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Thread: Al Jazeera English: Dubai: Israeli premier faces arrest

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    Al Jazeera English: Dubai: Israeli premier faces arrest

    Well folks.
    YOu read it here first.
    Brought to you by one of the best SB-i investigative journalists on the forum.
    ....Just kidding.....

    So anyways...we all recently heard on the news that the Mossad from Israel left thier comfy couches, took some fake passports, had a quick din-din on the flight to Dubai, and assinatied a person there. IMO, this was done because Israel does NOT want any competition to it's dominance in the region.

    check it out:

    The head of the Dubai police is planning to seek the arrest of the prime minister of Israel and the head of the country's secret service, Mossad, over the killing of a Hamas leader.

    Dhahi Khalfan Tamim told Al Jazeera he would ask the Dubai prosecutor to issue arrest warrants for Binyamin Netanyahu and Meir Dagan this week.
    In all honesty, this isn't going to happen and you know it. At best what 's going to happen is that the Israeli leader, himself a Zionist and a right-wing extremist, is going to ignore this arrest warrant and have someone else look after it in having it torn apart.
    That's my opinion. And that 's being said on the idea that we all know how politically strong Israel remains as long as it's allied with France, UK, and of course, it's most staunchest ally, the US.
    Favoring Zionism as much as it favors empire building/one-world government building.

    IMO, the 2 aforementioned defendants should go on trial. And not just for this Mossad-thing either. I mean for what Netanyahu allows and encourages to happen to Palestinians and people from Gaza City.
    But then, he's a Zionist and that would be expected of him, yes??

    And if your not familiar with the definition of Zionism, it's not related to rascism, it's ultra-nationalism for Israel and Jewish people alike.
    You can look up the definition yourself if you like.

    And if I was to state my opinion further on that, I'd say it's close to Nazism.
    There are far too many similarities between Nazism of old ( or even today in some quarters of the world), and the goals of Zionism today.

    But let's continue, shall we....

    Tamim said he was "almost certain" Israeli agents were involved in the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a Hamas commander, at a Dubai hotel in January.

    Israel has has neither confirmed nor denied involvement in al-Mabhouh's murder.
    Of course Israel wont' confirm nor deny it. If they did, could you imagine the international uproar that would follow??

    Countries demanding that Israel hand over the Mossad agents to judge and jury. Which Israel won't do of course. As a matter of fact, the Israeli government has stated that it would never prosecute those agents. If it did allow that, the agents and everyone involved in the assassination plot would have to answer who signed off on it.

    We all know that it was the Israeli leader.
    Al Jazeera reported on that itself on an article that I posted earlier.

    Citing an FBI source, The National (a) newspaper said the investigation would look into any Israeli involvement in the killing.

    Quoting Dubai police, the newspaper said ( The National) : "Thirteen of the 27 suspects used prepaid MasterCards issued by MetaBank, a regional American bank, to purchase plane tickets and book hotel rooms."
    Now I wonder if there this statement would allude to direct participation of foreign governments in that assassination??
    What do you think??

    Think about that question.
    There are all kinds of things happening in the world that the good majority of the world's population are kept in the dark about. No info given.
    But what if........
    There is no direct evidence of course, just a postulation I'm making.
    I could be wrong of course.

    As a consequence of the assassination, UAE officials say they will prevent Israeli citizens travelling on foreign passports from entering the country.
    So the UAE says all this. OK.
    And that might prove fruitful...for awhile at least. I imagine that once things cool down, those passport restrictions will dissipate.

    So how did the assassins deploy their machinations to assassinate someone??

    Dubai police last Sunday issued a statement saying the "killers used the drug succinylcholine to sedate al-Mabhouh before they suffocated him" and that "assassins used this method so that it would seem that his death was natural".

