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Thread: Free GFT invites lol

  1. #1

    Question Free GFT invites lol

    Quote Originally Posted by shoulder View Post
    He's a tracker staff, I guess that why.
    And he has the balls to use his real nick and to be straight, not like the other staff reading here.

    As long as he behaves and doesn't start flame wars he's welcomed to stay here from my side.

    rofl, i always behave :p

    all im saying, is plz dont cheat on GFT, thats all :)

  2. Who Said Thanks:

    NewONE (11.11.09)

  3. #2

    So when is GFT gonna remove that april fools joke (FFS its AUG) and open signup(or questionnaire) ?

  4. #3

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    all im saying, is plz dont cheat on GFT, thats all
    Oh thanks for u r kind support...

    Plz try to do some changes on u r site.......
    U actually need more member to u r site,so plz give member free Invite (I am sick of donation.5 Pound for 1 invite F***),So that will increase u r growth..

    Currently 1000 torrent have no seeder so plz remove that torrent from list..
    Most of 90% torrent have only 1 seeder and and most likely torrent almost died with in week, So stop uploaing 200 Porn torrent a day and do something for to incrrase Seeder......
    GFT is most awfully overated site ever...So try to do something for u r site...

    U have 12000 torrent right now and out of that 4000 torrent r only porn torrent..(I thiink u r porn store owner before u open GFT..Nice collection Bro.. )

    I am not against u r site just try to increase member...

    ---------- Post added at 09:52 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

    So when is GFT gonna remove that april fools joke (FFS its AUG) and open signup(or questionnaire) ?
    This is onlt april jokes and barryWhite 5 pound for 1 invite is to much..

    Open ur site for Public signup..

    BarryWhite is?

    Black 54%
    White 46%
    Votes: 573
    Nice Polls I voted for White..

    From GFT..
    » Our members have made 37028 posts in 2017 topics,
    » We have 2,543 users,
    » We have 65 donors,
    » Our newest member is ki0te,
    » 11 online users in forum now
    Try to increase member from 2500 to 6000 that will help u to also increase u r donation...
    Last edited by shawshankraj; 12.08.09 at 06:25.

  5. Who Said Thanks:

    SealLion (01.11.09)

  6. #4
    only 2,543 users LOL

    The same happened with PTN,iTS,ScL, i guess it will take them some time for them to realise they need more members

  7. #5

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    only 2,543 users LOL
    yes, I have been there for past 3 months and have not seen even 100 new members to sign up...

    but I don't know people r crazy about GFT it's a lelel 5 and that's all...

    Even torrentvault or Bitsoup is better than GFT..We have speed Much faster from these tracker then GFT...

    Barry GFT sucks in speed,content..

  8. #6

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    i just read SB-I rules and it says

    "we'll also share your IP with the whole Tracker scene which can cause a ban on nearly every tracker!"

    omg so you will share ips with me xD

    shawshankraj be careful SB-I gonna share ips with me XD lol

    and hello from another GFT staffer

    as for cheating in GFT most of you wont even try to do it who is stupid enough to cheat in no ratio tracker :)

    and shawshankraj if you dont like GFT we can always disable your account even tho its your 2nd account and maybe invite someone from SB-I who would like to join in GFT lol

  9. #7

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    i just read SB-I rules and it says

    "we'll also share your IP with the whole Tracker scene which can cause a ban on nearly every tracker!"
    I think anon not going to do that with me...

    And BTW welcome to our forum and enjoy u r stay....

    We don't ban people like u for some bullshit u say....

    And btw y the F*** and moderator from Sb-I share our IP with u shi* people like u..

    Man do some good work to improve u r seeder on u r tracker and if u have time

    Currently 1000 torrent have no seeder so plz remove that torrent from list..
    R u blind?

    remove that torrent from List and try to upload some good torrent ,all r sick of u r porn..

  10. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by shawshankraj View Post
    I think anon not going to do that with me...

    And BTW welcome to our forum and enjoy u r stay....

