had this capability, and checked for updates every time I started it up. But there were zero updates in the three days I was using the hack.

    The second method Punkbuster uses grabs screenshots directly from the users screen either upon the command of a server admin/PB admin, or at random intervals during a selected users gameplay. All aimbots have an injected GUI that you can bring up in-game to turn different things on or off. Most show you where every single enemy is on your screen. So a screenshot of what your seeing is the last nail in the coffin.

    So post-ban I asked my friend about the great deal he got. He said it was ten bucks for a month, the normal is twenty. After checking some of their forum archives, it appears that AA has been having some trouble with the BC2 hack. People were getting banned often. So my guess is that they lowered the price to lure in new customers and fresh blood to try out their new code. Additionally, there is a huge part of the forum dedicated solely to selling CD keys, so when you get banned you can buy another. My guess is that the owners of the website get direct kickbacks from that as well.

    All-in-all, I'm glad I didn't pay for it. It seems like such a convoluted, greedy business. If you take anything away from this, let it be these two things: do some serious research on the anti-cheat technology the game employs before starting, and never trust anyone who says their hack(s) are "fullproof" or "undetectable". I was clearly a sucker for doing neither of those things.
    Last edited by Nobody; 23.06.10 at 09:06.
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  14. #59
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  15. #60

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    This is the one that's free for BC2, right? It'll be nice to have some new maps and stuff, though I assume gameplay will stay the same. I still play BC2 from time to time, though with 90 hours in the game, it's only fun for a while.
    Last edited by Neutronium; 20.09.10 at 22:17.
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