    Al-Mabhouh's killing has led investigators to Britain, Ireland, Australia and Germany - countries whose passports the assassins allegedly used.
    Remember when I postulated above on foreign powers potentially participated in this event. Well, it might very well be.
    I'm stating this theory because of the close relations that Israel has with the US, UK, Germany and a number of other countries.

    You see, I see it this way....
    this whole thing about where countries are crying foul in having their country's passports used for some fraudulent reason ( i.e. an assassination plot) is just a charade.
    That's all.
    It would make sense though. Zionism needs partners in it's drive for success, yes??

    So, my theory is such that the political leaders in Israel called upon the forces of evil;
    1. made contact with their Euro and Australian allies;
    2. said that they were devising a plan that needed the approval of the use of passports that would identify their Mossad agents as being from Ireland, Australia, Germany, and the UK;
    3. got approval and everyone said that if this thing hit the news, which it surely would, the foreign participants would plan to cry foul over the use of their country's passports by Mossad agents;
    4. in effect creating a charade that would continue forth with the designs of Zionism in Israel and abroad where-ever Zionists have strong influence, namely the US and a few quarters in Europe too;
    5. this charade would continue the military dominance that Israel has in the region, plans to have in the region, and plans to enlarge in scope. This charade would also coincide with the plans that the US has with it's Pro-Israeli Christian groups, Pro-Israeli lobby groups, and a few others to ensure that Israel continues to recieve the billions, and I mean billions of dollars in aid that it gets alone from the US;
    6. Considering the history of Germany with respect to WW II and the repatriation to Jewish people that Germany is expected of by this guilt trip that's laid on it by Israel, is it any wonder that Germany would have cooperated in this charade, if my idea on this thing would actually be correct in some form or matter??

    Here's the link to AJE;

    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    In all honesty, this isn't going to happen and you know it.
    just noticed the high view-count on this article, probably sbi users had to check to be sure what they were reading (Israeli premier faces arrest) is really happening

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Of course Israel wont' confirm nor deny it. If they did, could you imagine the international uproar that would follow??
    even if they didn't keep silent about it, i can't imagine a large international uproar, when 50+ years of continuous torture of a whole nation is not significant enough to create a critical amount of outrage that would put a stop to it - instead, such issues land in hands of the global self-appointed caretakers that specialize in profitable 'crocodile tears', aka 'world (insert description/title) organizations', so an assassination of a extremist organization leader surely won't occupy the interest of media (or others) for a long period of time

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Now I wonder if there this statement would allude to direct participation of foreign governments in that assassination??
    not really, but it does urge them to investigate further on the matter from their 'side of the fence'

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    1. made contact with their Euro and Australian allies;
    2. said that they were devising a plan that needed the approval of the use of passports that would identify their Mossad agents as being from Ireland, Australia, Germany, and the UK;
    3. got approval and everyone said that if this thing hit the news, which it surely would, the foreign participants would plan to cry foul over the use of their country's passports by Mossad agents;
    if they made contact it would probably be limited just to a few contact persons and subsidiary leaders, maybe with a vague heads-up to other intelligence agencies or their leaders, but not to ask for approval, imo they are able to make any kind of international passports as needed - also, these passports may lead to dead ends or could be used to lead towards other organizations (real conspirators or false-flag ones), sometimes sloppiness is intentional

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    4. in effect creating a charade
    well, not sure why they would need one, the main? goal was achieved (assassination), everything else is of secondary importance and may very well end up buried in the dusty 'unsolved cases' drawer or beneath tons of redundant news reports

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Considering the history of Germany with respect to WW II and the repatriation to Jewish people that Germany is expected of by this guilt trip that's laid on it by Israel, is it any wonder that Germany would have cooperated in this charade, if my idea on this thing would actually be correct in some form or matter??
    you probably meant: reparation (war reparations), a shadowy (non-transparent) area that allowed all kinds of plundering done by ww2 winners, israel's part included and emphasized (it continues even today):

