Jinni is a new web service that helps you find movies using a number of different tools. You can just enter the name of a movie if you want some information about it. Or you can browser for movies by looking through categories like mood, plot, genre, time/period, or place.

There are two things that make Jinni really stand out from other movie search tools though. First, once you find a movie you like, you can click a button to discover "more like it." While the engine which determines that if you like Iron Man you might also like X-Men isn't perfect, it is pretty good.

Second, instead of just typing a movie title in the search bar, you can also start entering search queries like "sci fi distopia," or "romantic tragedy." Thumbnail results are sized according to relevenace to your search terms. You can also click the Story Tuners button to adjust your search using criteria like little or well known; light or serious.

Jinni doesn't currently let you watch, buy, or download movies directly from its page. But the service does provide links to rent or buy the movie from Netflix, Blockbuster, Amazon, Movielink or other sites, including Hulu.

Jinni is currently in private beta testing, but I received an email with an invite just a few seconds after entering requesting one.
Find movies, TV shows matching your taste watch online - Jinni