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Thread: Refining Your cheating skills

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    Refining Your cheating skills

    Well here it goes i know most of you have a good ratio by cheating but biggest hurdle u face is greed which leads you to get yourself banned.In this tutorial i will try my level best of how to refine u r cheating skills so that u cheat so skillfully that even if u get banned u can provide proper reasons and get your account back.
    This tutorial is made from my experiences of cheating and also from helps from cheating threads in which some of members like Anon,Shoulder,Darksaibot,Sealion Aurion etc and lots more have helped me.

    The main thing before u start cheating the three rules which is must to remember are as follows

    where to cheat?
    when to cheat?
    how to cheat?

    The funny thing is most people know 3rd part but they dont give care to 1st and 2nd part.
    Believe it or not all cheating tools are made with atmost care to do their job properly its us who dont use it properly.

    I will start with each and every tool and help u understand how to refine u r skills using that tool.

    [FONT="Arial Black"]1.Ratio faker
    Now first understand one thing this is a tool which manipulates u r announces.
    So u can see there are two options namely download and upload multiplier.
    Download multiplier is one thing which causes many to ban but trust me its one thing which when used properly gives u a huge ratio boost.
    So question is how should i avoid bans due to download multiplier well the ans will be explained to u below.

    Most important thing to remember is use download multiplier only when the leechers in swarm u see are downloaders and not partial seeders.

    How do i know if leechers are not partial seeders ?
    well the ans is easy whenever u load a torrent in a client u will find that if there is a meta data being transferred u will see at times u getting connected to leechers which will upload .1KB for getting their stats such things happy only when there are no partial seeders.If the torrent consist of partial seeders then u wont see such a behaviour.

    Which is ideal torrent to use download multiplier?
    A question that lot ofpeople ask but never listen to answer .Well the ideal torrents are non packs, reason for that are packs are filled with partial seeders so trackers who keep an eye on traffic of torrent will cause u trouble so always take spot on famous xvid torrents and game torrents it always proved to be successfull for me.Also newly uploaded packs help a lot too.

    Will i be banned for having high ratio?
    No u wont here is the most important thing always after u get a desirable ratio make sure u keep torrent for seeding without cheating too so that u r seed time increases which kinda makes others feel u get good ratio coz of long seeding .Though this seems to be a weird trick trust me it works wonders at high level trackers.

    [FONT="Arial Black"]2.Ratiomaster
    This is a good simulation tool.the main thing u must remember is this tool doesnt actually download so when cheating u must cheat according to tracker that u select to cheat.
    Well here are some tips which will help u use ratiomaster little better than u use now.

    Three important questions to remember about ratiomaster.
    Should i use TCp listener for all torrents?
    Should i enable scrape?
    Which is ideal client to use to spoof safely?
    Should i use memory reader?

    Here are the answers which will help u to get u r skills little more polished.
    Should i use TCP listener?
    Understand the fact that using TCP listener shows u as connectable.So its not necessary that u must use it .Showing connectable has its own advantages and disadvantages.
    If u show as connectable then u r shown in peerlist which in case of a good trackers members can see and complaint about u.So using TCp listener is tracker dependent.
    I prefer not to use TCP listener on trackers which has members on vigilance for cheaters.
    Well anon did say one point which i kinda dint knew about Regardless of using TCP listener u are being seen in peerlist but also one thing u must understand is showing u connectable and being unconnectable on a torrent especially if that torrent has mods as leechers can cause trouble so use it carefully.

    Should i enable scrape?
    My view on this is avoid using scrape as much as possible.this is one big drawback of ratiomaster and also a big advantage.People use scrape coz they are lazy to see how much leechers and seeders are there manually.At first use to get the number of leechers and seeders but from next announce onwards dont use it.
    Scrape always creates a suspicion about a clients behaviour.In some cases it may lead to ban.
    So if u cheating at good tracker and worried that leechers may turn to seeders quickly then once in a while scrape to check ,by once in a while i mean once in 4hours or so .

    Which client is ideal to use?
    Well my pick of clients is utorrent since believe it or not azureus emulation is never a good idea since mods always watch people who use azureus closely coz of shu mod.So there is a definite chance of getting banned using azureus by seeing log files.So avoid azureus emulation and use emulations like utorrent.

    Should i use memory reader?
    Many people have this weird bad habit that if a tracker is having poor scripts they dont use memory reader.Well here are somethings u must know just coz a tracker has poor cheating scripts doesnt make it easy to cheat.Bitme has lower scripts than waffles buts easier to cheat on waffles than bitme.So regardless of tracker easy to cheat or not using memory reader makes the ratiomaster a perfect spoof client and gives u huge advantage on long run.
    Dont always see small profits eye for te huge ones which take time.