    Beginning immediately after the German surrender and continuing for the next two years, the United States pursued a vigorous program to harvest all technological and scientific know-how as well as all patents in Germany. Historian John Gimbel, in his book Science Technology and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany, states that the "intellectual reparations" taken by the U.S. and the UK amounted to close to $10 billion dollars.
    In 2009, Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz announced that he will demand a further 450 million to 1 billion Euros in reparations from Germany on behalf of some 30,000 Israeli forced labor survivors.[10] Israel has also sought large discounts on the purchase of two German-built Meko warships.
    The memorandum concluded "is looking forward to converting Germany into a country primarily agricultural and pastoral in its character

    It was proposed by and subsequently named after Henry Morgenthau, Jr., United States Secretary of the Treasury.

    Morgenthau was born into a prominent Jewish family
    a slight conflict of interests, eh?

    back to the quote, imo hardly, as afaik germany is not too involved in foreign matters and rarely takes some kind of leading international role, and also, i imagine it wouldn't be wise to abuse a country beyond its 'breaking point', so to speak, when trying to cash in on past events (israel-germany)
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    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    even if they didn't keep silent about it, i can't imagine a large international uproar, when 50+ years of continuous torture of a whole nation is not significant enough to create a critical amount of outrage that would put a stop to it - instead, such issues land in hands of the global self-appointed caretakers that specialize in profitable 'crocodile tears', aka 'world (insert description/title) organizations', so an assassination of a extremist organization leader surely won't occupy the interest of media (or others) for a long period of time
    and it never will occupy the interests of the media. If it does, it'll only occupy the interests of the media for a short duration of time.

    And then it'll disappear.
    Just like that.

    IMO, the reason that news like that in which the systematic destruction of the Palestinians and the systematic and deliberate economic and food starvation of people in Gaza occurs is no doubt so obvious.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    if they made contact it would probably be limited just to a few contact persons and subsidiary leaders, maybe with a vague heads-up to other intelligence agencies or their leaders
    Yes. I believe that's kind of what I meant. No doubt, only a small proportion of people will be involved in the covert knowledge of such events to take place.

    Quote Originally Posted by slikrapid View Post
    you probably meant: reparation (war reparations), a shadowy (non-transparent) area that allowed all kinds of plundering done by ww2 winners, israel's part included and emphasized (it continues even today)
    ah. yes. I stand corrected. I looked at the spell checking of Firefox and that is what it gave me.

    I went to the link and had read the criticisms of plundering and war reparations and here is one of them:

    .... the defeated populace's government waged war, and the people themselves had little or no role in deciding to wage war, and therefore war reparations are imposed on innocent people
    quite true, I believe. And so who pays??
    The taxpayer in those countries.
    Billions of dollars.
    Or billions in Euro currency if you want to see it that way.

    But somehow, it's a little bit different for Germany I think. Germany is pretty much an economic powerhouse in Europe, so no doubt, in some way Germany removed itself from any potential impoverishment that is normally imposed upon a losing side.

    Because normally when there is some kind of war reparations that is imposed upon a losing side, impoverishment usually occurs.

    But I also wonder that after WW II, when the victors decided to stay in Germany after having carved up West Germany into different protective sections, like the American section, the British section, and I think (correct me if I'm wrong here), also the French section all in opposition to the USSR and it's Warsaw Pact allies in East Germany and in Czechoslovakia as well, that the presence of foreign troops may have spurred on an economic climb for Germany out of any potential impoverishment, yes??

    However, it can be equally said that after WW I, war reparations were directly influential in the initiation of WW II by the German government at that time.

    That caused both hyper-inflation and exacerbated economic conditions for that country.
    I would tend to think that because of that, I think that the victors in the war decided to have a look at history and determined that it was necessary for Germany to not encounter economic reparations a second time.
    Smart thinking, I would say.

