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Thread: Al Jazeera English: Thousands march in Jerusalem rally

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    Al Jazeera English: Thousands march in Jerusalem rally

    You know that I've been mentioning on a great number of occasions of the Israeli soldiers always deliberatley destroying Palestinian's homes, forcefully evicting them, using their D9's ( what the Israeli's call their bulldozers used for destroying the homes of people from Gaza and Palestine).

    But there are also some people in Israel that have their heads on straight with respect to this issue and see the ultimate cruelty that it is.

    Apparently, in Jerusalem, there was a protest condemning these terrible acts as opposed to the regular and strongly suggestive actions of condoning such behavior.

    check it out:

    At least 3,000 protesters, including Israelis and Palestinians, have rallied in an Arab quarter of east Jerusalem to protest the eviction of Palestinians from their homes there in favor of Jewish settlers
    LIke I say, it's nice to see some people who've got some sense in their brains and tell their own government that they are ashamed of their own government condoning these actions of their military and in the deliberate ethnic-cleansing of Palestinians.

    This is powerful stuff, folks.
    Remember the war in the old Yugo republic??
    Remember the drum-calls of ethnic cleansing in that part of the world??

    Apparently, there were about 200,000 people that were killed in that war.
    In particular in Bosnia in which women were raped, while sons and husbands were beaten and tortured in concentration camps such as the one's in Omarska and Manjaca.

    Millions lost their homes due to this neat little process called "ethnic cleansing".

    Ethnic cleansing is happening here and now as we speak.
    there is only one reason for the existence of ethnic cleansing and I'll get to that a little later on in the post.
    Suffice it to say that it is meant to be deliberate.
    I'll explain later. ...

    For now, let's continue with the AJE article....

    The protesters waved red flags bearing the inscription "Shalom," or peace in Hebrew, during the demonstration........A large Israeli police contingent watched over the demonstration, the largest of its kind for several decades against Jewish settlements in Jerusalem.
    Want to know why the cops were there??

    The only reason I could think of as to why cops would be there would be to control rioting and with people wanting to express an attitude towards the cops since police are representative of authority, yes??

    NOT so, as we see here. Here's the reason why:

    Police had intended to ban the gathering,........
    apparently, the police wanted to ban this gathering of people b/c on a past occasion there was rioting for similar events:

    The demonstration came amid tensions in the Old City after days of clashes between Israeli riot police and Palestinian protesters........
    Happily, this bad judgement by the cops was overturned by an Israeli court.

    Heres some more...

    Several Palestinian families ......have been expelled in recent months in favour of Israeli settlers on the grounds their houses belonged to Jews before the creation of Israel in 1948.
    that is the most pure of all types of bulls**t that there is.

    There is no such thing what is claimed above in the quote. Both Israeli's and Palestinians lived on the same land before 1948.
    There was never any Israel. That land on which Israel is located on now, was not called Israel, but Palestine.
    That claim is falsehood.
    That claim is made for what I mentioned above: Ethnic cleansing.

    Do you know what ethnic cleansing is??
    Let's define ethnic cleansing for a moment before we move on.

    We need to define the term 'ethnic cleansing' before we can move on and explain both the covert and overt actions of the Israeli military and government.

    the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship.
    So we've established that ethnic cleansing involves the deportation or forcible displacement of people.

    That's the same thing that the Israeli military is doing to the Palestinians by building that shameful wall and deliberately dividing Palestinians thereby further increasing their segregation from other Palestinians and splitting them up into smaller and smaller segments or pockets until you finally have no pockets of Palestinians living anywhere in the region.

    Let's continue with the definition a little more:

    ......ethnic cleansing and genocide can be distinguished by the intent of the perpetrator........ the primary goal of genocide is the destruction of an ethnic, racial, or religious group, the main purpose of ethnic cleansing is the establishment of ethnically homogeneous lands, which may be achieved by any of a number of methods including genocide.

    "ethnic cleansing." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010.
    yES. I love my encyclopedia Brittanica.
    It's so cool to have.

    In Israel, that involves the construction of the wall. Thereby further and further making these pockets of Palestinians smaller and smaller. This also involves the process of killing Palestinians...deliberately, that is.

    It has been known for many years, though the Israeli government will never admit it, that the genocide of Palestinians is a deliberate intent.

    I have found a video here from YT, that apparently is called the 'Video that Israel doesn't want you to see".

    This video is a Canadian documentary made in 2006.

    Pay special attention when watching it and you'll learn something about the deliberate intent of Palestinian genocide by Israeli soldiers.

    Here's the video:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW1-_JmXQt0"]YouTube- Video Israel Doesn't Want You to See[/ame]

    So let's move on and define genocide for a moment here as I think that we all need to understand it a little bit better with respect to these events in Israel and the overt acts undertaken by the Israeli military:

    the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.


    "genocide." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010
    As you can see, I like to use sources that have got some reputation to them. This way, there's no confusion or disagreement about the definitions.

    So you heard in the YT clip about wanton genocide of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers.
    Criminals is what they are.

