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Thread: EAT THE STATE: Gaza: History Repeats

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    EAT THE STATE: Gaza: History Repeats

    I found an interesting alternative news blog and site earlier. I thought that I'd share some of the information detailed in this report.
    It's a little bit dated, but nonetheless is a very interestting read.

    Some of you may be familiar with the Goldstone report of which I made a brief mention in one of my earlier News threads. It basically entails the abuses of the Gazans at the hands of the Israelis.
    In the report is also entailed deliberate destruction by the Israelis or Palestinian property.
    Of course, this report was accussed of being biased.
    Biased my ass, is what I say.

    If anyone's biased, I'd say it's those in league with the Israeli government and all it's destructive actions against the Palestinians and Gazans.

    Biased simply because no one want's to admit, and most strongly the Israeli's, of how abusive and recklessly uncaring they are towards Gazans.

    Basically making it into a giant jail.

    Deliberatly reducing the territory owned by those people by building this grossly over-sized wall, in the name of security, when it's actually used part and parcel of a land grab.
    Under the guise of security and protection, that's why this ugly concrete and barbed wired-wall is built.

    Taking what agri-based lands there are of the Palestinians, and handing it over to the setttlers at a reduced price so as to ensure that the settlers, who are actually there illegally, remain there for generations to come.

    In short, taking as much as possible from the Gazans and Palestinians, leaving them absolutely nothing, and giving everything to the settlers so as to ensure that Israel has the 'legal' rights to owning this land based on this ridiculous notion that they had the land all-along.

    Shit like that really upsets me. And it makes all the more upset with how Gazans are abused.

    HEre's the news:
    It starts off with a quote from someone else, but does continue.

    "You take my water. Burn my olive trees. Destroy my house. Take my job. Steal my land. Imprison my mother. Bomb my country. Starve us all. Humiliate us all. But I am to blame. I shot a rock back." (Poster carried by a member of the British parliament at a London demonstration protesting the invasion of the Gaza Strip.)
    That's just a quote to begin the article.

    Last month, an Israel government delegation, including an opposition leader, decided not to attend a meeting in England because they couldn't receive assurances that they wouldn't be arrested for war crimes.
    and so I feel they should have been had they actually landed.
    They are criminals, except that there is such strong and deliberate influence in alliance with the Israeli and Jewish groups that no one dares to oppose them.
    If you did, you'd be called a nazi or something worse.
    You'd be labeled as one.
    You'd be labeled as anti-semetic or something.
    If anyone's a nazi, it's the Israeli government and it's military that has become thier own worst foe from over 60 years ago.

    The UN's Goldstone Report found that in last year's war in Gaza, the firing of missiles into Israel by Palestinians constituted crimes against humanity and war crimes. It also found that Israel used disproportionate force, used illegal weapons and tactics, and made no effort to protect Gaza's civilian population.
    That was for sure.
    They won't protect them b/c they want to eliminate them off the face of the earth.
    They want thier land.
    they want all the natural resources that there are ( what little there is left at least)

    Under pressure from several pro-Jewish advocacy groups, the US House of Representatives condemned the Goldstone report by a vote of 334-36. The US politicians called the report "irredeemably biased and unworthy of further consideration or legitimacy." The Obama administration already had condemned the report as "...unhelpful to its efforts to revive stalled Middle Ease peace talks."
    And nothing will change. The whole bloody world had this idea brought upon by Mr. Obama himself that he'd be some world leader that was going to make amends with his country's foriegn policy.
    Obviously not.
    That's because it does not matter in the least who is in office there.

    As for the incredibly strong influential Jewish and Pro-Christian Jewish groups. They've got things going their way so well, that if anyone was to oppose them, they'd be labelled as anti-semetic too.
    The Pro-Israeli, Evangelical groups there are so infused with this idea that the Jewish people there will someday convert to Christianity and all will be good-and-godly then.
    There's also this idea of Jewish-Christian alignment as well.

    Now dont' get me wrong. The Christian and Jewish faiths are fine with me.
    What I'd like to say here is that they've got their head up thier a$$ with this idea that they so strongly feel over.
    It's as if they are mixing unbiblical doctrine with unholy and unrighteous actions that they feel is morally, spritually, and ethically correct.
    Which I strongly believe it is not.

    Israel is also being investigated for its use of white phosphorus as a weapon. As a result of this and other widespread crimes it committed, the Israeli government has declared that it would provide legal representation for any of its soldiers charged for war crimes at The Hague.
    and so who's going to prosecute??

    NOw here's the part that's ever so delicious....you can just taste the deliciousness of it all.....