    HEre is some more information from the holocaust reparation link from Wikipedia you gave:

    Israeli authorities ..... calculated... they were owed 1.5 billion dollars by Germany. They also figured that six billion dollars worth of Jewish property had been pillaged by the Nazis, but stressed that the Germans could never make up for what they did with any type of material recompense
    Yes, it may be true that Germany at that time 'owed' something. But it doesn't owe in the sense of this continuing and constant 'guilt-trip' imposed upon that country.

    IMO, there are groups in Germany and abroad ensuring this harassment, and that is how I see it: harassment via guilt-trip.

    But I also read this quote here from the same link:

    Apparently in 1951, someone from Israel's Knesset said this:

    .......Our army, the Israel Defense Forces, will be in the same camp as the Nazi army......
    How true that is.
    The Israeli military itself has become their worst enemy from WW II.

    and of course, there is also that same quote that you provided that in 2009, Israel would seek another 450 million to 1 billion Euros in financial reparations from Germany.

    Like I say, it's a guilt trip. The war ended over 65 years ago and Germany still has to pay.

    I would like to know first hand, slik if there is any opposition to these sort of demands placed upon Germany by Israel.

    now you know, I am thinking about something, and it is only a postulation on this issue and that is that Germany was intentioned to be economically healthy after WW II and that Israel would be a major benefactor in that economic growth, so that the founding of Israel in 1948 would be sustained and realized because any new nation needs money to survive.

    I mean, there needs to be importation costs to pay for, for building materials, food, the running of government, paying a standing military, and other things needed in the day to day life of any new and beginning country, yes??

    This quote below, used to support my idea, is taken from the war reparations link you gave:

    Immediately after the Israeli-Arab war in 1948, Israel was quite keen to survive economically.
    That would be obvious.
    Most countries would need to following any war.

    ....Unemployment was very high ........ David Ben-Gurion and his Mapai party took a practical approach and argued that accepting the agreement was the only way to sustain the nation's economy
    The agreement that is spoken of is The Claims Conference that apparently took place in September of 1951 in which Israel would seek monetary compensation from Germany for it's part in the holocaust.

    That same monetary compensation of course, still occurs today as was quoted from the Wikipedia link.

    Who would give financial support to Israel following the building of a new nation as well as funding after the end of the Israeli-Arab war??
    Surely, Israel's allies would.
    But I would tend to think that also Germany would have needed to pay for this sort of thing as well.

    Take what-ever money is available where-ever it can be found and use it.
    And of course, the cash flow just keeps on coming.

    And it's not just the cash flow, it also other things too of course. Israel has not only relies on unlimited American support, from the massive supply of money and arms to use, but also of the veto in the Security Council that it garnishes from the US.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
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    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    And so who pays??
    The taxpayer in those countries.
    Billions of dollars.

    But somehow, it's a little bit different for Germany I think. Germany is pretty much an economic powerhouse in Europe, so no doubt, in some way Germany removed itself from any potential impoverishment that is normally imposed upon a losing side.
    well, its always the taxpayers, as they eventually carry the tax burden as proposed/ordered by the government, regardless of its validity or intentions

    its quite remarkable how germany succeeded in achieving a rather decent economic status & overall stability despite of the reparations yearly burden, later on even the reuniting with east germany didn't hurt their stability much - i have a feeling they could have gone much further if they weren't held down with long lasting reparations, and in addition to that, today germany even carries the largest part of the EU budget

    see these enormous reparations amounts (afaik not mentioned in wikipedia):

    Compensation paid by the Federal Republic of Germany to victims of the Nazi regime € bn
    Final Federal Compensation Law 44.54
    Retrospective payments for hardship cases 2.78
    Compensation for stolen property 2.02
    Payments made to the state of Israel 1.53
    Special funds of Germany's federal states for individual cases 1.53
    Payments made to other countries 1.46
    Miscellaneous payments 6.80
    The "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" Foundation (payments to former forced laborers) 2.56
    TOTAL 63.22 € bn
    Source: German Finance Ministry, 2005 figures
    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Because normally when there is some kind of war reparations that is imposed upon a losing side, impoverishment usually occurs.