    We don't ban people like u for some bullshit u say....

    And btw y the F*** and moderator from Sb-I share our IP with u shi* people like u..

    Man do some good work to improve u r seeder on u r tracker and if u have time

    R u blind?

    remove that torrent from List and try to upload some good torrent ,all r sick of u r porn..
    hey hey thanks for the advice sexy and read the SB-I rules no insults and you just say
    "And btw y the F*** and moderator from Sb-I share our IP with u shi* people like u.."

    you need to chill out

    and yeah we will try to improve seed/leech all advices are welcome :)

    well they can share your ips if you upload SB-I cheats somewhere and after all it says in rules lol

    wub ya all

  11. #9

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    and yeah we will try to improve seed/leech all advices are welcome :)

    well they can share your ips if you upload SB-I cheats somewhere and after all it says in rules lol
    Y the hell member from these forum upload sb-i cheat somewhere..That's never going to happen BTW..

    And ya do some for seeder ..the speed I getting from U r tracker is even less than Public tracker some time...

  12. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by shawshankraj View Post
    Y the hell member from these forum upload sb-i cheat somewhere..That's never going to happen BTW..

    And ya do some for seeder ..the speed I getting from U r tracker is even less than Public tracker some time...
    ohh :( gonna improve that then :) any more complaints :)

    and not everyone have great connection like you my friend :(

    and you really need to chill out mate i came here in peace and you are attacking me for nothing :(

  13. #11

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    you really need to chill out mate i came here in peace and you are attacking me for nothing
    K enjoy our forum and u will find people r really help full to each other..

    Btw I have one stupid question in mind..Answer it PLZ?

    I am thinking like u r come here b'coz one of u r private tracker have low ratio and u r gonna use our tool to improve ratio..

    If yes then All tool r free we won't chrge like GFT 5 pound for invite..

    This forum is great in 1 thing sure I have never seen any add here like to donate to keep SB-I alive..

    And BTW I am one of ur donor there at GFT...

  14. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by shawshankraj View Post
    K enjoy our forum and u will find people r really help full to each other..

    Btw I have one stupid question in mind..Answer it PLZ?

    I am thinking like u r come here b'coz one of u r private tracker have low ratio and u r gonna use our tool to improve ratio..

    If yes then All tool r free we won't chrge like GFT 5 pound for invite..

    This forum is great in 1 thing sure I have never seen any add here like to donate to keep SB-I alive..

    And BTW I am one of ur donor there at GFT...
    i come here just for fun tbh :)

    and tbh i already like this community

    and thanks for your kind donation wub ya sexy

  15. #13
    Moderator anon's Avatar
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    Oh, hi, both of you.

    Serb, good job, you successfully tried reading right above that line. That IP sharing is indeed for mod leakers. But wait, we don't need to give you IPs, because Melvin is using his super mega l33t database exploit that can be bypassed by using a different browser for trackers, right?

    Not to mention he thinks Aurion banned him and that he has a lot more accounts here - congrats, we're open for registrations, it's not that difficult to get in, is it?

    Enjoy your stay, bla bla bla. Although it's somehow kind of nice that more tracker staff members come to our board.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  16. #14
    i welcome any staff member to sb-i , on my side not sure about everyone.
    but if i smell BitMe/TV staff here then something not good will happen to them

    anyway i think it'd be nice to see tracker staff here

    they may want to share their hatred or their love

    and tbh i already like this community
    , wanna contribute here?
    oh and btw i fixed your red rep !
    Last edited by cheatos; 12.08.09 at 17:19.

    I am cheatos


  17. #15
    As many others said welcome tracker staffers to our nice little community.
    Enjoy your stay and don't forget that we are cheaters..but people just like you and everyone else.
    Yes I doubt anyone would cheat at GFT because it's a no-ratio tracker..maybe for fun(lol)
    I have just a few questions for you guys there are GFT
    1.Why so much porn?(not that is a bad thing..just asking)
    2.Why do you consider your tracker is overrated?

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