    Warsaw, the capital of Poland, has been known historically as a center for arts and culture. It has long been known as an urbane, sophisticated city. In 1940, shortly after the Nazis invaded and conquered Poland in a preemptive war of aggression, the Nazis ordered the establishment of a ghetto. This section of Warsaw was surrounded with walls that were ten feet high and topped with barbed wire. Around 440,000 Jews were incarcerated.
    Very much like in Gaza right about now.

    The Israelis must have taken a lesson from thier own enemies from the past.

    The Germans confiscated their property and closed their schools
    The Isrealis take the land from Palestine through that wall that is beyond a description of how ugly it must be.

    In 1943, the Germans began the final purge of the remaining Warsaw Jews
    And so it will happen with the Gazans. They'll be ousted too..

    There is a sense of dÈj‡ vu. Only now, the oppressed are the Palestinians and the oppressors are the Israeli government.
    ........ever heard of that saying that says: History repeats itself???

    Here's the link. IT's a very good read too.
    Highly recommended if you want news that clears the air a bit.


    Last edited by SealLion; 31.01.10 at 08:13.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    Some of you may be familiar with the Goldstone report of which I made a brief mention in one of my earlier News threads. It basically entails the abuses of the Gazans at the hands of the Israelis.
    as for this report, its questionable what the real aim of it may be, since its leader goldstone has already been involved as a high ranked official in several controversial tribunals, like for ex-yu (where the serbian aggressor side was heavily supported, as it was done in dayton after the war and also before the war even started) or for rwanda (warnings that the genocide story is a deliberate fabrication, sort of an african holocaust version) and a few more - last but certainly not least he is in an obvious conflict of interest concerning his origin & possible allegiances (does anyone bother to address that?):

    Richard Goldstone is a Jewish South African,...According to his daughter Nicole, Goldstone "is a Zionist and loves Israel."[4] Goldstone himself, in a 2000 speech in Jerusalem, noted that "bringing war criminals to justice stems from the lessons of the Holocaust".[5]

    the lessons may prove to be quite different from what this guy is preaching, imo this report may be sort of an introduction to a new 'tribunal' for the middle east (where they will most probably conclude that both sides made war crimes, basically removing the aggressor-based war towards a civil war of two sides bearing equal guilt, downplaying or watering down the events & those involved for a politically correct solution)

    Of course, this report was accussed of being biased.
    it may very well be, just not in the way the majority think it is, see above
    Shit like that really upsets me. And it makes all the more upset with how Gazans are abused.
    yeah, the reality tends to be quite sobering (aka the truth hurts), and to think that this particular abuse has lasted for over 50 years sheds quite a different light on the 'modern' world we live in and its power wielders

    The Israelis must have taken a lesson from thier own enemies from the past.
    there is much more in there than what meets the eye, revealing the truth about the world wars & its leading participants may shatter the unsuspecting general public, which is currently so confident in thinking they know what was going on, they should think again
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    How do you think that he's doing this for a politically correct solution??
    I don't quite understand b/c from the way that I see it, he condemd how the Israeli's are treating the Gazans with all the materials and methods that are used against them, including suspected use of illegal gases to harm them even more.

    As such, everybody who's on the side of the US and Israel and other known allies, probably even B'nai Birth (this group I can't substantiate......it's only a wild guess considering their Jewish/ Israeli affiliation) even, including Pro-Israel lobby groups, condemmed him for his report which they all considered biased, though in my view, was probably quite on the mark.

    ...well, considering his historical placement in various tribunals, perhaps there can be some justified query re: the aims of his report on the abuse of the Israelis....who knows.

    Though, I still don't understand what you mean by the political motivated and correct solution??

    are you suggesting that a solution betweeen both sides of the aggression are arbitrated by some method or mechanism that is seen as 'politically correct', such as a kind of peace treaty or where Israel give's up this in return for that and vise versa with the Gazans and other Palestinians, such as Hamas not entering into any kind of election scenario and are replaced with a political party that is favorable to Isreal??

    Now that wouldn't' be new to me if there was some kind of agreement in which a party in Palestine was elected on the grounds that it wage peace and of which also play Israel's little puppy there...that's happened before.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealLion View Post
    How do you think that he's doing this for a politically correct solution??
    I don't quite understand b/c from the way that I see it, he condemd how the Israeli's are treating the Gazans with all the materials and methods that are used against them, including suspected use of illegal gases to harm them even more.
    on one side there is israel having a realistic culpability of some +90% of the illegal activity (like many war crimes) for a +50 year period of time & 100% culpability for invading that middle eastern territory and establishing/creating their country by taking the land from the palestinians & arabs, at the same time holding the rest of the world in a financial/lobby/military/political tight grip which allowed for all this abuse to happen in the first place