    As a matter of fact, I'd go on ahead and state that the entire governing Israeli Parliament, including the Israeli military, are war criminals.
    From the words of 'Do the right thing":
    And that's the double truth, Ruth!!

    But of course, that'll never happen. Israel has to much pro-Zionist support, most especially outside of it's borders and blah, blah, blah...you know the rest.

    As the rest of the AJE article states after these protestors protested the expelling of Palestininas:

    Israel annexed east Jerusalem after the 1967 Middle East war and built new quarters to house more than 200,000 Israelis.

    The annexation has never been recognised by the international community..........Israeli authorities had given the green light to a project to build 600 homes in an area set aside for settlement in the eastern sector.
    It's a little bit clearer now, isn't it??
    I mean with respect to how genocide and ethnic cleansing occurs in Israel, yes??

    Here's the link:


    Last edited by SealLion; 07.03.10 at 19:37.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship.
    i see the encyclopedia brittanica is keeping the same line with obama & usa government, as it was already noticed he & his administration started using the term 'freedom of worship' instead of a broader (and better) term 'freedom of religion' - now we see terms like 'houses of worship', which are actually quite narrow, considering there are other purposes for these objects

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    yES. I love my encyclopedia Brittanica.
    It's so cool to have.

    As you can see, I like to use sources that have got some reputation to them. This way, there's no confusion or disagreement about the definitions.
    well, as long as we don't go a bit further into more or less controversial topics, when you can expect this encyclopedia to misleadingly give only the mainstream accepted definitions and in some cases it has for example israeli/zionist bias, remember the example for the definition of palestinians within the zionism section:

    Arabs who became displaced persons known as Palestinians

    considering the video i imagine this is a droplet in an ocean of such examples of mindless abuse, with no material gain to the abusers, except for suffering of the victims, creating fear in their family and all of the surrounding ones, inflicting, if not direct physical, then surely lasting psychological damage - imagine the horror of having this kind of & similar incidents happening throughout several decades, just sickening

    and to think that other countries really haven't managed to put an end to this 50+ years old practice makes a sobering image of the so called democratic world & and its leaders, with pristine speeches yet closer to zero practical follow-up/execution
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    Well, from what I gather, a 'house of worship' is considered to be defined as the following:

    Also called house of worship, house of prayer. a building devoted to religious worship; a church, synagogue, temple, chapel, etc.
    Definintion link

    and the definition of 'freedom of religion', according to Wikipedia is:

    Freedom of religion is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion. Freedom of religion is considered by many people and nations to be a fundamental human right.........
    and an explanation for 'freedom of Worship ' is discussed here:

    .....freedom to worship has become so besieged that it is sometimes difficult to remember why religious pluralism became the established norm in the first place. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) guarantees the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, including the freedom to change one's religious beliefs. .......the only way for people of various backgrounds to live together in relative peace (is) by cultivating an attitude of religious plurality. Since no religion can claim to teach the sole or absolute truth, people of various faiths (or no faith) should respect and tolerate one another, and should interact without conflict or pressure toward assimilation.
    Discussion link

    Use 'FIND' to find the word ' worship' to get to the above text.

    There's a few things that I think need to be discussed here.
    Firstly, when looking at it, I don't quite see much of a difference in the definition concepts between the freedom of worship and the freedom of religion.

    Both make encumbrances for permitting no worship of any deity and/or change of religion as you read above.

    Secondly, the differences that I note between the 2 is that 'freedom of worship' permits the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion whereas the 'freedom of religion', according to the quote above is that the freedoms enjoyed under this concept is teaching, practicing, worshiping, and observance.

    Both of which, no doubt can be done inside or outside any 'house of worship'.
    That 'house of worship' includes mosques, churches, temples, and the like.

    So are you saying that when a person enjoys the 'freedom of religion' over the' freedom of worship', that person is permitted the concepts of teaching, practicing, and so on over the 'freedom of worship', which according to the links that I discovered, don't necessarily state so and may (or may not) include such concepts??

    The way that I see it, is that with the concept of 'freedom of worship', which should include those above mentioned concepts for the 'freedom of religion', but are confined to keeping religion in church much like some people keep golf on the golf course on week-ends. Strongly suggesting that people keep their religion to themselves.

    In addition to that, that when people have this 'freedom of worship', the person has to keep it in a 'house of worship' and not move outside of that 'house of worship' and; for example, proselytize.

    That is, an erosion of people's rights and inherent freedoms because I have come across information like this before.

    such an erosion of people's rights eventually leads, and is happening today even as we speak as a matter of fact, to an erosion of rights that are normally guaranteed under a country's constitutional bills.

    Is it this last one that your talking about??

    As for the encyclopedia being used, I had to use that one to demonstrate the known fact that, that is precisely what country's like Israel are doing to Palestinians: The destruction of 'houses of worship'.

    Take for example the very well known fact that Zionism, as discussed earlier, in addition to the practices of the Israeli military under the auspices of it's governing rulers in the Knesset, condone the deliberate destruction of 'houses of worship' used by the Palestinians, that in addition to the destruction caused by the D9's (bulldozers) of Palestinian's homes.