    [FONT="Arial Black"]3.Shu mod
    This is one of the best modded clients out there ,when people get banned using this its surely u r fault and not the clients fault.
    The thing u must understand is never use same settings for all torrents in shu mod its something really risky and getting a ban increases comparatively.

    The questions concerning shu mod are as below
    Which settings are good ?
    What speeds recommended?
    What spoof is good?

    Which settings are good?
    Well this is a tricky question always understand the fact never tick on dont send completed flag till u really want no snatchlist entry.Especially on trackers like waffles ,PTN avoid such things, its a big stupidity to do it, its like an open invitation to get yourself banned.
    Trackers where u do get a decent upoad speed prefer using the fake upload multiplier.Trackers where u r upload sucks big time go for speedmode++.
    One important thing u must remember Show u as a seeder option generally should not be ticked on difficult to cheat trackers since it increase u r ban tremendously.
    Fake upload ratio mode use in trackers with low scripts since in low level scripts trackers this mode helps u achieve ratio quickly and u can leave that torrents fast but never use this mode in high level trackers.
    If a site blocks azureus for users in such case the best thing to go for is bittornado spoof.The reason it doesnt have scrape enabled and also bittornado is comparatively less suspicion and perfect spoof of bittornado works great.

    Just a correction some members have verified that IPT has not blocked azureus so i still think u can use them as a spoof but i still say go for bittornado since it raises less suspicion since shu mod azureus users have always been watch carefully so saying

    What speeds are recommended?
    Well ideally always use 1/3rd the swarm speed its the best way to be cheating.
    Good thing anon pointed out sometimes it may happen that swarm speeds may be beyond 50Mbps or so in such cases hehehe dont use 1/3rd if u do ban is evident.
    Speeds are dependent on trackers for example.On tracker like ScT i prefer using high speeds since most fellow seeders have seedbox there so keeping speed at 15KBps or so does create suspicion so use high speeds here.But on trackers like btmusic where most seeders are home connection users try to use moderate speeds.

    What spoof is good?
    Azureus spoof is best but if site blocks u the next option goes to bittornado,
    as of now avoid the utorrent spoof for safety .

    [FONT="Arial Black"]4.Mratio
    The latest kid on the block.The newest smilation tool.Well it practically works everywhere except on thebox and some more.Many people have bad habit of using azureus emulation my advice dont do it.Azureus emulation is always suspicion due to shu mod.So go for deluge,deluge spoof is perfect and all trackers allow deluge spoof.
    Also since deluge doesnt have auto update as utorrent and others many trackers allow even old versions of deluge.
    Many trackers still allow all versions higher than .5.x
    Well as one of the fellow members suggested here it goes
    Mratio doesnt work on thebox, theplace,thevault .Now comes the reality as you know it works successfully at places like Bitme and Bitmetv but you must understand sites like Bitme and Bitmetv and others have a policy to check the traffic created in a torrent.In such cases using mratio may put you in trouble since u can be reason to create a huge traffic on a torrent which has zero leechers.

    So whats the best time to use mratio ,Well ideally speaking mratio should be preferred to use on newer torrents with leechers and if possible avoid scraping.

    Now comes the part which many member must remember many trackers after the arrival of ratiomaster have removed support to scraping to make cheating tougher.I cant name those trackers since some have very high position in BT world can lend me to global ban.
    So how would i know if tracker has scrape support or not.Well its easy just load torrent in utorrent and if the tracker shows scrape ok or scraping it, scraping is supported else it will show does not support scrape.
    Use scrape only if necessary else dont use it.Also azureus emulation doesnt support scrape in some trackers but to my knowledge deluge emulation supports scrap in all trackers where scraping is allowed And last but not least dont scrape if u planning to use bittornado emulation since bittornado doesnt scrape.