    now, at that time, when all of this began surfacing, the world was just recovering from the 2nd world war & later had the 'cold war' situation, which was heavily used by the israelis to further their agenda - in effect, they got an internationally recognized country (so no turning back there, regardless of what may be revealed about its origins) and continued to force the indigenous palestinians towards a ghetto-like local concentration areas

    during the last decade or so there must have been some kind of shift in perception or global consciousness, as a number of alternative views/theories/experiences started to spread throughout the world, mainly being accessible through the internet, creating a counter-weight to the mostly censored mainstream media (especially considering the so called 'sensitive' information), thus a substantial number of people is getting familiar with the various suppressed information in the world - the same goes for the abuse going on in israel, imo it gained attention, but now not so one-sided as before

    since there is a continuous rising antipathy towards the israelis & their worldwide actions, one may expect these new protesters might resort towards more extreme actions or interference if they believe that nothing is being done considering the middle eastern problem, so what politicians usually do when a hot-potato of a problem needs to be taken into consideration? well, they can create other big problems to divert attention (like the financial or oil or some military crisis) or repackage it by pretending to work on a solution to the problem (like the previous peace agreements, which ended up in even a bigger money/land grab)

    so, i see this goldstone report as an attempt to create an illusion of trying to solve the problem - they are aware that many people know about the israeli abuse, so it has to be addressed and eventually some israeli pawns may be sacrificed to please the world community that 'demands' a solution with the culpable ones taking the fall

    yet the game is probably rigged (as it usually is, at least partially) - a hint for that may be previous goldstone's operating areas (highly controversial) and an obvious conflict of interest (an israeli, possibly even a zionist, making reports on israelis, guess it doesn't get more obvious than that) - he may be playing the 'good cop' role - creating some weak report (its a rather safe bet he won't find too much evidence of israeli foul play) against the israelis to satisfy the world (the known 'bad cops' aka the usual suspects will naturally all be shouting against it, protesting that its a biased report, hoping that the world takes the bait)

    in the meantime the israelis will continue as usual, considering their treatment of the palestinian population, in effect getting increasingly better negotiating positions for future peace agreements and the like

    as the report receives momentum it will probably result in a variation of the following:

    - abuse continues, as this 'investigation' either failed to get enough evidence to result in some kind of international punishing response, thus basically buying time for the israelis, giving them a few more years till the next international inquiry

    - abuse continues, even though some kind of agreement is negotiated, but its a lengthy process which takes time (has happened before & failed) and eventually also fails, again buying time

    - abuse continues, as some kind of tribunal is created, to punish the 'guilty' ones, satisfying the world & giving the palestinians some kind of increased autonomy within israel (the land grab will probably be quite reduced too)

    as for this tribunal, its main purpose will be to reduce that +90% culpability towards about 50%, meaning:

    where they will most probably conclude that both sides made war crimes, basically removing the aggressor-based war towards a civil war of two sides bearing equal guilt, downplaying or watering down the events & those involved for a politically correct solution
    some pawns will be sacrificed on both sides (say 50:50, even if it should be about 90:10) and this process will last a decade or so

    politically correct solution is essentially not interested in the truth or to expose the real originators of abuse, it is interested in satisfying all participants (read: major players, 'proportionally' amounting & according to their influence/power) by reaching a political compromise and in such way 'resolve' the conflict (naturally since this is an unjust solution based on prevailing interests, the conflict never gets solved in the first place, it just gets an international label/status, as being 'solved') - another political motive, regardless of the topic, is its positive PR public image that has to be maintained all the time, also resulting in further obscuring of the truth, distorting reality & the real situation

    - abuse stops, as there are either no palestinians left to abuse or those of them still alive have moved out of the country seeking another 'safe haven' or in an rather unlikely scenario when they actually get an internationally recognized country called palestine (rest assured it will be maybe even smaller than the territory they have been reduced to so far)

    there may be other hidden agendas in the game that could result in unexpected scenarios, but make no mistake, it will most likely be steered in that direction which is wanted/expected by the portion of world 'powers' interested in israel (like the zionists)
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    extremely interesting, is what I thought while reading over your post.

    I see what you mean now, slik.
    Last edited by SealLion; 03.02.10 at 00:27.
    "God, from the mount Sinai
    whose grey top shall tremble,
    He descending, will Himself,
    in thunder, lightning, and loud trumpet’s sound,
    ordain them laws".

    John Milton (1608-1674) in Paradise Lost

    Ripley's SealLion's Believe it or Not! ~ NASCAR car crashes and Windows have just one thing in common.
    Oh, oh. Better use LINUX.
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  10. Who Said Thanks:

    slikrapid (04.02.10) , saebrtooth (03.02.10)

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