    The goal of course, to destroy an entire people's heritage, lives, infrastructure, and so forth. So having mentioned this now, Zionism delivers to the people the falsified fear that it is necessary to destroy all elements of the enemy.
    In this case, the enemy is constructed to be the Palestinians and thus envelope their land into more and more into Israeli territory.

    This systematic destruction leads to ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians as well as genocide.

    Since, according to the definitions of 'ethnic cleansing' being the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group, in this case the Palestinian's 'houses of worship', i.e. temples, mosques, and so forth coupled with the defining terms of 'genocide' being the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.
    This has been an ongoing practice by the Israeli military since it's formation there in 1948.

    I therefore felt that these definitions were suitable.

    Oh, and yes. I do recall quite well the very precise definition of Zionisms and it's inherent goals. A very good one that was, yes??

    As for other countries refusing to put an end to this, we both know in having this discussed more than a few times that this'll never stop.
    It's not designed to stop.

    IT is part of the practice for Zionism as an ultra-nationalistic movement for Jewish people to instill fear, deceive, and lie to it's very own people in believing that they are threatened on every side and must therefore, strive to destroy all of their enemies in sight.

    Those enemies, which are not enemies at all, are of course, in plain site: The Palestinians.

    Deliberately destroying everything that is Palestinian-related.

    The politicians and bureaucrats gathering together in polluting the media by announcing all kinds of propagated lies to Israeli citizens to the point that Israeli settlers themselves throw rocks over settlement fences because they feel that the Palestinians are on Israeli land.
    because they believed the nonsense that they're told.

    Nothing could be further from the truth, of course.

    Additionally, I think that I'll make the same statement here again using the exact same quote on what Zionism is and how it's intended for it's very own people:

    Zionism is more accurately described as a strategy for targeting thought and emotion as a means to influence behavior.........Zionism recruits by sustaining a shared sense of insecurity within the broader Jewish community. It progresses by marketing its perceived vulnerability and victim-hood among those on whom it relies for financial, military and diplomatic support
    I felt that the key word there was 'recruit'. And that is exactly what Zionists do best.

    To recruit fear;
    to recruit lies and deception toward it's own people.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    as the definition of 'freedom of religion' you quoted shows, worship is only a part of it and actually doesn't necessarily have to be included at all - which may suggest that in the 'freedom of worship' you have no such freedom guaranteed if your beliefs do not include worship!

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    and an explanation for 'freedom of Worship ' is discussed here:
    well, there wasn't much dealing with explanation of this term (looks like roosevelt used it), but they did waste a lot of space trying to maybe explain why its necessary to spy on what is being said in 'houses of worship', as if there was no such practice before (usa intelligence agencies must have missed that one ) or why would it be good to limit the amount of religious speech or trying to make a dubious segregation between fundamentalists & uhm, others or asking weird questions as: Could a non-believer or atheist be elected president of the United States?

    maybe i'm being too critical, but this 'study' is a, well, strange one

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Firstly, when looking at it, I don't quite see much of a difference in the definition concepts between the freedom of worship and the freedom of religion.
    check that definition of 'freedom of religion' again, the 'worship' is already there...and more, meaning that if only the 'worship' is a guaranteed freedom, then everything else in that definition of 'freedom of religion' is NOT!

    interestingly its one of those things we mentioned some time before: the change of rhetoric, when there is suddenly a different phrase repeatedly used (instead of the old one) - i suspect this is not an accident, ie. it has a purpose

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Secondly, the differences that I note between the 2 is that 'freedom of worship' permits the freedom of thought
    only if that what is worshiped allows for freedom of thought, which is kind of contradictory, since what if you have thoughts that go against the worshiped one or any of its rules/beliefs

    and also, worship narrows the possible relationships with your 'god', ie. it automatically suggests that the one that worships has a lower/subordinate position in this relationship, which is not necessarily so, as a small number of bible readers may be aware of

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Both of which, no doubt can be done inside or outside any 'house of worship'.
    That 'house of worship' includes mosques, churches, temples, and the like.
    whats wrong with religious objects/buildings/monuments

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    such an erosion of people's rights eventually leads, and is happening today even as we speak as a matter of fact, to an erosion of rights that are normally guaranteed under a country's constitutional bills.

    Is it this last one that your talking about??
    that may very well be the case, afaik for now its only at the rhetoric level...

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    the practice for Zionism as an ultra-nationalistic movement for Jewish people to instill fear, deceive, and lie to it's very own people in believing that they are threatened on every side and must therefore, strive to destroy all of their enemies in sight.
    i would define zionism as an extremist political (predominantly jewish, highly nationalist and mostly based on talmud) movement

    as for lying to their own people, imo they have been so indoctrinated through the generations that probably none of them can distinguish between whats real and what isn't, the paranoia levels must be quite high there, concerning the destruction of enemies, their talmud instructs that is ok to do it (since others, and it means every other non-jewish human not just palestinians for example, are concerned as a lower level humanoids, sounds very much like the nazi concept of 'Untermensch') only if one is not caught doing it and so on...as one writer ironically noticed: nice chaps, no?
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