    This tutorial is to be used only after u decide which tool u wanna use and get acquainted with that tool.It wont be useful if u dont know about how to use tool since i have not covered the tuts to use tools .Since that has been covered by fellow SB-I members in Tutorials section .
    Last edited by Tinkle; 03.05.09 at 19:48. Reason: Changes said by Oldboy adopted :biggrin:
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  2. Who Said Thanks:

    FashionGlitz (28.03.21) , ZeroX319 (17.01.20) , Master Razor (12.10.14) , xBitz (10.04.13) , Jello (15.11.12) , wordreader (16.04.11) , handakes (07.04.11) , JAMESBOND007 (06.04.11) , x1lla (13.01.11) , seldom (10.08.10) , BrianBosworth (27.07.10) , Ticko (23.05.10) , Uninvited2611 (04.03.10) , saebrtooth (23.02.10) , GotIt (23.02.10) , rubben2 (19.02.10) , Blocker (13.02.10) , Nokki (08.02.10) , Vation (27.01.10) , pimphead07 (02.01.10) , Imacheater (01.01.10) , L33ChEr (02.11.09) , OblivionKing (16.06.09) , Tarantino (07.05.09) , abookhalil (04.05.09) , 0ldboy (03.05.09) , kelly (03.05.09) , RUBBER (03.05.09) , Dynamic (03.05.09) , KalPenn (03.05.09) , alpacino (03.05.09) , vannelli87 (02.05.09) , DarkSaibot v.1.3.10 (02.05.09) , anonftw (02.05.09) , shoulder (02.05.09) , Mihai (02.05.09) , kazuya (02.05.09) , StealthLeecher (02.05.09) , splicer (02.05.09) , anon (02.05.09)

  3. #2
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Great work! I have bookmarked it. We now can simply redirect new users to this thread, and they can gain experience otherwise could have even costed them tracker accounts.

    You may want to add that which speeds are good in the Extreme Mod also depends on the tracker (what if the swarm avg. speed is 45mB/s?), and that Mr. RatioMaster has fixed his tool's scrape capability recently.

    Why shouldn't you use the TCP listener at high-level trackers? It makes you appear as connectable, preventing you from drawing attention. Furthermore, under normal conditions you're always shown in the peerlist, and it's being "not connectable" that may cause tracker admins to nudge you. And you don't mention using the memory reader, which is extremely important!

    You can also know if there are partial seeders by looking at the tracker's peerlist (if available) and seeing which "leechers" are stuck at a certain % with a 0.00kB/s download speed.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  4. Who Said Thanks:

    seldom (10.08.10) , abookhalil (04.05.09) , alpacino (03.05.09) , Tinkle (02.05.09)

  5. #3

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    +1 Rep. Good, solid information and tips.
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  6. #4

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    u guys are welcomed to give more inputs and changes it will help in improving the cheating skills
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  7. Who Said Thanks:

    anon (02.05.09)

  8. #5
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Good job with the additions
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  9. #6

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    IPt don't block Azureus

    It's best to spoof free source clients such as Bittornado,Deluge,Halite
    Last edited by kazuya; 02.05.09 at 20:13.
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  10. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by kazuya View Post
    IPt don't block Azureus

    It's best to spoof free source clients such as Bittornado,Deluge,Halite
    kazuya i dont know for sure about it since some members did had their azureus blocked but yes it may coz they would have been trying to spoof older versions dont know for sure
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    anonftw (02.05.09)

  12. #8

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    Just FYI:

    On IPT Azureus is not blocked but they recommend against using it.

    From personal experience I have used Azureus / UT 1.80,1.81,1.82, hex mod 11x, hex mod 111x/Deluge/Vuze extreme mod and spoofed all the ones mentioned before.

    I pretty much test everything there.

    P.S. Great write up for new users man!
    Last edited by Dynamic; 03.05.09 at 01:53.
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  13. Who Said Thanks:

    anonftw (03.05.09)

  14. #9

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    thanks dynamic and kazuya for verifying this
    the change has been added to the tuts
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  15. #10

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    Just a correction some members have verified that azureus has not blocked azureus
    you should correct that
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  16. #11

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    Great work @Tinkle
    Even for a user like me who already know "some things", its a great summary/overview. Thx mate.

    Perhaps you can give some more information about mRatio -> For example which trackers don't work with that tool.

    Keep up the good work
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  17. #12

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    Here's my question will the shu-mod fake upload even if it doesn't connect to any peers and your just seeding the file
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  18. #13
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    If you set both "stop increasing the fake upload when you are connected to less than X peers OR having a peer/seed ratio lower than X%" values to 0, then yes.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
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  19. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpain2007 View Post
    Here's my question will the shu-mod fake upload even if it doesn't connect to any peers and your just seeding the file
    Yes it is a small thing that speedmode++ has drawback but i dont think it affects if u on a well leeched torrent.But as anon said u can use the stop fake upload when connected to less than x peers option.
    But if u wanna be feeling more safe just use the upload multiplier in the shu mod
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  20. #15

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    can anyone tell which is the best ratio cheater software to use....
    im a totaly newby and this is like my first post so i would like to know which one to use...

    is it ratiomaster
    or is it shumod or what

    please any help would be great
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