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Thread: BBC NEWS: Rwanda: African nations block genocide suspects hunt

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    BBC NEWS: Rwanda: African nations block genocide suspects hunt

    Rwanda has accused Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia of being unwilling to co-operate in hunting genocide suspects.
    after reading the article, and trying to figure out why and doing a little bit of research, I am not really too clear why their is no diplomatic effort to bring killers to justice.

    Now check this out. Look at the wording 'fugitives' as used in the news article.

    ...hundreds of "fugitives" were living in Southern Africa despite many diplomatic attempts to have them extradited to face prosecution.
    My only guess as to why these people....er....killers, I mean, are called fugitives is because they might have some sympathizers living in those same countries that the ...er.....the 'fugitives of killers of fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, husbands and wives, and so on' are living in.

    Bosco Mutangana, head of the unit tracking those suspected of involvement in the 1994 killings.......(said)....."They (governments of the countries involved) have the dossier of the names, where they're living, but we notice they don't want to do anything about it,"

    it's starting to look more and more like a puzzle that may have some pieces coming together.

    ........ Southern African officials had been invited to Rwanda but they had failed to come and carry out their own investigations into the allegations.
    That's not South Africa, that's just the those countries listed above that are in Southern Africa (look on a map if you like)

    So why on earth did those officials not bother to look into any investigation of these so called 'fugitives' to see for themselves about the massacre that occurred in 1994??

    If your suspected of killing, would you run to preserve your freedom??
    My guess is 'yes'.

    and about this:

    Several other countries - including Canada, Finland and France - have tried genocide suspects rather than extradite them to Rwanda where they fear they may not get a fair hearing.
    I guess it's an eye for an eye.
    Maybe that's a clue as to why those officials from the countries listed above are so silent on this issue.

    Here's the link:

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    after doing some research looks like these events in and around Rwanda are yet another example of detailed manipulation with links to the 'western' countries

    firstly the matter of the rwandan genocide that has similarities with Teh Genocide (both in attempts towards installing it as a Truth beyond questioning or questioning being punished by imprisonment or death) - there seems to be quite some evidence that the current rwandan government came to power with the help of the usa (belgium, uk & co.), that they actually entered rwanda with the help of ugandan army, that their movement called the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) is responsible for a number of massacres during their warpath through rwanda, that they are associated with plundering within the neighboring Congo and also with shooting down of rwandan president habyarimana’s plane thus creating 'the motive' for genocide, that the genocide evidence has been acquired with the help of RPF and so on

    an interesting thing in the story is that rwanda is a major transit point through which natural resources are being transported towards their international markets:

    The role of Rwanda in plundering Congo has been highly censored by the establishment press, but greatly illuminated by certain independent journalists. Even the U.N. Panel of Experts reports remain apt testimonials to the plunder which continues, no matter the denials and public relations statements to the contrary, under the watchful eyes of the United Nations Observers Mission in Congo (MONUC) and the so-called international “human rights” community.

    Rwanda continues to pull the purse strings in eastern Congo and strangle all hope for truth, liberty, justice and life for millions of Congolese people. Congo’s gold, coltan, niobium, oil and diamonds continue to pass through Rwanda and Uganda in transit to international markets.

    other benefits after the war:

    By depopulating Rwanda, rich land was opened up for new multinational corporate exploitation and the war brought about new ownership and means of control. Excluding the profits from the extractive industries in Rwanda and Congo, Rwanda’s top money makers are tea, coffee and gorilla tourism. Close on the heels of these are the HIV/AIDS scams involving the Clinton and Pangea Foundations, and their pharmaceutical backers like Pfizer.

    another thing about the clinton foundation is (smells of GMO):

    helping farmers access fertilizer, disease-resistant seeds, irrigation systems, advanced planting techniques and micro-credit. This assistance has led to a record harvest in eastern Rwanda

    now something about covering up the RPF crimes in 1994 massacres:

    According to a U.N. cable dated October 14, 1994, UNHCR special investigator Robert Gersoni gave a detailed verbal briefing (from his notes) on his findings and conclusions after completing an investigation in Rwanda during August and September of 1994.

    Kofi Annan had attended a previous meeting with Gersoni on September 14 and warned high-level officials that if Gersoni’s findings were correct they would be very damaging to Kagame’s government and to the United Nations

    Robert Gersoni was not known for making mistakes. He was a professional investigator of high-repute known for 25 years of well-documented work for UNHCR, USAID and other bodies. According to UNHCR, Gersoni’s report was based on a five-week investigation that interviewed 300 Rwandans in 41 of Rwanda’s 145 communes and at 9 refugee camps.

    According to the cable: “In a two hour briefing, Gersoni put forward evidence of what he described as calculated, pre-planned, systematic atrocities and genocide against Hutus by the RPF, whose methodology and scale, he concluded (30,000 massacred), could only have been part of a plan implemented as a policy from the highest echelons of the [Kagame] government. In his view these were not individual cases of revenge and summary trials but a pre-planned, systematic genocide against the Hutus. Gersoni staked his 25 year reputation on his conclusions which he recognized were diametrically opposite to the assumptions made, so far, by the U.N. and international community.”180

    The document noted Gersoni’s claim that the RPF traveled around committing a genocide against Hutus with hoes, clubs and machetes.

    The US Sponsored "Rwanda Genocide" and its Aftermath
    Psychological Warfare, Embedded Reporters and the Hunting of Refugees

    quite a long article going into details about the events in rwanda, revealing connections between the RPF and various UN organizations, biased or misinformed reporters (some with links to us officials), about hunting of rwanda government critics (educated people being the prime targets), official perversions of the supposed genocide story and so on

    so it seems that there are good reasons why some countries refuse to extradite rwanda refugees even when they are being accused of war crimes, since the current rwanda government (ie. the RPF) cannot be trusted in offering any, let alone a fair trial to the accused (i remember seeing BBC reports that some 100 000 people are being held nowadays in rwanda under the accusations of war crimes, and such number of war criminals is just ridiculous, might as well be the whole nation then )
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (29.11.09)

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