    that the presence of foreign troops may have spurred on an economic climb for Germany out of any potential impoverishment, yes??
    imo, after the war the winning side had a few plundering rounds:

    - the direct one after the victory, seizing various assets, hauling (back to homeland) what they could take as loot
    - taking a cut from the industry & other areas as these were recuperating, for years later, under foreign governance
    - international investments & credits took their toll in ownership & interest rates, that were rather inflated in post-war times, which can last for decades
    - the exaggerated reparations, even till today

    so its more profitable to let the economic situation improve and take a nice piece out of it (from behind the scenes), than to let it all go to waste or towards a new revolution/war scenario

    since both world wars were planned, started, steered, supported ('all' sides, many areas), and finally the end results too, by the global nwo leaders, so were the events in post-war germany - if they wanted a 3rd world war (say, instead of the cold war), they would have steered global events in that direction, simple as that - i guess the global relatively peaceful situation was a more preferred/lucrative option at that time

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Yes, it may be true that Germany at that time 'owed' something. But it doesn't owe in the sense of this continuing and constant 'guilt-trip' imposed upon that country.

    IMO, there are groups in Germany and abroad ensuring this harassment, and that is how I see it: harassment via guilt-trip.
    exactly, its a world precedent, the extent to what this 'guilt trip' is extended to (contrary to the democratic notion of individual responsibility for a crime), as it is unfair to 'bestow' it upon the next generations of german citizens

    its interesting, though, how the less known educational indoctrination is quite widespread in germany, and the ww2 history became (even today) a sensitive, dogmatic area, whose official views (more accurately unchangeable dogmas) no german historian or otherwise, dares to officially contradict or question or even hint to it (fear of imprisonment for thought crimes? ) - its sort of a mockery of democracy, but unfortunately this is quite globally widespread and carefully covered up by the governments, as discussion on such sensitive topics are avoided or the arguments become unreasonable or primitive - logically, no democracy can expect to grow or improve when certain problems (aka hot potatoes) are showed under the carpet and/or simply penalized

    the really disturbing thing about this subject is that, for years now, there has been a growing amount of evidence not only correcting but outright contradicting the official stories, yet those in charge of defining whats officially 'true' are playing dumb, holding to their dogmas like children to their favorite toys - and when one realizes how much has been hidden or distorted, it begs the question: what the hell is wrong with all these leading figures & organizations, the word corruption is an understatement in their case

    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    I would like to know first hand, slik if there is any opposition to these sort of demands placed upon Germany by Israel.
    sure there is, the more this thing gets distant (timewise), the more troublesome it gets to justify new payments - 2007 example:

    Germany Refuses to Negotiate with Israel over New Claims
    and imagine when the israel president comes at the holocaust anniversary in 2010 and holds a speech (more like lecturing them) in front of the whole german parliament - how embarrassing is that? it shows the extent of official german submission to israel & the intention to perpetuate it for as long as the germans will take it (naturally, they will defend their pride saying its a symbol of worldwide suffering, but thats just an insufficient linguistic 'patch' on the sad reality):

    Shimon Peres' Remarks to the Bundestag
    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion
    Immediately after the Israeli-Arab war in 1948, Israel was quite keen to survive economically.
    That would be obvious.
    Most countries would need to following any war.
    imo they never were in a survival situation - if you look at this so called war, you will see a few unusual things about it, like, it lasted for about 1month+10days+7days (now what kind of a war is that? thats right, a joke/farce), where supposedly 3-5 countries were against one, yet these 3-5 managed to be in the offense only for a week or two against a supposedly unprepared underground resistance movement, that managed to buy whatever military equipment it needed while being in the war, whereas arabs were, what, drinking their coffee? it seems to me this war was pre-planned, staged and used to expel a large number of palestinians towards accumulation/concentration zones where they are roughly nowadays quarantined
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